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Dental Radiography - E-Book

Dental Radiography - E-Book

Joen Iannucci | Laura Jansen Howerton


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Book Details


Set yourself up for success with this must-have oral radiography text. Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques gives you a comprehensive foundation for the safe, effective use of radiation in the modern dental office. This combination textbook and training manual features easy-to-understand content combined with step-by-step techniques and a stellar art program to help you apply what you’ve learned to practice. Plus, new content focuses on pediatrics and the latest in digital and three-dimensional technology!

  • Comprehensive coverage offers all the information you need to know to prepare for board exams. 
  • Step-by-step procedures help ensure technique mastery and serve as a valuable reference tool. 
  • Technique Tips help you to recognize and prevent the most common performance pitfalls.
  • Quiz questions provide valuable self-assessment of important concepts. 
  • Key terminology is highlighted in chapter discussions and defined in a back-of-book glossary. 
  • Learning objectives and chapter summaries serve as goal-setting study tools.
  • EXPANDED! Content on pediatrics/adolescents, digital imaging, and three-dimensional radiography ensures that you’re prepared to practice in the modern dental office. 
  • UPDATED! Art program depicts the newest technology and equipment and includes new illustrations of anatomy and technique. 
  • UNIQUE! Helpful Hint boxes isolate challenging material and offer tips to aid your understanding.
  • NEW! Laboratory Manual provides workbook-style questions and activities to reinforce concepts and step-by-step instructions for in-clinic experiences. 
  • UNIQUE! Chapter on three-dimensional imaging helps you to prepare to enter private practice. 
  • UNIQUE! Full-color presentation helps you comprehend complex content.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Dental Radiography i
Copyright Page iv
Dedications v
Reviewers vi
Preface vii
About This Edition vii
New to This Edition vii
About Evolve vii
For the Student vii
For the Instructor vii
Workbook and Laboratory Manual viii
From the Authors viii
Acknowledgments ix
Table Of Contents x
I Radiation Basics 1
1 Radiation History 2
Learning Objectives 2
Dentistry and X-Radiation 2
Basic Terminology 2
Importance of Dental Images 2
Discovery of X-Radiation 2
Roentgen and the Discovery of X-rays 2
Earlier Experimentation 4
Pioneers in Dental X-Radiation 4
History of Dental X-Ray Equipment 4
History of Dental X-Ray Film 5
History of Dental Radiographic Techniques 5
History of Dental Digital Imaging 6
Summary 6
Bibliography 6
Quiz Questions 7
Matching 7
Ordering 7
Essay 7
2 Radiation Physics 8
Learning Objectives 8
Fundamental Concepts 8
Atomic and Molecular Structure 8
Atomic Structure 8
Nucleus. 8
Electrons. 8
Molecular Structure 9
Ionization, Radiation, and Radioactivity 10
Ionization 10
Radiation and Radioactivity 10
Ionizing Radiation 10
Particulate Radiation 10
Electromagnetic Radiation 11
Particle concept. 11
Wave concept. 11
X-Radiation 12
X-Ray Machine 12
Component Parts 12
Control Panel 12
Extension Arm 12
Tubehead 13
X-Ray Tube 14
Leaded-Glass Housing 14
Cathode 15
Anode 15
X-Ray Generating Apparatus 15
Electricity and Electrical Currents 15
Circuits 15
Transformers 16
Production of X-Radiation 16
Production of Dental X-Rays 16
Types of X-Rays Produced 17
General Radiation 17
