Mosby's Orthodontic Review - E-Book
Jeryl D. English | Sercan Akyalcin | Timo Peltomaki | Kate Litschel
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Book Details
With a concise, focused review of orthodontic concepts and current clinical information, including diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical treatment, MOSBY'S ORTHODONTIC REVIEW is the resource you need to achieve the best results for success on competency examinations as well as excellent clinical outcomes. From foundational concepts to more subjective areas of treatment planning and clinical treatment, this book includes a wealth of information from distinguished educators, recent graduates, and practicing professionals to help you prepare for the NBDE, Part II and the ABO written and clinical examinations. This title includes additional digital media when purchased in print format. For this digital book edition, media content is not included.
- Content is designed to prepare you for the NBDE, Part II and the ABO written and clinical examinations to help you achieve the best results.
- Detailed illustrations provide a visual guide to conditions, techniques, diagnoses, key concepts, and more with case study photos that detail treatment from a patient’s initial exam to completion.
- Proven question and answer format covers the key information for each topic and helps prepare you for certification exams.
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Front Cover | Cover | ||
Inside Front Cover | ES2 | ||
Orthodontic Review | i | ||
Copyright | ii | ||
1. At what ages do most children enter adolescence, and when do they attain peak height velocity? | 2 | ||
2. What is the mid-childhood growth spurt, and how does it apply to craniofacial growth? | 2 | ||
3. Which skeletal indicators are most closely associated with peak height velocity? | 2 | ||
4. What is the equilibrium theory of tooth position? | 2 | ||
5. What is the prevalence of Class II dental malocclusion among adolescents and young adults living in the United States? | 3 | ||
6. What is the prevalence of incisor crowding among individuals living in the United States, and how does it change with age? | 3 | ||
7. What is the prevalence of Class III dental malocclusion among adolescents and young adults living in the United States? | 3 | ||
8. Skeletally, are Class III dental malocclusions primarily a problem of maxillary or mandibular growth? | 3 | ||
9. Do the third molars play a role in determining crowding? | 3 | ||
10. Does horizontal or vertical mandibular growth affect crowding? | 4 | ||
11. How much should the maxillary and mandibular incisors and molars be expected to erupt during adolescence? | 4 | ||
12. How does untreated arch perimeter change between the late primary dentition and the permanent dentition? | 4 | ||
13. How do untreated maxillary and mandibular intermolar widths change during childhood and adolescence? | 4 | ||
14. Without treatment, how do maxillary and mandibular arch depths change during childhood and adolescence? | 5 | ||
15. How do untreated maxillary and mandibular intercanine widths change over time? | 5 | ||
16. What differences exist in intermolar widths between subjects with normal and Class II malocclusion? | 5 | ||
17. Which craniofacial structures might be expected to be the least mature and show the greatest relative growth between 5 ... | 6 | ||
18. What sex differences exist in facial heights during infancy, childhood, and adolescence? | 6 | ||
19. What sex differences exist in mandibular size and position during infancy, childhood, and adolescence? | 6 | ||
20. What craniofacial features characterize the morphology of hyperdivergent (skeletal open-bite) patients? | 6 | ||
21. Which aspects of the maxilla and mandible undergo an adolescent growth spurt? | 7 | ||
22. How much change is expected in the anteroposterior maxillomandibular relationships of Caucasians during adolescence ... | 8 | ||
23. Does the mandible undergo transverse rotation like the maxilla? If so, how are the two related? | 8 | ||
24. Does the glenoid fossa change its position during postnatal growth? | 8 | ||
25. How much and in what direction should condylion and gonion be expected to grow and remodel during childhood and adoles ... | 8 | ||
26. How does the bony chin remodel during childhood and adolescence? | 9 | ||
27. At what age might the craniofacial sutures be expected to start closing? | 9 | ||
28. How much do lip length and thickness change during childhood and adolescence? | 9 | ||
29. Does the soft-tissue facial profile change during childhood and adolescence? | 10 | ||
