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Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System E-Book

Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System E-Book

Carla Stecco


Additional Information


Principally based on dissections of hundreds of un-embalmed human cadavers over the past decade, Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System presents a new vision of the human fascial system using anatomical and histological photographs along with microscopic analysis and biomechanical evaluation.

Prof. Carla Stecco – orthopaedic surgeon and professor of anatomy and sport activities – brings together the research of a multi-specialist team of researchers and clinicians consisting of anatomists, biomechanical engineers, physiotherapists, osteopaths and plastic surgeons. In this Atlas Prof. Stecco presents for the first time a global view of fasciae and the actual connections that describe the myofascial kinetic chains. These descriptions help to explain how fascia plays a part in myofascial dysfunction and disease as well as how it may alter muscle function and disturb proprioceptive input. Prof. Stecco also highlights the continuity of the fascial planes, explaining the function of the fasciae and their connection between muscles, nerves and blood vessels. This understanding will help guide the practitioner in selecting the proper technique for a specific fascial problem with a view to enhancing manual therapy methods.

Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System opens with the first chapter classifying connective tissue and explaining its composition in terms of percentages of fibres, cells and extracellular matrix. The second chapter goes on to describe the general characteristics of the superficial fascia from a macroscopic and microscopic point of view; while the third analyzes the deep fascia in the same manner. The subsequent five chapters describe the fasciae from a topographical perspective. In this part of the Atlas, common anatomical terminology is used throughout to refer to the various fasciae but it also stresses the continuity of fasciae between the different bodily regions.

  • Over 300 unique photographs which show fascia on fresh (not embalmed) cadavers
  • Demonstrates the composition, form and function of the fascial system
  • Highlights the role of the deep fascia for proprioception and peripheral motor coordination
  • Companion website – – with videos showing how fascia connects with ligaments

