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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Philip Kotler | Kevin Keller | Mairead Brady | Malcolm Goodman | Torben Hansen


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Book Details


The classic Marketing Management is an undisputed global best-seller – an encyclopaedia of marketing considered by many as the authoritative book on the subject. This third European edition keeps the accessibility, theoretical rigour and managerial relevance – the heart of the book - and adds:

  • A structure designed specifically to fit the way the course is taught in Europe.
  • Fresh European examples which make students feel at home.
  • The inclusion of the work of prominent European academics. 
  • A focus on the digital challenges for marketers.
  • An emphasis on the importance of creative thinking and its contribution to marketing practice.
  • New in-depth case studies, each of which integrates one of the major parts in the book. 

This textbook covers admirably the wide range of concepts and issues and accurately reflects the fast-moving pace of marketing in the modern world, examining traditional aspects of marketing and blending them with modern and future concepts.

A key text for both undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programmes.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
About the authors vi
Brief contents xi
Contents xiii
Preface xxv
Acknowledgements xxix
Publisher’s acknowledgements xxx
Part 1 Understanding marketing management 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to marketing 2
The value of marketing 4
Making marketing central 4
The scope of marketing 6
What is marketing? 6
Marketing during challenging economic times 8
Marketing’s role in creating demand 9
The new European marketing realities 10
Technology 11
Globalisation 12
Social responsibility 13
A dramatically changed marketplace 13
Changing channels 17
Exploring the range of business philosophies 19
The production philosophy 20
The product philosophy 20
The selling philosophy 20
The marketing philosophy 20
The holistic marketing philosophy 21
Overview of marketing management 27
Chapter 2 Understanding marketing management within a global context 34
What is management? 36
The process of management 36
Why is management difficult? 42
What is marketing management? 45
The core marketing management skills 45
Managing across the organisation 47
Managing networks, relationships and interactions 49
Managing innovation and change 52
Understanding global marketing management 53
Deciding whether to go abroad 54
Deciding how to enter the market 55
Deciding which markets to enter 57
Deciding on standardised or adapted marketing 59
Managing in developing markets 60
Chapter 3 Developing marketing strategies and plans 70
Marketing and customer-perceived value 72
Business environment paradigm change 72
The value delivery process 72
The value chain 74
Core competencies 75
A holistic marketing orientation and customer-perceived value 79
The central role of corporate strategic planning 80
Corporate and divisional strategic planning 82
Defining the corporate mission 82
Relationship between missions and visions 84
Organisation and organisational culture 85
Defining the business 85
Assigning resources to each strategic business unit 86
Building the corporate business portfolio – assessing growth opportunities 88
Guidelines for concentric diversification 92
Guidelines for horizontal diversification 93
Guidelines for conglomerate diversification 93
Business unit strategic planning 97
The business mission 97
SWOT analysis 98
Critique of conventional SWOT analysis 101
Goal formulation 102
Strategic formulation 102
Programme formulation and implementation 103
Feedback and control 105
The nature and content of a marketing plan 105
Contents of the marketing plan 106
Sample marketing plan: €uromart 107
Introduction 107
Chapter 4 Managing digital technology in marketing 114
Digital technologies in marketing 116
Understanding digital marketing 117
The range of technologies in marketing 118
Informational and interaction perspectives 120
Managing digital technologies 122
Selection of digital technologies 123
Supporting the adoption of digital technologies 123
Exploitation of digital technologies 125
Uniting marketing and IT staff 125
Understanding the digital customer: web, social and mobile 127
The web 127
Understanding social networking 131
Mobile and smartphones 139
Part 1 Case study: Virgin Atlantic 147
Part 2 Capturing marketing insights 149
Chapter 5 The changing marketing environment and information management 150
The company environment 152
The marketing environment 152
Analysing the macroenvironment 152
The sociocultural and demographic environment 155
The economic environment 160
The social–cultural environment 161
The ecological and physical environment 162
The technological environment 166
The political–legal environment 167
Managing the marketing information system 168
Components of a modern marketing information system 168
Internal records 170
The marketing intelligence system 170
