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Understanding Pathophysiology - E-Book

Understanding Pathophysiology - E-Book

Sue E. Huether | Kathryn L. McCance


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Book Details


Master the important pathophysiology concepts you need to know with the most engaging and reader-friendly text available. Filled with vibrant illustrations and complemented by online resources that bring pathophysiology concepts to life, Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Edition continues its tradition of delivering the most accurate information on treatments, manifestations, and mechanisms of disease across the lifespan, giving you the fundamental knowledge needed to move forward in your nursing education and career. New additions include a new chapter on epigenetics, new content on rare diseases, a separate chapter for male and female reproductive alterations, streamlined features, simplified language, and fully updated information throughout.

  • Introduction to Pathophysiology in the front matter section provides intro to the subject of pathophysiology and explains why it is important.
  • Consistent presentation helps readers better distinguish pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment for each disease.
  • More than 1,000 high-quality illustrations vividly depict clinical manifestations and cellular mechanisms underlying diseases.
  • Lifespan coverage details age-specific conditions affecting pediatric, adult, and aging patients in depth.
  • Algorithms throughout the text clarify disease progression.
  • Risk Factor boxes alert readers to important safety considerations associated with specific diseases.
  • Health Alert boxes highlight new developments in biologic research, diagnostic studies, preventive care, treatments, and more.
  • Quick Check boxes test readers’ retention of important chapter concepts.
  • Geriatric Considerations boxes and Pediatric Considerations boxes highlight key considerations for these demographics in relevant chapters.
  • Did You Understand? sections provide a fast and efficient review of chapter content.
  • Chapter outlines help readers find specific information with ease.
  • Chapter introductions explain why chapter content is important and how it fits into a broader health care context.
  • Key terms are bolded throughout the text for fast, easy reference.
  • Glossary of selected terms familiarizes readers with the most difficult or important terminology.
  • Additional online resources on Evolve companion website offers access to animations, review questions, key terms matching exercises, and more.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Health Alerts i
Evolve page ii
Understanding Pathophysiology iii
Copyright Page iv
Contributors v
Reviewers vii
Preface ix
Organization and Content: What’s New in the Sixth Edition ix
Part One: Basic Concepts of Pathophysiology ix
Part Two: Body Systems and Diseases ix
Features to Promote Learning x
Art Program x
Teaching/Learning Package x
For Students x
For Instructors x
Acknowledgments x
Introduction to Pathophysiology xii
Table Of Contents xiii
One Basic Concepts of Pathophysiology 1
Unit 1 The Cell 1
1 Cellular Biology 1
Chapter Outline 1
Evolve Website 1
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 1
Cellular Functions 1
Structure and Function of Cellular Components 2
Nucleus 2
Cytoplasmic Organelles 2
Plasma Membranes 2
Membrane Composition 2
Lipids. 3
Proteins. 5
Protein regulation in a cell: protein homeostasis. 8
Carbohydrates. 9
Cellular Receptors 9
Cell-to-Cell Adhesions 10
Extracellular Matrix 10
Specialized Cell Junctions 11
Cellular Communication and Signal Transduction 12
Cellular Metabolism 14
Role of Adenosine Triphosphate 16
Food and Production of Cellular Energy 16
Oxidative Phosphorylation 16
Membrane Transport: Cellular Intake and Output 17
Electrolytes as Solutes 18
Passive Transport: Diffusion, Filtration, and Osmosis 19
Diffusion. 19
Filtration: hydrostatic pressure. 19
Osmosis. 19
Active Transport of Na+ and K 21
Transport by Vesicle Formation 21
Endocytosis and Exocytosis 21
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis 24
Caveolae 24
Movement of Electrical Impulses: Membrane Potentials 24
Cellular Reproduction: the Cell Cycle 25
Phases of Mitosis and Cytokinesis 26
Rates of Cellular Division 26
