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The Customs and Traditions of Wales

The Customs and Traditions of Wales

Emma Lile | Trefor M. Owen


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Book Details


Trefor M. Owen’s seminal work educates, enlightens and entertains with a far-reaching yet accessible text, which paints a colourful and comprehensive portrait of a nation’s rich folk culture. The Customs and Traditions of Wales is an illuminating and engrossing insight into a subject that continues to unfold and develop in contemporary life. Despite an increasingly globalised society that has transformed local communities, folk customs are still practised and enjoyed the world over as people combine modern-day and historical rituals and embrace opportunities to learn about their past, and Owen’s influential study has maintained its relevance as customs change and evolve.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
List of Illustrations vii
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction to the new edition xi
Preface xxv
1. Working the Land 1
2. Customs of Hearth and Home 31
3. Community Traditions 63
4. Church Festivals and Practices 95
5. Changing Traditions 127
6. Studying Folk Customs 153
Selected Reading List by Chapterto the updated edition 163
Index 175
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