Working with Parents of Young People
Amanda Holt | Cris Hoskin | Helen Richardon Foster | Kevin Lowe | Sarah Lindfield | Debi Roker | Nigel Sherriff | Julie Shepherd | Stephanie Stace | Kerry Devitt | John Coleman | Lester Coleman | Helen Richardson Foster | Louise Cox
Additional Information
Book Details
This book provides practical guidance for a wide range of professionals working with parents and families, answering common questions such as 'How can parents facilitate their child's transition to secondary school?' and 'How can families best communicate about alcohol?'.
Drawing on the findings from years of applied research projects carried out by the Trust for the Study of Adolescence, each chapter focuses on a particular area of parenting young people - from monitoring and supervision to support for foster families - and each highlights the implications of research results for policy and practice. This book presents a range of approaches to working with parents and families, and discusses the effectiveness of techniques such as parent mentoring and involving young people in parenting programmes.
Working with Parents of Young People provides a strong set of evidence-based guidelines for best practice and will be a key resource for all those working to support the parents of teenagers.
The field of parenting is at an exciting stage of growth and development... This will be an interesting and useful book to those working with both parents and young people.
Professional Social Work
The text reports findings from new research about the parents of young people and new ways of working with parents. It offers a wide range of professionals working with parents and families a range of approaches to conducting such work, and discusses the effectiveness of techniques such as parent mentoring and involving young people in parentiing programs.
This is an interesting book for any practitioner or student seeking an overview of current debates about parenting young people and of initiatives undertaken by the TSA in this field. For any professional contemplating providing a service for parents of young people this is a useful and informative starting point.
Journal of Children's Services
The book draws from many years of fascinating research projects carried out by the Trust, and offers clear insight into their findings. Divided into four parts the book offers guidelines, particularly for professionals working with parents and families, of best practice in various areas of working with parents of young people... The editors concede that what might be a good idea on paper may not be as simple as it might first appear, and for this reason their research is invaluable to anyone about to embark, or currently reviewing their strategy or policy, on working with families. After reading this book I have become interested in the Trust for the Study of Adolescence and can see that their research is of huge importance and value to our modern day society. Hats off to them.
The first part looks at the latest research trends in the field, and includes chapters on monitoring and supervision techniques with parents, team parenting approaches in foster care, how to communicate to children about alcohol use, and a consideration of parents' needs during their child's transition from primary to secondary school. The second half of the book illustrates approaches that seek to work with parents facing some of these difficult challenges, and sets out some very interesting techniques, including how to engage schools in parental support, using newsletters and IT-based approaches, engaging the young people themselves in parenting programmes, and setting up parent-to-parent mentor schemes... For the child mental health professional seeking actually to apply some of these creative approaches to working with parents, it will prove an invaluable addition to the library shelf- as well as providing an up-to-date revision of the latest trends in both theory and practice.
YoungMinds Magazine
I would refer to this text when considering how best to support parents of adolescents in any setting, but most of all it is useful for advising on partnership working with schools. The Book will no doubt help workers to avoid pitfalls, improve and share practice and, ultimately, secure better outcomes for parents, teenagers, families, schools and communities
Children & Young People Now
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
The International Context | |||
Oxfam's Experience in Africa | |||
A Note on Methodology | |||
The 'New World Order | |||
The Position of Africa | |||
The devision of labour | |||
The emergence of food insecurity | |||
The Intensification of Production | |||
Political Overview | |||
The Development of 'Core' and 'Peripheral' Areas | |||
The Marginalisation of Peripheral Groups | |||
Patterns of Social Transformation | |||
The Effects on the Enviroment | |||
Coping with Change | |||
Conflict and the resources | |||
Wars of Subsistance | |||
Breaking the Continuity | |||
Connecting Local and Internal Conflict | |||
Limitations of Convetional Understanding | |||
War as Political Economy | |||
The political economy of groups: the Baggara of West Sudan | |||
The political economy of movements: the SPLA in South Sudan | |||
The political economy of movements: the MNR in Mozambique | |||
The logic of food denial | |||
Structural Considerations | |||
The overall Effect of War | |||
Some Basic Parameters | |||
The destruction and dislocation of markets | |||
The destruction and dislocation of subsistence agriculture | |||
The dislocation of populations | |||
The effects on the family | |||
The destruction and dislocation of social infrastructure | |||
Contribution to economic decline | |||
The Conventions of War | |||
The Internationalisation of Public Welfare | |||
The Case For Reform | |||
The question of targeting | |||
The question of access | |||
The question of sovereignty | |||
Oxfam's Position | |||
Summary and Conclusion | |||