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Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL, Global Edition

Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL, Global Edition

Edward Angel | Dave Shreiner


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Book Details


This book is suitable for undergraduate students in computer science and engineering, for students in other disciplines who have good programming skills, and for professionals.


Computer animation and graphics are now prevalent in everyday life from the computer screen, to the movie screen, to the smart phone screen. The growing excitement about WebGL applications and their ability to integrate HTML5, inspired the authors to exclusively use WebGL in the Seventh Edition of Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL. Thisis the only introduction to computer graphics text for undergraduates that fully integrates WebGL and emphasizes application-based programming. The top-down, programming-oriented approach allows for coverage of engaging 3D material early in the course so students immediately begin to create their own 3D graphics.


Teaching and Learning Experience

This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. It will help:

  • Engage Students Immediately with 3D Material: A top-down, programming-oriented approach allows for coverage of engaging 3D material early in the course so students immediately begin to create their own graphics.
  • Introduce Computer Graphics Programming with WebGL and JavaScript: WebGL is not only fully shader-based–each application must provide at least a vertex shader and a fragment shader–but also a version that works within the latest web browsers.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Dedication 5
Contents\r 7
Preface 21
Chapter 1: Graphics Systems and Models 31
1.1 Applications of Computer Graphics 32
1.1.1 Display of Information 32
1.1.2 Design 33
1.1.3 Simulation and Animation 33
1.1.4 User Interfaces 34
1.2 A Graphics System 35
1.2.1 Pixels and the Framebuffer 35
1.2.2 The CPU and the GPU 36
1.2.3 Output Devices 37
1.2.4 Input Devices 39
1.3 Images: Physical and Synthetic 40
1.3.1 Objects and Viewers 40
1.3.2 Light and Images 42
1.3.3 Imaging Models 43
1.4 Imaging Systems 45
1.4.1 The Pinhole Camera 45
1.4.2 The Human Visual System 47
1.5 The Synthetic-Camera Model 48
1.6 The Programmer’s Interface 50
1.6.1 The Pen-Plotter Model 51
1.6.2 Three-Dimensional APIs 53
1.6.3 A Sequence of Images 56
1.6.4 The Modeling–Rendering Paradigm 57
1.7 Graphics Architectures 58
1.7.1 Display Processors 59
1.7.2 Pipeline Architectures 59
1.7.3 The Graphics Pipeline 60
1.7.4 Vertex Processing 61
1.7.5 Clipping and Primitive Assembly 61
1.7.6 Rasterization 62
1.7.7 Fragment Processing 62
1.8 Programmable Pipelines 62
1.9 Performance Characteristics 63
1.10 OpenGL Versions and WebGL 64
Summary and Notes 66
Suggested Readings 66
Exercises 67
Chapter 2: Graphics Programming 69
2.1 The Sierpinski Gasket 69
2.2 Programming Two-Dimensional Applications 72
2.3 The WebGL Application Programming Interface 77
2.3.1 Graphics Functions 77
2.3.2 The Graphics Pipeline and State Machines 79
2.3.3 OpenGL and WebGL 80
2.3.4 The WebGL Interface 80
2.3.5 Coordinate Systems 81
2.4 Primitives and Attributes 83
2.4.1 Polygon Basics 85
2.4.2 Polygons in WebGL 86
2.4.3 Approximating a Sphere 87
2.4.4 Triangulation 88
2.4.5 Text 89
2.4.6 Curved Objects 90
2.4.7 Attributes 91
2.5 Color 92
