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Essentials of Genetics, Global Edition

Essentials of Genetics, Global Edition

William S. Klug | Michael R. Cummings | Charlotte A. Spencer | Michael A. Palladino


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For all introductory genetics courses


A forward-looking exploration of essential genetics topics

Known for its focus on conceptual understanding, problem solving, and practical applications, this bestseller strengthens problem-solving skills and explores the essential genetics topics that today’s students need to understand. The Ninth Edition maintains the text’s brief, less-detailed coverage of core concepts and has been extensively updated with relevant, cutting-edge coverage of emerging topics in genetics.



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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 1
Copyright Page 2
About the Authors 3
Preface 11
Acknowledgments 15
Contents 5
1 Introduction to Genetics 17
1.1 Genetics Has a Rich and Interesting History 18
1.2 Genetics Progressed from Mendel to DNA in Less Than a Century 19
1.3 Discovery of the Double Helix Launched the Era of Molecular Genetics 21
1.4 Development of Recombinant DNA Technology Began the Era of DNA Cloning 23
1.5 The Impact of Biotechnology Is Continually Expanding 23
1.6 Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics Are New and Expanding Fields 24
1.7 Genetic Studies Rely on the Use of Model Organisms 25
1.8 We Live in the Age of Genetics 26
Problems and Discussion Questions 27
2 Mitosis and Meiosis 28
2.1 Cell Structure Is Closely Tied to Genetic Function 29
2.2 Chromosomes Exist in Homologous Pairs in Diploid Organisms 31
2.3 Mitosis Partitions Chromosomes into Dividing Cells 33
2.4 Meiosis Creates Haploid Gametes and Spores and Enhances Genetic Variation in Species 37
2.5 The Development of Gametes Varies in Spermatogenesis Compared to Oogenesis 40
2.6 Meiosis Is Critical to Sexual Reproduction in All Diploid Organisms 42
2.7 Electron Microscopy Has Revealed the Physical Structure of Mitotic and Meiotic Chromosomes 42
EXPLORING GENOMICS: PubMed: Exploring and Retrieving Biomedical Literature 43
CASE STUDY:Triggering meiotic maturation of oocytes 44
Insights and Solutions 44
Problems and Discussion Questions 45
3 Mendelian Genetics 47
3.1 Mendel Used a Model Experimental Approach to Study Patterns of Inheritance 48
3.2 The Monohybrid Cross Reveals How One Trait Is Transmitted from Generation to Generation 48
3.3 Mendel’s Dihybrid Cross Generated a Unique F[Sub(2)] Ratio 52
3.4 The Trihybrid Cross Demonstrates That Mendel’s Principles Apply to Inheritance of Multiple Traits 55
3.5 Mendel’s Work Was Rediscovered in the Early Twentieth Century 57
Evolving Concept of the Gene 58
3.6 Independent Assortment Leads to Extensive Genetic Variation 58
3.7 Laws of Probability Help to Explain Genetic Events 58
3.8 Chi-Square Analysis Evaluates the Influence of Chance on Genetic Data 59
3.9 Pedigrees Reveal Patterns of Inheritance of Human Traits 62
3.10 Tay–Sachs Disease: The Molecular Basis of a Recessive Disorder in Humans 64
EXPLORING GENOMICS: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 64
CASE STUDY:To test or not to test 65
Insights and Solutions 65
Problems and Discussion Questions 67
4 Modification of Mendelian Ratios 69
4.1 Alleles Alter Phenotypes in Different Ways 70
4.2 Geneticists Use a Variety of Symbols for Alleles 70
4.3 Neither Allele Is Dominant in Incomplete, or Partial, Dominance 71
4.4 In Codominance, the Influence of Both Alleles in a Heterozygote Is Clearly Evident 72
4.5 Multiple Alleles of a Gene May Exist in a Population 72
4.6 Lethal Alleles Represent Essential Genes 74
Evolving Concept of the Gene 74
4.7 Combinations of Two Gene Pairs with Two Modes of Inheritance Modify the 9:3:3:1 Ratio 75
