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Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications

Chris Fill | Sarah Turnbull


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Marketing Communications

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Half Title Page i
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Brief contents v
Contents vii
Preface xix
Acknowledgements xxix
Publisher’s acknowledgements xxxi
Part 1 Introduction to marketing communications 1
1 Introducing marketing communications 3
Aims and learning objectives 3
Case: Sensodyne Pronamel 4
Introduction 7
The concept of marketing as an exchange 8
Marketing communications and the process of exchange 9
The scope of marketing communications 10
The role of marketing communications 13
The tasks of marketing communications 16
Defining marketing communications 19
Environmental influences 22
Internal influences 22
Market influences 23
External influences 23
The marketing communications mix 25
Criteria when devising a mix 27
Control 28
Financial resources 29
Audience size and geographic dispersion 29
Media behaviour and preferences 29
Communications tasks 29
Communications differences 30
Message reception 30
Number of decision-makers 30
The balance of the communications mix 31
Specificity and integration 31
Variety of media 31
Content 31
Message origin 31
Length of purchase decision time 31
Negative communications 32
Target marketing and research 32
Measurement and evaluation 32
Marketing communications goals 32
Key points 33
Review questions 34
References 35
2 Communications: forms and conversations 37
Aims and learning objectives 37
Case: British Heart Foundation: Vinnie – stayin’ alive! 38
An introduction to the process of communications 40
A linear model of communications 41
Source/encoding 42
Signal 42
Decoding/receiver 44
Feedback/response 44
Noise 45
Realms of understanding 45
Factors that influence the communications process 46
The influence of the media 46
The influence of people 47
The influencer model of communications 47
Interactional model of communications 48
Word-of-mouth communications 50
Definition and motives 51
Opinion leaders 54
Opinion formers 55
Opinion followers 56
Developing brands with word-of-mouth communications 56
Amplification 60
Relational approaches to communications 60
Network approaches to communications 62
Process of adoption 62
Process of diffusion 65
Key points 66
Review questions 67
References 68
3 Audience insight: information processing and behaviour 71
Aims and learning objectives 71
Case: The intellectual Alibi – or how the Dacia challenged conventional perceptions of value 72
Introduction 74
Information processing 77
Perception 77
Marketing and perception 80
Learning 83
Attitudes 88
Decision-making 90
Consumer purchase decision-making process 90
Organisational decision-making process 91
Fear and perceived risk 94
Involvement theory 96
Impact on communications 99
Other approaches 101
Hedonic consumption 101
Tribal consumption 102
Behavioural economics 104
Key points 108
Review questions 109
References 110
4 How marketing communications might work 113
Aims and learning objectives 113
Case: McCain – Ready Baked Jackets 114
Introduction 116
The strategic context 116
Engagement and the role of marketing communications 117
How does marketing communications work? 119
HMCW Interpretation 1: Sequential models 120
HMCW Interpretation 2: Changing attitudes 122
HMCW Interpretation 3: Shaping relationships 125
HMCW Interpretation 4: Developing significant value 133
HMCW Interpretation 5: Cognitive processing 137
Conclusion 140
Key points 141
Review questions 142
References 143
Part 2 Managing marketing communications 147
5 Marketing communications: strategy and planning 149
Aims and learning objectives 149
Case: The London Olympics – a strategic success 150
Introduction 152
Marketing communications strategies 153
MC strategy interpretation 1: Positioning strategies 154
MC strategy interpretation 2: Audience strategies 159
MC strategy interpretation 3: Platform strategies 164
MC strategy interpretation 4: Configuration strategies 166
Planning marketing communications 168
The marketing communications planning framework 169
Elements of the plan 172
Context analysis 172
Communications objectives 173
Marketing communications strategy 174
Coordinated communications mix 174
Resources 175
Scheduling and implementation 175
Evaluation and control 175
Feedback 175
Links and essential points 176
Key points 177
Review questions 178
References 178
6 Marketing communications: objectives and positioning 180
Aims and learning objectives 180
Case: Petplan 181
Introduction 184
The role of objectives in corporate strategy 185
The role of brand communications objectives and plans 186
The sales school 188
The communications school 189
Derivation of campaign objectives 194
Setting realistic marketing communications objectives 195
Business objectives 196
Behavioural objectives 196
Intermediate objectives 197
SMART objectives 197
Positioning 198
The positioning concept 199
Managing positions 201
Perceptual mapping 201
Positioning strategies 203
Product features 203
Price/quality 203
Use 204
Product class dissociation 204
User 204
Competitor 205
Benefit 205
Heritage or cultural symbol 205
Repositioning 205
Key points 207
Review questions 209
References 209
7 The communications industry: structure, operations and finance 211
Aims and learning objectives 211
