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Techniques in Orthognathic Surgery, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, E-Book

Techniques in Orthognathic Surgery, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, E-Book

Steven M. Sullivan


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This issue of the Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics focuses on Orthognathic Surgery. Articles will feature The Sagittal Split Osteotomy, Genioplasty, Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy, Lefort 1 Osteotomy, Lefort 2 and 3 Osteotomy, Implications of Two Jaw Sequencing, Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion, Simultaneous Total Joint Replacement and Orthognathic Surgery: Planning and Sequencing and Surgical Approaches, and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Techniques in Orthognathic\rSurgery\r i
Copyright ii
Contributors iii
Contents v
Preface: Techniques in Orthognathic Surgery v
Le Fort I Osteotomy v
Le Fort III and Le Fort II Osteotomies v
The Bilateral Sagittal Split Mandibular Ramus Osteotomy v
Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy Procedure and Technique vi
Implications of Sequencing in Simultaneous Maxillary and Mandibular OrthognathicSurgery vi
Computer-Assisted Surgical Simulation for Concomitant Temporomandibular JointCustom-Fitted Total Joint Reconstruction and Orthognathic Surgery vi
Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion vi
Genioplasty vi
Preface:Techniques in \rOrthognathic Surgery ix
Le Fort I Osteotomy 1
Introduction 1
Surgical technique 1
Preoperative planning 1
Complications 13
Summary 13
References 13
Le Fort III and Le Fort II Osteotomies 15
Introduction 15
Le Fort III osteotomy 15
Le Fort II osteotomy 15
Indications 16
Le Fort III osteotomy 16
Craniofacial dysostosis 18
Midface deficiency 18
Le Fort II osteotomy 18
Technique 18
Subcranial Le Fort III osteotomy 19
Modified Le Fort III osteotomy 20
Pyramidal Le Fort II osteotomy 22
Steroids and antibiotics 24
Postoperative care 24
References 24
The Bilateral Sagittal Split Mandibular Ramus Osteotomy 27
Introduction 27
Step 1—infiltrate the soft tissue with vasoconstrictor 27
Step 2—the soft tissue incision 27
Step 3—buccal subperiosteal dissection 28
Step 4—superior subperiosteal dissection 28
Step 5—exposure of the lingula 28
Step 6—medial ramus osteotomy 28
Step 7—sagittal osteotomy 28
Step 8—buccal osteotomy of the mandibular body 29
Step 9—drill holes for a holding wire 29
Alternative techniques 29
Step 10—drill a hole for the condylar positioner 29
Step 11—place reference marks 30
Step 12—lavage 30
Step 13—define the osteotomy 30
Step 14—splitting the mandible 30
First stage 30
Second stage 31
The bad split 32
Fracture of the buccal cortex of the mandibular body 32
Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy Procedure and Technique 37
Introduction 37
Surgical technique 37
Preoperative planning 37
Preparation and patient positioning 38
Surgical approach 38
Technical notes 38
Surgical procedure 38
Step 1: identification of osteotomy location 38
Implications of Sequencing in Simultaneous Maxillary and Mandibular Orthognathic Surgery 45
The case for mandibular surgery first 45
Segmented maxillae 45
Counterclockwise rotation and downgrafting of the posterior maxilla 46
Large maxillomandibular advancements 47
When correcting anterior open bites with bimaxillary surgery 47
Rigid fixation of maxilla versus mandible (type of bone) 47
Stability of Le Fort I versus BSSO 47
Concomitant temporomandibular joint surgery 48
Differences between centric relation and centric occlusion and unstable bite registrations 50
Planning mandibular surgery first 51
Potential disadvantages of performing mandibular surgery first 52
References 53
Computer-Assisted Surgical Simulation for Concomitant Temporomandibular Joint Custom-Fitted Total Joint Reconstruction and ... 55
Introduction 55
Indications for concomitant temporomandibular joint and orthognathic surgery 55
Concomitant temporomandibular joint total joint replacement and orthognathic surgery 56
Protocol for concomitant temporomandibular joint and orthognathic surgery using computer-assisted surgical simulation 56
Surgical sequencing for concomitant temporomandibular joint total joint replacement and orthognathic surgery 57
Surgical procedure 58
Case presentation 62
Fat grafts 63
Treatment outcomes with concomitant temporomandibular joint total joint replacement and orthognathic surgery 63
References 66
Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion 67
Introduction: nature of the problem 67
Surgical technique 67
Preoperative planning 67
Clinical evaluation 68
Radiographic evaluation 68
Treatment of transverse maxillomandibular discrepancy 68
Preparation and patient positioning 68
Surgical approach 70
Surgical caveats 70
Postoperative care, rehabilitation, and recovery 70
Potential complications 71
Other caveats (modification of the surgically assisted maxillary expansion procedure) 72
Surgically assisted maxillary expansion versus segmental maxillary osteotomy and clinical results in the literature 74
Summary and suggestions regarding the correction of transverse discrepancies in adult patients 75
Further readings 77
Genioplasty 79
Introduction 79
Surgical technique 79
Infiltration with vasoconstrictor 79
Mucosal incision 79
Muscular incision 79
Periosteal stripping 79
Placement reference marks 80
Performing the horizontal osteotomy 80
Correction of anteroposterior chin deformities 80
Correction of the vertical dimension of the chin 80
Correction of the transverse dimensions of the chin 81
Correction of chin asymmetry 82
Options of fixation 83
Reassessment of the esthetic result 84
Closure of the wound 84
Placement of a pressure bandage 85
References 85