2.5.1 RGB Color 94
2.5.2 Indexed Color 96
2.5.3 Setting of Color Attributes 97
2.6 Viewing 98
2.6.1 The Orthographic View 98
2.6.2 Two-Dimensional Viewing 101
2.7 Control Functions 101
2.7.1 Interaction with the Window System 102
2.7.2 Aspect Ratio and Viewports 103
2.7.3 Application Organization 104
2.8 The Gasket Program 105
2.8.1 Sending Data to the GPU 108
2.8.2 Rendering the Points 108
2.8.3 The Vertex Shader 109
2.8.4 The Fragment Shader 110
2.8.5 Combining the Parts 110
2.8.6 The initShaders Function 111
2.8.7 The init Function 112
2.8.8 Reading the Shaders from the Application 113
2.9 Polygons and Recursion 113
2.10 The Three-Dimensional Gasket 116
2.10.1 Use of Three-Dimensional Points 116
2.10.2 Naming Conventions 118
2.10.3 Use of Polygons in Three Dimensions 118
2.10.4 Hidden-Surface Removal 121
Summary and Notes 123
Suggested Readings 124
Exercises 125
Chapter 3: Interaction and Animation 129
3.1 Animation 129
3.1.1 The Rotating Square 130
3.1.2 The Display Process 132
3.1.3 Double Buffering 133
3.1.4 Using a Timer 134
3.1.5 Using requestAnimFrame 135
3.2 Interaction 136
3.3 Input Devices 137
3.4 Physical Input Devices 138
3.4.1 Keyboard Codes 138
3.4.2 The Light Pen 139
3.4.3 The Mouse and the Trackball 139
3.4.4 Data Tablets,Touch Pads, and Touch Screens 140
3.4.5 The Joystick 141
3.4.6 Multidimensional Input Devices 141
3.4.7 Logical Devices 142
3.4.8 Input Modes 143
3.5 Clients and Servers 145
3.6 Programming Event-Driven Input 146
3.6.1 Events and Event Listeners 147
3.6.2 Adding a Button 147
3.6.3 Menus 149
3.6.4 Using Keycodes 150
3.6.5 Sliders 151
3.7 Position Input 152
3.8 Window Events 153
3.9 Picking 155
3.10 Building Models Interactively 156
3.11 Design of Interactive Programs 160
Summary and Notes 160
Suggested Readings 161
Exercises 162
Chapter 4: Geometric Objects and Transformations 165
4.1 Scalars, Points, and Vectors 166
4.1.1 Geometric Objects 166
4.1.2 Coordinate-Free Geometry 168
4.1.3 The Mathematical View: Vector and Affine Spaces 168
4.1.4 The Computer Science View 169
4.1.5 Geometric ADTs 170
4.1.6 Lines 171
4.1.7 Affine Sums 171
4.1.8 Convexity 172
4.1.9 Dot and Cross Products 172
4.1.10 Planes 173
4.2 Three-Dimensional Primitives 175
4.3 Coordinate Systems and Frames 176
4.3.1 Representations and N-Tuples 178
4.3.2 Change of Coordinate Systems 179
4.3.3 Example: Change of Representation 181
4.3.4 Homogeneous Coordinates 183
4.3.5 Example: Change in Frames 185
4.3.6 Working with Representations 187
4.4 Frames in WebGL 189
4.5 Matrix and Vector Types 193
4.5.1 Row versus Column Major Matrix Representations 195
4.6 Modeling a Colored Cube 195
4.6.1 Modeling the Faces 196
4.6.2 Inward- and Outward-Pointing Faces 197
4.6.3 Data Structures for Object Representation 197
4.6.4 The Colored Cube 198
4.6.5 Color Interpolation 200
4.6.6 Displaying the Cube 200
4.6.7 Drawing with Elements 201
4.7 Affine Transformations 202
4.8 Translation, Rotation, and Scaling 205
4.8.1 Translation 205
4.8.2 Rotation 206
4.8.3 Scaling 207
4.9 Transformations in Homogeneous Coordinates 209
4.9.1 Translation 209
4.9.2 Scaling 211
4.9.3 Rotation 211
4.9.4 Shear 213
4.10 Concatenation of Transformations 214
4.10.1 Rotation About a Fixed Point 215
4.10.2 General Rotation 216
4.10.3 The Instance Transformation 217
4.10.4 Rotation About an Arbitrary Axis 218
4.11 Transformation Matrices in WebGL 221
4.11.1 Current Transformation Matrices 222
4.11.2 Basic Matrix Functions 223
4.11.3 Rotation, Translation, and Scaling 224