4.8 Phenotypes Are Often Affected by More Than One Gene 76
4.9 Complementation Analysis Can Determine If Two Mutations Causing a Similar Phenotype Are Alleles of the Same Gene 80
4.10 Expression of a Single Gene May Have Multiple Effects 82
4.11 X-Linkage Describes Genes on the X Chromosome 82
4.12 In Sex-Limited and Sex-Influenced Inheritance, an Individual’s Sex Influences the Phenotype 84
4.13 Genetic Background and the Environment Affect Phenotypic Expression 86
4.14 Genomic (Parental) Imprinting and Gene Silencing 88
4.15 Extranuclear Inheritance Modifies Mendelian Patterns 89
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Improving the Genetic Fate of Purebred Dogs 92
CASE STUDY: Sudden blindness 93
Insights and Solutions 94
Problems and Discussion Questions 95
5 Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes 100
5.1 X and Y Chromosomes Were First Linked to Sex Determination Early in the Twentieth Century 101
5.2 The Y Chromosome Determines Maleness in Humans 102
5.3 The Ratio of Males to Females in Humans Is Not 1.0 105
5.4 Dosage Compensation Prevents Excessive Expression of X-Linked Genes in Humans and Other Mammals 106
5.5 The Ratio of X Chromosomes to Sets of Autosomes Can Determine Sex 109
5.6 Temperature Variation Controls Sex Determination in Reptiles 111
CASE STUDY: Not reaching puberty 112
Insights and Solutions 113
Problems and Discussion Questions 113
6 Chromosome Mutations: Variation in Number and Arrangement 115
6.1 Variation in Chromosome Number: Terminology and Origin 116
6.2 Monosomy and Trisomy Result in a Variety of Phenotypic Effects 117
6.3 Polyploidy, in Which More Than Two Haploid Sets of Chromosomes Are Present, Is Prevalent in Plants 120
6.4 Variation Occurs in the Composition and Arrangement of Chromosomes 123
6.5 A Deletion Is a Missing Region of a Chromosome 124
6.6 A Duplication Is a Repeated Segment of a Chromosome 126
6.7 Inversions Rearrange the Linear Gene Sequence 128
6.8 Translocations Alter the Location of Chromosomal Segments in the Genome 129
6.9 Fragile Sites in Human Chromosomes Are Susceptible to Breakage 131
CASE STUDY: Changing the face of Down syndrome 133
Insights and Solutions 133
Problems and Discussion Questions 134
7 Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes 136
7.1 Genes Linked on the Same Chromosome Segregate Together 137
7.2 Crossing Over Serves as the Basis of Determining the Distance between Genes during Mapping 140
7.3 Determining the Gene Sequence during Mapping Requires the Analysis of Multiple Crossovers 143
7.4 As the Distance between Two Genes Increases, Mapping Estimates Become More Inaccurate 149
Evolving Concept of the Gene 152
7.5 Chromosome Mapping Is Now Possible Using DNA Markers and Annotated Computer Databases 152
7.6 Other Aspects of Genetic Exchange 153
EXPLORING GENOMICS: Human Chromosome Maps on the Internet 155
CASE STUDY: Links to autism 155
Insights and Solutions 155
Problems and Discussion Questions 156
8 Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages 159
8.1 Bacteria Mutate Spontaneously and Are Easily Cultured 160
8.2 Genetic Recombination Occurs in Bacteria 160
8.3 Rec Proteins Are Essential to Bacterial Recombination 166
8.4 The F Factor Is an Example of a Plasmid 167
8.5 Transformation Is Another Process Leading to Genetic Recombination in Bacteria 168
8.6 Bacteriophages Are Bacterial Viruses 169
8.7 Transduction Is Virus-Mediated Bacterial DNA Transfer 172
CASE STUDY: To treat or not to treat 174
Insights and Solutions 174
Problems and Discussion Questions 174
9 DNA Structure and Analysis 176
9.1 The Genetic Material Must Exhibit Four Characteristics 177
9.2 Until 1944, Observations Favored Protein as the Genetic Material 177
9.3 Evidence Favoring DNA as the Genetic Material Was First Obtained during the Study of Bacteria and Bacteriophages 178
