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Organizational Behavior, Global Edition

Organizational Behavior, Global Edition

Stephen P. Robbins | Timothy A. Judge


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For undergraduate and graduate courses in Organizational Behavior.


Help Students Better Understand Their Behavioral and Interpersonal Skills

Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, Organizational Behavior provides the research you want, in the language your students understand. This text continues its tradition of making current, relevant research come alive for readers.


The Seventeenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent research and business events within the field of organizational behavior worldwide, while maintaining its hallmark features—clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There’s a reason why Robbins’s textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into twenty languages—and it’s because of a commitment that provides the kind of engaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect with organizational behavior.


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MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.



Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 5
Copyright Page 6
Brief Contents 7
Contents 9
Preface 27
1 Introduction 40
1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 40
The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 43
Management and Organizational Behavior 44
Management Roles 45
Management Skills 46
Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 47
Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 49
Big Data 49
Myth or Science? Management by Walking Around Is the Most Effective Management 50
Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 53
Psychology 53
Social Psychology 54
Sociology 54
Anthropology 54
There Are Few Absolutes in OB\r 54
Challenges and Opportunities for OB\r 55
Economic Pressures 56
Continuing Globalization 56
Workforce Demographics 57
Personal Inventory Assessments Multicultural Awareness Scale 58
Workforce Diversity 59
Customer Service 59
People Skills 59
Networked Organizations 60
Social Media 60
Employee Well-Being at Work 60
Positive Work Environment 61
Ethical Behavior 62
An Ethical Choice Vacation Deficit Disorder 63
Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 64
An Overview 64
Inputs 64
Processes 65
Outcomes 65
Career OBjectives What oo I say about my termination? 67
Summary 70
Implications for Managers 70
Point/Counterpoint The Battle of the Texts 71
Questions for Review\r 72
Experiential Exercise Managing the OB Way\r 72
Ethical Dilemma There’s a Drone in Your Soup 73
Case Incident 1 Apple Goes Global 73
Case Incident 2 Big Data for Dummies 74
2 The Individual 78
2 Diversity in Organizations 78
Diversity 81
Demographic Characteristics 81
Levels of Diversity 82
An Ethical Choice Affirmative Action for Unemployed Veterans\r 83
Discrimination 83
Stereotype Threat 84
Personal Inventory Assessments Intercultural Sensitivity Scale 85
Discrimination in the Workplace 85
Biographical Characteristics 86
Age 86
Myth or Science? Bald Is Better 87
Sex 88
Race and Ethnicity 89
Disabilities 90
Hidden Disabilities 91
Other Differentiating Characteristics 92
Tenure 92
Religion 92
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 93
Career OBjectives Is it okay to be gay at work? 94
Cultural Identity 95
Ability 95
Intellectual Abilities 96
Physical Abilities 97
Implementing Diversity Management Strategies 98
Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Diverse Employees 98
Diversity in Groups 99
Effective Diversity Programs 100
Summary 101
Implications for Managers 101
Point/Counterpoint Affirmative Action Programs Have Outlived Their Usefulness 102
Questions for Review 103
Experiential Exercise Differences 103
Ethical Dilemma The 30% Club in Hong Kong Aims to Uphold Board Diversity 103
Case Incident 1 Walking the Walk 104
Case Incident 2 The Encore Career 105
3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 110
Attitudes 113
Attitudes and Behavior 114
An Ethical Choice Office Talk 115
Job Attitudes 116
Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement 116
Organizational Commitment 116
Perceived Organizational Support 116
Employee Engagement 117
