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Structure & Function of the Body - E-Book

Structure & Function of the Body - E-Book

Kevin T. Patton | Gary A. Thibodeau


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Book Details


Mastering the essentials of anatomy, physiology, and even medical terminology has never been easier! Using simple, conversational language and vivid animations and illustrations, Structure & Function of the Body, 15th Edition walks readers through the normal structure and function of the human body and what the body does to maintain homeostasis. Plus, this new edition also features new Language of Science and Medicine sections that introduce readers to important medical terminology as it corresponds to anatomy and physiology. If you’re looking for a solid understanding of structures, functions, and descriptions of the body then look no further than this dynamic text.

  • Conversational and clear writing style makes content easy to read and understand.
  • Full-color design contains more than 400 drawings and photos.
  • Clear View of the Human Body is a unique, full-color, semi-transparent insert depicting the human body (male and female) in layers.
  • Animation Direct callouts direct readers to Evolve for an animation about a specific topic.
  • Updated study tips sections at the beginning of each chapter help break down difficult topics and guide readers on how to best use book features to their advantage.
  • Special boxes such as Health and Well-Being boxes, Clinical Application boxes, Research and Trends boxes, and more help readers apply what they have learned to their future careers in health care and science.
  • Questions for review are found throughout the chapters and cover critical thinking, open-ended, fill-in-the-blank, matching, multiple-choice, and other question formats. 
  • Chapter outlines, objectives, and outline summaries offer readers easy ways to organize and prioritize content.
  • NEW! Language of Science and Medicine section in each chapter includes key terms, word parts, and pronunciations to place a greater focus on medical terminology.
  • NEW! Thoroughly revised chapters, illustrations, and review questions reflect the most current information available.
  • NEW! High quality animations for the AnimationDirect feature clarify physiological processes and provide a realistic foundation of underlying structures and functions.
  • NEW! Simplified chapter titles provide clarity in the table of contents.
  • NEW! Division of cells and tissues into two separate chapters improves reader comprehension and reduces text anxiety.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Anatomical directions ES-2
Contents in brief i
Evolve learning system ii
Front matter iii
Structure &function of the body iii
Copyright iv
About the authors v
Student survey vi
Preface vii
Unifying themes vii
Organization and content vii
Pedagogical features viii
Illustrations ix
Clear view of the human body x
Digital learning tools x
Online resources for instructors x
TEACH instructor resource manual x
Test bank xi
Image collection xi
Changes to the 15th edition xi
Supplements xi
A word of thanks xi
Table of contents xv
1 Introduction to the body 2
Language of science and medicine 3
Introduction 3
Scientific method 4
Levels of organization 4
Anatomical position 6
Anatomical directions 7
Directional terms 7
Anatomical compass rosette 7
Planes of the body 8
Body cavities 9
Dorsal cavities 9
Ventral cavities 9
Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities 9
Abdominopelvic quadrants and regions 9
Body regions 11
The balance of body functions 12
Homeostasis 12
Feedback control 14
Negative feedback 15
Positive feedback 15
Normal fluctuations 15
❑ Outline summary 18
❑ Active learning 20