Characteristic Radiation 17
Definitions of X-Radiation 17
Interactions of X-Radiation 18
No Interaction 18
Absorption of Energy and Photoelectric Effect 18
Compton Scatter 19
Coherent Scatter 19
Summary 19
Bibliography 20
Quiz Questions 20
II Equipment, Film, and Processing Basics 53
6 Dental X-Ray Equipment 54
Learning Objectives 54
Dental X-Ray Machines 54
Performance Standards 54
Types of Machines 54
Component Parts 54
Tubehead 54
Extension Arm 54
Control Panel 54
On-off switch. 55
Exposure button. 55
Control devices. 56
Dental X-Ray Receptor Holders and Beam Alignment Devices 56
Types of Receptor Holders 56
Types of Beam Alignment Devices 57
Summary 59
Bibliography 59
Quiz Questions 59
Multiple Choice 59
True or False 59
7 Dental X-Ray Film 60
Learning Objectives 60
Dental X-Ray Film Composition and Latent Image 60
Film Composition 60
Film Base 60
Adhesive Layer 60
Film Emulsion 60
Gelatin. 60
Halide crystals. 60
Protective Layer 61
Latent Image Formation 61
Types of Dental X-Ray Film 61
Intraoral Film 61
Intraoral Film Packaging 61
X-ray film. 61
Paper film wrapper. 63
Lead foil sheet. 63
Outer package wrapping. 63
Tube side. 63
Label side. 63
Intraoral Film Types 64
Periapical film. 64
Bite-wing film. 64
III Dental Radiographer Basics 112
11 Dental Images and the Dental Radiographer 113
Learning Objectives 113
Dental Images 113
Importance of Dental Images 113
Uses of Dental Images 113
Benefits of Dental Images 113
Information Found on Dental Images 114
The Dental Radiographer 114
Knowledge and Skill Requirements 114
Duties and Responsibilities 114
Professional Goals 114
Patient Protection 114
Operator Protection 115
Patient Education 115
Operator Competence 115
Operator Efficiency 116
Production of Quality Images 116
Quality Care 116
Summary 116
Bibliography 117
Quiz Questions 117
True or False 117
12 Patient Relations and the Dental Radiographer 118
Learning Objectives 118
Interpersonal Skills 118
Communication Skills 118
Verbal Communication Skills 118
Nonverbal Communication Skills 119
Listening Skills 120
Facilitation Skills 121
Patient Relations 121
First Impressions and Patient Relations 121
Chairside Manner and Patient Relations 122
Attitude and Patient Relations 122
Summary 123
Bibliography 123
Quiz Questions 123
True or False 123
13 Patient Education and the Dental Radiographer 124
Learning Objectives 124
Importance of Patient Education 124
Methods of Patient Education 124
Frequently Asked Questions 125
Necessity Questions 125
Exposure Questions 126
Safety Questions 127
Digital Imaging Questions 127
Miscellaneous Questions 128
Summary 128
Bibliography 128
Quiz Questions 128
Essay 128
Short Answer 128
14 Legal Issues and the Dental Radiographer 130
Learning Objectives 130
Legal Issues and Dental Imaging 130
Federal and State Regulations 130
Licensure Requirements 130
Legal Issues and the Dental Patient 130
Risk Management 130
Informed Consent 131
Liability 131
Malpractice Issues 131
Patient Records 132
Documentation 132
Confidentiality 132
Ownership and Retention of Dental Images 133
Patients Who Refuse Exposure of Dental Images 133
Summary 133
Bibliography 133
Quiz Questions 134
Multiple Choice 134
15 Infection Control and the Dental Radiographer 135
Learning Objectives 135
Infection Control Basics 135
Rationale for Infection Control 135
Infection Control Terminology 135
Guidelines for Infection Control Practices 136
Personal Protective Equipment 136
Protective Clothing 136
Gloves 136
Masks and Protective Eyewear 136
Hand Hygiene 137
Care of Hands 137
Sterilization and Disinfection of Instruments 137
