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Social Movement Studies in Europe

Social Movement Studies in Europe

Olivier Fillieule | Guya Accornero


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Bringing together over forty established and emerging scholars, this landmark volume is the first to comprehensively examine the evolution and current practice of social movement studies in a specifically European context. While its first half offers comparative approaches to an array of significant issues and movements, its second half assembles focused national studies that include most major European states. Throughout, these contributions are guided by a shared set of historical and social-scientific questions with a particular emphasis on political sociology, thus offering a bold and uncommonly unified survey that will be essential for scholars and students of European social movements.

“Fillieule and Accornero have edited a timely volume for breaking down national silos in social movement research… As a sociology of sociology, the major thrust of the work is that context is of paramount importance: many factors contributed to why social movement theory has largely been more robust in the US than in Europe. Nevertheless, the material here prepares scholars around the globe for detailed, comparative studies of movements… Highly recommended.” · Choice

“[This] volume [is] thoroughly recommended to everyone interested in the presence and history of social movements. An enormous amount of excellent scholarship is assembled here and no one will put this book down without having gained many fresh and productive insights into the development of social movements and their researchers.” · H-Net

“The volume demonstrates that we sorely need contributions by anthropologists and others committed to empirical but theoretically robust research.” · Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

“This volume is a significant enterprise that gathers 40 academics together, scholars internationally well-known in the field of social movement studies and new promising researchers…This book can be read by specialists and non-specialists, students, practitioners in the third sector, and any citizen at large who is interested in and concerned about the subject.” · Análise Social

“…anyone interested in the history and presence of social movements will greatly benefit from the volume…An enormous amount of excellent scholarship is assembled here and no one will put this book down without having gained many fresh and productive insights into the development of social movements and their researchers.” · H-Soz-Kult

“This volume fulfills an ambitious objective of covering the ‘state of the art,’ introducing readers to the range of theoretical frameworks and empirical approaches that scholars have deployed in studying European social movements. Taken as a whole, this is a valuable contribution to the domain of social movement studies.” · Lilian Mathieu, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Olivier Fillieule is a professor of political sociology at Lausanne University’s Research Centre on Political Action (CRAPUL) and senior researcher at CNRS-CESSP, Paris 1-Sorbonne. Among his recent books is Demonstrations, coauthored with Danielle Tartakowsky.

Guya Accornero is a senior researcher fellow in political science at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, Lisbon University Institute (IUL) - with a grant of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, grant number FCT-IF/00223/2012) - and invited professor at the same University. She collaborates with the ‘Barometer of News’ of the IUL Journalism School. She has been visiting researcher at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences of the Juan March Foundation, Madrid; at the Lausanne University Research Centre on Political Action and at the CUNY-Graduate Centre, New York City. Her research interests include contentious politics, radicalization, political violence, repression, anti-austerity protest, housing and anti-gentrification movements. Besides several book-chapters, she has published articles in the journals West European Politics, Democratization, Cultures & Conflicts, Análise Social, Storia e Problemi Contemporanei, Historein, Estudos Ibero-Americanos, and Journal of Contemporary Religion. She is the author of the monograph The Revolution before the Revolution: Late Authoritarianism and Student Protest in Portugal (Berghahn), and co-editor of the book Percorsi. Scienze sociali tra Italia e Portogallo (BraDypUS).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 7
Figures and Tables 10
Abbreviations 11
Foreword 14
Introduction 19
Part I — European Social Movements in Comparative Perspective 37
Chapter 1 — The European Movements of '68: Ambivalent Theories, Ideological Memories and Exciting Puzzles 39
Chapter 2 — Mobilizing for Democracy: The 1989 Protests in Central Eastern Europe 55
Chapter 3 — A Long-Awaited Homecoming: The Labour Movement in Social Movement Studies 72
Chapter 4 — Beyond Party Politics: The Search for a Unified Approach: Research on Radical Right-Wing Movements in Europe 87
Chapter 5 — Fields of Contentious Politics: Migration and Ethnic Relations 104
Chapter 6 — Quiescent or Invisible? Precarious and Unemployed Movements in Europe 120
Chapter 7 — From Anti-globalization to Global Justice Movement: The Waterloo's European Battle 136
Chapter 8 — Theoretical Perspectives on European Environmental Movements: Transnational and Technological Challenges in the Twenty-First Century 151
Chapter 9 — From Grassroots to Institutions: Women's Movements Studies in Europe 174
Chapter 10 — Social Movements Facing the Crisis: Indignados and Occupiers in Europe 191
Part II — National Cases 207
Chapter 11 — Social Movement Studies in Britain: No Longer the Poor Relation? 209
Chapter 12 — Precarious Research in a Movement Society: Social Movement Studies in Germany 232
Chapter 13 — Politics and People: Understanding Dutch Research on Social Movements 250
Chapter 14 — From Splendid Isolation to Joining the Concert of Nations: Social Movement Studies in France 268
Chapter 15 — Internationalization with Limited Domestic Recognition: Research on Social Movements in Italy 287
Chapter 16 — The Land of Opportunities? Social Movement Studies in Switzerland 306
Chapter 17 — Studying Movements in a Movement-Become-State: Research and Practice in Postcolonial Ireland 321
Chapter 18 — Successful Social Movement Outcomes without Social Movements? Research on Swedish Social Movements and Swedish Social Movement Research 337
Chapter 19 — Is Spain Still Different? Social Movements Research in a Belated Western European Democracy 356
Chapter 20 — Revolutionary or Mild Mannered? Social Movements and Social Movements Studies in Portugal 374
Chapter 21 — From the Centre to the Periphery and Back to the Centre: Social Movements Affecting Social Movement Theory in the Case of Greece 389
Chapter 22 — A Militant Rather than Scientific Research Object: Social Movements Studies in Turkey 406
Chapter 23 — From Democratization to Internationalization: Studying Social Movements in Hungary 421
Chapter 24 — Social Movements in Pre- and Post-December 1989 Romania 437
Chapter 25 — Social Mobilization and the Strong State from the Soviets to Putin: Social Movements in the Soviet Union and Russia 456
Conclusions — Social Movement Studies in Europe: Achievements, Gaps and Challenges 474
Index 506