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Scully's Handbook of Medical Problems in Dentistry E-Book

Scully's Handbook of Medical Problems in Dentistry E-Book

Crispian Scully


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Book Details


Prepared by an author of international renown, Scully’s Handbook of Medical Problems in Dentistry offers a wealth of information in a handy easy-to-carry format. Containing over 250 colour photographs, artworks and tables, many of which have never been published before, this useful guide covers the main conditions seen in clinical practice together with their relevance to oral health care.

    • Highlights the main points of human diseases and their relevance to oral healthcare in a practical way
    • Gives particular focus on areas that are of major concern to dentistry and oral healthcare e.g. allergies, bleeding tendencies, endocrine disorders - especially diabetes - gravid patients, hepatitis and other transmissible diseases, and malignant disease
    • Explains the process of risk assessment, pain and anxiety control, patient access and positioning, treatment modification and drug use
    • ‘Relevance for Dentistry’ boxes highlight the most crucial aspects of specific conditions
    • Contains new national and international guidelines, further reading and up-to-date websites
    • More than meets the needs of the UK General Dental Council (GDC) document ‘Preparing for practice; Dental team learning outcomes for registration’.
    • Ideal for all dental students, general dental practitioners and hospital-based dentists together with other oral healthcare staff who need to keep up to date with medical knowledge

