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Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, Global Edition

Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, Global Edition

Paul L Knox | Sallie A Marston


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Book Details


For courses in Human Geography.


A distinctly modern look at human geography

Described as “fresh, innovative, and intelligent,” Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context is acclaimed for its global approach, conceptual rigor, engaging real-world applications, and outstanding visual program. Knox and Marston foster awareness of current issues and developing trends from a geographic perspective, and provide a solid foundation in the fundamentals of human geography. 
The authors integrate compelling local, regional, and global viewpoints to give meaning to people and places. By providing access to the latest ideas, concepts, and theories, the text deepens students’ understanding of the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world. The Seventh Edition extends Knox/Marston’s modern approach, integrating new technology as well as new visual and thematic features relevant to human geography today.


MasteringGeography not included. Students, if MasteringGeography is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringGeography should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

MasteringGeography is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 11
Copyright Page 12
Acknowledgments 23
Contents 14
Book & MasteringGeography™ Walkthrough 1
Preface 21
About the Authors 25
Digital & Print Resources 26
1 Geography Matters 29
Why Geography Matters 30
Why Places Matter 30
The Influence of Places 30
The Meaning of Places 31
Studying Human Geography 32
Geographical Relationships 33
The Basic Tools and Methods of Human Geographers 33
1.1 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Why Geography Matters 34
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 38
Spatial Analysis 39
Location 39
1.3 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Greenwich, England 40
Distance 41
Space 43
Accessibility 43
1.4 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Assessing Spatial Inequality 44
Spatial Interaction 45
Regional Analysis 47
Regionalization 47
Landscape 48
Sense of Place 48
Developing a Geographical Imagination 51
Future Geographies 52
Conclusion 53
Key Terms 54
Review & Discussion 54
Unplugged 54
Data Analysis 55
2 The Changing Global Context 57
The Premodern World 58
Hearth Areas 58
The Growth of Early Empires 59
The Geography of the Premodern World 61
An Interdependent World Geography 63
2.1 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS The Expansion and Disintegration of States 64
Core and Periphery in the New World-System 68
Organizing the Periphery 71
The Struggle for Independence 75
Contemporary Globalization 76
Key Issues in a Globalizing World 77
2.2 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Commodity Chains 78
2.3 WINDOW ON THE WORLD America’s Drowning Atlantic Seaboard 82
2.4 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Core-Periphery Disparity 84
Westernization and Cultural Imperialism 85
Future Geographies 86
Conclusion 87
Key Terms 88
Review & Discussion 88
Unplugged 89
Data Analysis 89
3 Geographies of Population and Migration 91
The Demographer’s Toolbox 92
Censuses and Vital Records 92
Limitations of the Census 93
Population Distribution and Composition 93
Population Distribution 93
Population Density 95
Population Composition 95
3.1 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Population Segregation in the United States 97
Age-Sex Pyramids 98
Population Cohorts 98
The Effect of Population Cohorts 100
3.2 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Education Abroad 102
Population Dynamics and Processes 104
Birth (or Fertility) Rates 104
Total Fertility Rate 104
Death (or Mortality) Rates 104
Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy 105
Medical and Health Geographies 107
3.3 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS The Global and the Local in Health and Disease 108
Demographic Transition Theory 111
The Demographic Trap 111
Education, Women, and Demographic Transformation 112
Population Movement and Migration 112
Mobility and Migration 112
Documenting and Explaining Migration 114
Push and Pull Factors and Types of Migration 114
International Voluntary Migration 115
Labor Migration 115
3.4 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Internal Displacement 116
Amenity Migration 119
International Forced Migration 119
Internal Voluntary Migration 121
Internal Forced Migration 121
Population Debates and Policies 123
Population and Resources 123
Population Policies and Programs 124
International Population Policies 125
The UN Millennium Development Goals 126
Progress on the MDGs 127
Future Geographies 127
Conclusion 129
Key Terms 130
Review & Discussion 130
Unplugged 130
Data Analysis 131
4 People and Nature 133
Nature as a Concept 134
The Earth Summits 134
Alternative Solutions to Environmental Problems 136
Nature and Society Defined 137
The Complex Relationship of Environmental Impacts, Population, and Affluence 137
4.1 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS The Political Ecology of Carbon Offsets 138
Nature–Society Interactions 141
