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Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics in SI Units

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics in SI Units

Russell C. Hibbeler


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Book Details


For Dynamics Courses.


A Proven Approach to Conceptual Understanding and Problem-solving Skills

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics. Engineering Mechanics empowers students to succeed by drawing upon Prof. Hibbeler’s everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn. This text is shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds of reviewers in the teaching profession, as well as many of the author’s students.


The Fourteenth Edition includes new Preliminary Problems, which are intended to help students develop conceptual understanding and build problem-solving skills. The text features a large variety of problems from a broad range of engineering disciplines, stressing practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, and having varying levels of difficulty.


MasteringEngineering is not included. Students, if MasteringEngineering is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringEngineering is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.


MasteringEngineering is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Inside Front Cover\r Cover2
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics\r i
Copyright ii
Preface v
Contents xix
Kinematics of a Particle 3
Chapter Objectives 3
Introduction 3
Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion 5
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion 20
General Curvilinear Motion 34
Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components 36
Motion of a Projectile 41
Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components 56
Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components 71
Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles 85
Relative-Motion of Two Particles Using Translating Axes 91
Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration 113
Chapter Objectives 113
Newton’s Second Law of Motion 113
The Equation of Motion 116
Equation of Motion for a System of Particles 118
Equations of Motion: Rectangular Coordinates 120
Equations of Motion: Normal and Tangential Coordinates 138
Equations of Motion: Cylindrical Coordinates 152
Central-Force Motion and Space Mechanics 164
Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy 179
Chapter Objectives 179
The Work of a Force 179
Principle of Work and Energy 184
Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles 186
Power and Efficiency 204
Conservative Forces and Potential Energy 213
Conservation of Energy 217
Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse and Momentum 237
Chapter Objectives 237
Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum 237
Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particles 240
Conservation of Linear Momentum for a System of Particles 254
Impact 266
Angular Momentum 281
Relation Between Moment of a Force and Angular Momentum 281
Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum 284
Steady Flow of a Fluid Stream 295
Propulsion with Variable Mass 300
Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body 319
Chapter Objectives 319
Planar Rigid-Body Motion 319
Translation 321
Rotation about a Fixed Axis 322
Absolute Motion Analysis 338
Relative-Motion Analysis: Velocity 346
Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity 360
Relative-Motion Analysis: Acceleration 373
Relative-Motion Analysis Using Rotating Axes 389
Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration 409
Chapter Objectives 409
Mass Moment of Inertia 409
Planar Kinetic Equations of Motion 423
Equations of Motion: Translation 426
Equations of Motion: Rotation about a Fixed Axis 441
Equations of Motion: General Plane Motion 456
Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Work and Energy 473
Chapter Objectives 473
Kinetic Energy 473
The Work of a Force 476
The Work of a Couple Moment 478
Principle of Work and Energy 480
Conservation of Energy 496
Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Impulse and Momentum 517
Chapter Objectives 517
Linear and Angular Momentum 517
Principle of Impulse and Momentum 523
Conservation of Momentum 540
Eccentric Impact 544
Three-Dimensional Kinematics of a Rigid Body 561
Chapter Objectives 561
Rotation about a Fixed Point 561
The Time Derivative of a Vector Measured from Either a Fixed or Translating-Rotating System 564
General Motion 569
Relative-Motion Analysis Using Translating and Rotating Axes 578
Three-Dimensional Kinetics of a Rigid Body 591
Chapter Objectives 591
Moments and Products of Inertia 591
Angular Momentum 601
Kinetic Energy 604
Equations of Motion 612
Gyroscopic Motion 626
Torque-Free Motion 632
Vibrations 643
Chapter Objectives 643
Undamped Free Vibration 643
Energy Methods 657
Undamped Forced Vibration 663
Viscous Damped Free Vibration 667
Viscous Damped Forced Vibration 670
Electrical Circuit Analogs 673
Appendix 682
A. Mathematical Expressions 682
B. Vector Analysis 684
C. The Chain Rule 689
Fundamental Problems Partial Solutions and Answers 692
Preliminary Problems Dynamics Solutions 713
Review Problem Solutions 723
Answers to Selected Problems 733
Index 747