Case: The Kasiisi Project 212
Introduction 214
Dimensions of the UK marketing communications industry 216
Structure and development of the UK marketing communications industry 218
Agency types and structures 220
Full-service or integrated agencies 221
Creative agencies 221
Media agencies 221
Digital agencies 222
Search agencies 222
Social media agencies 222
Direct marketing agencies 222
Branded content agencies 222
Experiential marketing agencies 223
Healthcare agencies 223
Outdoor agencies/out-of-home 223
Other communications agencies 223
Selecting an agency 225
Agency operations 227
Relationships 231
Client/agency relationships 231
Agency remuneration 232
Budgeting for communications 234
Trends in communications expenditure 237
The role of the communications budget 238
Benefits of budgeting 238
Difficulties associated with budgeting for communications 239
Budgeting – techniques and approaches 239
Which methods are most used? 243
Budgeting for the other elements of the communications mix 245
Key points 247
Review questions 248
References 248
8 Evaluation and metrics 252
Aims and learning objectives 252
Case: Millward Brown – optimising a dramatic performance 253
Introduction 255
The role of evaluation in planned communications 256
Advertising 257
Pre-testing unfinished ads 257
Pre-testing finished ads 260
Physiological measures 263
Post-testing 264
Inquiry tests 265
Recall tests 265
Recognition tests 266
Sales tests 267
Other methods of evaluation 268
Tracking studies 268
Financial analysis 268
Likeability 269
Marketing mix modelling 269
Public relations 271
Corporate image 274
Recruitment 274
Crisis management 275
Measuring the fulfilment of brand promises 276
Online communications 277
Mobile 279
Social media 279
Key points 282
Review questions 283
References 284
9 Branding and marketing communications 287
Aims and learning objectives 287
Case: Branding at the Colruyt Group 288
Introduction 290
Brand characteristics 292
The task of marketing communications in branding 295
Associations and personalities 295
Brand ambassadors 298
Delivering the brand associations 300
Brand delivery: above-the-line communications 301
Brand delivery: through-the-line communications 302
Brand delivery: below-the-line communications 302
Brand delivery: on-the-line communications 303
Brand delivery: around-the-line communications 303
Building brands with marketing communications 305
Business-to-business branding 306
Branding in an interactive environment 308
Employee branding 311
External communications 311
Internal communications 312
Intellectual and emotional aspects 314
Brand equity 315
Key points 318
Review questions 318
References 319
10 Integrated marketing communications 323
Aims and learning objectives 323
Case: Oreo cookies 324
Introduction 326
The development of IMC 326
Reasons for the developing interest in IMC 328
What is to be integrated? 331
Communications tools 331
Messages 332
Marketing mix 332
Branding 332
Strategy 333
Employees 333
Technology 333
Agencies 334
Definitions of IMC 336
Interpretations of IMC 338
Interpretation 1: IMC as harmonisation 338
Interpretation 2: IMC as a plan 339
Interpretation 3: IMC as a perspective 341
Interpretation 4: IMC as a portfolio 343
Interpretation 5: Relational IMC 346
Structuring for IMC 348
Key points 350
Review questions 350
References 351
Part 3 The marketing communications mix 353
11 Advertising: role, forms and strategy 355
Aims and learning objectives 355
Case: IWM London – ‘Flight of the Stories’ 356
Introduction 358
The role of advertising 358
Defining advertising 362
Selling propositions 363
The use of emotion in advertising 364
Types of advertising 367
Advertising models and concepts 370
The elaboration likelihood model 370
Eclectic models of advertising 373
The Strong and the Weak theories of advertising 375
Using advertising strategically 377
The FCB matrix 377
The Rossiter–Percy grid 379
Consumer-generated advertising 381
Key points 383
Review questions 384
References 385
12 Public relations: principles and practice 388
Aims and learning objectives 388
Case: ‘Pestaurant’ – the world’s first pop-up pest-only restaurant 389
Introduction 391
Which publics? 392
Characteristics of public relations 393
A framework of public relations 396
The press agentry/publicity model 397
The public information model 397
The two-way asymmetric model 397
The two-way symmetric model 397
Public relations and relationship management 398
Objectives of public relations 399
Cause-related marketing 399
Public relations: methods and techniques 402
Media relations 402
Press releases 403
Press conferences 404
Interviews 404
Publicity and events 404
Media catching 404
Media and public relations 406
Forms of public relations 406
Lobbying 406
Investor relations 407
Corporate advertising 409
Crisis communications 410
Key points 417
Review questions 418
References 418
13 Sponsorship 422
Aims and learning objectives 422
Case: Emirates Lions 423
Introduction 424
The growth and development of sponsorship 428
Sponsorship objectives 429
How sponsorship might work 430
Theoretical aspects of sponsorship 431
Types of sponsorship 433
Sports sponsorship 433
Broadcast sponsorship 435
Arts sponsorship 436
Other forms of sponsorship 438
The role of sponsorship in the communications mix 443
Key points 445
Review questions 446
References 447
14 Direct marketing and personal selling 450
Aims and objectives 450