Cleaning and Disinfection of Dental Unit and Environmental Surfaces 137
Infection Control in Dental Imaging 138
Infection Control Procedures Used Before Exposure 139
Preparation of Treatment Area 140
Preparation of Supplies and Equipment 140
Preparation of the Patient 141
Preparation of the Dental Radiographer 141
Infection Control Procedures Used During Exposure 142
Infection Control Procedures Used After Exposure 142
Infection Control Procedures Used for Digital Imaging 142
Infection Control Procedures Used for Film Processing 143
Summary 144
Bibliography 144
Websites 145
Quiz Questions 145
Matching 145
Short Answer 145
Multiple Choice 145
Essay 146
IV Technique Basics 147
16 Introduction to Dental Imaging Examinations 148
Learning Objectives 148
Intraoral Imaging Examination 148
Types of Intraoral Imaging Examinations 148
Periapical Examination 148
Interproximal Examination 148
Occlusal Examination 149
Complete Mouth Series/Full Mouth Series 149
Diagnostic Criteria for Intraoral Images 149
Extraoral Imaging Examination 149
Prescribing Dental Images 150
Summary 150
Bibliography 151
Quiz Questions 151
Matching 151
Essay 151
17 Paralleling Technique 152
Learning Objectives 152
Basic Concepts 152
Terminology 152
Principles of Paralleling Technique 152
Beam Alignment Devices and Receptor Holding Devices 154
Receptors Used for Paralleling Technique 155
Anterior 155
Posterior 155
Rules for Paralleling Technique 155
Step-by-Step Procedures 155
Patient Preparation 155
Equipment Preparation 155
Exposure Sequence for Receptor Placements 156
Anterior Exposure Sequence 156
Posterior Exposure Sequence 156
Receptor Placement for Paralleling Technique 159
Anterior Receptor Placement 160
Posterior Receptor Placement 160
Modifications in Paralleling Technique 160
Shallow Palate 160
Bony Growths 169
Mandibular Premolar Region 170
Advantages and Disadvantages 170
Advantages of Paralleling Technique 170
Disadvantages of Paralleling Technique 170
Helpful Hints 172
Summary 172
Bibliography 173
Quiz Questions 173
Matching 173
Short Answer 173
Multiple Choice 174
Essay 174
18 Bisecting Technique 175
Learning Objectives 175
Basic Concepts 175
Terminology 175
Principles of Bisecting Technique 176
Receptor Stabilization 177
Beam Alignment Devices 177
Receptor Holding Devices 178
Receptors Used for Bisecting Technique 178
Position-Indicating Device Angulation 178
Horizontal Angulation 178
Correct horizontal angulation. 178
Incorrect horizontal angulation. 178
Vertical Angulation 179
Correct vertical angulation. 179
Incorrect vertical angulation. 179
Foreshortened images. 179
Elongated images. 179
Rules for Bisecting Technique 179
Step-by-Step Procedures 179
Patient Preparation 182
Equipment Preparation 182
Exposure Sequence for Receptor Placements 182
Anterior Exposure Sequence 182
Posterior Exposure Sequence 182
Receptor Placement for Bisecting Technique 183
Anterior Placement 183
Posterior Placement 183
Advantages and Disadvantages 183
Advantages of Bisecting Technique 183
Disadvantages of Bisecting Technique 184
Helpful Hints 193
Summary 193
Bibliography 194
Quiz Questions 194
Matching 194
Identification 194
Short Answer 194
Multiple Choice 195
Essay 196
19 Bite-Wing Technique 197
Learning Objectives 197
Basic Concepts 197
Terminology 197
Principles of Bite-Wing Technique 198
Beam Alignment Device and Bite-Wing Tab 199
Bite-Wing Beam Alignment Device 199
Bite-Wing Tab 200
Bite-Wing Receptors 200
Position-Indicating Device Angulation 201
Horizontal Angulation 201
Correct horizontal angulation. 201
Incorrect horizontal angulation. 201
