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Perioperative Nursing - EBook-epub

Perioperative Nursing - EBook-epub

Lois Hamlin | Menna Davies | Marilyn Richardson-Tench | Sally Sutherland-Fraser


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Book Details


Perioperative Nursing 2e has been written by local leaders in perioperative nursing and continues to deliver a contemporary, practical text for Australian and New Zealand perioperative nurses.

Appropriate for nursing students and graduates entering the perioperative environment, Perioperative Nursing, 2e offers a sound foundational knowledge base to underpin a perioperative nursing career. This unique text will also be of value to those undertaking postgraduate perioperative studies, as well as to more experienced perioperative nurses seeking to refresh their knowledge or expand their nursing practice. This essential title examines the roles and responsibilities of nurses working within a perioperative environment, providing an overview of key concepts in perioperative care. The scope of this book addresses anaesthetic, intraoperative and postanaesthetic recovery care, as well as day surgery and evolving perioperative practices and environments.

  • Research boxes where appropriate
  • Feature boxes on special populations, such as paediatric, geriatric and bariatric patients
  • Emphasis is placed on the concept of the patient journey, working within interprofessional teams, communication, teamwork, patient and staff safety, risk management strategies and medico-legal considerations.
  • Now endorsed by ACORN
  • Aligns with the 2016 ACORN and PNC NZNO Standards
  • Reflects theĀ latest national and international standards, including the NSQHS Standards, the new NMBA Standards for Practice for Registered and Enrolled Nurses and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
  • Includes two new chapters: The perioperative team and interdisciplinary collaboration and Perioperative patient safety
  • Supporting online resources are available on evolve. Ā 

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Perioperative Nursing i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Foreword ix
Preface x
Editors xi
Contributors xiii
Reviewers xv
Acknowledgements xv
1 Perioperative nursing 1
Learning Outcomes 1
Key Terms 1
Introduction 2
The History and Philosophy of Perioperative Nursing 2
The Patient Journey 2
Cultural Safety 3
Patient Advocate 3
Perioperative Nursing Roles 4
Preadmission nurse 5
Anaesthetic nurse 5
Circulating nurse 5
Instrument nurse 6
Surgical assistant nursing roles 6
PACU nurse 7
Perioperative NP 8
The Regulatory Environment 8
Competency 10
Accountability 10
Relationship between accountability, delegation and supervision 10
Scope of nursing practice 11
Influences for Change in Nursing Practice 12
Informal and Continuing Professional Development 12
Formal Development 13
The Role of Professional Associations 15
Professional nursing associations 15
Perioperative nursing associations 16
Australian College of Operating Room Nurses (ACORN) 16
Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (PNC NZNO) 16
International perioperative associations 16
Professional practice standards 17
Research and Evidence-Based Practice 17
An evidence-based approach to practice 17
The Future of Perioperative Nursing Practice 19
Creating opportunities for nursing specialisation 19
Changing ancillary and unregulated worker roles 20
Changing, evolving and advanced roles for perioperative registered nurses 21
Nurse endoscopist 22
Nurse sedationist 23
Conclusion 23
Resources 24
References 25
Further Reading 29
2 The perioperative team and interdisciplinary collaboration 30
Learning Outcomes 30
Key Terms 30
Introduction 30
The Interdisciplinary Team 30
The Perioperative Team and Professional Hierarchy 31