9.4 Indirect and Direct Evidence Supports the Concept that DNA Is the Genetic Material in Eukaryotes 183
9.5 RNA Serves as the Genetic Material in Some Viruses 184
9.6 The Structure of DNA Holds the Key to Understanding Its Function 184
Evolving Concept of the Gene 190
9.7 Alternative Forms of DNA Exist 190
9.8 The Structure of RNA Is Chemically Similar to DNA, but Single-Stranded 190
9.9 Many Analytical Techniques Have Been Useful during the Investigation of DNA and RNA 191
EXPLORING GENOMICS: Introduction to Bioinformatics: BLAST 193
CASE STUDY: Zigs and zags of the smallpox virus 194
Insights and Solutions 194
Problems and Discussion Questions 194
10 DNA Replication and Recombination 196
10.1 DNA Is Reproduced by Semiconservative Replication 197
10.2 DNA Synthesis in Bacteria Involves Five Polymerases, as Well as Other Enzymes 201
10.3 Many Complex Issues Must Be Resolved during DNA Replication 204
10.4 A Coherent Model Summarizes DNA Replication 207
10.5 Replication Is Controlled by a Variety of Genes 208
10.6 Eukaryotic DNA Replication Is Similar to Replication in Prokaryotes, but Is More Complex 208
10.7 The Ends of Linear Chromosomes Are Problematic during Replication 210
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Telomeres: The Key to Immortality? 212
CASE STUDY: Premature aging and DNA helicases 213
Insights and Solutions 213
Problems and Discussion Questions 214
11 Chromosome Structure and DNA Sequence Organization 215
11.1 Viral and Bacterial Chromosomes Are Relatively Simple DNA Molecules 216
11.2 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Contain DNA Similar to Bacteria and Viruses 217
11.3 Specialized Chromosomes Reveal Variations in the Organization of DNA 219
11.4 DNA Is Organized into Chromatin in Eukaryotes 221
11.5 Eukaryotic Genomes Demonstrate Complex Sequence Organization Characterized by Repetitive DNA 225
11.6 The Vast Majority of a Eukaryotic Genome Does Not Encode Functional Genes 228
EXPLORING GENOMICS: Database of Genomic Variants: Structural Variations in the Human Genome 228
CASE STUDY: Art inspires learning 229
Insights and Solutions 229
Problems and Discussion Questions 230
12 The Genetic Code and Transcription 231
12.1 The Genetic Code Exhibits a Number of Characteristics 232
12.2 Early Studies Established the Basic Operational Patterns of the Code 232
12.3 Studies by Nirenberg, Matthaei, and Others Deciphered the Code 233
12.4 The Coding Dictionary Reveals the Function of the 64 Triplets 238
12.5 The Genetic Code Has Been Confirmed in Studies of Bacteriophage MS2 239
12.6 The Genetic Code Is Nearly Universal 239
12.7 Different Initiation Points Create Overlapping Genes 240
12.8 Transcription Synthesizes RNA on a DNA Template 241
12.9 RNA Polymerase Directs RNA Synthesis 241
12.10 Transcription in Eukaryotes Differs from Prokaryotic Transcription in Several Ways 243
12.11 The Coding Regions of Eukaryotic Genes Are Interrupted by Intervening Sequences Called Introns 246
Evolving Concept of the Gene 249
12.12 RNA Editing May Modify the Final Transcript 249
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Fighting Disease with Antisense Therapeutics 250
CASE STUDY: Cystic fibrosis 251
Insights and Solutions 251
Problems and Discussion Questions 252
13 Translation and Proteins 254
13.1 Translation of mRNA Depends on Ribosomes and Transfer RNAs 255
13.2 Translation of mRNA Can Be Divided into Three Steps 258
13.3 High-Resolution Studies Have Revealed Many Details about the Functional Prokaryotic Ribosome 262
13.4 Translation Is More Complex in Eukaryotes 263
13.5 The Initial Insight That Proteins Are Important in Heredity Was Provided by the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 263
13.6 Studies of Neurospora Led to the One-Gene:One-Enzyme Hypothesis 264