Are These Job Attitudes Really All That Distinct? 118
Job Satisfaction 118
Measuring Job Satisfaction 118
How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs? 119
What Causes Job Satisfaction? 121
Job Conditions 121
Personality 122
Personal Inventory Assessments Core Self Evaluation (CSE) Scale 122
Pay 122
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 123
Outcomes of Job Satisfaction 124
Job Performance 124
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) 124
Customer Satisfaction 125
Life Satisfaction 125
Career OBjectives How can I make my job better? 126
The Impact of Job Dissatisfaction 126
Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) 127
Myth or Science? Happy Workers Means Happy Profits 129
Managers Often “Don’t Get It”\r 129
Summary 130
Implications for Managers 130
Point/Counterpoint Employer–Employee Loyalty Is an Outdated Concept\r 131
Questions for Review 132
Experiential Exercise What Satisfies You about Your Dream Job? 132
Ethical Dilemma Because It’s Worth It? 132
Case Incident 1 The Pursuit of Happiness: Flexibility 133
Case Incident 2 Job Crafting 134
4 Emotions and Moods 138
What Are Emotions and Moods? 141
The Basic Emotions 141
Myth or Science? Smile, and the Work World Smiles with You 142
Moral Emotions 142
The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect 143
Experiencing Moods and Emotions 144
The Function of Emotions 145
Sources of Emotions and Moods 146
Personality 146
Time of Day 147
Day of the Week 147
Weather 147
Stress 150
Social Activities 150
Sleep 150
Exercise 150
Age 150
Sex 151
Emotional Labor 151
Affective Events Theory 153
Emotional Intelligence 153
An Ethical Choice Should Managers Use Emotional Intelligence (EI) Tests?\r 155
Personal Inventory Assessments Emotional Intelligence Assessment 155
Emotion Regulation 156
Emotion Regulation Influences and Outcomes 156
Emotion Regulation Techniques 156
Ethics of Emotion Regulation 158
OB Applications of Emotions and Moods\r 159
Selection 159
Decision Making 159
Creativity 160
Motivation 160
Leadership 160
Negotiation 161
Customer Service 161
Job Attitudes 161
Career OBjectives How do I turn down the volume on my screaming boss? 162
Deviant Workplace Behaviors 162
Safety and Injury at Work 163
Summary 163
Implications for Managers 163
Point/Counterpoint Sometimes Yelling Is for Everyone’s Good 164
Questions for Review 165
Experiential Exercise The Happiness Test 165
Ethical Dilemma Data Mining Emotions 165
Case Incident 1 Crybabies 166
Case Incident 2 Tall Poppy Syndrome 167
5 Personality and Values 172
Personality 175
What Is Personality? 175
Career OBjectives How do I ace the personality test? 176
Personal Inventory Assessments Personality Style Indicator 177
Personality Frameworks 177
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 178
The Big Five Personality Model 178
The Dark Triad 182
Other Personality Attributes Relevant to OB 184
Core Self-Evaluations (CSEs) 184
Self-Monitoring 185
Myth or Science? We Can Accurately Judge Individuals’ Personalities a Few Seconds after Meeting Them 186
Proactive Personality 186
Personality and Situations 187
Situation Strength Theory 187
Trait Activation Theory 188
Values 189
The Importance and Organization of Values 189
Terminal versus Instrumental Values 190
Generational Values 190
An Ethical Choice Do You Have a Cheating Personality? 191
Linking an Individual’s Personality and Values to the Workplace 191
Person–Job Fit 192
Person–Organization Fit 192
Other Dimensions of Fit 193
Cultural Values 194
Hofstede’s Framework 194
The GLOBE Framework 196
Comparison\rof Hofstede’s Framework and the GLOBE Framework 197
Summary 197
Implications for Managers 197
Point/Counterpoint Millennials Are More Narcissistic Than Their Parents 198
Questions for Review\r 199
Experiential Exercise Your Best Self 199
Ethical Dilemma Personal Values and Ethics in the Workplace 200
Case Incident 1 on the Costs of Being Nice 200
Case Incident 2 The Power of Quiet 201
6 Perception and Individual Decision Making 206
What Is Perception? 209
Factors That Influence Perception 209
Person Perception: Making Judgments About Others 210
Attribution Theory 211
Career OBjectives So what if I’m a few minutes late to work? 213
Common Shortcuts in Judging Others 213
Specific Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations 215