4.11.4 Rotation About a Fixed Point 225
4.11.5 Order of Transformations 225
4.12 Spinning of the Cube 226
4.12.1 Uniform Matrices 228
4.13 Interfaces to Three-Dimensional Applications 230
4.13.1 Using Areas of the Screen 231
4.13.2 A Virtual Trackball 231
4.13.3 Smooth Rotations 234
4.13.4 Incremental Rotation 235
4.14 Quaternions 236
4.14.1 Complex Numbers and Quaternions 236
4.14.2 Quaternions and Rotation 237
4.14.3 Quaternions and Gimbal Lock 239
Summary and Notes 240
Suggested Readings 241
Exercises 241
Chapter 5: Viewing 245
5.1 Classical and Computer Viewing 245
5.1.1 Classical Viewing 247
5.1.2 Orthographic Projections 247
5.1.3 Axonometric Projections 248
5.1.4 Oblique Projections 250
5.1.5 Perspective Viewing 251
5.2 Viewing with a Computer 252
5.3 Positioning of the Camera 254
5.3.1 Positioning of the Camera Frame 254
5.3.2 Two Viewing APIs 259
5.3.3 The Look-At Function 262
5.3.4 Other Viewing APIs 263
5.4 Parallel Projections 264
5.4.1 Orthogonal Projections 264
5.4.2 Parallel Viewing with WebGL 265
5.4.3 Projection Normalization 266
5.4.4 Orthogonal Projection Matrices 267
5.4.5 Oblique Projections 269
5.4.6 An Interactive Viewer 272
5.5 Perspective Projections 274
5.5.1 Simple Perspective Projections 275
5.6 Perspective Projections with WebGL 278
5.6.1 Perspective Functions 279
5.7 Perspective Projection Matrices 280
5.7.1 Perspective Normalization 280
5.7.2 WebGL Perspective Transformations 284
5.7.3 Perspective Example 286
5.8 Hidden-Surface Removal 286
5.8.1 Culling 288
5.9 Displaying Meshes 289
5.9.1 Displaying Meshes as Surfaces 292
5.9.2 Polygon Offset 294
5.9.3 Walking through a Scene 295
5.10 Projections and Shadows 295
5.10.1 Projected Shadows 296
5.11 Shadow Maps 300
Summary and Notes 301
Suggested Readings 302
Exercises 302
Chapter 6: Lighting and Shading 305
6.1 Light and Matter 306
6.2 Light Sources 309
6.2.1 Color Sources 310
6.2.2 Ambient Light 310
6.2.3 Point Sources 311
6.2.4 Spotlights 312
6.2.5 Distant Light Sources 312
6.3 The Phong Reflection Model 313
6.3.1 Ambient Reflection 315
6.3.2 Diffuse Reflection 315
6.3.3 Specular Reflection 316
6.3.4 The Modified Phong Model 318
6.4 Computation of Vectors 319
6.4.1 Normal Vectors 319
6.4.2 Angle of Reflection 322
6.5 Polygonal Shading 323
6.5.1 Flat Shading 323
6.5.2 Smooth and Gouraud Shading 324
6.5.3 Phong Shading 326
6.6 Approximation of a Sphere by Recursive Subdivision 327
6.7 Specifying Lighting Parameters 329
6.7.1 Light Sources 329
6.7.2 Materials 331
6.8 Implementing a Lighting Model 331
6.8.1 Applying the Lighting Model in the Application 332
6.8.2 Efficiency 334
6.8.3 Lighting in the Vertex Shader 335
6.9 Shading of the Sphere Model 340
6.10 Per-Fragment Lighting 341
6.11 Nonphotorealistic Shading 343
6.12 Global Illumination 344
Summary and Notes 345
Suggested Readings 346
Exercises 346
Chapter 7: Discrete Techniques 349
7.1 Buffers 350
7.2 Digital Images 351
7.3 Mapping Methods 355
7.4 Two-Dimensional Texture Mapping 357
7.5 Texture Mapping in WebGL 363
7.5.1 Texture Objects 364
7.5.2 The Texture Image Array 365
7.5.3 Texture Coordinates and Samplers 366
7.5.4 Texture Sampling 371
7.5.5 Working with Texture Coordinates 374
7.5.6 Multitexturing 375
7.6 Texture Generation 378
7.7 Environment Maps 379
7.8 Reflection Map Example 383
7.9 Bump Mapping 387
7.9.1 Finding Bump Maps 388
7.9.2 Bump Map Example 391
7.10 Blending Techniques 395
7.10.1 Opacity and Blending 396
7.10.2 Image Blending 397
7.10.3 Blending in WebGL 397