2 Chemistry of life 22
Language of science and medicine 23
Introduction 23
Levels of chemical organization 23
Atoms 23
Elements, molecules, and compounds 24
Chemical bonding 24
Ionic bonds 25
Covalent bonds 25
Hydrogen bonds 26
Inorganic chemistry 27
Water 27
Solutions 27
Water chemistry 27
Acids, bases, and salts 28
Acids 28
Bases 28
pH 28
Salts 29
Homeostasis of pH 29
Organic chemistry 29
Carbohydrates 29
Lipids 30
Proteins 31
Nucleic acids 32
❑ Outline summary 35
❑ Active learning 37
3 Cells 40
Language of science and medicine 41
Introduction 41
Overview of cells 41
Size and shape 41
Composition 42
Parts of the cell 42
Plasma membrane 42
Cytoplasm 43
Ribosomes 44
Endoplasmic reticulum 44
Golgi apparatus 45
Mitochondria 46
Lysosomes 46
Centrosome 46
Cell extensions 46
Microvilli 46
Cilia 46
Flagella 47
Nucleus 47
Central structure of a cell 47
Nucleolus 47
Chromatin and chromosomes 47
Relationship of cell structure and function 47
Movement of substances through cell membranes 48
Types of membrane transport 48
Passive transport processes 48
Diffusion 48
Osmosis 50
Dialysis 50
Filtration 51
Active transport processes 51
Ion pumps 52
Phagocytosis 52
Pinocytosis 52
Cell growth and reproduction 52
Cell growth 52
DNA 52
RNA 54
Protein synthesis 55
Transcription 55
Translation 55
Cell reproduction 56
Cell life cycle 56
DNA replication 56
Mitosis 57
Prophase 57
Metaphase 57
Anaphase 57
Telophase 58
Results of cell division 58
❑ Outline summary 60
❑ Active learning 63
4 Tissues 66
Language of science and medicine 67
Introduction 67
Introduction to tissues 67
Tissue types 67
Matrix 68
Epithelial tissue 69
Introduction to epithelial tissue 69
Shape of cells 69
Arrangement of cells 69
Squamous epithelium 69
Simple squamous epithelium 69
Stratified squamous epithelium 69
Cuboidal epithelium 70
Simple columnar epithelium 71
Pseudostratified epithelium 71
Transitional epithelium 72
Connective tissue 73
Introduction to connective tissue 73
Cells and matrix 73
Types of connective tissue 73
Fibrous connective tissue 74
Loose fibrous connective tissue (areolar) 74
Adipose tissue 74
Reticular tissue 75
Dense fibrous connective tissue 75
Bone 75
Cartilage 76
Hyaline cartilage 76
Fibrocartilage 76
Elastic cartilage 76
Blood tissue 76
Hematopoietic tissue 76
Muscle tissue 77
Introduction to muscle tissue 77
Skeletal muscle tissue 77
Cardiac muscle tissue 77
Smooth muscle tissue 78
Nervous tissue 78
❑ Outline summary 80
❑ Active learning 82
5 Organ systems 84
Language of science and medicine 85
Introduction 85
Organ systems 86
Integumentary system 86
Skeletal system 86
Muscular system 87
Skeletal muscles 87
Muscles of other systems 87
Nervous system 88
Endocrine system 88
Cardiovascular system 89
Lymphatic and immune systems 90
Lymphatic system 90
Immune system 90
Respiratory system 90
Digestive system 91
Urinary system 92
Reproductive systems 92
Male reproductive system 93
Female reproductive system 94
The body as a whole 95
❑ Outline summary 98
❑ Active learning 100
6 Skin and membranes 102
Language of science and medicine 103
Introduction 103
Body membranes 104
Classification of membranes 104
Epithelial membranes 104
Cutaneous membrane 104
Serous membranes 104
Mucous membranes 105
Connective tissue membranes 105
The skin 106
Structure of the skin 106
Epidermis 107
Skin pigment 107
Dermal-epidermal junction 107
Dermis 108
Papillary layer 108
Reticular layer 108
Subcutaneous tissue 108
Hair, nails, and skin receptors 108
Hair 108
Location of hair 108
Hair growth 109
Arrector pili muscle 109
Nails 109
Skin receptors 110
Skin glands 110
Sweat glands 110
Eccrine glands 110
Apocrine glands 110
Sebaceous glands 110
Functions of the skin 110
Protection 111
Temperature regulation 111
Sense organ activity 111
Excretion 111
Synthesis of vitamin D 112
Skin cancer 112
Kaposi sarcoma 112
