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Equine Pathology and Laboratory Diagnostics, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, E-Book

Equine Pathology and Laboratory Diagnostics, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, E-Book

Colleen Duncan


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Guest Edited by Drs. Colleen Duncan and Bruce Wobeser, this issue focuses on Equine Pathology and Laboratory Diagnostics. Articles include: Field Necropsy of the horse, Skin disease, Enteric diseases, Neurologic diseases, Musculoskeletal diseases, Reproductive disorders, Toxicology, Diseases of the urinary system, and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Equine Pathology and Laboratory Diagnostics\r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Veterinary Clinics Of North America: Equine Practice\r x
Preface\r xi
Field Necropsy of the Horse 233
Key points 233
Introduction 233
Field Versus Laboratory Examination 233
Safety Considerations 234
Equipment 234
Disposal of Carcasses 235
Necropsy procedure 235
Positioning and Opening of the Carcass 237
System-specific examination 239
The Pluck (Cardiopulmonary and Thyroids) 239
Gastrointestinal 241
Urogenital 242
Hepatic 242
Musculoskeletal System 244
Brain Removal 244
Summary 244
References 245
Overview of Clinical Pathology and the Horse 247
Key points 247
Quality assurance 247
Hematology 248
The Erythron 249
The Leukon 250
Neutrophil responses 250
Lymphoid responses 251
Monocyte responses 252
Eosinophil responses 252
Basophil responses 252
Platelets 252
Fluid evaluation 252
Biochemical changes 253
Enteric Diseases 255
Abdominal pain evaluation 255
Infectious enteric disease 257
Malabsorptive enteric disease 257
Post operative enteric considerations 258
Liver Disease 258
Musculoskeletal Disease 261
Diseases of the Urinary System 261
Neurologic Disease 262
Respiratory Disease 262
Metabolic Diseases 263
References 264
Toxicology for the Equine Practitioner 269
Key points 269
Introduction 269
Toxins affecting the nervous system 270
Equine Nigropallidal Encephalomalacia 270
Equine Leukoencephalomalacia 270
Toxins affecting the liver and biliary system 271
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Toxicosis 271
Toxins affecting the urinary system 272
Red Maple Toxicosis 272
Sorghum Toxicosis 273
Toxins affecting the cardiovascular system 273
Ionophore Toxicosis 274
White Snake Root (Eupatorium rugosum) 274
Toxins affecting the gastrointestinal system 275
Bister Beetle (Cantharidin) Toxicosis 275
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs 275
References 276
Neurologic Diseases in Horses 281
Key points 281
Introduction 281
Removal of the Brain and Spinal Cord 282
Gross examination of the central nervous system 285
Diseases by neuroanatomic location 287
Diseases of the Brain 287
Hepatic encephalopathy 287
Leukoencephalomalacia 288
Nigropallidal encephalomalacia 289
Diseases of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord 291
Arboviral encephalomyelitides 291
Rabies 292
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis 294
Diseases of the Spinal Cord 295
Cervical vertebral stenotic myelopathy 295
Equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy and equine motor neuron disease 296
Equine herpesvirus-1 myeloencephalopathy 297
Diseases of Ganglia and Nerves 298
Polyneuritis equi 298
Dysautonomia 300
Laryngeal hemiplegia 301
Stringhalt 302
Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction 303
Botulism and tetanus 303
Summary 304
Acknowledgments 304
References 304
Respiratory Disease 307
Key points 307
Introduction 307
Clinical evaluation of the respiratory system 308
Ancillary diagnostic tests to evaluate the respiratory system 309
Evaluation of the Upper Respiratory Tract 309
