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Practical Cytopathology:  A Diagnostic Approach E-Book

Practical Cytopathology: A Diagnostic Approach E-Book

Andrew S Field | Matthew A. Zarka


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Book Details


Employing a systematic pattern recognition approach, Practical Cytopathology: A Diagnostic Approach equips you to achieve a more accurate diagnosis of aspirated and exfolliative tissue samples from all available body organs and sites. Part of the popular Pattern Recognition Series, this volume is designed to successfully guide you from identification of the dominant cytopathologic pattern, through the appropriate work-up, around the pitfalls, to the best diagnosis.

  • A practical, pattern-based organization helps you to efficiently and confidently formulate accurate diagnoses at the microscope.
  • A unique Visual Index at the beginning of the book allows you to compare specimens to commonly seen patterns, categorize them accordingly, and turn directly to in-depth diagnostic guidance.
  • Lavishly illustrated with more than 1200 high-quality, full-color images that depict the full range of common and rare conditions.
  • Ideal for both general surgical pathologists and cytopathologists, no other single source delivers such highly practical, hands-on information needed to solve even the toughest diagnostic challenges in aspiration and exfolliative cytology.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Practical Cytopathology: A Diagnostic Approach\rto Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy i
Series page ii
Practical Cytopathology: A Diagnostic Approach to Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy iii
Copyright iv
Contributors v
Series Preface vii
Preface ix
Contents xi
1 - Introduction to the Practical Algorithmic Pattern Recognition Approach to Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy 1
FNAB Pattern Recognition 1
Deconstructive Cytology 2
FNAB Interpretation Is Similar to Bird Identification 2
Importance of Optimal FNAB Technique and Smear Preparation 2
Example of the Algorithmic Pattern-Based Approach to FNAB 2
How to Use This Book 3
Review of the Algorithmic Pattern Recognition Approach 3
2 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Salivary Gland: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 5
FNAB Smear Patterns 5
1. Mixed Inflammatory Pattern (Plate 2-1) 5
2. Lymphocyte-Only Pattern (Plate 2-2) 5
3. Epithelial Proliferations and Neoplasms Without Myoepithelial Stromal Component (Plate 2-3) 18
4. Epithelial Neoplasms With Abundant Myoepithelial Stromal Component (Plate 2-4) 18
5. Epithelial Neoplasms With Scant Myoepithelial Stromal Component (Plate 2-5) 18
6. Epithelial Proliferations and Neoplasms Associated With a Lymphoid Background (Plate 2-6)\r 18
I. Non-Neoplastic Entities 18
Normal Salivary Gland 18
Acute Sialadenitis 18
Clinical Features 18
3 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Lymph Nodes: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 53
Smear Patterns: Specific Lesions and Their Cytopathological Criteria 53
1. Dispersed Hypercellular Pattern (Plates 3-1A-C) 53
2. Dispersed Hypocellular Pattern (Plates 3-2A-C) 66
3. Hypercellular Mixed Dispersed and Tissue Fragment Pattern (Plates 3-3A-C) 66
4. Hypocellular Mixed Dispersed and Tissue Fragment Pattern (Plates 3-4A-C) 66
5. Predominantly Tissue Fragmented Pattern (Plates 3-5A-C) 66
6. Spindle Cell Pattern (Plates 3-6A-B) 66
Reactive, Nonspecific Lymphoid Hyperplasia 66
Clinical Features 66
Cytopathology 66
Differential Diagnosis 67
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 67
Castleman Disease 68
Clinical Features 68
Cytopathology 68
Differential Diagnosis 69
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 69
Toxoplasmic Lymphadenitis 69
Clinical Features 69
Cytopathology 69
4 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Thyroid: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 91
Thyroid FNAB Accuracy 91
Thyroid FNAB Technique 91
Thyroid FNAB: Criteria for Adequate Smear 92
Thyroid FNAB Request Form 92
Thyroid FNAB Diagnostic Terminologies 93
Ancillary Studies of Thyroid FNAB 93
I. Protein-Based Analysis (Immunohistochemistry) 94
II. Mutation Analysis 94