Databases, data warehousing and data mining 172
Chapter 6 Managing market research and forecasting 182
The marketing research system 184
The marketing research process 185
Step 1: define the problem, the decision alternatives and the research objectives 186
Step 2: develop the research plan 187
Step 3: collect the information 199
Step 4: analyse the information 200
Step 5: present the findings 201
Step 6: make the decision 202
Overcoming barriers to the use of marketing research 202
Measuring marketing productivity 204
Marketing-mix modelling 204
Forecasting and demand measurement 204
The measures of market demand 205
A vocabulary for demand measurement 206
Estimating current demand 208
Estimating future demand 210
Chapter 7 Analysing consumer markets 216
The study of consumer behaviour 218
Culture 218
Social groups 221
The individual consumer 223
The interaction between dimensions 227
Key psychological processes 227
Motivation: Freud, Maslow, Herzberg 228
Perception 229
Learning 231
Memory 231
Perspectives on consumer behaviour 233
The behaviourist perspective 233
The information-processing perspective 233
The emotional perspective 234
The cultural perspective 236
A multi-perspective approach 237
The buying decision process: the five-stage model 237
Problem recognition 239
Information search 239
Evaluation of alternatives 240
Purchase decision 242
Post-purchase behaviour 244
Other theories of consumer decision making 246
Level of consumer involvement 246
Behavioural decision theory and behavioural economics 249
Decision heuristics 251
Framing 251
Mental accounting 251
Profiling consumer product buying and usage behaviour 252
Chapter 8 Analysing business markets 260
What is organisational buying? 262
The business market versus the consumer market 262
Buying situations 265
Systems buying and selling 267
Participants in the business buying process 268
The buying centre 268
Buying centre influences 269
Targeting firms and buying centres 269
The purchasing/procurement process 270
Stages in the buying process 271
Problem recognition 271
General need description and product specification 272
Supplier search 272
Proposal solicitation 274
Supplier selection 274
Order-routine specification 277
Performance review 277
Managing business-to-business relationships 278
The role of uncertainty in business relationships 278
Transaction cost economics 279
Network theory 280
Vertical coordination 282
Institutional and government markets 285
Chapter 9 Dealing with competition 294
Competitive forces 296
Identifying competitors 297
Analysing competitors 299
Strategies 300
Objectives 300
Strengths and weaknesses 301
Selecting competitors 302
Selecting customers 303
Competitive strategies for market leaders 304
Expanding the total market 306
Protecting market share 307
Expanding market share 310
Other competitive strategies 311
Market-challenger strategies 311
Market-follower strategies 313
Market-nicher strategies 314
Balancing customer and competitor orientations 316
Competitor-centred companies 316
Customer-centred companies 317
Competing in an economic downturn 317
Explore the upside of increasing investment 317
Get closer to customers 318
Review budget allocations 319
Put forth the most compelling value proposition 319
Fine-tune brand and product offerings 320
Part 2 Case study: Cheese odour marketing 324
Part 3 Connecting with customers 327
Chapter 10 Seeking and developing target marketing differentiation strategies 328
Levels of market segmentation 330
Segment group marketing 330
Niche marketing 331
Local marketing 333
Individual marketing 336
Bases for segmenting consumer markets 337
Geographic segmentation 337
Demographic segmentation 339
Life stage 341
Gender 341
Psychographic segmentation 346
Behavioural segmentation 348
Bases for segmenting business markets 352
Market targeting 353
Effective segmentation criteria 353
Evaluating and selecting market segments 355
Additional considerations 356
Creating differentiation and positioning strategies 358
Positioning 359
Establishing category membership 362
Choosing PoPs and PoDs 363
Creating PoPs and PoDs 365
Perceptual or positioning mapping 366
What can positioning analysis do for a company’s business? 366
Positioning maps 367
Developing a positioning strategy 367
Repositioning 368
Developing and communicating a differentiation strategy 369
Cost leadership 369
Distinctive superior quality 369
Cost leadership and differentiation 370
Differentiation strategies 370
The purpose of positioning 371
Chapter 11 Creating customer value, satisfaction and loyalty 378
Building customer value 380
Customer-perceived value 383
Building customer satisfaction 386
Brand inertia and brand loyalty 386
Total customer satisfaction 388
Market offering quality dimension 392
Maximising customer lifetime value 393
Customer profitability 393
Customer lifetime value – conceptual dream or real-time activity? 395
Cultivating customer relationships 395
Customer relationship management 396
Attracting and retaining customers 398
Building customer loyalty 401
Improving loyalty 401
Developing loyalty programmes 403
Recapturing customers 406
The experience economy 406