Growth Factors 26
Tissues 27
Tissue Formation 27
Types of Tissues 27
Did You Understand? 34
Cellular Functions 34
Structure and Function of Cellular Components 34
Cell-to-Cell Adhesions 34
Cellular Communication and Signal Transduction 35
Cellular Metabolism 35
Membrane Transport: Cellular Intake and Output 35
Cellular Reproduction: The Cell Cycle 35
Tissues 35
Key Terms 36
References 37
2 Genes and Genetic Diseases 38
Chapter Outline 38
Evolve Website 38
DNA, RNA, and Proteins: Heredity at the Molecular Level 38
Definitions 38
Composition and Structure of DNA 38
DNA as the Genetic Code 39
Replication of DNA 39
Mutation 39
From Genes to Proteins 39
Transcription 39
Gene Splicing 41
Translation 41
Chromosomes 42
Chromosome Aberrations and Associated Diseases 42
Polyploidy 42
Aneuploidy 42
Autosomal aneuploidy. 45
Sex chromosome aneuploidy. 47
Abnormalities of Chromosome Structure 47
Deletions. 48
Duplications. 48
Inversions. 48
Translocations. 48
Fragile sites. 49
Elements of Formal Genetics 49
Phenotype and Genotype 49
Dominance and Recessiveness 49
Transmission of Genetic Diseases 49
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance 50
Characteristics of Pedigrees 50
Recurrence Risks 50
Delayed Age of Onset 51
Penetrance and Expressivity 51
Epigenetics and Genomic Imprinting 52
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance 52
Characteristics of Pedigrees 52
Recurrence Risks 53
Consanguinity 54
X-Linked Inheritance 54
X Inactivation 54
Sex Determination 54
Characteristics of Pedigrees 55
Recurrence Risks 55
Sex-Limited and Sex-Influenced Traits 55
Linkage Analysis and Gene Mapping 56
Classic Pedigree Analysis 56
Complete Human Gene Map: Prospects and Benefits 57
Multifactorial Inheritance 57
Did You Understand? 59
DNA, RNA, and Proteins: Heredity at the Molecular Level 59
Chromosomes 59
Elements of Formal Genetics 60
Transmission of Genetic Diseases 60
Linkage Analysis and Gene Mapping 60
Multifactorial Inheritance 60
Key Terms 61
References 61
3 Epigenetics and Disease 62
Chapter Outline 62
Evolve Website 62
Epigenetic Mechanisms 62
DNA Methylation 62
Histone Modifications 63
RNA-Based Mechanisms 64
Epigenetics and Human Development 64
Genomic Imprinting 64
Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes 65
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome 65
Russell-Silver Syndrome 66
Long-Term and Multigenerational Persistence of Epigenetic States Induced by Stochastic and Environmental Factors 66
Epigenetics and Nutrition 66
Epigenetics and Maternal Care 66
Epigenetics and Mental Illness 67
Epigenetics and Ethanol Exposure During Gestation 67
Epigenetic Disease in the Context of Genetic Abnormalities 67
Twin Studies Provide Insights on Epigenetic Modification 68
Molecular Approaches to Understand Epigenetic Disease 68
Epigenetics and Cancer 68
DNA Methylation and Cancer 68
miRNAs and Cancer 69
Epigenetic Screening for Cancer 69
Emerging Strategies for the Treatment of Epigenetic Disease 69
DNA Demethylating Agents 70
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors 70
miRNA Coding 70
Future Directions 70
Did You Understand? 70
Overview 70
Epigenetics and Human Development 70
Genomic Imprinting 71
Long-Term and Multigenerational Persistence of Epigenetic States Induced by Stochastic and Environmental Factors 71
Epigenetics and Cancer 71
Future Directions 71
Key Terms 71
References 71
4 Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology 73
Chapter Outline 73
Evolve Website 73
Cellular Adaptation 74
Atrophy 74
Hypertrophy 75
Hyperplasia 76
Dysplasia: Not a True Adaptive Change 77
Metaplasia 77
Cellular Injury 77
General Mechanisms of Cell Injury 78
Hypoxic Injury 78
Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species—Oxidative Stress 81
Mitochondrial Effects 82
Chemical or Toxic Injury 84
Mechanisms 84
Chemical Agents Including Drugs 85
Lead. 87
Carbon monoxide. 90
Ethanol. 90
Mercury. 93
Unintentional and Intentional Injuries 93
Asphyxial Injuries 94
Suffocation. 94
Strangulation. 95
Chemical asphyxiants. 96
Drowning. 96
Infectious Injury 96
Immunologic and Inflammatory Injury 96
Manifestations of Cellular Injury: Accumulations 96
Water 97
Lipids and Carbohydrates 98
Glycogen 98
Proteins 98
Pigments 99
Melanin 99
Hemoproteins 100
Calcium 100
Urate 101
Systemic Manifestations 101
Cellular Death 101
Necrosis 102
Apoptosis 104
