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Preserving Order Amid Chaos

Preserving Order Amid Chaos

John Rhodes Paige


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Book Details


To say that education in Africa is under stress is all to obvious. News reports from that continent seem to describe only war and violence, poverty and malnutrition, corruption and mismanagement, or natural disasters that destroy or threaten already frail infrastructures - most news from Africa is bad news. When an education system survives in a country like Uganda, long subjected to the whims of despotic leadership, it warrants an investigation. This book tells the story of four senior secondary schools during a time of war and intractable social conflict, examining a complex topic through multiple perspectives such as documentary history, oral history, ethnography, and organization theory. The author develops a broad picture of the Amin/Obote years and the accompanying political and social chaos in Uganda, while at the same time filling in the crucial details essential for developing an understanding of school survival in the Kaborole District.

The author's intensive field work gives this study a unique dimension: by preserving a record of African voices - students, teachers, parents, alumni, board members, community leaders - a rich tableau of theh local conditions for school survival emerges. At the same time the discussion is situated within the larger Ugandan historical and political context, thus offering an excellent example of the application of multiple research perspectives to a complex social, cultural and political setting.

John Rhodes Paige is Assistant Professor of Education at St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas, and Research Associate at the Makerere Institute of Social Research, Uganda.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents v
Preface viii
Acknowledgments x
List of Abbreviations xii
Maps xiv
Introduction 1
Chapter One. A Socio-historical View 17
Chapter Two. A View from the Past 30
Chapter Three. The Story: A National View 42
Chapter Four. The Story: A View from the Ground in Kabarole 59
Chapter Five. The Story: Viewing Initiatives and Internalities in Kabarole 91
Chapter Six. Discussion: The View of an Outsider 116
Chapter Seven. Discussion: A View Towards the Future 144
Appendix I 174
Appendix II 194
Glossary 196
References 197
Index 205