13.7 Studies of Human Hemoglobin Established That One Gene Encodes One Polypeptide 266
Evolving Concept of the Gene 267
13.8 Variation in Protein Structure Is the Basis of Biological Diversity 267
13.9 Proteins Function in Many Diverse Roles 270
CASE STUDY: Crippled ribosomes 271
Insights and Solutions 271
Problems and Discussion Questions 271
14 Gene Mutation, DNA Repair, and Transposition 273
14.1 Gene Mutations Are Classified in Various Ways 274
14.2 Spontaneous Mutations Arise from Replication Errors and Base Modifications 277
14.3 Induced Mutations Arise from DNA Damage Caused by Chemicals and Radiation 279
14.4 Single-Gene Mutations Cause a Wide Range of Human Diseases 281
14.5 Organisms Use DNA Repair Systems to Detect and Correct Mutations 282
14.6 The Ames Test Is Used to Assess the Mutagenicity of Compounds 288
14.7 Transposable Elements Move within the Genome and May Create Mutations 288
CASE STUDY: Genetic dwarfism 292
Insights and Solutions 293
Problems and Discussion Questions 293
15 Regulation of Gene Expression 296
15.1 Prokaryotes Regulate Gene Expression in Response to Both External and Internal Conditions 297
15.2 Lactose Metabolism in E. coli Is Regulated by an Inducible System 297
15.3 The Catabolite-Activating Protein (CAP) Exerts Positive Control over the lac Operon 302
15.4 The Tryptophan (trp) Operon in E. coli Is a Repressible Gene System 304
Evolving Concept of the Gene 304
15.5 Alterations to RNA Secondary Structure Also Contribute to Prokaryotic Gene Regulation 304
15.6 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Differs from That in Prokaryotes 307
15.7 Eukaryotic Gene Expression Is Influenced by Chromatin Modifications 308
15.8 Eukaryotic Transcription Regulation Requires Specific Cis-Acting Sites 310
15.9 Eukaryotic Transcription Initiation is Regulated by Transcription Factors That Bind to Cis-Acting Sites 312
15.10 Activators and Repressors Interact with General Transcription Factors and Affect Chromatin Structure 313
15.11 Posttranscriptional Gene Regulation Occurs at Many Steps from RNA Processing to Protein Modification 315
15.12 RNA-Induced Gene Silencing Controls Gene Expression in Several Ways 317
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Quorum Sensing: Social Networking in the Bacterial World 318
CASE STUDY: A mysterious muscular dystrophy 319
Insights and Solutions 319
Problems and Discussion Questions 320
16 The Genetics of Cancer 323
16.1 Cancer Is a Genetic Disease at the Level of Somatic Cells 324
16.2 Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects Affecting Genomic Stability, DNA Repair, and Chromatin Modifications 327
16.3 Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects Affecting Cell-Cycle Regulation 328
16.4 Proto-oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor Genes Are Altered in Cancer Cells 330
16.5 Cancer Cells Metastasize and Invade Other Tissues 332
16.6 Predisposition to Some Cancers Can Be Inherited 332
16.7 Viruses and Environmental Agents Contribute to Human Cancers 333
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Breast Cancer: The Double-Edged Sword of Genetic Testing 334
CASE STUDY: Screening for cancer can save lives 335
Insights and Solutions 335
Problems and Discussion Questions 336
17 Recombinant DNA Technology 338
17.1 Recombinant DNA Technology Began with Two Key Tools: Restriction Enzymes and DNA Cloning Vectors 339
17.2 DNA Libraries Are Collections of Cloned Sequences 344
17.3 The Polymerase Chain Reaction Is a Powerful Technique for Copying DNA 347
17.4 Molecular Techniques for Analyzing DNA 349
17.5 DNA Sequencing Is the Ultimate Way to Characterize DNA at the Molecular Level 352
17.6 Creating Knockout and Transgenic Organisms for Studying Gene Function 354
