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Martin Braddock


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Book Details


Nanomedicines and nanopharmacology is a rapidly developing and evolving field with new techniques and applications under constant development. This book will provide an overview of the chemistry of nanocarrier design and the considerations that need to be made when developing a nanomedicine. Providing an understanding of the relationship of nanocarrier, drug and targetting moieties and physico-chemical properties, this title will provide an accurate and current representation of the field by addressing the promises, prospects and pitfalls of nanomedicine. Covering a wide range of areas in detail, this book will provide an excellent companion for medicinal chemists, pharmacologists and biochemists working in industry or academia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents ix
Preface vii
References viii
Chapter 1 Design Considerations for Properties of Nanocarriers on Disposition and Efficiency of Drug and Gene Delivery 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Types of Nanocarriers/Nanoparticles 2
1.2.1 Viral Nanoparticles (VNPs) 2
1.2.2 Micelles and Liposomes 2
1.2.3 Polymeric Nanoparticles 4
1.2.4 Dendritic Nanoparticles 5
1.2.5 Peptidic Nanoparticles 6
1.2.6 Nanocrystals and Nanosuspensions 7
1.2.7 Metallic Nanoparticles 7
1.2.8 Silica Nanoparticles 8
1.2.9 Carbon-based Nanoparticles 8
1.3 Physicochemical Factors that Affect Nanoparticle Efficiency 8
1.3.1 Size 10
1.3.2 Shape 11
1.3.3 Surface Charge 11
1.3.4 Ligands 12
1.4 Conclusions 13
References 14
Chapter 2 Targeting Cyclins and Cyclin-dependent Kinases Involved in Cell Cycle Regulation by RNAi as a Potential Cancer Therapy 23
2.1 Introduction 23
2.2 The Cell Cycle 24
2.2.1 An Overview 24
2.2.2 Restriction Points and Checkpoints 26
2.2.3 Regulation of Cell Cycle 27
2.3 Deregulation of the Cell Cycle in Cancer 28
2.3.1 Conventional Drug Therapy Against Cyclins and CDK Inhibitors 29
2.4 RNA Interference 29
2.4.1 Mechanism of Action 29
2.4.2 RNAi and Cell Cycle Proteins 30
2.4.3 Overcoming RNAi Intended for Cell Cycle Regulation 36
2.5 Concluding Remarks 38
Acknowledgments 39
References 39
Chapter 3 Nanoparticle Carriers to Overcome Biological Barriers to siRNA Delivery 46
3.1 Introduction 46
3.1.1 In Vitro siRNA Delivery 48
3.1.2 In Vivo siRNA Delivery 66
3.2 Extracellular Barriers 66
3.2.1 Surviving Degradation in the Systemic Circulation 68
3.2.2 Escaping the Immune System 69
3.2.3 Exiting the Systemic Circulation at the Site of Action 70
3.2.4 Extracellular Matrix 73
3.3 Cellular Barriers 74
3.3.1 Binding to the Cell Membrane 74
3.3.2 Entering the Cell 77
3.3.3 Permeating the Lipid Bilayer of Endosomes 78
3.3.4 Intra-cytoplasmic Trafficking 79
3.4 siRNA Delivery Systems 80
3.4.1 Lipid-based Delivery Systems 81
3.4.2 Polymer-based Delivery Systems 82
3.4.3 Peptides 84
3.4.4 Recent Accomplishments in siRNA Delivery 85
References 90
Chapter 4 Magnetic Targeting as a Vehicle for the Delivery of Nanomedicines 106
4.1 Introduction 106
4.2 External Magnetic Device 107
4.3 Labeling Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Supraparamagnetic Iron Oxide 107
4.3.1 Cell Proliferation 109
4.3.2 Multipotential Differentiation Capacity 110
4.4 Adhesion of m-MSCs to the Tissue Injured Site 112
4.4.1 Cell Adhesion Rate in Ex vivo Studies 112
4.4.2 Cell Distribution (Bioluminescence Imaging) 112
4.5 Animal Studies 114
4.5.1 Cartilage Regeneration 114
4.5.2 Bone Regeneration 115
4.5.3 Muscle Regeneration 116
4.6 Conclusion 118
Acknowledgments 118
References 118
Chapter 5 The Development of Theranostics - Imaging Considerations and Targeted Drug Delivery 120
5.1 Introduction 120
5.2 Theranostic Carrier Materials 124
5.2.1 Polymeric Nanoparticles 124
5.2.2 Liposomes 129
5.2.3 Antibodies 129
5.2.4 Metal Nanoparticles 130
5.2.5 Nanocarbons 131
5.2.6 Microbubbles 132
5.3 Theranostics and Imaging 133
5.3.1 Nuclear Imaging 133
5.3.2 Computed Tomography 134
5.3.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 136
5.3.4 Ultrasound 139
5.3.5 Optical Imaging 141
5.4 Conclusions 146
References 147
Chapter 6 The Role of Imaging in Nanomedicine Development and Clinical Translation 151
6.1 Introduction 151
6.2 Imaging for In vivo Evaluation of the Spatio-temporal Distribution Characteristics of Nanomedicines 152
6.2.1 Rationale for Spatio-temporal Biodistribution Assessment 152
6.2.2 Imaging as a Non-invasive Method for Nanoparticle Biodistribution Assessment 153
6.3 Use of Imaging to Understand and Optimize Nanomedicine Performance 157
6.3.1 Investigation of Size-dependence and Lesion Targeting Ability 157