III. Gene Expression Analysis 94
IV. miRNA Analysis 94
V. Targeted next-generation sequencing panel (ThyroSeq) 94
Smear Patterns: Specific Lesions and Their Cytopathological Criteria 95
Thyroid Fine Needle Biopsy: Normal Components 112
Cytopathology 112
Suppurative Thyroiditis 112
5 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Breast: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 147
Roles of FNAB and Core Biopsies 147
Role of FNAB in Young Women 148
Role of FNAB of Axillary Lymph Nodes in Women With Breast Lesions 148
Breast FNAB Report 148
Adequacy in FNAB of Breast 149
Techniques and Stains 149
An Approach to Reporting FNAB Breast Slides 149
Step 1: Low-Power Assessment: Cellularity and Smear Pattern (x2 to x20) 150
1. Cellularity 150
2. Smear Patterns 150
Pattern 1. Predominantly Small Cohesive Epithelial Tissue Fragments with Myoepithelial Cells and Bare Bipolar Nuclei (Plate 5-1;... 151
Pattern 2. Proteinaceous Background (Plate 5-2; Figs. 5-11 to 5-13) 151
Pattern 4. Predominantly Large Epithelial Tissue Fragments, a Variable Number of Discohesive Smaller Epithelial Tissue Fragments... 176
Pattern 5. Predominantly Small Discohesive Epithelial Tissue Fragments With Plentiful Dispersed Cells (Plate 5-5; Figs. 5-18 to ... 176
Pattern 6. Dispersed Cells (Plate 5-6; Figs. 5-21 to 5-23) 176
Pattern 7. Prominent Necrosis (Plate 5-7; Fig. 5-24) 176
Pattern 8. Mucinous Background (Plate 5-8; Figs. 5-25 to 5-26) 176
Step 2: High-Power Assessment (×40) 176
Specific Lesions and Their Cytopathological Criteria 180
Cysts and Related Lesions 180
Clinical Features 180
Cytopathology 180
Granular Cell Tumor 184
Clinical Features 184
Cytopathology 185
Ancillary Diagnostic Tests 186
Fibrocystic Change 186
Clinical Features 186
Cytopathology 186
Differential Diagnosis 186
Epithelial Hyperplasia 187
Clinical Features 187
Cytopathology 187
Differential Diagnosis 188
Radial Scars/Complex Sclerosing Lesions 191
Clinical Features 191
Cytopathology 191
Differential Diagnosis 191
Fibroadenoma 192
Clinical Features 192
Cytopathology 192
Differential Diagnosis 194
Adenomyoepithelioma 195
Clinical Features 195
Cytopathology 195
6 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Liver: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 233
FNAB of Liver: Radiologist’s Perspective 233
Approach to FNAB Diagnosis 234
Pattern Recognition: Specific Lesions and Their Cytopathological Criteria 234
Pattern 1: Background Predominant (Plates 6-1A and B; Figs. 6-1 to 6-4) 235
Pattern 2: Mildly Cellular With Small Tissue Fragments (Plates 6-2A and B; Figs. 6-5 and 6-6) 235
Pattern 3: Moderately to Markedly Cellular With Tissue Fragments Ranging From Small to Large Without Dispersal (Plates 6-3A and ... 235
Pattern 4: Moderately to Markedly Cellular With Tissue Fragments Ranging From Small to Large and Dispersed Cells (Plates 6-4A an... 235
Pattern 5: Moderately to Markedly Cellular With Dispersed Cells (Plates 6-5A and B; Figs. 6-15 and 6-16) 235
Normal Liver 235
7 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Pancreas: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 277
Integrative Approach to Pancreatic FNAB 277
Indications for Pancreatic FNAB 277
Specimen Preparation 277
Cytologic Approach to Assessing Pancreatic FNAB 278
Low- to Intermediate-Power Assessment 278
High-Power Assessment 279
Patterns in Pancreatic FNAB Smears 281
1. Inflammatory Cells Predominating With or Without Epithelial Tissue Fragments (Plate 7-1) 281
2. Mucinous Background (Plate 7-2) 281
3. Dirty or Necrotic Background Predominating (Plate 7-3) 281
4. Predominantly Cohesive Epithelial or Ductal-Type Tissue Fragments (Plate 7-4) 281
5. Loosely Cohesive Tissue Fragments With Predominantly Dispersed Single Cells (Plate 7-5) 281
6. Epithelial Proliferations With Fibrovascular Stroma or Cores Within Epithelial Tissue Fragments (Plate 7-6) 281
7. Squamous Cells Predominating (Plate 7-7) 281
8. Stromal Fragments With or Without Epithelial Tissue Fragments (Plate 7-8) 281
Normal Pancreas 281
Contaminants From Percutaneous FNAB 298
Mesothelial Cells 298
Hepatocytes 298
Abscess 299
Clinical Features 299
8 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Lung and Mediastinum: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 329