Vertical Angulation 201
Correct vertical angulation. 201
Incorrect vertical angulation. 201
Rules for Bite-Wing Technique 201
Step-by-Step Procedures 202
Patient Preparation 203
Equipment Preparation 203
Exposure Sequence for Receptor Placements 203
Exposure Sequence for Bite-Wings and Periapicals 203
Exposure Sequence for Bite-Wings Only 204
Receptor Placement for Bite-Wing Images 204
Posterior Receptor Placement 204
Vertical Bite-Wings 210
Modifications in Bite-Wing Technique 210
Edentulous Spaces 210
Bony Growths 210
Helpful Hints 211
Summary 211
Bibliography 212
Quiz Questions 212
Short Answer 212
Multiple Choice 212
Essay 213
Ordering 213
20 Exposure and Technique Errors 214
Learning Objectives 214
Receptor Exposure Errors 214
Exposure Problems 214
Unexposed Receptor 214
V Digital Imaging Basics 287
25 Digital Imaging 288
Learning Objectives 288
Basic Concepts 288
Terminology 288
Purpose and Use 289
Fundamentals 289
Radiation Exposure 289
Equipment 290
X-Ray Unit 290
Sensor 290
Charge-coupled device. 290
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor—active pixel sensor. 291
Computer 291
Types of Digital Imaging 292
Direct Digital Imaging 292
Indirect Digital Imaging 293
Step-by-Step Procedures 294
Intraoral Sensor Preparation 294
Intraoral Sensor Placement 294
Advantages and Disadvantages 294
Advantages of Digital Imaging 294
Disadvantages of Digital Imaging 296
Summary 297
Bibliography 297
Quiz Questions 297
Matching 297
True or False 297
Multiple Choice 297
26 Three-Dimensional Digital Imaging 299
Learning Objectives 299
Basic Concepts 299
Terminology 299
Fundamentals 299
Training 301
Equipment 301
CBCT Machine 301
Computer 302
Viewing Software 302
Common Uses 304
Step-by-Step Procedures 305
Patient Preparation 305
Patient Positioning 305
Advantages and Disadvantages 305
Advantages of Three-Dimensional Digital Imaging 305
Disadvantages of Three-Dimensional Digital Imaging 305
Summary 308
Bibliography 310
Quiz Questions 310
Matching 310
True or False 310
Multiple Choice 310
Essay 310
VI Normal Anatomy and Film Mounting Basics 311
27 Normal Anatomy 312
Learning Objectives 312
Definitions of General Terms 312
Types of Bone 312
Cortical Bone 312
Cancellous Bone 312
Prominences of Bone 313
Spaces and Depressions in Bone 313
Miscellaneous Terms 315
Normal Anatomic Landmarks 315
Bony Landmarks of the Maxilla 315
Incisive Foramen 316
VII Image Interpretation Basics 362
30 Introduction to Image Interpretation 363
Learning Objectives 363
Basic Concepts 363
Interpretation Terminology 363
Importance of Interpretation 363
Guidelines 363
Who Interprets Images? 363
Interpretation versus Diagnosis 364
When and Where Are Images Interpreted? 364
What Is the Sequence for Interpreting Images? 364
How Is Interpretation Documented? 364
Interpretation and Patient Education 366
Summary 366
Bibliography 366
Quiz Questions 366
Essay 366
True or False 367
31 Descriptive Terminology 368
Learning Objectives 368
Definition and Uses 368
What Is Descriptive Terminology? 368
Why Use Descriptive Terminology? 368
Descriptive Terminology versus Diagnosis 368
Review of Basic Terms 368
Radiolucent versus Radiopaque 368
How to Describe Lesions 369
Terms Used to Describe Radiolucent Lesions 369
Appearance 369
Unilocular radiolucent lesions. 370
Unilocular lesion—corticated borders. 370
Unilocular lesion—noncorticated borders. 370
Multilocular radiolucent lesions. 370
Location 370
Periapical location. 370
Inter-radicular location. 370
Edentulous zone. 371
Pericoronal location. 371
Alveolar bone loss. 371
Size 371
