Dynamic Security
Caroline Stewart | Richard Shuker | Teresa Wood | Roland Woodward | Michael Parker | Joe Murray | Tim Newell | Jim Ormsby | Alan Miller | Liz McLure | Mark Morris | Shadd Maruna | Judy Mackenzie | Jan Lees | Kevin Leggett | David Jones | Bob Healey | John Gunn | Brian Hirons | Ronald Doctor | Dennie Briggs | Danny Clark | Jo Day | Peter Bennett | Leonidas Cheliotis
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This book is well thought out and thorough examination of the challenges and opportunities of dynamic security. I would recommend this book to those who work with prisoners in the hope that some of the obvious good practice can be shared more widely and not simply retained in therapeutic-style units. There are also important policy implications, particularly in relation to climb-down, reintegration and release of prisoners.'
- Prison Service Journal, March 2007
Dynamic Security describes the theory, practice and management of democratic therapeutic communities (TCs) in prisons using clinical examples and case studies. The contributors explore the complexities of working in TCs and the powerful emotional impact generated in the process of therapy in the forensic setting. In particular, they focus on the previous life history of offenders in therapy and on the effect of former relationship experiences on offenders' behaviour.
This book is an indispensable reference for anyone working in the forensic field in prisons, secure hospitals or dangerous and severe personality disorder (DSPD) units, including psychiatrists, psychologists, prison and probation officers, social workers, prison governors and staff, as well as students in these fields.
This collection of essays is primarily concerned with the position, place and processes of the "Therapeutic Community" (TC) within the Prison estate of England and Wales. This book is a welcome contribution to discussions about prison as a human(e) environment. It recognises that security and "treatment" (in a wide range of interpretations of this word) do not have to be considered to be competing demands on the prison resources.
Social Work and Social Sciences