Endobronchoscopic FNAB of Lung and Mediastinum 329
Rapid On-Site Evaluation 330
Adequacy and Reporting 330
Ancillary Techniques 330
Molecular Pathology of Lung Carcinomas 331
Diagnostic Patterns in FNAB of Lung and Mediastinum 332
Pattern 8-1: Inflammatory Cells Predominate 332
Pattern 8-2: Dispersed Lymphoid Cells 332
Pattern 8-3: Epithelial Tissue Fragments With or Without Glandular Differentiation and With a Variable Number of Dispersed Cells... 332
Pattern 8-4: Epithelial Tissue Fragments and Plentiful Dispersed Cells Showing Varying Degrees of Squamous Differentiation With ... 332
Pattern 8-5: Predominantly Dispersed Cells With Discohesive Epithelial Tissue Fragments With or Without Chromatin Smearing and K... 332
Pattern 8-6: Small Loosely Cohesive Epithelial Tissue Fragments and Dispersed Cells and Scattered Thin Capillary Networks 332
Pattern 8-7: Stromal and Epithelial Components 332
Pattern 8-8 Stromal Components Without Epithelium 332
Acute Pneumonia 332
Clinical 332
Cytopathology 333
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 351
Organizing Pneumonia 351
Clinical 351
Cytopathology 351
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 353
Granulomatous Lesions 353
Clinical 353
Cytopathology 353
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 358
Lymphomas and Leukemias 358
Clinical 358
Cytopathology 358
Differential Diagnosis 360
Carcinoma of the Lung 360
Adenocarcinoma of Lung 360
Clinical 360
Cytopathology 361
Differential Diagnosis 361
Diagnostic Ancillary Studies 366
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 367
Clinical 367
Cytopathology 367
Differential Diagnosis 369
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 370
Large Cell “Undifferentiated” Carcinoma 370
Clinical 370
Cytopathology 370
Differential Diagnosis 370
Ancillary Diagnostic Studies 371
Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma 372
Clinical 372
Cytopathology 372
Differential Diagnosis 372
Diagnostic Ancillary Studies 373
Carcinoid Tumors 374
Clinical 374
Cytopathology 374
Differential Diagnosis 376
Diagnostic Ancillary Studies 377
Pulmonary Hamartomas 377
Clinical 377
Cytopathology 377
Differential Diagnosis 378
9 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Kidney: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 389
Indications 389
Adequacy 390
Role of Immunohistochemistry 391
Patterns in FNAB of Kidney: Specific Lesions and Their Cytopathological Criteria 392
Pattern 1: Mixed Small Tissue Fragments in Clean Background With or Without Glomeruli 392
Pattern 2: Cystic Proteinaceous Background With Variable Number of Macrophages 392
Pattern 3: Predominantly Dispersed Inflammatory Cells 392
Pattern 5: Loosely Cohesive Papillary Tissue Fragments and Dispersed Cells With or Without a Hemorrhagic and/or Necrotic Backgro... 392
Pattern 6: Loosely Cohesive Tissue Fragments With Dispersed Atypical Cells, With or Without Necrosis and Hemorrhage 392
Pattern 7: Dispersed Atypical Small Round Cells With Variable Mix of Discohesive Tissue Fragments of Epithelial or Spindle Cells... 392
Pattern 8: Mixed Cohesive Tissue Fragments of Spindle Cells and Vessels, With Fatty Globules and Spindle Cells in Bloody Backgro... 392
Kidney: Normal Components 392
Cytopathology 392
Metanephric (Embryonal) Adenoma 410
10 - Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Soft Tissue: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 441
Smear Patterns 441
1. Well-Differentiated Fat Tissue Fragments With or WIthout Spindle Cell Component 454
Lipoma 454
11 - Intraoperative Cytology of Central Nervous System Lesions: A Diagnostic Approach Based on Pattern Recognition 483
Definition of “Practical Pattern Recognition−Based Approach” to Intraoperative Central Nervous System Cytology 483
Method of Central Nervous System Squash Preparation 484
Advantages and Limitations of Cytologic Smear Preparation 484
Cytologic Smears: Advantages 484
Cytologic Smears: Limitations 484
Normal Central Nervous System Constituents and Associated Pathologic Reactions 484
Neurons 484
Pathologic Reactions 484
Astrocytes 484
Index 535
A 535
B 536
C 536
D 538
E 538
F 539
G 540
H 540
I 541
J 541
K 541
L 541
M 542
N 543
O 544
P 544
R 545
S 546
T 547
U 547
V 547
W 547
X 548
Z 548