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc_2
Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System i
Copyright page iv
Table of Contents v
Foreword by Andry Vleeming vi
Preface viii
Acknowledgements x
1 Connective Tissues 1
Composition of the Connective Tissues 1
Extracellular Matrix 2
Ground Substance 2
Proteoglycans 2
Hyaluronan 3
Link proteins 3
Fibres 4
Collagen fibres 4
Elastic fibres 4
Connective Tissue Cells 5
Fibroblasts 6
Adipocytes/FAT Cells 7
Multipotent Stromal Cells 8
Classification of Connective Tissue 8
Loose Connective Tissue 8
Adipose Tissue 9
White Adipose Tissue (WAT) 10
Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) 15
Dense Connective Tissue 15
References 19
Bibliography 19
2 Subcutaneous Tissue and Superficial Fascia 21
History 21
Current Evidence 21
Superficial Adipose Tissue 24
Superficial Fascia (Fascia Superficialis) 26
Deep Adipose Tissue 29
Transverse and Longitudinal Lines of Adhesions 30
Longitudinal Adhesions 31
Transverse Adhesions 33
Subcutaneous Vessels 33
Arteries 33
Veins 38
Lymphatic Vessels 38
Subcutaneous Nerves 39
Subcutaneous Bursa 43
Development of the Superficial Fascia 43
Mechanical Behaviour 44
Imaging of the Superficial Fascia 46
References 48
Bibliography 49
3 Deep Fasciae 51
Introduction 51
Definition 51
Aponeurotic Fascia 52
Microscopic Anatomy of Aponeurotic Fasciae 57
Hyaluronan 60
Vascularization of the Aponeurotic Fasciae 64
Innervation of the Aponeurotic Fasciae 64
Myofascial Expansions 67
Fascial Reinforcements: Retinacula 72
Mechanical Behaviour 82
Nonlinear Mechanical Response 82
Tensile Strength to Multiaxial Loading 84
Anisotropy 84
Viscoelasticity 84
Multilayered Mechanical Response 86
Epimysial Fascia 86
Perimysium 88
Endomysium 91
Mechanical Behaviour 91
Muscular Force Transmission 92
Innervation of the Epimysial Fascia: Role of the Muscle Spindles 92
Imaging of the Deep Fasciae 95
References 98
Bibliography 102
4 Fasciae of the Head and Neck 103
Introduction 103
Superficial Fasciae 103
Superficial Fascia of the Head: Galea Capitis (Galea Aponeurotica) 105
Superficial Temporal Fascia (Temporoparietal Fascia) 112
Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System of the Face 112
Superficial Fascia of the Neck: Platysma Muscle 120
Deep Fasciae of the Head 122
Deep Fascia of the Skull: Epicranial Fascia 124
Deep Fascia of the Orbit: Tenon’s Fascia (or Capsule) 124
Deep Fascia of the Skull: Temporal Fascia 125
Deep Fascia of the Face: Parotideomasseteric Fascia 127
Deep Fascia of the Face: Pterygoid Fascia 127
Deep Fascia of the Face: Buccopharyngeal Fascia 129
Deep Fasciae of the Neck (Deep Cervical Fascia) 130
Deep Fascia of the Neck: Superficial Lamina (Investing Layer or Layer I) 131
Deep Fascia of the Neck: Middle Lamina (Layer II) 131
Deep Fascia of the Neck: Deep Lamina (Prevertebral Fascia or Layer III) 134
References 138
Bibliography 139
5 Fasciae of the Thorax and Abdomen 141
Introduction 141
Superficial Fascia of the Thorax and Abdomen 141
Mammary Region 152
Deep Fascia 157
Pectoral Fascia 157
Clavipectoral Fascia 160
Intercostal and Endothoracic Fasciae 167
Deep Fasciae of the Abdomen 167
Fascia of the External Oblique Muscle 167
Fascia of the Internal Oblique Muscle 170
Fascia of the Transversus Abdominis Muscle 171
Rectus Sheath 174
Transversalis (or Preperitoneal Fascia) 181
References 183
Bibliography 184
6 Fasciae of the Back 185
Introduction 185
Superficial Fascia 185
Deep Fasciae 190
Superficial Layer of the Deep Fascia of the Back 193
Intermediate Layer of the Deep Fascia of the Back 193
Serrati Fasciae 193
Deep Layer of the Deep Fascia of the Back 199
Thoracolumbar Fascia 199
Iliopsoas Fascia 213
Reference 215
Bibliography 216
7 Fasciae of the Upper Limb 217
Superficial Fascia 217
Deep Fasciae 228
Deep Fasciae of the Shoulder 228
Deltoid Fascia 234
Axillary Fascia 234
Subscapular Fascia (Fascia Subscapularis) 237
Infraspinatus Fascia 241
Supraspinatus Fascia 241
Deep Fascia of the Arm: Brachial Fascia 241
Deep Fascia of the Forearm: Antebrachial Fascia 262
Deep Fasciae of the Palm: Palmar Fascial Complex 271
Dorsal Fasciae of the Hand 282
Deep Fasciae of the Fingers 282
References 284
Bibliography 286
8 Fasciae of the Lower Limb 289
Superficial Fascia of the Lower Limb 289
Deep Fascia of the Lower Limb 298
Gluteal Fascia 298
Fascia of the Gluteus Medius Muscle 312
Piriformis Fascia 312
Obturator Fascia 314
Iliopectineal Fascia 314
Fascia Lata and the Iliotibial Tract 315
Crural Fascia 335
Fasciae of the Foot 352
Dorsal Fascia of the Foot 356
Fascia of the Interossei 356
Plantar Fascia 360
References 364
Bibliography 365
Index 367
A 367
B 367
C 368
D 368
E 368
F 369
G 370
H 370
I 370
J 370
K 370
L 370
M 371
N 371
O 371
P 371
Q 372
R 372
S 372
T 373
U 374
V 374
W 374
X 374
Z 374