Squamous cell carcinoma 112
Basal cell carcinoma 112
Melanoma 112
Burns 113
Estimating body surface area 114
Classification of burns 114
First-degree burns 114
Second-degree burns 114
Third-degree burns 114
Fourth-degree burns 115
❑ Outline summary 117
❑ Active learning 119
7 Skeletal system 122
Language of science and medicine 123
Introduction 123
Functions of the skeletal system 123
Support 123
Protection 124
Movement 124
Storage 124
Hematopoiesis 124
Gross structure of bones 124
Bone types 124
Structure of long bones 124
Structure of flat bones 125
Microscopic structure of bones 125
Bone tissue structure 125
Cancellous bone (spongy bone) 125
Compact bone 125
Cartilage tissue structure 125
Bone development 127
Making and remodeling bone 127
Endochondral ossification 127
Intramembranous ossification 127
Axial skeleton 128
Skull 129
Hyoid bone 131
Vertebral column (spine) 133
Vertebrae 133
Spinal curvatures 135
Thorax 135
Appendicular skeleton 136
Upper extremity 136
Lower extremity 138
Skeletal variations 141
Male and female skeletal differences 141
Age differences 142
Environmental factors 142
Joints 143
Articulation of bones 143
Kinds of joints 143
Synarthroses 143
Amphiarthroses 143
Diarthroses 144
Structure of diarthroses 144
Function of diarthroses 145
Ball-and-socket joints 145
Hinge joints 145
Pivot joints 145
Saddle joints 145
Gliding joints 146
Condyloid joints 146
❑ Outline summary 150
❑ Active learning 152
8 Muscular system 154
Language of science and medicine 155
Introduction 155
Muscle tissue 156
Skeletal muscle 156
Cardiac muscle 156
Smooth muscle 156
Structure of skeletal muscle 156
Muscle organs 156
Muscle fibers 157
Structure of muscle fibers 157
Contraction of muscle fibers 157
Functions of skeletal muscle 159
Movement 159
Posture 160
Heat production 160
Fatigue 160
Role of other body systems in movement 161
Motor unit 161
Muscle stimulus 161
Types of skeletal muscle contraction 161
Twitch and tetanic contractions 161
Isotonic contraction 162
Isometric contraction 162
Effects of exercise on skeletal muscle 163
Movements produced by skeletal muscle contractions 164
Angular movements 164
Circular movements 164
Special movements 165
Skeletal muscle groups 167
Muscles of the head and neck 169
Muscles that move the upper extremities 169
Muscles of the trunk 169
Muscles that move the lower extremities 169
❑ Outline summary 173
❑ Active learning 176
9 Nervous system 178
Language of science and medicine 179
Introduction 179
Organization of the nervous system 179
Cells of the nervous system 180
Neurons 180
Neuron structure 180
Types of neurons 181
Sensory neurons 181
Motor neurons 181
Interneurons 181
Glia 181
Function of glia 181
Central glia 181
Peripheral glia 182
Nerves and tracts 182
Nerve signals 182
Reflex arcs 182
Neuron pathways 182
Structure of reflex arcs 183
Reflex responses 183
Nerve impulses 184
Definition of a nerve impulse 184
Mechanism of a nerve impulse 184
Conduction of nerve impulses 185
The synapse 185
Structure and function of a synapse 185
Neurotransmitters 187
Central nervous system 188
Brain 188
Divisions of the brain 188
Brainstem 188
Cerebellum 188
Structure 188
Functions 189
Diencephalon 190
Hypothalamus 190
Thalamus 190
Pineal gland 190
Cerebrum 190
Structure 190
Functions 191
Spinal cord 193
Structure 193
Functions 193
Coverings and fluid spaces 194
Meninges and bone 194
Cerebrospinal fluid spaces 195
Peripheral nervous system 197
Cranial nerves 197
Spinal nerves 197
Structure 197
Functions 197
Autonomic nervous system 199
Functional anatomy 200
Autonomic conduction paths 200
Sympathetic division 201
10 Senses 212
Language of science and medicine 213
Introduction 213
Classification of senses 213
General senses 214
Special senses 214
Sensory receptor types 214
Sensory pathways 215
General senses 215