The Culture and Context of the Perioperative Environment 32
Human Factors 32
Non-technical skills 33
Lessons learnt from aviation 33
Teamwork 35
Communication 35
Shared mental models 37
Situation awareness 37
Leadership and a multigenerational workforce 38
Environmental factors 39
Task management 39
Ergonomics 40
Noise and distraction 40
The ā€˜sterile cockpitā€™ 41
Graded assertiveness 41
Conclusion 43
Resources 44
References 44
Further Reading 46
3 Perioperative patient safety 47
Learning Outcomes 47
Key Terms 47
Introduction 48
Clinical Governance 48
Patient Safety and Risk Management in the Perioperative Environment 49
Adverse events and sentinel events 49
Reporting on adverse events in Australasia 50
Reporting on sentinel events in Australasia 50
Safety and Quality 52
National Safety and Quality in Healthcare Standards 53
Standard 1: Governance for safety and quality in health service organisations 55
Standard 2: Partnering with consumers 55
Standard 3: Preventing and controlling healthcare-association infections 55
Standard 4: Medication safety 56
Standard 5: Patient identification and procedure matching 56
Standard 6: Clinical handover 57
Standard 7: Blood and blood products 57
Standard 8: Preventing and managing pressure injuries 58
Standard 9: Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration in acute healthcare 58
Standard 10: Preventing falls and harm from falls 58
National Standards: Version 2 59
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards 60
Professional practice standards and patient safety 61
Use of Checklists 62
WHO Surgical Safety Checklist 62
Management of accountable items 62
Medication Management 63
Labelling of injectable medicines, fluids and lines 64
Clinical Audit 65
Conclusion 68
Resources 69
References 70
Further Reading 73
4 Medico-legal aspects of perioperative nursing practice 74
Learning Outcomes 74
Key Terms 74
Introduction 75
Accountability and Advocacy 75
Statutes and Common Law 76
Common law 76
Health policies and professional practice standards 76
Negligence 77
Vicarious liability 77
Open disclosure 77
Pursuing cases of negligence in civil courts 78
Consent to treatment 79
Patients unable to give consent 79
Consent and minors 81
Consent and mental illness 81
Consent and blood transfusions 82
Culture, religion and surgery 82
Coronersā€™ courts 83
Documentation 84
Electronic health record 85
Regulatory Action and Disciplinary Hearings 85
Notifications and complaints 85
Mandatory notifications 85
Assessment of complaints and notifications 86
Performance 86
Conduct 86
Health matters 87
Immediate action 87
Investigation 87
Panel and committee hearings 89
Tribunal hearings 89
Appeals 89
Monitoring and compliance 89
Confidentiality and Privacy 89
Breaches of confidence and privacy 90
Social Media 91
Misuse of social media 91
Use of cameras within hospitals 92
Patient care and social media 92
Conclusion 93
Resources 94
References 94
Further Reading 95
5 The perioperative environment 97
Learning Outcomes 97
Key Terms 97
Introduction 97
Operating Suite Design 98
Traffic Patterns 101
Operating Suite Zones 101
Unrestricted 101
Semi-restricted 102
Restricted 102
Operating Suite Layout 102
Changing rooms 102
Reception 102
Preoperative holding bay 102
Anaesthetic rooms 102
Storage areas 102
Sterile stock room 102
Staff rooms 102
The PACU 102
Sterilising department 103
Scrub bays 104
Standard operating rooms 104
Dedicated operating rooms 104
Hybrid operating rooms 104
Technological Advances in the Operating Suite 105
Operating Suite Environmental Controls 105
Windows 105
Ceilings, doors, floors and walls 106
Temperature 106
Humidity 106
Ventilation 106
Lighting 107
Electrical Safety 108
Electrosurgical equipment 109
The electrosurgical unit 109
Monopolar diathermy 109
Bipolar diathermy 109
Hazards of electrosurgery 110
Related equipment 111