30. How does the nose change shape during childhood and adolescence? | 10 | ||
31. According to present evidence, when does growth of the craniofacial skeleton cease? | 10 | ||
32. How does the mandible rotate during adulthood? | 10 | ||
33. What generally happens to the nose during adulthood? | 10 | ||
34. What generally happens to the upper lip length during adulthood? | 10 | ||
35. How does the soft-tissue profile change during adulthood? | 10 | ||
REFERENCES | 11 | ||
4. What are typical features of primary dentition? | 15 | ||
5. What is the terminal plane, and what are the different terminal plane relationships in the primary dentition? | 15 | ||
6. What does the terminal plane relationship of the primary second molars predict on the permanent molar relationships? | 16 | ||
7. How is Angle’s classification of occlusion defined? | 16 | ||
8. What are the eruption timing and sequence of permanent teeth? | 16 | ||
9. When does the mineralization of the permanent teeth occur? | 17 | ||
10. How do the initial location and size of the permanent incisors compare with the primary teeth? | 17 | ||
11. How is the space deficit between the primary and permanent incisors solved? | 17 | ||
12. Is anterior spacing common once permanent incisors have erupted? | 18 | ||
13. What are nonsuccedaneous teeth, and how is space secured for them? | 18 | ||
14. What is leeway space, and what is its importance? | 18 | ||
15. Is the eruption sequence of teeth important? | 18 | ||
16. What changes occur in the dental arch length during occlusal development? | 18 | ||
17. What changes occur in the dental arch width during occlusal development? | 19 | ||
18. What changes occur in the dentition once permanent teeth (excluding wisdom teeth) have erupted? | 19 | ||
19. Do wisdom teeth play a role in the lower anterior crowding? | 19 | ||
20. What are the most common reasons for interference with normal tooth eruption? | 19 | ||
21. What is tooth ankylosis, and what is its clinical significance? | 19 | ||
22. What is ectopic eruption? | 20 | ||
23. What are eruption problems of the upper permanent canines? | 20 | ||
24. What is a typical eruption problem of the second permanent molars? | 20 | ||
25. Which factors have an effect on tooth position? | 21 | ||
26. What is the relationship between occlusal development and facial growth? | 21 | ||
27. When is occlusal development completed, and can possible continued occlusal development cause adverse effects when tee ... | 21 | ||
28. Can individuals be found with variations in the number of teeth? | 21 | ||
29. How common is hypodontia, and which teeth are most often affected? | 21 | ||
30. Can hypodontia be associated with other dental anomalies? | 22 | ||
31. How common is hyperdontia? | 22 | ||
32. Does variation in tooth size have an effect on occlusion? | 23 | ||
REFERENCES | 23 | ||
4. What is the timing of treatment for a Class II malocclusion, and what kind of treatment is involved? | 25 | ||
5. What is the timing of treatment for a posterior crossbite with a lateral functional shift, and what kind of treatment i ... | 27 | ||
6. What is the timing for treatment for bilateral posterior crossbite without a functional shift, and what kind of treatme ... | 27 | ||
7. Is early treatment indicated for a skeletal open bite, and what kind of treatment is involved? | 27 | ||
8. What is the appropriate timing for treatment of a digit-sucking habit, and what kind of treatment is involved? | 28 | ||
9. What is the appropriate timing for correction of anterior crowding? | 28 | ||
10. When should you treat impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth? | 32 | ||
11. Why and when should you consider space-regaining procedures in the mixed dentition? | 32 | ||
12. What is the appropriate timing for orthognathic surgery? | 34 | ||
REFERENCES | 35 | ||
4. How is the temporomandibular joint function examined? | 37 | ||
5. Which areas should be explored in the patient’s social and behavioral evaluation? | 37 | ||
6. What are the ages that need to be considered in orthodontic care? | 37 | ||
7. What methods can be applied to assess the physical growth and maturation status of an individual? | 38 | ||
8. How is the malposition of individual teeth classified? | 38 | ||
9. Which tooth most often displays an anomaly? | 38 | ||
10. What are the significant areas of cast analysis? | 39 | ||
11. What is the Bolton analysis? | 40 | ||
12. What represents the basis for Angle’s dental classification? | 41 | ||
13. How are asymmetric occlusal relationships classified? | 41 | ||
14. Are digital models as reliable for diagnosis as plaster of Paris models? | 42 | ||
