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The Midwives' Guide to Key Medical Conditions - E-Book

The Midwives' Guide to Key Medical Conditions - E-Book

Linda Wylie | Helen G H Bryce


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Book Details


The Midwives’ Guide to Key Medical Conditions is designed to help practitioners manage pregnancy and childbirth in women with systemic disease, recognize the early onset of disease-related pregnancy complications, and determine when it may be necessary to refer patients to another member of the healthcare team. The volume is ideal for all midwives, whether qualified or in training.

    • Written by well-known authorities in the field to ensure that the information is perfectly tailored to the midwifery student
    • Accessible writing style and clear artwork program helps make learning easy
    • Recaps on the underlying anatomy and physiology for the relevant body system
    • Explains the normal physiological changes that occur during pregnancy
    • Summarises the relative risk of the specific disorder in the context of overall maternal mortality
    • Explains the pathophysiology of a given condition, with emphasis on its impact on pregnancy
    • Explores the relevant management the neonate and the likely impact of the medical disorder on future pregnancies
    • Places particular emphasis on the management of critical illness and medical emergencies
  • Risk management and the use of pathways of care
  • Management of obesity
  • Sepsis and infectious diseases
  • Additional pre-existing chronic disorders

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
The Midwives' Guide to Key Medical Conditions: Pregnancy and Childbirth iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
Chapter One: The midwife's role 1
Introduction 1
Prenatal care 4
Intrapartum care 5
Postnatal care 5
The midwife 5
References 6
Chapter Two: Hypertensive conditions 7
Introduction 7
Relevant anatomy and physiology 7
Control of blood pressure 10
Central regulation 10
Hormonal regulation 10
Autoregulation 11
Hypertension in the general population 11
Aetiology 11
Pathophysiology of hypertension 11
Essential hypertension 11
Secondary hypertension 12
Signs and symptoms 12
Diagnosis 12
Treatment 12
Lifestyle changes 12
Drug therapy 12
Prognosis 13
The heart 13
The brain 13
The kidneys 13
The eyes 13
Hypertension in pregnancy and childbirth 13
Overview 13
Relevant physiological changes in the cardiovascular system in pregnancy 13
Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy 14
Classification of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy 14
Chronic hypertension 14
Diagnosis 14
Management of Chronic hypertension 14
Complications of chronic hypertension in pregnancy 14
Chronic hypertension with superimposed pre-eclampsia 14
Gestational hypertension 15
Causes of gestational hypertension 15
Diagnosis 15
Management 15
Maternal condition 15
Fetal condition 15
Pre-eclampsia 15
Incidence 16
Aetiology 16
Pathophysiology 16
Signs and symptoms 17
Diagnosis 17
Pathological changes to body systems 18
Management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 19
Prevention 19
Prenatal care 19
Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia 20
Severe pre-eclampsia 21
Treatment in labour 22
Postnatal 22
Complications of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 22
Fulminating pre-eclampsia 22
Eclampsia 22
Prognosis 23
Treatment 23
HELLP syndrome 24
Midwifery management 25
Prognosis 26
Future pregnancies 26
The neonate 26
Support group 26
References 26
Chapter Three: Cardiac conditions 29
Introduction 29
Relevant anatomy and physiology 29
Physiological changes in pregnancy 31
Cardiac disease in pregnancy 31
Pathophysiology of cardiac disease 32
Acquired cardiac disorders 32
Rheumatic heart disease 32
Ischaemic heart disease and myocardial infarction 33
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 33
Cardiac arrhythmias 33
Tachycardia 34
Atrial fibrillation 34
Ventricular fibrillation 35
Congenital heart disease 35
Signs and symptoms 37
Diagnosis 37
Management of pregnancy and birth 38
Preconception care 38
Pregnancy 39
Labour 39
Puerperium 40
Midwifery management 41
The neonate 43
Future pregnancies 43
References 43
Chapter Four: Thromboembolic conditions 45
Introduction 45
Relevant anatomy and physiology 45
Haemostasis (cessation of bleeding) 48
Pathophysiology of thromboembolism 48
Aetiology 49
Thrombophilia 49
Thromboembolic related conditions 50
Varicose veins 50
Deep vein thrombosis 51
Signs and symptoms 51
Diagnosis 51
Treatment 51
Prognosis 52
Thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis 52
Treatment 52
Pulmonary embolism 52
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 53
Thromboembolic disorders in pregnancy 53
Introduction 53
Physiological changes in pregnancy 54
Incidence 55
Prevention 55
Prenatally 55
Labour 55
Puerperium 56
