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Business Law

Business Law

Ewan MacIntyre


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Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or aim to be a CEO of a multinational company, MacIntyre’s Business Law is the foremost text for non-law students seeking an understanding of the legal principles that apply to business.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Brief contents v
Detailed contents vii
Preface xi
Table of cases xiii
Table of statutes xxx
Table of statutory instruments xliv
Table of European legislation xlviii
Study skills xlix
1 The legal system 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Features of the English legal system 1
1.2 Classification of English law 4
1.3 Sources of English law 8
1.4 European Union law 21
1.5 The European Convention on Human Rights 28
Key points 34
Summary questions 37
Multiple choice questions 37
Task 1 38
2 The courts and legal personnel 39
Introduction 39
2.1 The civil courts 39
2.2 The criminal courts 44
2.3 Procedure in the civil courts 48
2.4 Alternative dispute resolution 52
2.5 The legal profession 55
2.6 The judiciary 58
2.7 Juries 60
2.8 Law reform 61
2.9 Law reporting 61
Key points 62
Summary questions 63
Multiple choice questions 63
Task 2 64
3 Formation of contracts – offer and acceptance 65
Introduction 65
3.1 Offer 65
3.2 Acceptance 69
3.3 Certainty 74
3.4 Offer and acceptance when dealing with machines 77
3.5 Acceptance of an offer of a unilateral contract 78
3.6 Termination of offers 79
3.7 Battle of the forms 82
Key points 83
Summary questions 84
Multiple choice questions 85
Task 3 87
4 Other requirements of a contract – intention to create legal relations · consideration · formalities · capacity 88
Introduction 88
4.1 Intention to create legal relations 88
4.2 Consideration 92
4.3 Formalities 106
4.4 Capacity 107
Key points 109
Summary questions 110
Multiple choice questions 111
Task 4 113
5 Contractual terms 114
Introduction 114
5.1 Nature of contractual terms 114
5.2 Express terms distinguished from representations 114
5.3 Implied terms 119
5.4 Types of terms 123
5.5 Exclusion clauses 126
5.6 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 130
5.7 Part 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 134
Key points 137
Summary questions 138
Multiple choice questions 139
Task 5 140
6 Misrepresentation · mistake · duress and undue influence · illegality 141
Introduction 141
6.1 Misrepresentation 141
6.2 Mistake 152
6.3 Duress and undue influence 159
6.4 Illegal and void contracts 164
Key points 167
Summary questions 169
Multiple choice questions 170
Task 6 171
7 Discharge of liability · remedies for breach of contract 172
Introduction 172
7.1 Discharge of liability 172
7.2 Remedies for breach of contract 188
Key points 201
Summary questions 202
Multiple choice questions 203
Task 7 205
8 Terms implied by statute 206
Introduction 206
8.1 The Sale of Goods Act 1979 207
8.2 The terms implied into non-consumer contracts by the Sale of Goods Act 1979 209
8.3 Implied terms in non-consumer contracts other than sales of goods 224
8.4 The status of the statutory implied terms 228
8.5 Exclusion of the statutory implied terms 229
8.6 The terms implied by the Consumer Rights Act 2015 230
Key points 239
Summary questions 241
Multiple choice questions 243
Task 8 244
9 Sale of goods – the passing of ownership 245
Introduction 245
9.1 The passing of the property and the risk 245
9.2 Reservation of title clauses 256
9.3 Sale by a person who is not the owner 260
Key points 266
Summary questions 268
Multiple choice questions 269
Task 9 271
10 Sale of goods – duties of the parties · remedies · international sales 272
Introduction 272
10.1 Duties of the seller 272
10.2 Duties of the buyer 277
10.3 Remedies of the seller 278
10.4 Remedies of the buyer 281
10.5 Auction sales 286
10.6 International sales 287
Key points 292
Summary questions 293
Multiple choice questions 294
Task 10 295
11 Agency 296
Introduction 296
11.1 The concept of agency 296
11.2 Creation of agency 297
11.3 Liability on contracts made by agents 303
11.4 Duties of the agent 306
11.5 The rights of the agent 311
11.6 Termination of agency 312
Key points 316
Summary questions 317
Multiple choice questions 319
Task 11 320
12 The law of torts 1 322
Introduction 322
12.1 Nature of tortious liability 322
12.2 Negligence 323
12.3 Negligent misstatement 342
12.4 The Consumer Protection Act 1987 Part I 343
12.5 The Occupiers’ Liability Acts 1957 and 1984 346
12.6 Time limits 349
Key points 350
Summary questions 351
Multiple choice questions 352
Task 12 353
13 The law of torts 2 354
Introduction 354
13.1 Private nuisance 354
13.2 Public nuisance 357
13.3 Strict liability (the rule in Rylands v Fletcher) 358
13.4 Trespass to land 360
13.5 Trespass to the person 360
13.6 Trespass to goods 361
13.7 Defamation 362
13.8 Vicarious liability 365
13.9 The tort of breach of statutory duty 369
