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Fluid Mechanics in SI Units

Fluid Mechanics in SI Units

Russell C. Hibbeler


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Book Details


For Fluid Mechanics courses found in Civil and Environmental, General Engineering, and Engineering Technology and Industrial Management departments.

Fluid Mechanics
provides a comprehensive and well-illustrated introduction to the theory and application of Fluid Mechanics. The text presents a commitment to the development of student problem-solving skills and features many of the same pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts.

Teaching and Learning Experience

This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience

  • Individualized Coaching:
MasteringEngineering provides students with wrong-answer specific feedback and hints as they work through tutorial homework problems.

  • Problem Solving:
  • A large variety of problem types stress practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, with varying levels of difficulty.

  • Visualization:
  • The photos are designed to help students visualize difficult concepts.

  • Review and Student Support:
  • A thorough end-of-chapter review provides students with a concise reviewing tool.

  • Accuracy Checking:
  • The accuracy of the text and problem solutions has been thoroughly checked by other parties.

  • Alternative Coverage:
  • After covering the basic principles in Chapters 1-6, the remaining chapters may be presented in any sequence, without the loss of continuity.

    MasteringEngineering is not included.
    Students, if MasteringEngineering is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringEngineering is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    MasteringEngineering is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

    Table of Contents

    Section Title Page Action Price
    Cover Cover
    Inside Front Cover\r Cover2
    Fluid Mechanics I
    Copyright II
    Preface IV
    Contents XI
    Fundamental Concepts 3
    Chapter Objectives 3
    Introduction 3
    Characteristics of Matter 5
    The International System of Units 6
    Calculations 8
    Problem Solving 10
    Basic Fluid Properties 12
    Viscosity 17
    Viscosity Measurement 22
    Vapor Pressure 26
    Surface Tension and Capillarity 27
    Fluid Statics 45
    Chapter Objectives 45
    Pressure 45
    Absolute and Gage Pressure 48
    Static Pressure Variation 50
    Pressure Variation for Incompressible Fluids 51
    Pressure Variation for Compressible Fluids 53
    Measurement of Static Pressure 56
    Hydrostatic Force on a PlaneSurface—Formula Method 64
    Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface—Geometrical Method 70
    Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface—Integration Method 75
    Hydrostatic Force on an Inclined Plane or Curved Surface Determined by Projection 78
    Buoyancy 85
    Stability 88
    Constant Translational Acceleration of a Liquid 91
    Steady Rotation of a Liquid 96
    Kinematics of Fluid Motion 129
    Chapter Objectives 129
    Fluid Flow Descriptions 129
    Types of Fluid Flow 131
    Graphical Descriptions of Fluid Flow 134
    Fluid Acceleration 142
    Streamline Coordinates 149
    Conservation of Mass 165
    Chapter Objectives 165
    Finite Control Volumes 165
    The Reynolds Transport Theorem 168
    Volumetric Flow, Mass Flow, and Average Velocity 174
    Conservation of Mass 178
    Work and Energy of Moving Fluids 207
    Chapter Objectives 207
    Euler’s Equations of Motion 207
    The Bernoulli Equation 211
    Applications of the Bernoulli Equation 214
    Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines 226
    The Energy Equation 234
    Fluid Momentum 269
    Chapter Objectives 269
    The Linear Momentum Equation 269
    Applications to Bodies at Rest 271
    Applications to Bodies Having Constant Velocity 281
    The Angular Momentum Equation 286
    Propellers and Wind Turbines 294
    Applications for Control Volumes Having Accelerated Motion 299
    Turbojets and Turbofans 300
    Rockets 301
    Differential Fluid Flow 323
    Chapter Objectives 323
    Differential Analysis 323
    Kinematics of Differential Fluid Elements 324
    Circulation and Vorticity 328
    Conservation of Mass 332
    Equations of Motion for a Fluid Particle 334
    The Euler and Bernoulli Equations 336
    The Stream Function 340
    The Potential Function 345
    Basic Two-Dimensional Flows 349
    Superposition of Flows 360
    The Navier–Stokes Equations 370
    Computational Fluid Dynamics 374
    Dimensional Analysis and Similitude 393
    Chapter Objectives 393
    Dimensional Analysis 393
    Important Dimensionless Numbers 396
    The Buckingham Pi Theorem 399
    Some General Considerations Relatedto Dimensional Analysis 408
    Similitude 409
    Viscous Flow within Enclosed Surfaces 433
    Chapter Objectives 433
    Steady Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates 433
    Navier–Stokes Solution for Steady Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates 439
    Steady Laminar Flow within a Smooth Pipe 444
    Navier–Stokes Solution for Steady Laminar Flow within a Smooth Pipe 448
    The Reynolds Number 450
    Fully Developed Flow from an Entrance 455
    Laminar and Turbulent Shear Stress within a Smooth Pipe 457
    Turbulent Flow within a Smooth Pipe 460
    Analysis and Design for Pipe Flow 479
    Chapter Objectives 479
    Resistance to Flow in Rough Pipes 479
    Losses Occurring from Pipe Fittings and Transitions 490
    Single-Pipeline Flow 496
    Pipe Systems 502
    Flow Measurement 508
    Viscous Flow over External Surfaces 525
    Chapter Objectives 525
    The Concept of the Boundary Layer 525
    Laminar Boundary Layers 531
    The Momentum Integral Equation 540
    Turbulent Boundary Layers 544
    Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers 546
    Drag and Lift 552
    Pressure Gradient Effects 554
    The Drag Coefficient 558
    Drag Coefficients for Bodies Having Various Shapes 562
    Methods for Reducing Drag 569
    Lift and Drag on an Airfoil 572
    Open-Channel Flow 601
    Chapter Objectives 601
    Types of Flow in Open Channels 601
    Open-Channel Flow Classifications 603
    Specific Energy 604
    Open-Channel Flow over a Rise or Bump 612
    Open-Channel Flow under a Sluice Gate 616
    Steady Uniform Channel Flow 620
    Gradual Flow with Varying Depth 627
    The Hydraulic Jump 634
    Weirs 639
    Compressible Flow 657
    Chapter Objectives 657
    Thermodynamic Concepts 657
    Wave Propagation through a Compressible Fluid 666
    Types of Compressible Flow 669
    Stagnation Properties 673
    Isentropic Flow through a Variable Area 680
    Isentropic Flow through Converging and Diverging Nozzles 685
    The Effect of Friction on Compressible Flow 694
    The Effect of Heat Transfer on Compressible Flow 704
    Normal Shock Waves 710
    Shock Waves in Nozzles 713
    Oblique Shock Waves 718
    Compression and Expansion Waves 723
    Compressible Flow Measurement 728
    Turbomachines 747
    Chapter Objectives 747
    Types of Turbomachines 747
    Axial-Flow Pumps 748
    Radial-Flow Pumps 754
    Ideal Performance for Pumps 756
    Turbines 761
    Pump Performance 767
    Cavitation and the Net Positive Suction Head 770
    Pump Selection Related to the Flow System 772
    Turbomachine Similitude 774
    Appendix 790
    A. Physical Properties of Fluids 790
    B. Compressible Properties of a Gas(k = 1.4) 793
    Fundamental Solutions 803
    Answers to Selected Problems 818
    Index 831