The value experience 406
The empowered customer 409
Interactive marketing 410
Complexity of markets 410
Emotional turn 411
Chapter 12 Creating and managing brands and brand equity 420
Understanding branding 423
What is a brand? 423
The roles of brands 424
Managing brands: consumers and channels 427
Strategic brand management decisions 428
Creating and managing brand identities: names, logos, slogans and images 431
Managing individual or house brand names 436
Managing brand extensions 437
Managing brand portfolios 442
Brand reinforcing and revitalisation 443
Leveraging secondary associations 447
Growing, sustaining and managing brand equity 447
Chapter 13 Digital and global brand management strategies 460
What is a digital brand? 462
Digital branding as a core management requirement 463
Understanding the digital brand experience 463
Understanding the new consumer decision journey 465
Branding and social networking 467
Linking social networking and the consumer decision journey 469
Customer-managed brands 470
Digital brand communities 472
Online brand communities’ member characteristics 473
Managing global brands 474
Factors leading to increased global branding 477
Managing iconic global brands 478
Operating a global brand strategy 479
Branding in developing economies 485
Celebrity branding 488
How to use celebrities successfully 488
Countries and places as brands 490
Part 3 Case study: San Pellegrino 498
Part 4 Shaping and pricing the market offering 501
Chapter 14 Designing, developing and managing market offerings 502
Product life-cycle marketing strategies 504
Product life cycles 504
Style, fashion and fad life cycles 505
Marketing strategies: the introduction stage and the pioneer advantage 506
Marketing strategies: the growth stage 510
Marketing strategies: the maturity stage 511
Marketing strategies: the decline stage 515
Evidence on and critique of the product life cycle concept 515
Critique of the product life cycle concept 516
Market evolution 517
Emergence 518
Growth 518
Maturity 518
Decline 519
Product (market offering) characteristics and classifications 519
Product levels: the customer-perceived value hierarchy 520
Product/market offerings classifications 522
Differentiation 524
Market offering differentiation 524
Design differentiation 528
Service differentiation 528
Product and brand relationships 529
The product/market offering hierarchy 529
Product/market offering systems and mixes 530
Product-line analysis 531
Product line length 533
Product-mix pricing 537
Co-branding and ingredient branding 539
Packaging, labelling, warranties and guarantees 540
Packaging 540
Labelling 545
Warranties and guarantees 546
Chapter 15 Introducing new market offerings 552
New market offering options 554
Make or buy? 554
Types of new product 554
Challenges in new product/market offering development 555
The innovation imperative 555
New product/market offering success 556
New product/market offering failure 557
Organisational arrangements 558
Budgeting for new product development 561
Organising new product/market offering development 561
Managing the development process, Stage 1: ideas 562
Process stages 562
Idea generation 563
Idea screening 569
Managing the development process, Stage 2: concept to strategy 571
Concept development and testing 571
Marketing strategy development 574
Business analysis 574
Managing the development process, Stage 3: prototype to commercialisation 576
Product and market development 576
Market testing 577
Commercialisation and launch 580
The consumer adoption process 582
Stages in the process 582
Factors influencing the process 583
Chapter 16 Developing and managing pricing strategies 590
Understanding pricing 592
A changing pricing environment 592
How companies price 593
Consumer psychology and pricing 595
Setting the price 598
Step 1: selecting the pricing objective 598
Step 2: determining demand 600
Step 3: estimating costs 602
Step 4: analysing competitors’ costs, prices and offers 605
Step 5: selecting a pricing method 605
Step 6: selecting the final price 612
Adapting the price 613
Geographical pricing (cash, countertrade, barter) 614
Price discounts and allowances 614
Promotional pricing 615
Differentiated pricing 615
Initiating and responding to price changes 617
Initiating price cuts 617
Initiating price increases 617
Responding to competitors’ price changes 619
Part 4 Case study: Burberry 625
Part 5 Communicating value 627
Chapter 17 Designing and managing marketing communications 628
The role of marketing communications 630
The changing marketing communication environment 630
Marketing communications, brand equity and sales 631
The communications process models 634
Developing effective communications 636
Identify the target audience 636
Determine the communications objectives 637
Design the communications 637
Select the communications channels 642
Establishing the total marketing communications budget 646
Financial considerations 647
Deciding on the marketing communications mix 647
Characteristics of the mix 648
Factors in setting the mix 650
Measuring results 652
Managing the integrated marketing communications (IMC) process 653