Environmental Attitudes and Philosophies in the United States 141
Classical Environmental Philosophies 142
Contemporary Environmental Philosophies 143
Global Change in the Anthropocene 144
European Colonial Expansion 144
Global Climate Change 148
What is Climate Change? 148
How Do We Know Climate Is Changing? 149
What Are Some Projected Impacts of These Changes? 149
What’s to Be Done? 151
The Climate Change Controversy 151
Energy, Land-Use Change and Environment 153
Energy Needs and Environmental Impacts 153
4.2 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Energy Consumption and Production 154
Biomass and Hydropower 156
Land Use and Environmental Impacts 160
4.3 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Renewable Energy Resources 162
Water Use and Access 166
The State of the Global Environment 168
Global Environmental Governance 168
4.4 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Ecotourism 170
Environmental Sustainability 172
Future Geographies 173
Conclusion 174
Key Terms 176
Review & Discussion 176
Unplugged 176
Data Analysis 177
5 Cultural Geographies 179
Culture as a Geographical Process 180
Culture 180
Geography and Culture 181
A Two-Way Relationship 181
Traditions of Cultural Geography 182
Building Cultural Complexes 183
Cultural Landscape 183
5.1 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY UNESCO World Heritage Landscapes 184
Critique of Sauer’s Cultural Landscape 186
European Approaches to Culture and Place 186
Cultural Traits 187
Cultural Complexes and Regions 187
5.2 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Shaping Place Through Fact and Fiction, Practice and Representation 188
Cultural Systems 190
Culture and Society 190
Culture and Identity 192
Sex and Gender 192
Feminism and Gender 194
Gender and Class 194
Ethnicity 194
5.3 SPATIAL INEQUALITY The Global Gender Gap 195
Race 196
Whiteness, Blackness, and Rap Music 197
Geographies of Disability 198
Children’s Geographies and Geographies of Childhood 198
Emergent Cultural Geographies 199
Actor-Network Theory 199
Non-Representational Theory 199
Emotional Geographies 200
Materialism 201
Globalization and Cultural Change 202
Americanization and Globalization 202
A Global Culture 203
5.4 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Geographies of Beauty and Plastic Surgery 204
Future Geographies 206
Conclusion 208
Key Terms 209
Review & Discussion 210
Unplugged 210
Data Analysis 211
6 Language, Communication, and Belief 213
Geographies of Language 214
What Is Language? 214
The World of Language 215
Language Relationships and Dynamics 219
Language Family 219
Language Trees 219
Language Hearths 222
Indentify and Language 223
6.1 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Language Revival 224
Communication 226
6.2 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Geographies of Literacy 228
Language of Social Media 230
Sign Language 231
Sensual language 231
Religious Geographies 232
Global Distribution of the World’s Religions 232
Migration and Religion 232
The World’s Major Religions 233
Religiosity 237
6.3 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Belief Systems and Restrictions on Behavior 238
Other Belief Systems 240
Globalization, Communication, and Religion 241
The Influence of Modern Communications 242
6.4 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Fashion Veiling 243
Reaction: Islam and Cultural Nationalism 244
Religion and Landscape 245
Sacred Spaces and Pilgrimages 246
Future Geographies 250
Conclusion 250
Key Terms 252
Review & Discussion 252
Unplugged 252
Data Analysis 253
7 Interpreting Places and Landscapes 255
Behavior, Knowledge, and Human Environments 256
Place-Making 258
Territoriality 258
Street Art 259
People and Places, Insiders and Outsiders 259
7.1 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Outsider Art 261
Experience and Meaning 261
Images and Behavior 263
Landscapes as Human Systems 265
The Social Meaning of Landscapes 265
Landscapes of National Identity 267
7.3 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Trafalgar Square and British National Identity 270
Coded Spaces 273
Commercial Spaces 273
Globalization and Place-Making 274
Going Slow 274
Places as Objects of Consumption 275
7.4 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS The Geography of Stardom: Celebrity and Place 276
Future Geographies 280
Conclusion 281
Key Terms 282
Review & Discussion 282
Unplugged 283
Data Analysis 283
8 Geographies of Economic Development 285
Patterns of Economic Development 286
Technological Change and Economic Development 286
The Unevenness of Economic Development 286
Measuring Levels of Economic Development 287
Resources and Development 288
8.1 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Technological Change and Economic Development 290
Resources and Development 292
The Economic Structure of Countries and Regions 293
Knowledge and Economics 295
International Trade 295
8.2 WINDOW ON THE WORLD China’s Economic Development 296
8.3 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Gender and Economic Development 298
Interpretations of International Patterns of Development 301
Regional Economic Development 303
The Economics of Location 303
Regional Economic Linkages 303
The Modification of Regional Core-Periphery Patterns 304
Globalization and Economic Development 308
Global Assembly Lines and Supply Chains 309