Distribution of general sense receptors 215
Modes of sensation 215
Special senses 216
Vision 216
Structure and function of the eye 216
Fibrous layer 217
Vascular layer 217
Inner layer 219
Fluids of the eyeball 221
Visual pathway 221
Hearing and equilibrium 222
Structure and function of the ear 222
External ear 222
Middle ear 222
Inner ear 223
Hearing 224
Equilibrium 224
Taste 226
Smell 227
Integration of senses 227
❑ Outline summary 230
❑ Active learning 233
11 Endocrine system 236
Language of science and medicine 237
Introduction 237
Endocrine glands 237
Mechanisms of hormone action 238
Nonsteroid hormones 238
Steroid hormones 239
Regulation of hormone secretion 239
Negative feedback 239
Positive feedback 241
Levels of regulation 241
Prostaglandins 241
Pituitary gland 242
Structure of the pituitary gland 242
Anterior pituitary gland hormones 243
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 243
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 243
Follicle-stimulating hormone 243
Luteinizing hormone 243
Growth hormone 243
Prolactin 244
Posterior pituitary gland hormones 244
Antidiuretic hormone 244
Oxytocin 245
Hypothalamus 245
Thyroid gland 245
Thyroid hormone 246
Calcitonin 247
Parathyroid glands 247
Adrenal glands 247
Adrenal cortex 248
Zones of the adrenal cortex 248
Aldosterone 248
Cortisol 248
Sex hormones 249
Adrenal medulla 249
Pancreatic islets 250
Female sex glands 252
Male sex glands 253
Thymus 253
Placenta 253
Pineal gland 253
Endocrine functions throughout the body 253
Other endocrine tissues 253
Hormone actions in every organ 253
❑ Outline summary 256
❑ Active learning 259
12 Blood 262
Language of science and medicine 263
Introduction 263
Blood composition 264
Blood tissue 264
Blood plasma 264
Formed elements 265
Hematopoiesis 265
Red blood cells 266
RBC structure and function 266
RBC count 266
Hemoglobin 267
Anemia 267
Blood types 269
ABO system 269
Rh system 270
Combined ABO-Rh system 271
White blood cells 271
Introduction to white blood cells 271
WBC count 272
WBC types 272
Granular leukocytes 272
Agranular leukocytes 273
WBC disorders 273
Platelets and blood clotting 273
Platelets 273
Blood clotting 273
Abnormal blood clots 273
❑ Outline summary 277
❑ Active learning 280
13 Cardiovascular system 282
Language of science and medicine 283
Introduction 283
Heart 284
Location, size, and position 284
Functional anatomy 285
Heart chambers 285
Pericardium 286
Heart action 286
Heart valves 286
Heart sounds 286
Blood flow through the heart 286
Blood supply to the heart muscle 287
Cardiac cycle 290
Electrical activity of the heart 290
Conduction system 290
Electrocardiogram 291
Cardiac output 292
Definition of cardiac output 292
Heart rate 292
Stroke volume 293
Blood vessels 294
Types 294
Structure 294
Outer layer 294
Middle layer 294
Inner layer 295
Functions 296
Arteries and arterioles 296
Capillary exchange 296
Veins and venules 296
Routes of circulation 299
Systemic and pulmonary routes of circulation 299
Hepatic portal circulation 300
Fetal circulation 301
Hemodynamics 302
Defining blood pressure 302
Factors that influence blood pressure 303
Blood volume 303
Strength of heart contractions 304
Heart rate 304
Blood viscosity 304
Resistance to blood flow 304
Fluctuations in arterial blood pressure 304
Central venous blood pressure 306
Pulse 306
❑ Outline summary 309
❑ Active learning 313
14 Lymphatic system and immunity 316
Language of science and medicine 317
Introduction 317
Lymphatic system 318
Organization of the lymphatic system 318
Lymph 319
Lymphatic vessels 319
Lymph nodes 320
Location and structure 320
Biological filtration 320
Thymus 321
Tonsils 322
Spleen 322
Immune system 322
Function of the immune system 322
Nonspecific immunity 322
Specific immunity 324
Immune system molecules 325
Cytokines 325
Antibodies 326