Coordinating media 653
Implementing IMC 654
IMC or interconnected programmatic marketing communication? 655
The growing importance of social media 656
Media planning – revolution or evolution? 656
Chapter 18 Managing mass and personal communications 662
Developing and managing an advertising programme 664
Setting objectives 665
Deciding on the advertising budget and developing the advertising campaign 665
Managing media matters 669
Evaluating advertising effectiveness 675
Sales promotion 676
Setting objectives 677
Advertising versus sales promotion 677
Major decisions 678
Events, experiences, public and press relations 680
Setting objectives 680
Major sponsorship experiences 682
Creating experiences 683
Major decisions in marketing public relations 685
Marketing public relations 686
Major decisions in marketing press relations 687
Direct marketing 689
Setting objectives 689
The benefits of direct marketing 690
Direct marketing issues 691
Catalogue marketing 692
Telemarketing 692
Other media for direct response marketing 692
Public and ethical issues 693
Interactive marketing 693
Brave new world requires a deeper understanding of consumers 694
Placing advertisements and promotions online 695
Developing and managing the sales force 698
Setting objectives and strategy 698
Sales force management issues 699
Key principles of personal selling 702
The six steps of selling 702
Relationship activity 703
Relationship marketing 703
Part 5 Case study: H&M 711
Part 6 Delivering value 715
Chapter 19 Designing and managing integrated marketing channels and global value networks 716
Marketing channels and value networks 718
The importance of channels 718
What is the role of marketing channels? 725
Channel functions and flows 725
Channel levels 726
Service-sector channels 727
Channel-design decisions 728
Analysing customer needs and wants 728
Establishing objectives and constraints 730
Identifying major channel alternatives 730
Evaluating major channel alternatives 732
Channel-management decisions 734
Selecting channel members 734
Evaluating channel members 736
Modifying channel design and arrangements 736
Channel modification decisions 736
Global channel considerations 738
Channel integration and systems 739
Vertical marketing systems 739
Managing conflict, cooperation and competition 740
Types of conflict and competition 741
Managing channel conflict 741
Integrating multichannel and omnichannel marketing systems 743
Online, mobile and digital channel management 746
Pure-click or online-only companies 746
Online and brick-and-click companies 747
Mobiles and smartphones 748
Location-based mobile 750
Chapter 20 Managing process, people and physical evidence 756
Process design and management 758
A service process blueprint 760
Managing flexibility within the service design 764
Managing variability 764
The service process and customer satisfaction 765
Managing efficiency within the service process 767
Managing people at the customer interface 769
Training service personnel 771
Hiring service personnel 772
Service personnel failure and recovery 773
Customer participation 773
Co-creation of value 774
Level of engagement 774
Managing the role of the customers 776
Managing the physical evidence and experience environment 777
Senses management within the experience environment 779
Managing digital technology at the customer interface 783
Managing the internet at the customer interface 783
Self-service kiosks 784
RFID at the customer interface 785
Part 6 Case study: Apple Stores 790
Part 7 Managing marketing implementation and control 793
Chapter 21 Implementing marketing management 794
Restructuring marketing practices 796
Internal marketing 796
Critique of internal marketing 797
Organising the marketing department 799
Relations with other departments 804
Building a creative marketing organisation 804
Taking the creative approach 805
Building a creative culture 807
Creativity – a mystical gift for some or something for all? 808
Maintaining momentum 808
Marketing implementation 809
Leadership 810
Methodology and making room for creativity 810
Foster a creative marketing culture 810
Socially responsible marketing 811
Corporate social responsibility 811
Socially responsible business models 815
Cause-related marketing 817
Cause-marketing benefits and costs 818
Social marketing 819
Ethnic marketing 821
Green marketing 821
Digital and traditional marketing are inseparable 825
Reach and display 825
Marketing revisited 826
The marketing manager’s key tasks 826
Marketing morphs to greater focus on customer engagement, involvement and experience 828
Getting started 829
Chapter 22 Managing marketing metrics 836
The need for marketing metrics 838
What marketing metrics should do 839
The chain of marketing productivity 840
Measuring the past, the present or the future 843
Measuring marketing performance and productivity 843
Counting-based metrics 843
Accounting-based metrics 844
Outcome metrics 845
Corporate social responsibility 858
Marketing dashboards 859
Part 7 Case study: Unilever 866
Appendix: Apricot marketing plan and exercises 868
Glossary 882
Index 901