Myth or Science? All Stereotypes Are Negative 216
The Link Between Perception and Individual Decision Making 216
Decision Making in Organizations 217
The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition 217
Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making 219
Influences on Decision Making: Individual Differences and Organizational Constraints 223
Individual Differences 223
Organizational Constraints 225
What About Ethics in Decision Making? 226
Three Ethical Decision Criteria 226
Lying 228
An Ethical Choice Choosing to Lie 229
Creativity, Creative Decision Making, and Innovation in Organizations 229
Creative Behavior 229
Causes of Creative Behavior 231
Personal Inventory Assessments How Creative Are You? 232
Creative Outcomes (Innovation)\r 233
Summary 234
Implications for Managers 234
Point/Counterpoint Stereotypes Are Dying 235
Questions for Review 236
Experiential Exercise Good Liars and Bad Liars 236
Ethical Dilemma Max’s Burger: The Dollar Value of Ethics 236
Case Incident 1 Too Much of a Good Thing 237
Case Incident 2 The Youngest Billionaire 238
7 Motivation Concepts 244
Motivation and Early Theories 247
Early Theories of Motivation 248
Hierarchy of Needs Theory 248
Two-Factor Theory 249
McClelland’s Theory of Needs 250
Career OBjectives Why won’t he take my advice? 252
Contemporary Theories of Motivation 252
Self-Determination Theory 253
Myth or Science? Helping Others and Being a Good Citizen Is Good for Your Career 254
Goal-Setting Theory\r 254
Other Contemporary Theories of Motivation 257
Self-Efficacy Theory 258
Reinforcement Theory 259
An Ethical Choice Motivated by Big Brother 260
Equity Theory/Organizational Justice 262
Expectancy Theory 267
Personal Inventory Assessments Work Motivation Indicator 268
Job Engagement 269
Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 269
Summary 271
Implications for Managers 271
Point/Counterpoint Goals Get You to Where You Want to Be 272
Questions for Review 273
Experiential Exercise Organizational Justice Task 273
Ethical Dilemma The New GPA 273
Case Incident 1 The Demotivation of CEO Pay 274
Case Incident 2 The Sleepiness Epidemic 275
8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 280
Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model 283
The Job Characteristics Model 283
Job Redesign 285
Job Rotation 285
Myth or Science? Money Can’t Buy Happiness 286
Relational Job Design 286
Personal Inventory Assessments Diagnosing the Need for Team Building 288
Alternative Work Arrangements 288
Flextime 288
Job Sharing 290
Telecommuting 291
Career OBjectives How can I get flextime? 292
Employee Involvement and Participation 294
Examples of Employee Involvement Programs 294
Using Rewards to Motivate Employees 296
What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure 296
How to Pay: Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs 297
An Ethical Choice Sweatshops and Worker Safety 301
Using Benefits to Motivate Employees 302
Flexible Benefits: Developing a Benefits Package 302
Using Intrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees 303
Employee Recognition Programs 303
Summary 304
Implications for Managers 304
Point/Counterpoint “Face-Time” Matters 305
Questions for Review 306
Experiential Exercise Occupations and the Job Characteristics Model 306
Ethical Dilemma Inmates for Hire 306
Case Incident 1 Motivation for Leisure 307
Case Incident 2 Pay Raises Every Day 307
3 The Group 312
9 Foundations of Group Behavior 312
Defining and Classifying Groups 315
Social Identity 315
Ingroups and Outgroups 317
Social Identity Threat 317
Stages of Group Development 317
Group Property 1: Roles 318
Role Perception 319
Role Expectations 319
Role Conflict 320
Role Play and Assimilation 320
Myth or Science? Gossip and Exclusion Are Toxic for Groups 321
Group Property 2: Norms 322
Norms and Emotions 322
Norms and Conformity 322
An Ethical Choice Using Peer Pressure as an Influence Tactic 323
Norms and Behavior 324
Positive Norms and Group Outcomes 325
Negative Norms and Group Outcomes 325
Norms and Culture 327
Group Property 3: Status, and Group Property 4: Size and Dynamics 327
Group Property 3: Status 327
Group Property 4: Size and Dynamics 329
Group Property 5: Cohesiveness, and Group Property 6: Diversity 331
Group Property 5: Cohesiveness 331