Definition 326
Functions 326
Complement proteins 327
Immune system cells 327
Phagocytes 328
Lymphocytes 329
B cells 329
Development of B cells 329
Function of B cells 330
T cells 330
Development of T cells 330
Functions of T cells 331
❑ Outline summary 334
❑ Active learning 337
15 Respiratory system 340
Language of science and medicine 341
Introduction 341
Structural plan 342
Overview 342
Respiratory tract 343
Respiratory mucosa 343
Structure 343
Function 343
Upper respiratory tract 344
Nose 344
Pharynx 344
Larynx 345
Lower respiratory tract 346
Trachea 346
Bronchial tree 348
Alveoli 349
Lungs 349
Respiration 351
Pulmonary ventilation 352
Mechanics of breathing 352
Inspiration 352
Expiration 353
Pulmonary volumes 353
Regulation of ventilation 354
Homeostasis of blood gases 354
Brainstem control of respiration 354
Cerebral cortex control of respiration 355
Respiratory reflexes 355
Chemoreflexes 355
Pulmonary stretch reflexes 356
Breathing patterns 356
Gas exchange and transport 356
Pulmonary gas exchange 356
Systemic gas exchange 357
Blood transportation of gases 357
Transport of oxygen 357
Transport of carbon dioxide 359
Carbon dioxide 359
Carbaminohemoglobin 359
Bicarbonate 359
❑ Outline summary 362
❑ Active learning 364
16 Digestive system 366
Language of science and medicine 367
Introduction 367
Overview of digestion 368
Wall of the digestive tract 369
Mouth 370
Structure of oral cavity 370
Teeth 371
Typical tooth 371
Types of teeth 372
Salivary glands 372
Saliva 372
Parotid glands 373
Submandibular glands 373
Sublingual glands 373
Pharynx 373
Structure 373
Function 373
Esophagus 374
Stomach 375
Structure 375
Function 375
Small intestine 376
Structure 376
Function 377
Liver and gallbladder 379
Structure 379
Function 379
Pancreas 380
Large intestine 380
Structure 380
Function 381
Appendix 382
Peritoneum 383
Location 383
Extensions 383
Digestion 383
Overview of digestion 383
Enzymes and chemical digestion 383
Carbohydrate digestion 384
Protein digestion 384
Fat digestion 385
End products of digestion 385
Absorption 385
Mechanisms of absorption 385
Surface area and absorption 386
❑ Outline summary 389
❑ Active learning 392
17 Nutrition and metabolism 394
Language of science and medicine 395
Introduction 395
Metabolic function of the liver 396
Macronutrients 397
Dietary sources of nutrients 397
Carbohydrate metabolism 397
Glucose catabolism 397
ATP 398
Glucose anabolism 399
Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism 399
Fat metabolism 399
Protein metabolism 400
Micronutrients 400
Vitamins 400
Minerals 401
Regulating food intake 401
Metabolic rates 401
Body temperature 403
❑ Outline summary 405
❑ Active learning 406
18 Urinary system 408
Language of science and medicine 409
Introduction 409
Kidneys 410
Location of the kidneys 410
Gross structure of the kidney 410
External anatomy 410
Internal anatomy 411
Microscopic structure 411
Overview of kidney function 413
Formation of urine 415
Filtration 415
Reabsorption 415
Secretion 417
Summary of urine formation 417
Control of urine volume 418
Antidiuretic hormone 418
Aldosterone 418
Atrial natriuretic hormone 418
Abnormalities of urine volume 418
Elimination of urine 419
Ureters 419
Urinary bladder 420
Urethra 420
Micturition 421
Urinalysis 423
❑ Outline summary 424
❑ Active learning 426
19 Fluid and electrolyte balance 428
Language of science and medicine 429
Introduction 429
Body fluid volumes 430
Body fluid compartments 431
Extracellular fluid 431
Intracellular fluid 431
Mechanisms that maintain fluid balance 432
Overview of fluid balance 432
Regulation of fluid output 432
Regulation of fluid intake 433
Exchange of fluids by blood 434
Fluid imbalances 434
Dehydration 434
Overhydration 434
Importance of electrolytes in body fluids 435
Electrolytes and nonelectrolytes 435
Ions 435