Case: Everest – growing the number of appointments through marginal gain 451
Introduction 453
The role of direct marketing 454
Types of direct brand 455
Type 1: complementary tool 456
Type 2: primary differentiator 456
Type 3: sales channel 456
Type 4: brand vehicle 456
The growth of direct marketing 456
Growth driver 1: technology 456
Growth driver 2: changing market context 457
Growth driver 3: changing organisational expectations 458
The role of data 458
Permission marketing 459
Direct-response media 460
Direct mail 460
Telemarketing 462
Carelines 464
Inserts 464
Print 465
Door-to-door 466
Radio and television 466
Interactive media 467
Personal Selling 467
The tasks of personal selling 467
The role of personal selling 469
When personal selling should be a major part of the communications mix 471
Complexity 472
Buyer significance 472
Communications effectiveness 472
Channel network factors 473
The role of social media in personal selling 473
Strategic account management 476
Key account management 476
Global account management 480
Key points 481
Review questions 482
References 483
15 Sales promotion, field marketing and brand experience 485
Aims and learning objectives 485
Case: Lucozade Sport Conditions Zone 486
Introduction 488
Understanding the value of sales promotions 488
The role of sales promotion 492
Short termism 492
Managerial accountability 492
Brand performance 492
Brand expansion 493
Competition for shelf space 493
Sales promotion plans: the objectives 494
An overview of how sales promotions work 495
Retention programmes 499
Sales promotions: methods and techniques 503
Field marketing 507
Range of FM activities 507
Brand experience and events 510
Key points 513
Review questions 514
References 514
16 Brand placement, exhibitions, packaging and licensing 517
Aims and learning objectives 517
Case: Beyoncé – how brand licensing influences popular music acts 518
Introduction 521
Brand placement 522
Characteristics of brand placement 523
Placement issues 525
Trade shows and exhibitions 527
Reasons to use exhibitions 528
Characteristics of exhibitions and trade fairs 529
Exhibitions as a form of marketing communications 530
Multimedia and trade shows 531
Marketing management of exhibitions 532
Hospitality and Events 532
Packaging 534
The communications dimensions of packaging 535
Licensing 538
Key points 541
Review questions 542
References 543
17 Messages and creativity 546
Aims and learning objectives 546
Case: John Lewis – ‘Monty’s Christmas’ 547
Introduction 549
Message source 550
Establishing credibility 550
Credibility established by the initiator 551
Credibility established by a spokesperson 552
Sleeper effects 554
Structural elements in a message 554
Message balance 554
Conclusion drawing 555
One-and two-sided messages 556
Order of presentation 556
Message appeals 556
Information-based appeals 557
Emotions- and feelings-based appeals 559
Copycat messaging 565
Advertising tactics 565
Informational motives 565
Transformational motives 565
Creativity 570
Creativity and attention 571
The importance of context 572
The creative process 572
The creative code 574
Message framing 574
Storytelling 576
User-generated content (UGC) 579
Sourcing content 580
Key points 581
Review questions 582
References 583
18 Media – principles and practice 587
Aims and learning objectives 587
Case: Foster’s – ‘Good Call’ 588
Introduction 590
Media classification – by form 591
Media classification – by source 591
Media classification – by function 593
Linear media 594
Print media 594
Broadcast media 597
Outdoor media 598
In-store media 601
Cinema 602
Ambient media 602
Guerrilla tactics 603
Interactive media 603
So, what are interactive media? 603
Core technologies 604
Characteristics of interactive media 604
Multichannel campaigns 611
Retailing in a multichannel environment 612
What interactive media enable users to do 614
Direct-response media 615
Key differences between linear and interactive media 615
Key points 617
Review questions 617
References 618
19 Social, search and other interactive media 621
Aims and learning objectives 621
Case: Greater Manchester Police 622
Introduction 624
Interactive media advertising 625
Banner ads 626
Behavioural targeting 627
Native advertising 628
Pop-ups 628
Microsites 629
Rich-media ads 629
Online video 629
Online gaming 629
Search engine marketing 631
Search engine optimisation 631
Pay-per-click searches 634
Social media 634
Social networks 639
Web logs 640
Microblogging 642
Viral marketing 644
Podcasting 646
Online communities 646
Other forms of interactive media 649
Email marketing 649
Short message service (SMS) 650
Apps 651
Affiliate marketing 651
Augmented reality 652
Key points 653
Review questions 654
References 654
20 Media planning: reaching audiences 658
Aims and learning objectives 658
Case: Kärcher: Window Vac 659
Introduction 661
Clutter 662
Media planning and the media mix 662
Media switching behaviour 666
Influential factors for media selection 668
Switching behaviour 668
Vehicle selection 669
Media planning concepts 670
Reach and coverage 670
Frequency 671
Gross rating point 671
Effective frequency 673
Recency planning 675
Media usage and attitudes 676
Efficiency 677
Media buying: the block plan and automation 679
The block plan 679
Automation – programmatic 680
The cross-media mix 682
Media source effects 684
Scheduling 684
Timing of placements 684
Key points 685
Review questions 687
References 688
Author index 691
Subject index 703