Group Property 6: Diversity 331
Personal Inventory Assessments Communicating Supportively 332
Group Decision Making 333
Groups versus the Individual 333
Groupthink and Groupshift 334
Career OBjectives Can I fudge the numbers and not take the blame? 335
Group Decision-Making Techniques 336
Summary 337
Implications for Managers 338
Point/Counterpoint People Are More Creative When They Work Alone 339
Questions for Review 340
Experiential Exercise Surviving the Wild: Join a Group or Go It Alone? 340
Ethical Dilemma It’s Obvious, They’re Chinese. 341
Case Incident 1 The Calamities of Consensus 342
Case Incident 2 Intragroup Trust and Survival 343
10 Understanding Work Teams 348
Why Have Teams Become So Popular? 351
Differences Between Groups and Teams 351
Types of Teams 352
Problem-Solving Teams 353
Self-Managed Work Teams 353
Cross-Functional Teams 354
Virtual Teams 355
Multiteam Systems 355
An Ethical Choice The Size of Your Meeting’s Carbon Footprint 356
Creating Effective Teams 357
Team Context: What Factors Determine Whether Teams Are Successful? 358
Team Composition 359
Myth or Science? Team Members Who Are “Hot” Should Make the Play 360
Career OBjectives Is it wrong that I’d rather have guys on my team? 363
Team Processes 364
Personal Inventory Assessments Team Development Behaviors 368
Turning Individuals into Team Players 368
Selecting: Hiring Team Players 368
Training: Creating Team Players 368
Rewarding: Providing Incentives to Be a Good Team Player 368
Beware! Teams Aren’t Always the Answer 369
Summary 370
Implications for Managers 370
Point/Counterpoint To Get the Most Out of Teams, Empower Them 371
Questions for Review 372
Experiential Exercise Composing the “Perfect” Team 372
Ethical Dilemma The Sum of the Team Is Less Than Its Members 372
Case Incident 1 Tongue-Tied in Teams 374
Case Incident 2 Smart Teams and Dumb Teams 374
11 Communication 380
Functions of Communication 383
Direction of Communication 385
Downward Communication 385
Upward Communication 385
Lateral Communication 386
Formal Small-Group Networks 386
The Grapevine 387
Modes of Communication 388
Oral Communication 388
Career OBjectives Isn’t this disability too much to accommodate? 391
Written Communication 392
Myth or Science? Today, Writing Skills Are More Important Than Speaking Skills 395
Nonverbal Communication 396
Personal Inventory Assessments Communication Styles 397
Choice of Communication Channel 397
Channel Richness 397
Choosing Communication Methods 398
Information Security 400
An Ethical Choice Using Employees in Organizational Social Media Strategy 401
Persuasive Communication 401
Automatic and Controlled Processing 402
Barriers to Effective Communication 403
Filtering 403
Selective Perception 403
Information Overload 404
Emotions 404
Language 404
Silence 405
Communication Apprehension 405
Lying 406
Cultural Factors 406
Cultural Barriers 406
Cultural Context 407
A Cultural Guide 408
Summary 409
Implications for Managers 409
Point/Counterpoint We Should Use Employees’ Social Media Presence 410
Questions for Review 411
Experiential Exercise An Absence of Nonverbal Communication 411
Ethical Dilemma BYOD 412
Case Incident 1 Organizational Leveraging of Social Media 413
Case Incident 2 An Underwater Meeting 413
12 Leadership 418
Trait Theories 421
Career OBjectives How can I get my boss to be a better leader? 423
Behavioral Theories 423
Summary of Trait Theories and Behavioral Theories 424
Contingency Theories 425
The Fiedler Model 425
Situational Leadership Theory 426
Path–Goal Theory 427
Leader–Participation Model 427
Contemporary Theories of Leadership 428
Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 428
Charismatic Leadership 429
Transactional and Transformational Leadership 432
Myth or Science? Top Leaders Feel the Most Stress 434
Personal Inventory Assessments Ethical Leadership Assessment 437
Responsible Leadership 437
Authentic Leadership 437
Ethical Leadership 438
An Ethical Choice Holding Leaders Ethically Accountable 439
Servant Leadership 440
Positive Leadership 440
Trust 440
Mentoring 443
Challenges to Our Understanding of Leadership 444
Leadership as an Attribution 444
Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership 445
Online Leadership 446
Selecting Leaders 446
Training Leaders 447
Summary 448
Implications for Managers 448
Point/Counterpoint CEOs Start Early 449