15. When would a diagnostic setup be useful? | 42 | ||
16. What are indications for mounting orthodontic casts on the articulator? | 43 | ||
17. What are the advantages of a panoramic radiograph over a series of intraoral periapical radiographs? | 43 | ||
18. When are supplemental intraoral periapical films indicated? | 43 | ||
19. What is the primary rationale for taking a posteroanterior cephalometric film? | 43 | ||
20. What are the different applications of a lateral cephalometric radiograph? | 44 | ||
21. What are the important hard- and soft- tissue points in cephalometric analysis? | 44 | ||
LANDMARKS | 44 | ||
Hard-Tissue Landmarks | 44 | ||
Midsagittal Landmarks | 44 | ||
Bilateral Landmarks | 44 | ||
Soft-Tissue Landmarks | 45 | ||
22. What are the important diagnostic reference planes? | 45 | ||
23. Which linear and angular values are essential for both the general dentist and orthodontist to know and characterize t ... | 45 | ||
Anteroposterior Skeletal Measurements | 45 | ||
Vertical Skeletal Measurements | 46 | ||
Incisor Measurements | 46 | ||
Soft-Tissue Measurements | 46 | ||
24. Which predictive analysis is a mandatory part of the diagnostic process in orthognathic surgery cases? | 46 | ||
25. Why do orthodontists superimpose serial cephalograms? | 47 | ||
26. What are the views captured in orthodontic photographs? | 47 | ||
27. Which aspects should be noted in the diagnosis of frontal photographs? | 47 | ||
28. What are the goals of facial profile analysis? | 47 | ||
REFERENCES | 50 | ||
Surgical Evaluations | 54 | ||
Hard-Tissue Imaging | 56 | ||
Impacted Teeth and Oral Abnormalities | 56 | ||
Airway Analysis | 56 | ||
Assessment of Alveolar Bone Heights and Volume | 56 | ||
Temporomandibular Joint Morphology | 56 | ||
5. What types of analyses are available? | 57 | ||
6. Where are we with this technology? | 57 | ||
The Virtual Patient | 58 | ||
7. Are there limitations in the systems? | 58 | ||
8. What are the costs involved? | 58 | ||
9. What is the best clinical setting for the different imaging devices? | 58 | ||
10. Are there medicolegal issues with these devices? | 58 | ||
11. What does the future hold? | 58 | ||
REFERENCES | 59 | ||
1. What comprises the diagnostic database? | 61 | ||
CASE HISTORY | 61 | ||
2. What is a prioritized problem list? | 61 | ||
3. What are the orthodontic problems in the three planes of space? | 62 | ||
4. What is included in the frontal analysis? | 62 | ||
MIDLINES | 62 | ||
LIPS | 62 | ||
SMILE LINE | 63 | ||
5. What is included in the profile view? | 63 | ||
NOSE | 63 | ||
LIPS | 63 | ||
VERTICAL | 63 | ||
6. What is the 3D-3 T diagnostic grid, and why is it important as a routine part of an orthodontic patient record? | 63 | ||
7. What are the advantages of using the 3D-3 T diagnostic grid in treatment planning? | 64 | ||
8. What are the steps of the 3D-3 T treatment plan method? | 64 | ||
9. What information is contained within each box? | 64 | ||
10. What are treatment objectives? | 64 | ||
11. How does one form a treatment plan? | 64 | ||
12. What are the problems in the sagittal (anteroposterior) plane of space? | 65 | ||
Class I, II, or III Skeletal Malocclusion | 65 | ||
Evaluation of the Facial Profile | 65 | ||
Lip Protrusion/Retrusion | 66 | ||
Interarch Molar and Incisal Relationships | 66 | ||
13. What are the problems in the vertical plane of space? | 66 | ||
Proportion of the Facial Thirds | 66 | ||
14. What are the problems of the transverse plane of space? | 67 | ||
15. What is the discrepancy index used by the American Board of Orthodontics? | 67 | ||
Case 1: Headgear | 67 | ||
16. How does one decide what type of headgear to use? | 69 | ||
Case 2: Extraction vs. Non-Extraction | 70 | ||
17. What factors can affect the decision to extract teeth when correcting a malocclusion? | 71 | ||
Case 3: Maxillary Expansion | 73 | ||
18. What is the difference between the treatment approach of the adult or child who requires expansion of the maxillary ar ... | 73 | ||
Case 4: Impacted Cuspid | 76 | ||
19. In what instance(s) might one choose to extract an impacted cuspid rather than bring it into its normal position? | 76 | ||
Case 5: Missing Maxillary Laterals | 79 | ||
20. The congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisor presents the orthodontist with a true dilemma. What is one to do ... | 79 | ||
Case 6: Ankylosis | 82 | ||
21. How does one treat an ankylosed tooth? | 82 | ||
Case 7: Transposition | 85 | ||
22. Should a transposition be corrected? | 85 | ||
Case 8: Root Resorption | 85 | ||
23. Which measures should be taken in the orthodontic management of teeth presenting with root resorption or dilacerations? | 85 | ||
