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Brown's Regional Anesthesia Review E-Book

Brown's Regional Anesthesia Review E-Book

Ehab Farag | Loran Mounir-Soliman


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Book Details


Brown's Regional Anesthesia Review features hundreds of review questions and answers covering all of the content found within the 5th edition of Brown’s Atlas for Regional Anesthesia. Ideal for residents in training, regional anesthesia fellows, and practicing anesthesiologists alike, this companion resource was designed to be used in preparation for anesthesia exams or as a general review of the parent text.

  • Includes 450 multiple-choice questions and two practice exams to help ensure you're fully prepared.
  • Covers the use of ultrasound in guiding needle placement in regional anesthesia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
IFC_ ExpertConsult PIN page IFC1
Brown's Regional Anesthesia Review i
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Table Of Contents vii
Preface ix
Contributors xi
1 Pharmacology 1
Questions 1
Local anesthetics 1
Answers 4
2 Pharmacology of Pediatric 7
Questions 7
Answers 9
Bibliography 11
3 Interscalene Block 13
Questions 13
Answers 16
4 Supraclavicular Block 17
Questions 17
Answers 20
5 Axillary Block 23
Questions 23
Answers 25
6 Infraclavicular Block Review 27
Questions 27
Answers 31
7 Suprascapular Nerve Block 33
Questions 33
Answers 35
8 Neuraxial Anesthesia 37
Questions 37
Answers 43
Bibliography 50
9 Femoral Block 51
Questions 51
Answers 53
10 Obturator Nerve Block 55
Questions 55
Answers 57
11 TAP and Subcostal TAP 59
Questions 59
Answers 62
12 Quadratus Lumborum Block 65
Questions 65
Answers 71
13 Adductor Canal Block 77
Questions 77
Answers 79
14 Paravertebral Block 81
Questions 81
Answers 85
Bibliography 91
15 Lumbar Plexus Block 93
Questions 93
Answers 95
Bibliography 97
16 Popliteal Block 99
Questions 99
Answers 102
17 Sciatic Nerve Block 105
Questions 105
Answers 107
Bibliography 109
18 Atlas Pediatrics Regional Anesthesia 111
Questions 111
Answers 114
19 Neurologic Complications 117
Questions 117
Answers 121
Bibliography 126
20 Comprehensive Exam 127
Questions 127
Answers 147
Index 167
A 167
B 167
C 167
D 168
E 168
F 168
G 168
H 168
I 168
K 169
L 169
M 170
N 170
O 170
P 170
Q 171
R 171
S 171
T 172
U 172
V 173
W 173
X 173
IBC_Clinical Key advert IBC1