Deep vein thrombosis 56
Pulmonary embolism 56
Management and treatment of collapse due to PE 57
Role of the midwife in the care of a woman with a pulmonary embolism 57
Neonatal considerations 57
Future pregnancies 57
References 57
Chapter Five: Haematological conditions 59
Introduction 59
Relevant anatomy and physiology 60
Blood 60
Plasma 60
Erythrocytes 61
Leucocytes 62
Thrombocytes 63
Classification of blood 64
ABO blood groups 64
Rhesus factor 64
Physiological changes in the cardiovascular system and blood in pregnancy 65
Anaemia 65
Iron requirements during pregnancy 66
Classification of anaemia 66
Signs and symptoms of anaemia 66
Anaemia in pregnancy 66
Excessive or prolonged blood loss 67
Malabsorption 68
Iron deficiency anaemia 69
Signs and symptoms 69
Diagnosis 69
Effect of iron deficiency anaemia on pregnancy 69
Management during pregnancy and birth 69
Midwife's role 70
Folic acid deficiency anaemia 71
Signs and symptoms 71
Management of folic acid deficiency anaemia 71
Midwife's role 71
Vitamin B12 (hydroxocobalamin) deficiency 71
Management 72
G6PD deficiency 72
Haemoglobinopathies 73
Sickle cell disease 73
Sickle cell trait 74
Signs and symptoms 74
Diagnosis 75
Management of sickle cell disease 75
Effect of sickle cell disease on pregnancy 76
Antenatal management 76
Labour and birth 77
Postnatal care 78
Thalassaemia 78
α-Thalassaemia 78
α-thalassaemia major 79
β-thalassaemia 79
β-thalassaemia trait 79
β-thalassaemia major (cooley's anaemia) 79
Pregnancy and thalassaemia 79
Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy 80
Gestational thrombocytopenia 81
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 81
Management 82
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 82
Chapter Six: Respiratory conditions 91
Introduction 91
Relevant anatomy and physiology 92
Ventilation 92
Control of ventilation 94
Asthma 94
Causes of asthma 95
Pathophysiology of asthma 95
Signs and symptoms 97
Chapter Seven: Renal conditions 111
Introduction 111
Relevant anatomy and physiology 111
Glomerular filtration 112
Selective tubular reabsorption 112
Tubular secretion 112
Other functions of the nephron 113
Concentration of urine 113
Blood pressure regulation 113
Manufacture of erythrocytes 113
Synthesis of vitamin D 114
Other structures of the renal system 114
Renal disease 114
Aetiology 115
Infection 115
Chronic renal disease 115
Acute renal failure 115
Pathophysiology 115
Signs and symptoms 116
Diagnosis 117
Urinalysis 117
Bacteriological tests 117
Biochemical tests 117
Renal function tests 117
Other tests 118
Treatment 118
The renal system in pregnancy 118
Introduction 118
Physiological changes in pregnancy 119
Incidence 119
Asymptomatic bacteriuria 119
Cystitis 119
Pyelonephritis 120
Chronic renal disease 120
Acute renal failure 121
Renal transplant 121
Effect on fetal outcome 121
Midwife's management 121
Pregnancy 121
Labour 122
Puerperium 122
The neonate 122
References 122
Chapter Eight: Epilepsy and other neurological conditions 125
Introduction 125
Relevant anatomy and physiology 126
Transmission of information 129
Epilepsy 130
Aetiology 130
Incidence 130
Signs and symptoms 130
Simple partial seizure 131
Complex partial seizure 131
Generalized seizures (tonic clonic seizures) 131
Status epilepticus 131
Diagnosis 132
Treatment 132
Prognosis 133
Epilepsy in pregnancy 133
Physiological changes in pregnancy 134
Incidence 135
Preconception advice 135
Pregnancy 135
Effect of epilepsy on pregnancy 135
Effect of pregnancy on the condition 136
Labour 136
The puerperium 136
The midwife's management of the pregnant woman with epilepsy 136
Pregnancy 137
Management of a seizure 137
The neonate 137
Future pregnancies 138
Peripheral nerve disease 138
Multiple sclerosis 138
Myasthenia gravis 139
Headache/migraine 139
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) 140
Subarachnoid haemorrhage 141
References 141
Chapter Nine: Endocrine disorders 143
Disorders of the endocrine system 143
Thyroid conditions 143
Relevant anatomy and physiology 144
Incidence 147
Aetiology of thyroid disease 147
Hyperthyroidism 147
Graves' disease 147
Thyroiditis 147
Toxic multinodular goitre 147
Toxic adenoma (single nodule) 147
Thyroid cancer 147
Pathophysiology 147
Diagnosis 148
Management 148
Antithyroid drug therapy 148
Surgery 148
Radio-active iodine therapy 148
Hypothyroidism 149
Clinical features of hypothyroidism 149
Diagnosis 149
Treatment 149
Iodine 150
Physiological changes in pregnancy 150
Thyroid function tests in pregnancy 151
Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy 151
Signs and symptoms 151
Diagnosis 152
Management 152
Thyroid storm 152
Postnatal management of hyperthyroidism 153
Effect of hyperthyroidism on the fetus 153
Breast-feeding 153
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy 153
Signs and symptoms 154
Diagnosis 154
Management 154
Post-partum management 155
Postpartum thyroiditis 155
Congenital hypothyroidism in the neonate 155