7.10.4 Antialiasing Revisited 399
7.10.5 Back-to-Front and Front-to-Back Rendering 401
7.10.6 Scene Antialiasing and Multisampling 401
7.10.7 Image Processing 402
7.10.8 Other Multipass Methods 404
7.11 GPGPU 404
7.12 Framebuffer Objects 408
7.13 Buffer Ping-Ponging 414
7.14 Picking 417
Summary and Notes 422
Suggested Readings 423
Exercises 424
Chapter 8: From Geometry To Pixels 427
8.1 Basic Implementation Strategies 428
8.2 Four Major Tasks 430
8.2.1 Modeling 430
8.2.2 Geometry Processing 431
8.2.3 Rasterization 432
8.2.4 Fragment Processing 433
8.3 Clipping 433
8.4 Line-Segment Clipping 434
8.4.1 Cohen-Sutherland Clipping 434
8.4.2 Liang-Barsky Clipping 437
8.5 Polygon Clipping 438
8.6 Clipping of Other Primitives 440
8.6.1 Bounding Boxes and Volumes 440
8.6.2 Curves, Surfaces, and Text 442
8.6.3 Clipping in the Framebuffer 443
8.7 Clipping in Three Dimensions 443
8.8 Rasterization 446
8.9 Bresenham’s Algorithm 448
8.10 Polygon Rasterization 450
8.10.1 Inside–Outside Testing 451
8.10.2 WebGL and Concave Polygons 452
8.10.3 Fill and Sort 453
8.10.4 Flood Fill 453
8.10.5 Singularities 454
8.11 Hidden-Surface Removal 454
8.11.1 Object-Space and Image-Space Approaches 454
8.11.2 Sorting and Hidden-Surface Removal 456
8.11.3 Scan Line Algorithms 456
8.11.4 Back-Face Removal 457
8.11.5 The z-Buffer Algorithm 459
8.11.6 Scan Conversion with the z-Buffer 461
8.11.7 Depth Sort and the Painter’s Algorithm 462
8.12 Antialiasing 465
8.13 Display Considerations 467
8.13.1 Color Systems 467
8.13.2 The Color Matrix 471
8.13.3 Gamma Correction 471
8.13.4 Dithering and Halftoning 472
Summary and Notes 473
Suggested Readings 475
Exercises 475
Chapter 9: Modeling and Hierarchy 479
9.1 Symbols and Instances 480
9.2 Hierarchical Models 481
9.3 A Robot Arm 483
9.4 Trees and Traversal 486
9.4.1 A Stack-Based Traversal 487
9.5 Use of Tree Data Structures 490
9.6 Animation 494
9.7 Graphical Objects 495
9.7.1 Methods, Attributes, and Messages 496
9.7.2 A Cube Object 497
9.7.3 Objects and Hierarchy 498
9.7.4 Geometric and Nongeometric Objects 499
9.8 Scene Graphs 500
9.9 Implementing Scene Graphs 502
9.10 Other Tree Structures 504
9.10.1 CSG Trees 504
9.10.2 BSP Trees 505
9.10.3 Quadtrees and Octrees 508
Summary and Notes 509
Suggested Readings 510
Exercises 510
Chapter 10: Procedural Methods 513
10.1 Algorithmic Models 513
10.2 Physically Based Models and Particle Systems 515
10.3 Newtonian Particles 516
10.3.1 Independent Particles 518
10.3.2 Spring Forces 518
10.3.3 Attractive and Repulsive Forces 520
10.4 Solving Particle Systems 521
10.5 Constraints 524
10.5.1 Collisions 524
10.5.2 Soft Constraints 526
10.6 A Simple Particle System 527
10.6.1 Displaying the Particles 528
10.6.2 Updating Particle Positions 528
10.6.3 Collisions 529
10.6.4 Forces 530
10.6.5 Flocking 530
10.7 Agent-Based Models 531
10.8 Language-Based Models 533
10.9 Recursive Methods and Fractals 537
10.9.1 Rulers and Length 538
10.9.2 Fractal Dimension 539
10.9.3 Midpoint Division and Brownian Motion 540
10.9.4 Fractal Mountains 541
10.9.5 The Mandelbrot Set 542
10.9.6 Mandelbrot Fragment Shader 546
10.10 Procedural Noise 547
Summary and Notes 551
Suggested Readings 551
Exercises 552
Chapter 11: Curves and Surfaces 555
11.1 Representation of Curves and Surfaces 555
11.1.1 Explicit Representation 555
11.1.2 Implicit Representations 557
11.1.3 Parametric Form 558
11.1.4 Parametric Polynomial Curves 559
11.1.5 Parametric Polynomial Surfaces 560
11.2 Design Criteria 560