Laser 112
Laser safety 113
Workplace Health and Safety 113
Manual handling 114
Surgical plume 114
Prevention of fire or explosions 115
Sensitivities and allergies 117
Types of allergic reactions to Latex 117
Prevention of latex allergy 117
Occupational exposure 117
Radiation safety 117
Chemical safety 119
Noise 120
Preparation of the Operating Room 120
Room cleaning 120
Terminal cleaning 120
Waste Management 121
Conclusion 122
Resources 123
References 123
Further Reading 126
6 Infection prevention and control 128
Learning Outcomes 128
Key Terms 128
Introduction 129
Classification and Types of Microorganisms 129
Bacteria 129
Gram-positive cocci 129
Staphylococci 129
Streptococci 129
Enterococci 129
Gram-positive rods 130
Fungi 130
Viruses 130
Prions 131
Development of resistance to antimicrobial drugs 132
Risk Management of Microorganisms 132
Infectious agent 132
Reservoir 132
Portal of exit 132
Transmission 132
Portal of entry 132
Susceptible host 133
Normal Body Defences 133
External barriers 133
Inflammatory response 134
Immune response 134
Infection as an Adverse Event 134
Infection Prevention and Control Practices 134
Environmental controls 135
Healthcare personnel attire 135
Standard precautions 137
Hand hygiene 137
Personal protective equipment 138
Non-sterile gloves 138
Face masks 138
Eye protection 139
Sharps safety 139
Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette 139
Food and drink in clinical areas 139
Environmental cleaning 140
Transmission-based precautions 140
Airborne precautions 140
Droplet precautions 140
Contact precautions 140
Environmental cleaning following use of contact precautions 140
Patient considerations in infection prevention 140
Asepsis and Aseptic Technique 141
Opening sterile supplies 142
Putting principles into practice 142
Pouring liquids onto an aseptic field 143
Moving around the operating room 145
Surgical conscience 145
Aseptic non-touch technique 145
The surgical scrub 146
Gowning 147
Gloving 147
Skin preparation of the patient 149
Safe use of alcohol-based skin preparation solutions 149
Prepping procedure 149
Draping the patient 150
Strikethrough 150
Instrument Cleaning, Decontamination and Sterilisation 150
Decontamination and cleaning 151
Inspection, assembly and packaging 152
Inspection 152
Assembly 152
Packaging 152
Sterilisation 153
Methods of sterilisation 153
Steam 153
Dry heat 154
Ethylene oxide gas 154
Gas plasma 155
Peracetic acid 155
Gamma radiation 155
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 155
Monitoring sterilisation processes 156
Physical 156
Chemical 156
Biological 156
Tracking and traceability 156
Disinfection 156
Storage of sterile equipment 157
Conclusion 157
Resources 157
Video Resources 158
References 158
Further Reading 159
7 Assessment and preparation for surgery 160
Learning Outcomes 160
Key Terms 160
Introduction 160
Pre-Admission 161
Patient selection and assessment for surgery 161
Patient selection 161
Preoperative assessment 161
Nurse-led clinics 163
Patient Education and Information 163
Paediatric patients 171
Factors Affecting Selection for Surgery 171
Preoperative investigations 172
Chest X-rays 172
Electrocardiography 172
Blood investigations 173
Other perioperative considerations 173
Preoperative visiting 174
Cultural Sensitivity 174
Special Population Considerations 174
Smoking 174
Obesity 176
Diabetes 176
Preparation in the Immediate Preoperative Period 177
Preoperative bathing 177
Preoperative hair removal 177
Surgical site marking 177
Prevention of deep vein thrombosis 179
Preoperative Care in the Operating Suite 179
Admission to the preoperative holding area 179
Patient identification 184
Consent 184
Allergies and sensitivities 184
Preoperative fasting 184
Premedication and medications 184
Implants 185
Return of body parts or hair 185
Jewellery and piercings 185
