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Ethical Issues in Dementia Care

Ethical Issues in Dementia Care

Julian C. Hughes | Clive Baldwin


Additional Information


Bradford Dementia Group Good Practice Guides

There are always difficult day to day decisions to be faced when caring for a person with dementia - from knowing how to deal with wandering to end of life decisions. Many of these decisions are underpinned by value judgments about right and wrong and reflect a particular view of dementia. This book considers these ethical decisions in the context of relationships, treatment, safety and quality of life, offering practical guidance and advice. It draws on the experiences of family carers as well as on existing research and emphasizes the importance of empathy and the need to acknowledge different perspectives in order to reach the best decision for the person with dementia. In particular the authors discuss the way that decision makers are themselves changed by the decisions they make, and the impact of this on the decision-making process. This book should be read by all those who work caring for people with dementia.

The book is written in an accessible style, with plenty of case examples to bring life to the issue. This book is recommended for all professionals who care for these individuals, as it helps to redress the balance of the heart of caring with the technical aspects of caring.
Clinical Psychology Forum
The authors of this worthy book state that the aim is "to help carers of people with dementia...non-family, formal carers" (p.9). They take guidance from researh (Alzheimer's society) with family carers and I have no doubt that this book would be of comfort to these such carers too... Anyone invloved with a person woth dementia becomes more expert in ethical issues.
Dementia Journal

Julian C. Hughes is a consultant in Old Age Psychiatry at North Tyneside General Hospital and an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Institute for Ageing and Health at the University of Newcastle, UK. He is currently the Chair of the Philosophy Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He also held a short-term Fellowship in 2003 from the Wellcome Trust to consider quality of life in dementia.

Clive Baldwin is Senior Lecturer at Bradford Dementia Group, University of Bradford, UK. He is a member of the Christian Council on Aging Dementia Group and maintains his interest in the voluntary sector through fundraising and consultancy work. Both authors were involved in research at Ethox (University of Oxford) into ethical issues for family carers of people with dementia.

Ethical issues is one of the Bradford Dementia Groups good practice guides and is intended for all those who care for people with dementia. It is well written and clearly presented. It aims to help in making all types of difficult decisions. Every situation is unique - there are no universal right answers "being more reflective" is the message implicit in every page.
CHS Heart Magazine
As I get older, I would be very pleased to discover that those who might end up caring for me would have at least some of the insight and clarity of thinking of these two excellent authors. In particular, I recommend this book for medical students for they should have ethical literacy as part of their basic tool kit.
Cambridge Journals

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contributing Authors
Part I – Working with Yourself
1 It’s not about me: mistakes from being too personally ambitious when supporting a small
agricultural business
Duncan McNicholl
2 Pursue the art of being humbly radical: my choice to try and solve the hard parts of climate change problems
Mike Kang
3 Know how you expect success to feel: a time in Malawi when feeling good about work was not the same as doing good work
Duncan McNicholl
4 Understand why you want to work abroad: developing a passion for social justice in a Zambian refugee camp
Jennifer Gottesfeld
5 Persevere with intention: the tragedy of watching capable volunteers give up when things get difficult
Duncan McNicholl
6 Remember your own needs: how a friend reminded me of what I had forgotten when I left Ghana to help others
Sam Atiemo
7 I don’t change anything alone: learning to let go of personal projects to better support others
Duncan McNicholl
8 Find the balance between giving and staying healthy: remembering to see patients as people in Kenya
Sanchia Jogessar
9 It should hurt a little: confronting power structures in Canada on indigenous community development issues
Mike Kang
10 Understanding problems from within: experiencing discrimination in Ethiopia
Megan Geldenhuys
11 Doing lifelong work: how I always needed more time to support agricultural businesses in Zambia and Ghana
Mina Shahid
Part II – Working with Others
12 Believe that everyone can teach you something: how I overlooked the most important person in Northern Malawi
Duncan McNicholl
13 Be more conscious than professional: suspending judgement and learning from sex workers in Malawi
Sam Atiemo
14 Perspective matters: becoming the beneficiary of an NGO sanitation project
Duncan McNicholl
15 Strive for real learning: a journey of transformation with indigenous youth in Canada
Alyssa Lindsay
16 Don’t do it for glory: the frustration of optometry volunteers who wanted to do it themselves instead of supporting local systems
Sanchia Jogessar
17 Offer real value: how criticizing the ‘playpump’ was not the same as helping people access safe water
Duncan McNicholl
18 Don’t fight brick walls: how a volunteer turned a challenge into an opportunity when working with local government
Duncan McNicholl
19 Create the space for colleagues to lead and grow: lessons learned micromanaging a tax reform project in Ghana
Fariya Mohiuddin
20 Find the best idea, wherever it is: listening to the wisdom of chiefs in rural Malawi
Duncan McNicholl
Part III – Working with Issues
21 Do good work: struggling to support a cassava flour factory in Malawi
Duncan McNicholl
22 Make it last: the disappointment of a broken water filter at an earthquake survivors’ camp
Duncan McNicholl
23 Aim for ‘great’: learning from agricultural investments in Ghana through ambitious goals
Mark Brown
24 Choose the right time: learning when to keep my mouth shut in government policy forums in Malawi
Duncan McNicholl
25 Choose the information to ignore: how more data on water pump functionality in Malawi did not answer all of our questions
Duncan McNicholl
26 Big data, big mistake: overlooking details about water access in Malawi
Muthi Nhlema
27 Get to good enough: testing ways to support rural water pump repair mechanics
Duncan McNicholl
28 A story that sells: the challenge of communicating both need and the dignity of those who need help
Sarah Rawson
29 Understand what is already happening: appreciating existing responsibilities of local government in Malawi
Duncan McNicholl
30 Find the linkages: learning about the complexity of issues in South Africa
Duncan McNicholl
31 Learn to tell form from function: gaps between policy and practice from engineering education to national water strategies
Mike Kang
32 The funding is rarely secure: how our work on livelihoods in Uganda was cut unexpectedly
Tamara Baldwin
33 Know that some things can’t be known: having to guess about which donors to influence in the Malawi water sector
Duncan McNicholl