24. Why are treatment objectives important in treatment planning? | 89 | ||
25. How do you establish specific treatment objectives? | 89 | ||
26. Why are superimpositions necessary? | 89 | ||
27. What superimpositions are required and what is the best method to use? | 89 | ||
28. How do you properly superimpose on the cranial base? | 92 | ||
29. How do you properly superimpose on the maxilla? | 93 | ||
30. How do you properly superimpose on the mandible? | 95 | ||
REFERENCES | 96 | ||
6. Which appliance did Angle develop in 1915 to replace the cumbersome pin and tube appliance? | 99 | ||
7. Which modern appliance is based on the ribbon arch appliance? | 99 | ||
8. What is the Tip-Edge bracket? | 99 | ||
9. How did the edgewise appliance evolve? | 99 | ||
10. What made the new edgewise bracket different from the original pin and tube vertical bracket? | 100 | ||
11. Who started the first pure edgewise specialty practice? | 100 | ||
12. How is the archwire in the edgewise appliance held in place? | 100 | ||
13. Do all self-ligating brackets function in the same manner during active treatment? | 100 | ||
14. What is the difference between full banded versus full direct bonded bracket systems? | 101 | ||
15. What is meant by the bracket prescription or preadjusted appliance? | 101 | ||
16. How does tooth movement occur with fixed appliances? | 102 | ||
17. What is indicated by an equivalent force system in the appliance? | 102 | ||
18. How is a direct bonded bracket constructed? | 102 | ||
19. What are the components of a direct bonded bracket? | 103 | ||
20. What is a self-ligating bracket? | 103 | ||
21. What is an active self-ligating bracket? | 103 | ||
22. What is active and passive self-ligation? | 103 | ||
23. What is a spring-wing bracket? | 103 | ||
24. What is inter-bracket width? | 104 | ||
25. What is a single-, double-, or triple-tube bracket? | 104 | ||
26. What is the mechanism to secure a direct bonded appliance to tooth enamel? | 104 | ||
27. What are tie-wings? | 105 | ||
28. What does the bracket slot dimension indicate? | 105 | ||
29. Friction between bracket and archwire plays an important role during orthodontic tooth movement. How is this factor mi ... | 106 | ||
30. Is a friction-free appliance ideal? | 106 | ||
31. How is a bracket constructed? | 106 | ||
32. What is a convertible tube? | 106 | ||
33. What is an initial archwire? | 106 | ||
34. What is sliding mechanics? | 106 | ||
35. What is a D-shaped, C-shaped, or dual-dimension archwire? | 107 | ||
36. What are the properties of an ideal orthodontic archwire? | 107 | ||
37. What is the difference between nitinol, beta-titanium, and stainless steel wires? | 107 | ||
38. What is a straight wire appliance and who popularized the concept? | 108 | ||
39. Does bracket position on the tooth influence treatment? | 108 | ||
40. Why is a power arm attached to a bracket? | 108 | ||
41. What is a ceramic bracket? | 109 | ||
42. What is a lingual appliance? | 110 | ||
43. What does Hooke’s law define in respect to orthodontic archwires? | 110 | ||
44. How does contamination of the bracket base affect the bonding to enamel? | 110 | ||
45. What is indicated by the angle of torque? | 110 | ||
46. What is a torquing moment? | 111 | ||
REFERENCES | 111 | ||
9. What are two methods to calculate the resultant of two concurrent forces? | 113 | ||
10. What is the center of resistance (centroid)? | 113 | ||
11. What is the center of rotation? | 113 | ||
12. What is uncontrolled tipping? | 114 | ||
13. What is controlled tipping? | 114 | ||
14. What is translational tooth movement? | 114 | ||
15. What is root torque? | 115 | ||
16. What is the moment of force? | 115 | ||
17. What is the unit of moment of the force? | 115 | ||
18. What is a couple? | 116 | ||
19. What is the moment of the couple? | 116 | ||
20. Where is the center of rotation for movement created by a couple? | 116 | ||
21. How is moment of couple instrumental in creating translational movement? | 116 | ||
22. When retracting a cuspid on an archwire, what determines the moment of the couple? | 116 | ||
23. What is static equilibrium? | 116 | ||
24. How does the law of equilibrium apply to orthodontic appliances? | 116 | ||
25. Give an example of equilibrium in an orthodontic appliance system | 117 | ||
26. What is a one-couple orthodontic force system? | 117 | ||
27. What is a two-couple orthodontic force system? | 117 | ||
28. What is a temporary anchorage device? | 118 | ||
29. How does the use of temporary anchorage devices change the biomechanical principles that define orthodontic tooth move ... | 119 | ||