EXPLORING GENOMICS: Manipulating Recombinant DNA: Restriction Mapping and Designing PCR Primers 358
CASE STUDY: Should we worry about recombinant DNA technology? 359
Insights and Solutions 359
Problems and Discussion Questions 360
18 Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Proteomics 361
18.1 Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing Is a Widely Used Method for Sequencing and Assembling Entire Genomes 362
18.2 DNA Sequence Analysis Relies on Bioinformatics Applications and Genome Databases 364
18.3 Genomics Attempts to Identify Potential Functions of Genes and Other Elements in a Genome 366
18.4 The Human Genome Project Revealed Many Important Aspects of Genome Organization in Humans 367
18.5 After the Human Genome Project: What Is Next? 370
Evolving Concept of the Gene 374
18.6 Comparative Genomics Analyzes and Compares Genomes from Different Organisms 376
18.7 Comparative Genomics Is Useful for Studying the Evolution and Function of Multigene Families 381
18.8 Metagenomics Applies Genomics Techniques to Environmental Samples 381
18.9 Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Profiles of Expressed Genes in Cells and Tissues 383
18.10 Proteomics Identifies and Analyzes the Protein Composition of Cells 384
18.11 Systems Biology Is an Integrated Approach to Studying Interactions of All Components of an Organism’s Cells 388
EXPLORING GENOMICS: Contigs, Shotgun Sequencing, and Comparative Genomics 390
CASE STUDY: Your microbiome may be a risk factor for disease 391
Insights and Solutions 391
Problems and Discussion Questions 392
19 Applications and Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 394
19.1 Genetically Engineered Organisms Synthesize a Wide Range of Biological and Pharmaceutical Products 395
19.2 Genetic Engineering of Plants Has Revolutionized Agriculture 398
19.3 Transgenic Animals Serve Important Roles in Biotechnology 399
19.4 Synthetic Genomes and the Emergence of Synthetic Biology 401
19.5 Genetic Engineering and Genomics Are Transforming Medical Diagnosis 402
19.6 Genetic Analysis by Individual Genome Sequencing 408
19.7 Genome-Wide Association Studies Identify Genome Variations That Contribute to Disease 409
19.8 Genomics Leads to New, More Targeted Medical Treatment Including Personalized Medicine 411
19.9 Genetic Engineering, Genomics, and Biotechnology Create Ethical, Social, and Legal Questions 412
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Privacy and Anonymity in the Era of Genomic Big Data 415
CASE STUDY: Three-parent babies—the ethical debate 416
Insights and Solutions 417
Problems and Discussion Questions 417
20 Developmental Genetics 419
20.1 Differentiated States Develop from Coordinated Programs of Gene Expression 420
20.2 Evolutionary Conservation of Developmental Mechanisms Can Be Studied Using Model Organisms 420
20.3 Genetic Analysis of Embryonic Development in Drosophila Reveals How the Body Axis of Animals Is Specified 421
20.4 Zygotic Genes Program Segment Formation in Drosophila 424
20.5 Homeotic Selector Genes Specify Body Parts of the Adult 426
20.6 Binary Switch Genes and Regulatory Pathways Program Organ Formation 429
20.7 Plants Have Evolved Developmental Regulatory Systems That Parallel Those of Animals 430
20.7 C. elegans Serves as a Model for Cell–Cell Interactions in Development 432
CASE STUDY: A case of short thumbs and toes 436
Insights and Solutions 436
Problems and Discussion Questions 437
21 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Traits 438
21.1 Quantitative Traits Can Be Explained in Mendelian Terms 439
21.2 The Study of Polygenic Traits Relies on Statistical Analysis 441
21.3 Heritability Values Estimate the Genetic Contribution to Phenotypic Variability 444
21.4 Twin Studies Allow an Estimation of Heritability in Humans 448