11.3 Parametric Cubic Polynomial Curves 562
11.4 Interpolation 563
11.4.1 Blending Functions 564
11.4.2 The Cubic Interpolating Patch 566
11.5 Hermite Curves and Surfaces 568
11.5.1 The Hermite Form 568
11.5.2 Geometric and Parametric Continuity 570
11.6 Be´zier Curves and Surfaces 571
11.6.1 Be´zier Curves 572
11.6.2 Be´zier Surface Patches 574
11.7 Cubic B-Splines 575
11.7.1 The Cubic B-Spline Curve 575
11.7.2 B-Splines and Basis 578
11.7.3 Spline Surfaces 579
11.8 General B-Splines 580
11.8.1 Recursively Defined B-Splines 581
11.8.2 Uniform Splines 582
11.8.3 Nonuniform B-Splines 582
11.8.4 NURBS 583
11.8.5 Catmull-Rom Splines 584
11.9 Rendering Curves and Surfaces 585
11.9.1 Polynomial Evaluation Methods 586
11.9.2 Recursive Subdivision of Be´zier Polynomials 587
11.9.3 Rendering Other Polynomial Curves by Subdivision 590
11.9.4 Subdivision of Be´zier Surfaces 591
11.10 The Utah Teapot 592
11.11 Algebraic Surfaces 595
11.11.1 Quadrics 595
11.11.2 Rendering of Surfaces by Ray Casting 596
11.12 Subdivision Curves and Surfaces 597
11.12.1 Mesh Subdivision 598
11.13 Mesh Generation from Data 601
11.13.1 Height Fields Revisited 601
11.13.2 Delaunay Triangulation 601
11.13.3 Point Clouds 605
11.14 Graphics API support for Curves and Surfaces 606
11.14.1 Tessellation Shading 606
11.14.2 Geometry Shading 607
Summary and Notes 607
Suggested Readings 608
Exercises 608
Chapter 12: Advanced Rendering 611
12.1 Going Beyond Pipeline Rendering 611
12.2 Ray Tracing 612
12.3 Building a Simple Ray Tracer 616
12.3.1 Recursive Ray Tracing 616
12.3.2 Calculating Intersections 618
12.3.3 Ray-Tracing Variations 620
12.4 The Rendering Equation 621
12.5 Radiosity 623
12.5.1 The Radiosity Equation 624
12.5.2 Solving the Radiosity Equation 625
12.5.3 Computing Form Factors 627
12.5.4 Carrying Out Radiosity 629
12.6 Global Illumination and Path Tracing 630
12.7 RenderMan 632
12.8 Parallel Rendering 633
12.8.1 Sort-Middle Rendering 635
12.8.2 Sort-Last Rendering 636
12.8.3 Sort-First Rendering 640
12.9 Hardware GPU Implementations 641
12.10 Implicit Functions and Contour Maps 642
12.10.1 Marching Squares 643
12.10.2 Marching Triangles 647
12.11 Volume Rendering 648
12.11.1 Volumetric Data Sets 648
12.11.2 Visualization of Implicit Functions 649
12.12 Isosurfaces and Marching Cubes 651
12.13 Marching Tetrahedra 654
12.14 Mesh Simplification 655
12.15 Direct Volume Rendering 655
12.15.1 Assignment of Color and Opacity 656
12.15.2 Splatting 657
12.15.3 Volume Ray Tracing 658
12.15.4 Texture Mapping of Volumes 659
12.16 Image-Based Rendering 660
12.16.1 A Simple Example 660
Summary and Notes 662
Suggested Readings 663
Exercises 664
Appendix 667
Appendix A: Initializing Shaders 667
A.1 Shaders in the HTML file 667
A.2 Reading Shaders from Source Files 670
Appendix B: Spaces 673
B.1 Scalars 673
B.2 Vector Spaces 674
B.3 Affine Spaces 676
B.4 Euclidean Spaces 677
B.5 Projections 678
B.6 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization 679
Suggested Readings 680
Exercises 680
Appendix C: Matrices 681
C.1 Definitions 681
C.2 Matrix Operations 682
C.3 Row and Column Matrices 683
C.4 Rank 684
C.5 Change of Representation 685
C.6 The Cross Product 687
C.7 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 687
C.8 Vector and Matrix Objects 689
Suggested Readings 689
Exercises 690
Appendix D: Sampling and Aliasing 691
D.1 Sampling Theory 691
D.2 Reconstruction 696
D.3 Quantization 698
References 699
WebGL Index 711
Subject Index 713