Questions for Review 450
Experiential Exercise What Is Leadership? 450
Ethical Dilemma Smoking Success 450
Case Incident 1 My Holiday the Virgin Way 451
Case Incident 2 Leadership Traits 452
13 Power and Politics 458
Power and Leadership 461
Bases of Power 462
Formal Power 462
Personal Power 462
Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective? 463
Dependence: The Key to Power 464
The General Dependence Postulate 464
What Creates Dependence? 464
Social Network Analysis: A Tool for Assessing Resources 465
Power Tactics 466
Using Power Tactics 467
Cultural Preferences for Power Tactics 468
Applying Power Tactics 468
How Power Affects People 468
Power Variables 469
Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace 470
Politics: Power in Action 471
Definition of Organizational Politics 471
The Reality of Politics 472
Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior 473
Factors Contributing to Political Behavior 473
Career OBjectives Should I become political? 475
Myth or Science? Powerful Leaders Keep Their (Fr)Enemies Close 477
How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics? 477
Impression Management 478
An Ethical Choice How Much Should You Manage Interviewer Impressions? 481
The Ethics of Behaving Politically 482
Personal Inventory Assessments Gaining Power and Influence 483
Mapping Your Political Career 483
Summary 484
Implications for Managers 485
Point/Counterpoint Everyone Wants Power 486
Questions for Review 487
Experiential Exercise Comparing Influence Tactics 487
Ethical Dilemma How Much Should You Defer to Those in Power? 487
Case Incident 1 Reshaping the Dubai Model 488
Case Incident 2 Barry’s Peer Becomes His Boss 489
14 Conflict and Negotiation 494
A Definition of Conflict 497
Types of Conflict 497
Loci of Conflict 499
The Conflict Process 500
Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility 500
Stage II: Cognition and Personalization 502
Stage III: Intentions 502
Stage IV: Behavior 504
Stage V: Outcomes 505
Negotiation 507
Bargaining Strategies 508
Myth or Science? Teams Negotiate Better Than Individuals in Collectivistic Cultures 511
The Negotiation Process 511
Individual Differences in Negotiation Effectiveness 513
Career OBjectives How can I get a better job? 514
An Ethical Choice Using Empathy to Negotiate More Ethically 515
Negotiating in a Social Context 518
Third-Party Negotiations 519
Summary 520
Implications for Managers 520
Personal Inventory Assessments Strategies for Handling Conflict 520
Point/Counterpoint Pro Sports Strikes Are Caused by Greedy Owners 521
Questions for Review 522
Experiential Exercise A Negotiation Role-Play 522
Ethical Dilemma The Lowball Applicant 523
Case Incident 1 Disorderly Conduct 523
Case Incident 2 Is More Cash Worth the Clash? 524
15 Foundations of Organization Structure 528
What Is Organizational Structure? 531
Work Specialization 531
Departmentalization 533
Chain of Command 534
Span of Control 535
Centralization and Decentralization 536
Formalization 537
Boundary Spanning 537
Common Organizational Frameworks and Structures 538
The Simple Structure 538
The Bureaucracy 539
The Matrix Structure 541
Alternate Design Options 542
The Virtual Structure 542
The Team Structure 543
Career OBjectives What structure should I choose? 544
rAn Ethical Choice Flexible Structures, Deskless Workplaces 545
The Circular Structure 545
Personal Inventory Assessments Organizational Structure Assessment 545
The Leaner Organization: Downsizing 546
Why Do Structures Differ? 547
Organizational Strategies 547
Organization Size 549
Technology 550
Environment 550
Institutions 551
Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior 551
Myth or Science? Employees Can Work Just as Well from Home 552
Summary 554
Implications for Managers 554
Point/Counterpoint The End of Management 555
Questions for Review 556
Experiential Exercise The Sandwich Shop 556
Ethical Dilemma Post-Millennium Tensions in the Flexible organization 557
Case Incident 1 Kuuki: Reading the Atmosphere 557
Case Incident 2 Boeing Dreamliner: Engineering Nightmare or Organizational\rDisaster? 558
4 The Organization System 562
16 Organizational Culture 562
What Is Organizational Culture? 565
A Definition of Organizational Culture 565
Culture Is a Descriptive Term 565
Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures? 566
Myth or Science? An Organization’s Culture Is Forever 567
Strong versus Weak Cultures 567
Culture versus Formalization 568
What Do Cultures Do? 568
The Functions of Culture 568
Culture Creates Climate 568
The Ethical Dimension of Culture 569
Culture and Sustainability 570
Culture and Innovation 571
Culture as an Asset 572
Culture as a Liability 573
Creating and Sustaining Culture 575
How a Culture Begins 575
Keeping a Culture Alive 575
Summary: How Organizational Cultures Form 579
How Employees Learn Culture 579
Stories 579
Rituals 579
Symbols 580
An Ethical Choice A Culture of Compassion 581
Language 581
Influencing an Organizational Culture 582
An Ethical Culture 582
A Positive Culture 582
A Spiritual Culture 585
Career OBjectives How do I learn to lead? 587
The Global Context 587
Summary 589
Implications for Managers 589
Personal Inventory Assessments Comfort with Change Scale 589
Point/Counterpoint Organizations Should Strive to Create a Positive Organizational Culture 590
Questions for Review 591
Experiential Exercise Greeting Newcomers\r 591
Ethical Dilemma Culture of Deceit 592
Case Incident 1 The Place Makes the People 593
Case Incident 2 Active Cultures 594
17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 598
Recruitment Practices 601
Selection Practices 601
How the Selection Process Works 601
Initial Selection 602
Substantive and Contingent Selection 604
Written Tests 604
Performance-Simulation Tests 606
Interviews 607
Contingent Selection Tests 609
Training and Development Programs 609
Types of Training 609
Training Methods 612
Evaluating Effectiveness 613
Performance Evaluation 613
What Is Performance? 613
Purposes of Performance Evaluation 614
What Do We Evaluate? 614
Who Should Do the Evaluating? 615
Methods of Performance Evaluation 616
Improving Performance Evaluations 617
Providing Performance Feedback 619
Career OBjectives How do I fire someone? 620
International Variations in Performance Appraisal 621
The Leadership Role of HR 621
Communicating HR Practices 622
Designing and Administering Benefit Programs 623
Drafting and Enforcing Employment Policies 623
An Ethical Choice HIV/AIDS and the Multinational organization 624
Managing Work–Life Conflicts 625
Myth or Science? The 24-Hour Workplace Is Harmful 625
Mediations, Terminations, and Layoffs 626
Summary 628
Implications for Managers 628
Personal Inventory Assessments Positive Practices Survey 629
Point/Counterpoint Employers Should Check Applicant Criminal Backgrounds 630
Questions for Review 631
Experiential Exercise Designing an Effective Structured Job Interview 631
Ethical Dilemma Are On-Demand Workers Really Employees? 632
Case Incident 1 Who Are You? 633
Case Incident 2 Indentured Doctors 633
18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 640
Change 643
Forces for Change 643
Planned Change 644
Resistance to Change 645
Overcoming Resistance to Change 647
The Politics of Change 649
Approaches to Managing Organizational Change 649
Lewin’s Three-Step Model 649
Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan 650
Action Research 651
Organizational Development 651
Creating a Culture for Change 654
Managing Paradox 655
Stimulating a Culture of Innovation 655
Creating a Learning Organization 657
Organizational Change and Stress 658
Stress at Work 659
What Is Stress? 659
Potential Sources of Stress at Work 661
Career OBjectives How can I bring my team’s overall stress level down? 663
Individual Differences 664
Cultural Differences 665
Consequences of Stress at Work 666
Myth or Science? When You’re Working Hard, Sleep Is Optional 667
Managing Stress 668
Individual Approaches 668
Organizational Approaches 669
An Ethical Choice Manager and Employee Stress During Organizational Change 670
Summary 672
Implications for Managers 672
Personal Inventory Assessments Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale 672
Point/Counterpoint Companies Should Encourage Stress Reduction 673
Questions for Review 674
Experiential Exercise Mindfulness at Work 674
Ethical Dilemma All Present and Accounted For 675
Case Incident 1 Atos: Zero Email Program 676
Case Incident 2 When Companies Fail to Change 677
Appendix Research in Organizational Behavior 682
Comprehensive Cases 689
Glossary 703
Name Index 713
Organization Index 721
Subject Index 725