21.5 Quantitative Trait Loci Are Useful in Studying Multifactorial Phenotypes 450
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: The Green Revolution Revisited: Genetic Research with Rice 453
CASE STUDY: Tissue-specific eQTLs 454
Insights and Solutions 454
Problems and Discussion Questions 455
22 Population and Evolutionary Genetics 457
22.1 Genetic Variation Is Present in Most Populations and Species 458
22.2 The Hardy–Weinberg Law Describes Allele Frequencies and Genotype Frequencies in Population Gene Pools 459
22.3 The Hardy–Weinberg Law Can Be Applied to Human Populations 461
22.4 Natural Selection Is a Major Force Driving Allele Frequency Change 464
22.5 Mutation Creates New Alleles in a Gene Pool 467
22.6 Migration and Gene Flow Can Alter Allele Frequencies 468
22.7 Genetic Drift Causes Random Changes in Allele Frequency in Small Populations 469
22.8 Nonrandom Mating Changes Genotype Frequency but Not Allele Frequency 470
22.9 Speciation Occurs Via Reproductive Isolation 471
22.10 Phylogeny Can Be Used to Analyze Evolutionary History 473
GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Tracking Our Genetic Footprints out of Africa 476
CASE STUDY: An unexpected outcome 477
Insights and Solutions 477
Problems and Discussion Questions 478
Epigenetic Alterations to the Genome 480
BOX 1 The Beginning of Epigenetics 481
Epigenetics and Development: Imprinting 483
Epigenetics and Cancer 485
Epigenetics and the Environment 486
BOX 2 What More We Need to Know about Epigenetics and Cancer 487
Epigenetics and Behavior 488
Catalytic Activity of RNAs: Ribozymes and the Origin of Life 490
Small Noncoding RNAs Play Regulatory Roles in Prokaryotes 492
Prokaryotes Have an RNA-Guided Viral Defense Mechanism 492
Small Noncoding RNAs Mediate the Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression 494
BOX 1 RNA-Guided Gene Therapy with CRISPR/Cas Technology 495
Long Noncoding RNAs Are Abundant and Have Diverse Functions 498
mRNA Localization and Translational Regulation in Eukaryotes 499
BOX 2 Do Extracellular RNAs Play Important Roles in Cellular Communication? 500
DNA Profiling Methods 503
BOX 1 The Pitchfork Case: The First Criminal Conviction Using DNA Profiling 504
BOX 2 The Pascal Della Zuana Case: DNA Barcodes and Wildlife Forensics 508
Interpreting DNA Profiles 508
BOX 3 The Kennedy Brewer Case: Two Bite-Mark Errors and One Hit 510
BOX 4 Case of Transference: The Lukis Anderson Story 511
Technical and Ethical Issues Surrounding DNA Profiling 511
SPECIAL TOPICS IN MODERN GENETICS 4 Genomics and Personalized Medicine 513
Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics 513
BOX 1 The Story of Pfizer’s Crizotinib 514
BOX 2 The Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB): Genes, Drugs, and Diseases on the Web 517
Personalized Medicine and Disease Diagnosis 517
BOX 3 Personalized Cancer Diagnostics and Treatments: The Lukas Wartman Story 519
Technical, Social, and Ethical Challenges 520
BOX 4 Beyond Genomics: Personal Omics Profiling 521
SPECIAL TOPICS IN MODERN GENETICS 5 Genetically Modified Foods 523
What Are GM Foods? 523
BOX 1 The Tale of GM Salmon—Downstream Effects? 525
BOX 2 The Success of Hawaiian GM Papaya 526
Methods Used to Create GM Plants 528
GM Foods Controversies 531
The Future of GM Foods 533
What Genetic Conditions Are Candidates for Treatment by Gene Therapy? 535
How Are Therapeutic Genes Delivered? 535
BOX 1 537
The First Successful Gene Therapy Trial 538
Gene Therapy Setbacks 539
Recent Successful Trials 540
BOX 2 Glybera Is the First Commercial Gene Therapy to Be Approved in the West 542
Targeted Approaches to Gene Therapy 542
Future Challenges and Ethical Issues 545
BOX 3 Gene Doping for Athletic Performance? 546
APPENDIX: Solutions to Selected Problems and Discussion Questions A-1
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