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Handbook of Medical Problems in Dentistry i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Preface ix
1 Health 1
Health hazards 1
Health promotion 1
Exercise 1
Healthy diet 2
Chemical avoidance 2
Further reading 3
2 Healthcare 5
Medical history 5
Preoperative risk assessment 5
Preoperative planning 7
Pre-treatment issues 7
At treatment 8
Post-treatment 9
Consent 11
Culture 12
Communication with other care providers 13
Summary: comments that apply to the rest of this book 13
3 Main emergencies 15
Emergency procedure 17
The ‘ABCDE’ approach to the sick patient 18
The patient brought in with an emergency 18
An emergency in the dental setting 19
First steps 19
Airway (A) 19
Breathing (B) 20
Circulation (C) 20
Disability (D) 21
Exposure (E) 22
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 22
Management of the more common emergencies in dentistry 22
Anaphylaxis (see also Section 5) 22
Symptoms and signs 23
Treatment 23
Angina (see also Section 5) 24
Symptoms and signs 24
Treatment 24
Asthma (see also Section 5) 25
Symptoms and signs 25
Treatment 25
Choking (Foreign body respiratory obstruction) 25
Collapse (see also Section 5) 26
Epileptic seizure (see also Section 5) 27
Symptoms and signs of a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure 27
Treatment 27
Faint 28
4 Age and gender 35
Children 35
Premature babies 35
Neonates 35
Infants 35
Child from 1 year (pre-school child) 36
Child aged 5–12 years (schoolchild) 36
Puberty 36
Adolescence 36
Main dental considerations 36
Men’s health 39
Main dental considerations 39
Bladder cancer 39
Definition 39
Aetiopathogenesis 39
Clinical presentation and classification 40
Diagnosis 40
Treatment 40
Prostate cancer 40
Definition 40
Aetiopathogenesis 40
Clinical presentation 40
Diagnosis 41
Treatment 41
Prostate hypertrophy (benign prostatic hyperplasia or hypertrophy; BPH) 42
Definition 42
Aetiopathogenesis 42
Clinical presentation 42
Diagnosis 42
Treatment 42
Testicular cancer 43
Definition 43
Aetiopathogenesis risk factors for testicular cancers 43
Clinical presentation 44
Diagnosis 44
Treatment 44
Older patients 45
Main dental considerations 45
Women’s health 48
Main dental considerations 48
Breast cancer 48
Definition 48
Classification 48
Aetiopathogenesis 49
Clinical presentation 49
Diagnosis 49
Treatment 49
Main dental consideration 50
Cervical cancer 51
Definition 51
Aetiopathogenesis 51
Clinical presentation and classification 51
Diagnosis 51
Treatment 51
Ovarian cancer 52
Definition 52
Aetiopathogenesis 52
Clinical presentation 52
Diagnosis 52
5 System synopses 63
Main dental considerations in most patients 63
Cardiovascular 63
Main dental considerations 63
Aortic valve disease 65
Aortic stenosis (AS) 65
6 Trauma 297
Facial trauma 297
Aetiopathogenesis 297
Clinical presentation and classification 297
Diagnosis 297
Treatment 297
Dental considerations 297
Head injury 300
Definition 300
Aetiopathogenesis 300
Clinical presentation and management 300
Head injury sequelae 302
Long-term sequelae 303
Dental considerations 303
Further reading 303
Non-accidental injury (NAI; see also Section 4) 304
Definition 304
Aetiopathogenesis 304
Clinical presentation 304
Diagnosis 304
Management 304
Dental considerations 305
Spinal trauma 306
Diagnosis 306
Treatment 306
Dental considerations 308
7 Infections 309
A range of infections 309
Aetiopathogenesis 309
Diagnosis 311
Treatment 311
Dental considerations 311
Candidosis (candidiasis) 313
Definition 313
Aetiopathogenesis 313
Clinical presentation and classification 313
Diagnosis 313
Treatment 313
Dental considerations 313
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) 316
Definition 316
Aetiopathogenesis and classification 316
Clinical presentation 316
Diagnosis 316
Treatment 317
Dental considerations 317
Endocarditis (see Cardiovascular disease) 318
Gonorrhoea 318
Definition 318
Aetiopathogenesis 318
Clinical presentation and classification 318
Diagnosis 318
Treatment 318
Dental considerations 318
Healthcare associated infections 319
Main dental considerations 319
Drug resistant infectious agents 320
Surgical wound infections (surgical site infections; SSIs) 321
Aetiopathogenesis 321
Clinical presentation 322
Diagnosis 322
Treatment 322
Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) 322
Bites and puncture wounds 322
Bites 322
Puncture wounds 323
Herpes viruses 325
Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) 325
Definition and aetiopathogenesis 325
Clinical presentations 325
8 Chemical dependence (drug addiction or substance abuse) 345
Chemical dependence 345
Definition 345
Clinical presentation 345
Main dental considerations 346
Alcohol use 347
Diagnosis 347
Treatment 347
9 Therapeutic modalities 359
Adverse drug reactions 359
Main dental considerations 359
Drug allergies 359
Anaesthetics and related agents 360
Analgesics 360
Antibiotics 362
Radiocontrast media (RCM) reactions 362
Monoclonal antibodies and other biologics (see below) 363
Immunomodulator agents (see below) 363
Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndromes 363
Drug interactions 363
Anti-thrombotic agents 365
Main dental considerations 365
Anticoagulants 365
Heparins 365
Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) 367
Warfarin 367
Newer oral anticoagulants (NOACs) 368
Antiplatelets 368
Main dental considerations of anti-thrombotic agents 370
Heparins 371
Warfarin and VKAs 371
Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) 372
Antiplatelet drugs 372
Other parenteral agents 372
Biological therapies 373
TNF-α inhibitors (anti-TNFs) 373
Lymphocyte modulators and interleukin inhibitors 373
Other biologicals 376
Main dental considerations 376
Chemotherapy (CTx) 377
Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) 380
Palmar plantar erythrodysaesthesia (PPE; or hand-foot syndrome) 380
Main dental considerations 380
Complementary and alternative medicine 381
Main dental considerations 381
Graft versus host disease (GVHD) 382
Definition and classification 382
Aetiopathogenesis 382
Clinical presentation 382
Treatment 382
Main dental considerations 383
Haemodialysis 384
Main dental considerations 386
Immunosuppressive treatment 387
Classification 387
Complications 388
Main dental considerations 388
Implanted devices 389
Complications 389
Main dental considerations 389
Comments on specific implants 389
Disruption and complications 389
Osseointegrated dental implants 394
Phakic intraocular lenses 395
Urogynaecologic surgical mesh implants 395
Mucositis 396
Palliative and end of life care 398
Main dental considerations 402
Radiotherapy (RTx) 403
Main dental considerations 404
Splenectomy 406
Aetiopathogenesis 406
Main dental considerations 406
Steroids (corticosteroids) 407
Main dental considerations 408
Transplantation 409
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT; Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; HSCT) 410
Heart transplantation 410
Liver transplantation 411
Lung transplantation 411
Pancreatic transplantation 411
Renal transplantation 411
Main dental considerations in transplant patients 411
Before transplantation 412
After organ transplantation 412
Further reading 412
10 Disability, vulnerability and impairment 413
Main dental considerations 413
Bedbound patients 413
Aetiopathogenesis 413
Clinical care 413
Main dental considerations 414
Cerebral palsy (CP) 415
Definition 415
Aetiopathogenesis 415
Clinical presentation and classification 415
Diagnosis 416
Treatment 416
Main dental considerations 416
Clefts 417
Definition 417
Aetiopathogenesis 417
Clinical presentation 417
Diagnosis 418
Treatment and main dental considerations 418
Disability and impairment 420
Definitions 420
Aetiopathogenesis 420
Treatment 420
Main dental considerations 420
Down syndrome (DS) 422
Definition 422
Aetiopathogenesis 422
Clinical presentation 422
Diagnosis 424
Main dental considerations 424
Hearing impairment 425
Main dental considerations 425
Learning disability and impairment 426
Definition 426
Aetiopathogenesis 426
Clinical presentation 426
Classification 426
Diagnosis 426
Treatment 427
Main dental considerations 427
Paralyses (Head and neck) 427
Bulbar palsy 427
Appendix: Normal test values 439
Full blood count (FBC) examines: 439
Index 447
A 447
B 449
C 450
D 453
E 454
F 455
G 456
H 456
I 458
J 459
K 459
L 459
M 460
N 462
O 462
P 463
Q 465
R 465
S 466
T 467
U 468
V 469
W 469
X 469