Diabetes mellitus 155
Introduction 155
Relevant anatomy and physiology 156
Metabolism 158
Carbohydrate metabolism 158
Fat Metabolism 158
Protein metabolism 158
Summary 159
Types of diabetes mellitus 159
Incidence 159
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 159
Aetiology 159
Signs and symptoms 160
Pathophysiology 160
Diagnosis 160
Management 161
Insulin 162
Type 2 diabetes mellitus 163
Signs and symptoms 163
Management 164
Complications of diabetes mellitus 164
Diabetic ketoacidosis 164
Pathophysiology 164
Signs and symptoms 164
Management of diabetic ketoacidosis 165
Diabetic hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) 165
Hypoglycaemia 166
Management 166
Prognosis 167
Diabetes in pregnancy 167
Effect of pregnancy on diabetes 167
Effect of diabetes on pregnancy 168
Physiological changes in pregnancy 168
Preconception care 168
Gestational diabetes 170
Diagnosis 171
Management of gestational diabetes 171
Management of diabetes in pregnancy 171
Management of labour and birth 172
Puerperium 172
The neonate 173
References 174
Chapter Ten: Eating disorders 177
Introduction 177
Obesity 178
Relevant physiology 178
Hypertension 179
Insulin resistance 179
Other conditions 180
Diagnosis 180
Treatment 180
Obesity in pregnancy and childbirth 180
Pregnancy complicated by obesity 182
Management of obesity in pregnancy and childbirth 183
Anorexia and bulimia 184
References 185
Chapter Eleven: The gastrointestinal system 187
Chapter Contents 187
Introduction 187
Relevant anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract 187
Inflammatory bowel disease 188
Inflammatory bowel disease and childbirth 189
Irritable bowel syndrome 190
Coeliac disease 191
Diagnosis 191
Treatment 191
Pregnancy 191
Appendicitis 192
Dyspepsia and heartburn 192
Management 192
Hiatus hernia 192
Symptoms 193
Management 193
Complications 193
Pregnancy 193
Neonate 193
Medical conditions related to the accessory organs of digestion 193
Relevant anatomy and physiology 193
Relevant physiological changes in pregnancy 196
Obstetric cholestasis (Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP)) 196
Incidence 196
Pathophysiology 197
Diagnosis 197
Signs and symptoms 197
Treatment 197
Prognosis 198
The neonate 198
Future pregnancies 198
Related disorders 198
Gallstones 198
Acute fatty liver 198
Clinical Features 199
Management 199
Viral hepatitis (see also Ch.12) 199
Other causes of hepatitis 200
References 200
Bibliography 200
Chapter Twelve: Sepsis and infections in pregnancy and childbirth 201
Relevant anatomy and physiology 201
The lymphatic system 201
Lymphatic capillaries 202
Lymphatic vessels 202
Lymphatic tissues/nodules 203
Lymphatic ducts 203
Physiology of the lymphatic system 203
Lymphoid organs 203
The tonsils 203
The thymus gland 203
The spleen 203
Immunity 204
Vaccination 205
Killed or inactivated vaccine 205
Attenuated vaccines 205
Toxoid vaccine 205
Physiological changes in pregnancy 205
Introduction to sepsis and infection 206
Sepsis 207
Sepsis related to pregnancy 207
Principles of care 208
Puerperal sepsis 209
Factors predisposing to puerperal sepsis 209
Signs and symptoms of genital sepsis 209
Treatment 210
Principles of midwifery care 210
Streptococcal infections 210
Group A streptococcus 210
Transmission 211
Diagnosis 211
Treatment 211
Group B streptococcus 211
Signs and symptoms 211
Diagnosis 212
Management 212
Neonatal risks 212
Influenza 212
Transmission 212
Signs and symptoms 212
Risk factors 212
Treatment 212
Good hygiene measures 213
Complications 213
Pregnancy 213
Hepatitis A 213
Incubation 213
Diagnosis 214
Signs and symptoms 214
Treatment 214
Vaccination 214
Pregnancy 214
Hepatitis B 214
Transmission 215
Signs and symptoms 215
Diagnosis 215
In pregnancy 215
Management 215
The neonate 215
Hepatitis C 216
Signs and symptoms 216
Diagnosis 216
Treatment 216
Complications 216
In pregnancy 216
Sexually transmitted infections 217
Herpes simplex 217
Signs and symptoms 217
In pregnancy 217
Management 218
The neonate 218
Gonorrhoea 218
Transmission 218
Signs and symptoms 218
Diagnosis 218
Chapter Thirteen: Other medical conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth 241
Chapter Contents 241
Musculoskeletal conditions 241
Arthritis 241
Rheumatoid arthritis 241
Diagnosis 242
Treatment 242
Rheumatoid arthritis in pregnancy 243
Systemic lupus erythematosus 243
Signs and symptoms 243
Diagnosis 244
Treatment 244
Systemic lupus erythematosus in pregnancy 244
Antiphospholipid syndrome 245
Symptoms 245
Treatment 245
APS in pregnancy 245
Treatment in pregnancy 246
Raynaud's syndrome 246
Treatment 246
Raynaud's phenomenon in pregnancy 246
Skin diseases 246
Eczema 246
Signs and symptoms 247
Diagnosis 247
Psoriasis 247
Psoriasis and pregnancy 248
Cancer 248
Cervical cancer 249
Breast cancer 249
Malignant melanoma 250
Diagnosis 251
Hodgkin lymphoma 251
Gestational trophoblastic disease 251
References 252
Index 255