6.3.2 Investigation of the Effectiveness of Active Versus Passive Targeting 163
6.3.3 Stroma Modification to Enhance Nanomedicine Delivery and Efficacy 170
6.3.4 Assessment of the Performance of Activatable Nanomedicines 171
6.4 Clinical Experience and Future Considerations 175
References 178
Chapter 7 Anticancer Agent-Incorporating Polymeric Micelles: from Bench to Bedside 182
7.1 Introduction 182
7.2 Anticancer Agents Incorporating Micelles under Clinical Evaluation 184
7.2.1 NK105, a Paclitaxel-incorporating Micelle 184
7.2.2 NC-6004, Cisplatin-incorporating Micelle 187
7.2.3 NC-6300, Epirubicin-incorporating Micelle 189
7.3 Verification of the EPR Effect using Imaging Mass Spectrometry 193
7.4 Discussion and Conclusion 194
References 195
Chapter 8 Polymeric Nanoparticles and Cancer: Lessons Learnt from CRLX101 199
8.1 Introduction 199
8.2 Topoisomerase 1 Inhibitors 200
8.2.1 Carbohydrate-based Polymeric Nanoparticles 203
8.2.2 Polyamine Polymeric Nanoparticles 204
8.2.3 HPMA Copolymeric Nanoparticles 205
8.2.4 PEG Polymeric Nanoparticles 206
8.2.5 Amphiphilic Polymeric Nanoparticles 209
8.2.6 Bioconjugates 210
8.2.7 Non-polymeric Nanoparticles 211
8.3 Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 Inhibitors 211
8.3.1 2ME2 211
8.3.2 Camptothecins 212
8.3.3 siRNA Technologies 213
8.3.4 Endogenous HIF-1α Inhibitors\r 213
8.3.5 Other HIF-1α Inhibitors\r 213
8.4 Cancer Stem Cells 214
8.5 Combination Therapy 215
8.6 CRLX101 216
8.6.1 CRLX101 Chemistry 217
8.6.2 CRLX101 Preclinical Results 217
8.6.3 CRLX101 Clinical Results 220
8.7 Conclusion 221
References 224
Chapter 9 Nanodelivery Strategies in Breast Cancer Chemotherapy 233
9.1 Introduction 233
9.2 Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery to Solid Tumors 234
9.2.1 Liposomal Nanoparticles 235
9.3 Doxil®–The First FDA-approved Nano-drug 236
9.4 Taxane-based Nanodelivery (Abraxane® and Genexol-PM®) 238
9.5 CrEL-free Formulations of PTX 240
9.6 Albumin-bound PTX (nab-PTX/Abraxane®) 240
9.6.1 Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Abraxane® 242
9.7 Polymeric Paclitaxel Micelles (Genexol-PM®) 244
9.7.1 Clinical Studies of Genexol-PM® 246
9.7.2 Clinical Efficacy of Genexol-PM® 246
9.8 Conclusion 247
References 248
Chapter 10 Developing a Predictable Regulatory Path for Nanomedicines by Accurate and Objective Particle Measurement 253
10.1 Introduction 253
10.2 Regulation of Nanomedicines 254
10.2.1 The Need to Develop Regulatory Pathways for Nanomedicines 254
10.2.2 Current Status of Nanomedicine Regulation 256
10.3 Accurate and Objective Particle Measurement 259
10.3.1 Specific Challenges of Nanoscale Measurements 260
10.3.2 Important Parameters of Nanoscale Materials Used in Bioapplications 261
10.4 Current Techniques for Characterising Nanomaterials 265
10.4.1 Ensemble Measurement Techniques 267
10.4.2 Single-particle Techniques 268
10.4.3 TRPS for Accurate Particle-by-particle Measurement 271
10.5 Conclusions and Outlook 276
References 276
Chapter 11 Nanomedicine: Promises and Challenges 281
11.1 The Evolution of Nanomedicine 281
11.2 Unique Capabilities of Nanomaterials: The Promise of Nanomedicine 282
11.3 Conceptual Issues in Nanomedicine 283
11.4 Challenges to the Implementation of Nanomedicine 285
11.5 Conclusion 286
References 287
Chapter 12 The Challenge of Regulating Nanomedicine: Key Issues 290
12.1 Introduction 290
12.2 Defining ‘‘Nano\": A Problem for Regulators? 291
12.3 Lessons Learned from Doxil®: The First FDA-approved Nanodrug 295
12.4 Baby Steps Lead to Regulatory Uncertainty: The FDA as an Example 298
12.5 Importance of Understanding Pharmacokinetics and Distribution in Development and Regulatory Submission 306
12.6 Conclusions 310
References 312
Chapter 13 Doxil® - the First FDA-approved Nano-drug: from Basics via CMC, Cell Culture and Animal Studies to Clinical Use 315
13.1 Introduction 315
13.2 Introducing Doxil® 316
13.3 Doxil®: Historical Perspective in Short 324
13.4 Clinical Indications for Doxil® 326
13.5 Doxil®-related Intellectual Property 327
13.6 From the Failure of DOX-OLV to the Success of Doxil® 327
13.7 The Obligatory Need for Animal Studies and the Issue of the Relevance of Studies Using Cells in Culture (in vitro) to Doxil® Development 330
13.7.1 The Issue of Animal Studies 330
13.7.2 In vitro-In vivo Correlation 331
13.7.3 Studies Based on Cells in Culture 332
13.7.4 Lessons Learned from In vitro Cell Culture Studies during Doxil® Development 333
13.8 The Time is Ripe for Generic Doxil®-like PLDs 335
13.9 Doxil®: New Findings (2012-2015) 336
13.10 Doxil® Still Keeps Some Secrets 341
Special Acknowledgements 341
References 342
Subject Index 346