Electrolyte functions 435
Electrolyte imbalances 437
Homeostasis of electrolytes 437
Sodium imbalance 437
Potassium imbalance 437
Calcium imbalance 438
❑ Outline summary 440
❑ Active learning 442
20 Acid-base balance 444
Language of science and medicine 445
Introduction 445
pH of body fluids 445
Using the pH scale 445
The pH unit 446
Mechanisms that control pH of body fluids 447
Overview of pH control mechanisms 447
Integration of pH control 447
Buffers 447
Respiratory mechanism of pH control 449
Urinary mechanism of pH control 450
pH imbalances 450
Acidosis and alkalosis 450
Metabolic and respiratory disturbances 451
Compensation for pH imbalances 451
❑ Outline summary 455
❑ Active learning 456
21 Reproductive systems 458
Language of science and medicine 459
Introduction 459
Sexual reproduction 459
Producing offspring 459
Male and female systems 460
Male reproductive system 460
Structural plan 460
Reproductive tract 460
Essential organs 460
Accessory organs 460
Testes 460
Structure and location 460
Testis functions 462
Spermatogenesis 462
Sperm 462
Production of testosterone 463
Reproductive ducts 464
Epididymis 464
Vas deferens 465
Ejaculatory duct and urethra 465
Accessory glands 465
Seminal vesicles 465
Prostate gland 465
Bulbourethral glands 465
External genitals 466
Female reproductive system 466
Structural plan 466
Essential organs 466
Accessory organs 467
Ovaries 467
Structure and location 467
Ovary functions 468
Oogenesis 468
Production of estrogen and progesterone 468
Reproductive ducts 468
Uterine tubes 470
Uterus 470
Vagina 471
Accessory glands 471
Vestibular glands 471
Breasts 471
External genitals 472
Menstrual cycle 473
Overview 473
Phases 474
Ovulation 475
Control of the menstrual cycle 475
Summary of the reproductive systems 475
❑ Outline summary 478
❑ Active learning 481
22 Growth, development, and aging 484
Language of science and medicine 485
Introduction 485
Prenatal period 486
Fertilization to implantation 486
Amniotic cavity and placenta 487
Periods of development 488
Formation of the primary germ layers 489
Histogenesis and organogenesis 489
Birth defects 490
Birth 491
Parturition 491
Stages of labor 491
Postnatal period 493
Growth, development, and aging 493
Infancy 495
Childhood 495
Adolescence 496
Adulthood 496
Older adulthood 496
Effects of aging 496
Integumentary system (skin) 497
Skeletal system 497
Central nervous system 497
Special senses 497
Cardiovascular system 497
Respiratory system 498
Urinary system 498
❑ Outline summary 500
❑ Active learning 502
APPENDIX A Body mass index 504
APPENDIX B Common medical abbreviations, prefixes, and suffixes 505
Abbreviations and acronyms 505
Prefixes 506
Suffixes 506
APPENDIX C Chapter test answers 507
Chapter 1 507
Chapter 2 507
Chapter 3 507
Chapter 4 507
Chapter 5 507
Chapter 6 507
Chapter 7 508
Chapter 8 508
Chapter 9 508
Chapter 10 508
Chapter 11 508
Chapter 12 509
Chapter 13 509
Chapter 14 509
Chapter 15 509
Chapter 16 509
Chapter 17 510
Chapter 18 510
Chapter 19 510
Chapter 20 510
Chapter 21 510
Chapter 22 510
Glossary G-
A G-
B G-
C G-
D G-
E G-
F G-
G G-
H G-
I G-
J G-
K G-
L G-
M G-
N G-
O G-
P G-
Q G-
R G-
S G-
T G-
U G-
V G-
W G-
Y G-
Z G-
Illustration/photo credits C-
Chapter 1 C-
Chapter 2 C-
Chapter 3 C-
Chapter 4 C-
Chapter 5 C-
Chapter 6 C-
Chapter 7 C-
Chapter 8 C-
Chapter 9 C-
Chapter 10 C-
Chapter 11 C-
Chapter 12 C-
Chapter 13 C-
Chapter 14 C-
Chapter 15 C-
Chapter 16 C-
Chapter 17 C-
Chapter 18 C-
Chapter 19 C-
Chapter 20 C-
Chapter 21 C-
Chapter 22 C-
Appendix A C-
Index I-
A I-
B I-
C I-
D I-
E I-
F I-
G I-
H I-
I I-
J I-
K I-
L I-
M I-
N I-
O I-
P I-
Q I-
R I-
S I-
T I-
U I-
V I-
W I-
Y I-
Z I-
Clear view of the human body 1
Introduction 1
Hints for using the clear view of the body 1
Key 2
Tips and shortcuts for surviving and succeeding in A&P ES-3