Preoperative patient warming 185
Conclusion 187
Resources 188
References 188
Further Reading 191
8 Patient care during anaesthesia 193
Learning Outcomes 193
Key Terms 193
Introduction 194
Medical Pre-Anaesthetic Assessment of the Patient 194
Assessment of the airway 194
Mallampati assessment 195
Nursing assessment and preparation of the patient 195
Types of Anaesthetics 196
General anaesthesia 196
Pharmacological agents used in general anaesthesia 197
IV induction agents 197
Inhalational agents 197
Adjuncts to general anaesthesia 198
Analgesics 198
Muscle relaxants 198
Depolarising neuromuscular blockers 198
Non-depolarising neuromuscular blockers 201
Antiemetics 201
Procedure for General Anaesthesia 201
Preparation and equipment 201
Airway management equipment and techniques 202
Artificial airways 202
Face masks 203
Laryngeal mask airway 203
Endotracheal tubes 204
Intubation equipment 206
Complications of intubation 207
Rapid sequence induction 207
Sequence of general anaesthesia 208
Nursing considerations during general anaesthesia 208
Induction of anaesthesia 208
Establishment of the airway 208
Direct laryngoscopy and intubation 208
Maintenance of anaesthesia 208
Emergence from general anaesthesia 210
Clinical handover 211
Airway Emergencies and Management 211
Airway complications 211
Laryngospasm 212
Management 212
Bronchospasm 213
Management 213
Aspiration 213
Other Types of Anaesthesia 214
Sedation/analgesia 214
Local anaesthetic techniques 214
Central neural blockade 214
Management of the patient undergoing spinal or epidural anaesthesia 216
Local infiltration 218
Regional anaesthesia 218
Local anaesthetic toxicity 218
Haemodynamic Monitoring during Anaesthesia 218
Circulation 219
Electrocardiograph 219
Blood pressure 219
Central venous pressure 220
Respiration 220
Pulse oximetry 220
Capnography 221
Temperature 221
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 221
Electrolyte balance 222
Fluid and blood loss 222
Blood transfusions 223
Anaesthetic Emergencies 223
Anaphylaxis 223
Malignant hyperthermia 223
Treatment 224
Paediatric Considerations in Anaesthesia 224
Preoperative assessment and preparation 224
Equipment 224
Anaesthetic induction 225
Temperature 225
Drugs and IV fluids 225
Anaesthetic Considerations for the Elderly Patient 226
Anaesthetic Considerations for the Bariatric Patient 226
Preoperative assessment 226
Airway and ventilation 227
Intraoperative care 228
Conclusion 229
Resources 229
References 229
Further Reading 231
9 Intraoperative patient care 232
Learning Outcomes 232
Key Terms 232
Introduction 233
Patient Positioning 233
Patient transfer 233
Transfer methods and rationales 235
Complications 235
Patient positioning 236
Anatomical and physiological considerations for patient positioning 236
Integumentary system 236
Pressure 236
Shear 237
Friction 237
Moisture 237
Pressure injury prevention 237
Musculoskeletal system 238
Nervous system 238
Cardiovascular system 238
Respiratory system 242
Surgical positions 242
Supine position 244
Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg positions 244
Prone position 245
Lateral position 245
Lithotomy position 247
Sitting positions: Fowlerā€™s/ semi-Fowlerā€™s position 247
Fracture table position 251
Prevention and Management of Venous Thromboembolism 251
Signs and symptoms of VTE 252
Prevention 252
Anticoagulant prophylaxis 254
Mechanical prophylaxis 254
Prevention and Management of Inadvertent periOperative Hypothermia 255
Adverse effects of IPH 255
Patients at risk of developing IPH 255
Management strategies 255
Surgical Complications and the Elderly 256
Ensuring Correct Patient/Site of Surgery 256
Tourniquets 259
Tourniquet use 259
The Management of Accountable Items Used during Surgery 260
The count 261
Incorrect count 262
Emergency situations 263
Collection of Specimens 263
Conclusion 265
Resources 265