13.10 Economic torts 369
13.11 Passing-off 370
Key points 371
Summary questions 372
Multiple choice questions 373
Task 13 374
14 Credit transactions 375
Introduction 375
14.1 The Consumer Credit Acts 1974 and 2006 375
14.2 Types of credit transactions 402
14.3 Interest on trade debts 406
Key points 407
Summary questions 408
Multiple choice questions 409
Task 14 410
15 Partnership 411
Introduction 411
15.1 The nature of partnership 411
15.2 The definition of a partnership 412
15.3 Specific indications as to whether or not a partnership exists 415
15.4 The partnership agreement 417
15.5 Partners’ relationship with each other 424
15.6 Partnership property 425
15.7 Partners’ fiduciary duties to each other 426
15.8 Partners’ relationship with outsiders 429
15.9 Dissolution and winding up 436
15.10 Limited partners 440
Key points 441
Summary questions 442
Multiple choice questions 443
Task 15 444
16 The nature of a company and formation of a company 445
Introduction 445
16.1 The Companies Act 2006 445
16.2 The nature of a company 446
16.3 The corporate veil 451
16.4 Classification of companies 454
16.5 Formation of registered companies 459
16.6 The constitution of a company 462
16.7 Off-the-shelf companies 464
16.8 Contracts made before the company is formed 465
16.9 The company name 466
16.10 The Registrar of Companies 469
Key points 469
Summary questions 471
Multiple choice questions 471
Task 16 472
17 The management of a company 473
Introduction 473
17.1 Directors 473
17.2 The company secretary 493
17.3 The auditor 495
17.4 Company registers 500
17.5 The annual return 502
17.6 Accounts and accounting records 503
Key points 505
Summary questions 506
Multiple choice questions 507
Task 17 509
18 Shareholders · resolutions · maintenance of capital · minority protection · debentures 510
Introduction 510
18.1 Shareholders 510
18.2 The nature of shares 511
18.3 Becoming a shareholder of a company with a share capital 513
18.4 Company resolutions and meetings 516
18.5 The legal effect of the constitution 524
18.6 Maintenance of capital 526
18.7 Insider dealing 530
18.8 Protection of minority shareholders 531
18.9 Loan capital 540
Key points 544
Summary questions 546
Multiple choice questions 547
Task 18 548
19 Winding up of companies · limited liability partnerships · benefits of trading as a company, partnership or limited liability partnership 549
Introduction 549
19.1 Winding up of companies 549
19.2 Limited liability partnerships 561
19.3 Choice of legal status 568
Key points 573
Summary questions 575
Multiple choice questions 576
Task 19 578
20 Employment 1 – duties of employer and employee · dismissal · redundancy 579
Introduction 579
20.1 Employees contrasted with independent contractors 581
20.2 The terms of the contract of employment 584
20.3 Termination of employment 594
20.4 Unfair dismissal 598
20.5 Redundancy 612
Key points 616
Summary questions 618
Multiple choice questions 619
Task 20 620
21 Employment 2 – discrimination · health and safety · rights of employees 621
Introduction 621
21.1 Overview of the Equality Act 2010 622
21.2 The protected characteristics 622
21.3 Types of personal characteristic discrimination 624
21.4 Equality of terms 627
21.5 Public sector equality duty 632
21.6 Positive action 632
21.7 Discrimination against persons with criminal records 633
21.8 Discrimination against part-time workers 633
21.9 Discrimination against fixed-term workers 635
21.10 The Agency Workers Regulations 2010 635
21.11 Health and safety 636
21.12 Maternity and paternity rights 641
21.13 Adoption leave and pay 644
21.14 Flexible working for parents and carers 644
21.15 The national minimum wage 645
21.16 The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) 646
21.17 The Working Time Regulations 1998 646
21.18 Authorised deductions from wages 648
21.19 Time off work 650
21.20 Procedure for bringing a claim before an employment tribunal 651
Key points 652
Summary questions 654
Multiple choice questions 655
Task 21 657
22 Regulation of business by the imposition of criminal liability 658
Introduction 658
22.1 The nature of a crime 658
22.2 The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 660
22.3 The Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008 669
22.4 Product safety 671
22.5 The Computer Misuse Act 1990 672
22.6 Enforcement of consumer law 674
22.7 Competition law 675
22.8 The Bribery Act 2010 679
Key points 681
Summary questions 682
Multiple choice questions 683
Task 22 684
23 Business property 685
Introduction 685
23.1 Legal concepts of property 685
23.2 Copyright 687
23.3 Patents 693
23.4 Trade marks 696
23.5 The Data Protection Act 1998 698
Key points 702
Summary questions 703
Multiple choice questions 704
Task 23 704
Appendix: Answers to Test your understanding questions 705
Bibliography 731
Index 733
A 733
B 733
C 734
D 736
E 738
F 739
G 739
H 739
I 739
J 740
L 740
M 741
N 741
O 742
P 742
Q 743
R 743
S 744
T 745
U 745
V 746
W 746