Terms Used to Describe Radiopaque Lesions 371
Appearance 374
Focal opacity. 374
Target lesion. 374
Multifocal confluent pattern. 374
Irregular/ill-defined opacity. 375
Ground glass opacity. 375
Mixed lucent-opaque lesion. 375
Soft tissue opacity. 375
Location 375
Periapical location. 377
Inter-radicular location. 377
Edentulous zone. 377
Pericoronal location. 377
Size 377
Summary 379
Bibliography 379
Quiz Questions 379
Short Answer 379
Matching 380
32 Identification of Restorations, Dental Materials, and Foreign Objects 381
Learning Objectives 381
Identification of Restorations 381
Amalgam Restorations 381
One-Surface and Multi-Surface Amalgam Restorations 381
Amalgam Overhangs 381
Amalgam Fragments 382
Gold Restorations 382
Gold Crowns and Bridges 383
Gold Foil Restorations 383
Stainless Steel and Chrome Crown Restorations 384
Post and Core Restorations 384
Porcelain Restorations 384
All-Porcelain Crowns and Bridges 385
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns 385
Composite Restorations 386
Acrylic Restorations 386
Identification of Materials Used in Dentistry 386
Materials Used in Restorative Dentistry 388
Base Materials 388
Metallic Pins 388
Materials Used in Endodontics 388
Gutta Percha 388
Silver Points 388
Materials Used in Prosthodontics 388
Complete Dentures 389
Removable Partial Dentures 389
Materials Used in Orthodontics 389
Materials Used in Oral Surgery 389
Implants 389
Bone Grafts 392
Fracture Stabilization Materials 393
Identification of Objects 393
Jewelry 396
Earrings 396
Necklace 396
Nose Jewelry 396
Eyeglasses 398
Miscellaneous Objects 398
Napkin Chain 398
Hearing Aids 398
Shrapnel 398
Summary 399
Bibliography 399
Quiz Questions 400
Identification 400
Multiple Choice 401
Short Answer 402
33 Interpretation of Dental Caries 403
Learning Objectives 403
Description of Caries 403
Detection of Caries 403
Clinical Examination 403
Dental Image Examination 404
Interpretation of Caries on Dental Images 404
Interpretation Tips 404
Factors Influencing Caries Interpretation 405
Classification of Caries on Dental Images 405
Interproximal Caries 405
Incipient Interproximal Caries 405
Moderate Interproximal Caries 405
Advanced Interproximal Caries 405
Severe Interproximal Caries 406
Occlusal Caries 406
Incipient Occlusal Caries 407
Moderate Occlusal Caries 407
Severe Occlusal Caries 407
Buccal and Lingual Caries 407
Root Surface Caries 408
Recurrent Caries 408
Rampant Caries 409
Conditions Resembling Caries 409
Cervical Burnout 409
Restorative Materials 409
Attrition 410
Abrasion 410
Summary 411
Bibliography 411
Quiz Questions 411
Identification 411
Matching 411
Short Answer 412
34 Interpretation of Periodontal Disease 413
Learning Objectives 413
Description of the Periodontium 413
Description of Periodontal Disease 413
Detection of Periodontal Disease 414
Clinical Examination 414
Dental Image Examination 414
Interpretation of Periodontal Disease on Dental Images 415
Bone Loss 415
Pattern 416
Distribution 417
Severity 417
Classification of Periodontal Disease 418
ADA Case Type I 418
ADA Case Type II 418
ADA Case Type III 418
ADA Case Type IV 419
Predisposing Factors 419
Calculus 419
Defective Restorations 422
Summary 424
Bibliography 424
Quiz Questions 424
Identification 424
Matching 424
Short Answer 424
35 Interpretation of Trauma, Pulpal Lesions, and Periapical Lesions 426
Learning Objectives 426
Trauma Viewed on Dental Images 426
Fractures 426
Crown Fractures 426
Glossary 438
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Index 450
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