Video Resources 266
References 266
Further Reading 268
10 Surgical intervention 269
Learning Outcomes 269
Key Terms 269
Introduction 270
Historical Surgical Perspective 270
Sequence of Surgery 271
Stages of the surgical procedure 271
Instruments 272
Instrument categories 272
Anatomy of a ring-handled instrument 272
Cutting and dissecting instruments 273
Sharp dissection 273
Scalpels 273
Scissors 273
Blunt dissection 273
Grasping and holding instruments 273
Dissecting/tissue forceps 274
Towel clips 275
Needle holders 275
Sponge-holding forceps 276
Clamps 276
Artery clamps/forceps 277
Crushing clamps 277
Non-crushing clamps 277
Retractors 277
Miscellaneous/ancillary/accessory 278
Instrument handling and passing 278
Care of instrumentation 281
Sutures and Needles 281
Properties of suture materials 281
Absorbable/non-absorbable materials 281
Natural/synthetic materials 285
Diameter or size of suture material 285
Monofilament/multifilament 285
Ties 285
Handling characteristics 285
Pliability and coefficient friction 286
Elasticity or memory 286
Capillarity 286
Tensile strength and knot strength 286
Tissue reaction characteristics 287
Skin adhesives 287
Barbed sutures 287
Needles 288
Anatomy of a needle 288
Types of needle points 289
Cutting edge 289
Taper point 289
Body of the needle 290
Swaged needles 290
Ordinary needles 290
Loading needles 291
Sharps Safety 291
Minimally Invasive Surgery 291
Sequence of surgery for abdominal MIS 292
Exposure 292
Visualisation 294
Performing the procedure 295
Equipment 295
Paediatric considerations 297
Operating room set-up for minimally invasive surgery 297
Advances in minimally invasive surgery 297
Conclusion 300
Resources 301
Video Resources 301
References 301
Further Reading 302
11 Wound healing 304
Learning Outcomes 304
Key Terms 304
Introduction 304
Skin Anatomy 305
Wounds 305
Surgical wounds 305
Traumatic wounds 305
Chronic wounds 305
Surgical Incisions 306
Langerā€™s lines 306
Abdominal incisions 306
Wound Classification 309
The Phases of Wound Healing 309
The inflammatory phase 311
Haemostasis 311
Biochemical mediator release 311
Vasodilation 312
Increased capillary permeability 312
Phagocytosis 312
Plasma protein systems 312
The reconstructive phase 312
Fibroblasts 312
Granulation 313
Epithelialisation 313
Wound contraction 313
The maturation phase 313
Types of Wound Healing 313
Primary intention 313
Secondary intention 314
Tertiary intention 314
Factors Affecting Wound Healing 314
Debridement 315
Surgical Haemostasis 315
Methods of surgical haemostasis 315
Mechanical haemostasis 315
Instruments 316
Ligature/ties 316
Ligating clips 316
Bone wax 317
Packing 317
Pledgets 317
Patties 317
Tourniquets 317
Adjuncts to mechanical haemostasis 317
Absorbable gelatin 317
Absorbable collagen sponge 318
Oxidised cellulose 318
Pharmacological and chemical haemostasis 318
Thrombin 318
Oxytocin 318
Adrenaline 318
Fibrin glue 318
Energy-based methods of securing haemostasis 318
Electrosurgery 318
Laser 319
Ultrasonic scalpel 319
Haemostatic scalpel 319
Additional methods of haemostasis 319
Embolisation 319
Sclerotherapy 319
Wound Closure 319
Wound closure methods 319
Single-layer closure 320
Multiple-layer closure 320
Simple continuous sutures 320
Simple interrupted sutures 320
Knot placement 320
Continuous running/locking (blanket stitch) 320
Subcutaneous sutures 320
Retention sutures 320
Drain sutures 321
Other methods of wound closure 321
Staples 321
Tapes 321
Tissue adhesives 321
Wound Care 321
Dressings 321
Types of dressings 323
One-layer dressings 323
Skin closure dressings (island dressings) 323
Dry sterile dressings 323
Three-layer dressings 323
Pressure dressings 323
Stent dressings 323
Bolster/tie-over dressings 323
Wet-to-dry dressings 323
Hydrocolloid dressings 323
Silver dressings 324
Vacuum-assisted dressings 324
Application of dressings 324