New Geographies of Office Employment 313
The Experience Economy and Place Marketing 315
8.4 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS How Geopolitics has Changed the World 316
Future Geographies 318
Conclusion 320
Key Terms 321
Review & Discussion 322
Unplugged 322
Data Analysis 323
9 Geographies of Food and Agriculture 325
Traditional Agricultural Geography 326
Agricultural Practices 326
Origins and Change in Agriculture 327
Shifting Cultivation 327
Intensive Subsistence Agriculture 330
Pastoralism 332
Culture and Society in Agriculture 332
Agricultural Revolution and Industrialization 333
The First Agricultural Revolution 333
The Second Agricultural Revolution 334
The Third Agricultural Revolution 334
The Industrialization of Agriculture 336
Nontraditional agricultural exports 337
9.1 WINDOW ON THE WORLD The Green Revolution Then and Now 338
Contract Farming 340
Biotechnology and Agriculture 340
Biotechnology 340
Opposition to GMOs 341
The Adverse Effects of Biotechnology 342
Global Change in Food Production and Consumption 344
Forces of Change 344
National and International Agricultural Policy 344
What Are Some Key Agricultural Policies? 345
What Are Some Important Impacts of National and International Policies? 345
Opposition to Globalized Agriculture 345
Agricultural Subsidies 345
The Organization of the Agro-Food System 346
Agribusiness 346
Food Supply Chain 347
Food Regimes and Alternative Food Movements 348
Colonialism and Food Exports 348
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 348
Local Food 350
Fast Food 351
9.2 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Urban Agriculture 352
Fast Food and its Health Effects 354
Fast Food and its Environmental Impacts 354
9.3 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Food Deserts 356
The Environment and Agricultural Industrialization 358
How the Environment Shapes Agriculture 358
How Industrial Agriculture Affects the Environment 358
Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Food System 359
Food and Hunger 360
Nutrition Issues 360
Famine, Food Security and Food Safety 361
Land Grabs 361
9.4 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Hunger and Poverty in the United States 362
Addressing Hunger 364
Future Geographies 364
Conclusion 365
Key Terms 366
Review & Discussion 366
Unplugged 367
Data Analysis 367
10 Political Geographies 369
The Development of Political Geography 370
The Geopolitical Model of the State 370
Boundaries and Frontiers 370
10.1 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Politics at the Poles 376
Geopolitics and the World Order 378
States, Nations and Citizenship 378
What is a citizen 378
Multinational States 379
Russia’s State and National Transformation 380
State Theory 381
Althusser 381
Foucault 381
Deleuze 382
Biopolitics 382
Imperialism and Colonialism 382
Orientalism and Post-colonialism 385
10.2 WINDOW ON THE WORLD The Arab Spring and Its Aftermath 386
China and the East/West Divide 392
The New World Order 393
10.3 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Global Military Spending 394
10.4 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Global Corruption 398
After the Iraq War 399
International and Supranational Organizations and New Regimes of Global Governance 400
Transnational Political Integration 400
Globalization, Transnational Governance, and the State 401
The Two-Way Street of Politics and Geography 404
The Politics of Geography 404
The Geography of Politics and Geographical Systems of Representation 409
Future Geographies 413
Conclusion 414
Key Terms 415
Review & Discussion 415
Unplugged 416
Data Analysis 417
11 Urbanization and the Global Urban System 419
Urban Geography and Urbanization 420
Studying Urbanization 420
Urbanization and Changing Human Geographies 421
Foundations of the Global Urban System 423
11.1 SPATIAL INEQUALITY The Prosperity of Cities 424
11.2 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Cities and Economic Development 426
European Urban Expansion 428
Industrialization and Urbanization 429
Colonial Cities 431
11.3 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY The Urbanization Process 432
Transport Networks and Urban Systems 434
Primacy and Centrality in the Global Urban System 435
World Urbanization Today 438
World Cities 438
Megacities 440
Mature Metropolises 442
11.4 WINDOW ON THE WORLD The Pearl River Delta: An Extended Metropolis 444
Cities and Climate Change 445
Future Geographies 448
Conclusion 450
Key Terms 452
Review & Discussion 452
Unplugged 452
Data Analysis 453
12 City Spaces: Urban Structure 455
Spatial Patterns and Processes in North American Cities 456
The Multi-Nodal City 456
12.1 VISUALIZING GEOGRAPHY Spatial Segregation 458
The Polycentric Metropolis 460
Problems of North American Cities 462
12.2 GEOGRAPHY MATTERS Detroit’s Open Geography: Problems and potential 464
Urban Design and Planning 466
European Cities 467
Features of European Cities 467
European Urban Design and Planning 468
Islamic Cities 470
Cities of the Periphery: Dualism 473
The Informal Economy 473
Slums of Hope, Slums of Despair 475
12.3 WINDOW ON THE WORLD Doha, Qatar 476
12.4 SPATIAL INEQUALITY Garment Workers in Dhaka 479
The Challenges of Growth 480
Future Geographies 481
Conclusion 482
Key Terms 483
Review & Discussion 484
Unplugged 484
Data Analysis 485
Glossary 486
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