Upper airway endoscopy at rest 309
Upper airway endoscopy during exercise 310
Sampling of the upper airways for pathogen testing 311
Viral isolation 311
Antigen detection 312
Antibody detection 312
Polymerase chain reaction 312
Bacterial testing 313
Evaluation of the Lower Respiratory Tract 314
Thoracic ultrasonography 314
Bronchoscopy and sampling of the lower respiratory tract 314
Tracheal aspiration 315
Bronchoalveolar lavage 317
Interpretation of tracheal aspirate cytology 319
Interpretation of bronchoalveolar lavage cytology 319
Pathogen testing in tracheal aspirate/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples 322
Thoracocentesis 322
Thoracic radiography 322
Lung biopsy 323
Summary 324
References 324
Appendix 326
Gastritis, Enteritis, and Colitis in Horses 337
Key points 337
Introduction 337
Gastritis 341
Gastric Ulceration 341
Parasitic Gastritis 341
Gasterophilus spp 341
Draschia megastoma, Habronema majus, and Habronema muscae 343
Enteritis and colitis 343
Infectious Diseases 343
Bacterial disease 343
Clostridium perfringens type C 344
Clostridium difficile 346
Clostridium piliforme 347
Salmonella spp 348
Rhodococcus equi 349
Ehrlichia risticii 350
Lawsonia intracellularis 350
Escherichia coli 350
Other bacterial agents of enteric disease in horses 350
Viral Diseases 350
Rotavirus 350
Coronavirus 351
Parasitic Diseases 351
Protozoa 351
Cryptosporidiosis 351
Ciliated protozoa 352
Nematodes 352
Strongyloides 352
Large strongyles 352
Small strongyles (cyathostomes) 352
Noninfectious or Parasitic Conditions 353
Intestinal displacements 353
Toxic enteric disease 353
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 353
Other toxic causes of enteric disease 354
References 354
Skin Diseases in Horses 359
Key points 359
Introduction 359
Useful diagnostic techniques 359
Skin Scrapings 359
Acetate Tape Impressions 359
Hair Plucking 360
Fine-Needle Aspiration 360
Biopsy 360
Nodular skin diseases 360
Equine Sarcoids 361
Microbiology 361
Epidemiology 361
Clinical presentation 361
Pathogenesis 362
Specimen collection 362
Diagnosis 362
Treatment 362
Differential diagnoses 362
Eosinophilic Granulomas 363
Diseases of the Equine Urinary System 377
Key points 377
Introduction 377
Upper urinary tract diseases 378
Glomerular Diseases 378
Tubulointerstitial Diseases 379
Renal Pelvis 381
Other 382
Lower urinary tract diseases 382
Summary 383
Acknowledgments 383
References 383
Reproductive Disorders in Horses 389
Key points 389
Introduction 389
Reproductive disorders of the female abortion and stillbirth 390
Equine Arteritis Virus 390
Equine Herpesvirus 1 390
Nocardioform 391
Leptospira 391
Miscellaneous Bacterial Agents 391
Miscellaneous Protozoa and Fungi 391
Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome 392
General Considerations 392
Endometrial and uterine pathology 392
Endometrium 392
Other Uterine Pathology 394
Contagious Equine Metritis 394
Selected pathology of the ovary and oviduct 395
Selected pathology of cervix, vagina, and vulva 395
Female reproductive tract neoplasia 396
Reproductive disorders of the male 398
Pathology of Scrotum and Tunica Vaginalis 398
Pathology of the Testicle, Epididymis, and Spermatic Cord 398
Selected Pathology of Accessory Sex Glands 399
Pathology of Penis and Prepuce 400
Male Reproductive Tract Neoplasia 400
References 403
Musculoskeletal Pathology 407
Key points 407
Developmental musculoskeletal pathology 407
Epidemiology 408
Juvenile osteochondral conditions 408
Conformational deformities 408
Pathophysiology 408
Osteochondrosis 408
Physitis 409
Clinical Presentation 409
Diagnosis 409
Treatment 411
Ocular Pathology 425
Key points 425
Introduction 425
Diseases of the equine orbit 426
Orbital Cellulitis 426
Epidemiology 426
Index 449