Drains 324
Drain types 325
Passive drains 325
Active drains 325
Closed wound drainage systems 325
Chest drains 325
Specialised drains 325
Urinary drainage 325
Gastric decompression 325
Technological Advances in Wound Management 325
Implantable tissue repair and replacement material 326
Skin substitutes 327
Growth factors and biological wound products 328
Scaffolds 328
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 328
Conclusion 328
Resources 329
Video Resources 329
References 329
Further Reading 330
12 Postanaesthesia nursing care 331
Learning Outcomes 331
Key Terms 331
Introduction 332
The Role of the Nurse and Function of the PACU 332
PACU Design Features 332
Equipment requirements 333
Clinical Handover from Anaesthetist to Nurse 334
Patient Management in the PACU 335
Initial patient management 335
Assessment of airway and breathing 336
Respirations 336
Patient observations and monitoring 337
Cardiovascular assessment 339
ECG 339
Heart rate 339
Blood pressure 339
Level of consciousness 339
Central neural blockade 339
Temperature control 340
General comfort measures 340
Postanaesthesia and Postsurgical Complications 341
The deteriorating patient 341
Airway and breathing complications 341
Hypoxaemia 341
Obstruction by the tongue 341
Obstruction by secretions/blood 341
Laryngospasm 343
Post-intubation croup/subglottal oedema 343
Bronchospasm 344
Inadequate reversal of muscle relaxants 344
Hypoventilation 344
General complications 344
PO nausea and vomiting 344
Aspiration pneumonitis 345
Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia 345
Hyperthermia 345
High spinal/epidural block 345
Urinary retention 346
Hypotension 346
Shock 346
Hypertension 346
Emergence delirium 346
Management of Pain in the PACU 347
Pain assessment and management 347
Pharmacological interventions 348
Opioid analgesics 348
Morphine 348
Fentanyl 349
Pethidine 349
TarginĀ® 349
Tramadol 349
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 349
Diclofenac 350
Ibuprofen 350
Ketamine 350
Paracetamol 350
Serotonin syndrome 350
Codeine in children 350
Patient-controlled analgesia 350
Local anaesthetic 350
Non-pharmacological pain management 350
Acute pain service 351
Special Populations 351
Management of patients with diabetes mellitus 351
Management of the paediatric patient 351
Care of the older patient 351
Care of the obese patient 352
Discharge Criteria 352
Patient Handover from PACU Nurse to Ward Nurse 352
Conclusion 354
Resources 355
References 355
Further Reading 357
13 Evolving models of care in perioperative environments 358
Learning Outcomes 358
Key Terms 358
Introduction 358
Growth of Day Surgery, Endoscopy and Interventional Radiography 359
Advantages of day surgery 361
The Patient Journey in Ambulatory Care Settings 363
Patient acceptance 363
Patient selection 363
Special Populations and Ambulatory Settings 363
Paediatric patients 363
Bariatric patients 364
Elderly patients 365
Patients with dementia 365
Advances in Procedures Performed in Ambulatory Care Settings 365
Advances in flexible endoscopy 365
Diagnostic procedures 366
Therapeutic interventions 368
Diagnostic and interventional endovascular procedures 369
Transoesophageal echocardiogram 370
Radiofrequency ablation to treat atrial fibrillation 370
Stents (angioplasty) 372
Preoperative Patient Preparation 372
Preparation for flexible endoscopic procedures 373
Preparation for Endovascular Procedures 373
Postoperative Nursing Care Following Endoscopic and Endovascular Procedures 374
Post-Discharge 375
Patient Safety and Risk Management 375
Care of endoscopy equipment 376
Conclusion 378
Resources 379
Video Resources 379
References 379
Further Reading 382
Glossary 383
Index 390
A 390
B 391
C 391
D 392
E 392
F 393
G 393
H 394
I 394
J 395
K 395
L 395
M 395
N 396
O 396
P 397
Q 399
R 399
S 399
T 401
U 401
V 402
W 402
X 402