Autophagy 105
Aging and Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology 107
Normal Life Span, Life Expectancy, and Quality-Adjusted Life Year 108
Degenerative Extracellular Changes 108
Cellular Aging 108
Tissue and Systemic Aging 109
Frailty 109
Somatic Death 109
Did You Understand? 110
Cellular Adaptation 110
Cellular Injury 110
Manifestations of Cellular Injury 111
Cellular Death 111
Aging and Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology 111
Somatic Death 112
Key Terms 112
References 112
5 Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases 114
Chapter Outline 114
Evolve Website 114
Distribution of Body Fluids and Electrolytes 114
Water Movement Between Plasma and Interstitial Fluid 115
Water Movement Between ICF and ECF 115
Alterations in Water Movement 115
Edema 115
Pathophysiology 116
Clinical manifestations 116
Evaluation and treatment 116
Sodium, Chloride, and Water Balance 116
Alterations in Sodium, Chloride, and Water Balance 119
Isotonic Alterations 119
Hypertonic Alterations 119
Hypernatremia 119
Pathophysiology 119
Clinical manifestations 120
Evaluation and treatment 120
Hypotonic Alterations 121
Hyponatremia 121
Pathophysiology 121
Clinical manifestations 121
Evaluation and treatment 121
Alterations in Potassium and Other Electrolytes 122
Potassium 122
Hypokalemia 122
Pathophysiology 122
Clinical manifestations 123
Evaluation and treatment 124
Hyperkalemia 124
Pathophysiology 124
Clinical manifestations 124
Evaluation and treatment 125
Other Electrolytes—Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium 125
Acid-Base Balance 125
Hydrogen Ion and pH 125
Buffer Systems 125
Carbonic Acid–Bicarbonate Buffering 125
Protein Buffering 125
Renal Buffering 126
Acid-Base Imbalances 127
Metabolic Acidosis 127
Metabolic Alkalosis 127
Respiratory Acidosis 128
Respiratory Alkalosis 130
Did You Understand? 131
Distribution of Body Fluids 131
Alterations in Water Movement 131
Sodium, Chloride, and Water Balance 131
Alterations in Sodium, Water, and Chloride Balance 131
Alterations in Potassium and Other Electrolytes 132
Acid-Base Balance 132
Key Terms 132
References 133
Unit 2 Mechanisms of Self-Defense 134
6 Innate Immunity: 134
Chapter Outline 134
Evolve Website 134
Human Defense Mechanisms 134
Innate Immunity 134
First Line of Defense: Physical and Biochemical Barriers and the Human Microbiome 135
Physical Barriers 135
Epithelial Cell–Derived Chemicals 135
The Normal Microbiome 135
Second Line of Defense: Inflammation 137
Plasma Protein Systems and Inflammation 138
Complement System 138
Clotting System 139
Kinin System 140
Control and Interaction of Plasma Protein Systems 141
Cellular Components of Inflammation 141
Cellular Receptors 142
Cellular Products 143
Mast Cells and Basophils 144
Degranulation. 145
Synthesis of mediators. 145
Endothelium 145
Platelets 146
Phagocytes 146
Neutrophils. 146
Eosinophils. 146
Basophils. 146
Monocytes and macrophages. 146
Dendritic cells. 147
Phagocytosis. 147
Natural Killer Cells and Lymphocytes 147
Acute and Chronic Inflammation 147
Local Manifestations of Acute Inflammation 149
Systemic Manifestations of Acute Inflammation 149
Fever 149
Leukocytosis 149
Plasma Protein Synthesis 149
Chronic Inflammation 149
Wound Healing 151
Phase I: Inflammation 152
Phase II: Proliferation and New Tissue Formation 152
Phase III: Remodeling and Maturation 153
Dysfunctional Wound Healing 153
Wound Disruption 154
Impaired Contraction 154
Did You Understand? 155
Innate Immunity 155
Acute and Chronic Inflammation 156
Wound Healing 156
Key Terms 156
References 157
7 Adaptive Immunity 158
Chapter Outline 158
Evolve Website 158
Third Line of Defense: Adaptive Immunity 158
Antigens and Immunogens 160
Antibodies 161
Classes of Immunoglobulins 161
Molecular Structure 161
Antigen-Antibody Binding 162
Function of Antibodies 162
IgE 164
Secretory Immune System 164
Immune Response: Collaboration of B Cells and T Cells 166
Generation of Clonal Diversity 166
Development of B Lymphocytes 166
Development of T Lymphocytes 167
Clonal Selection 167
Primary and Secondary Immune Responses 167
Antigen Processing and Presentation 167
Cellular Interactions in the Immune Response 168
T-helper lymphocytes. 168
Superantigens. 169
T-cytotoxic lymphocytes. 169
B-cell clonal selection. 170
Memory cells. 172
Cell-Mediated Immunity 172
T-Lymphocyte Function 172
T-Cytotoxic Lymphocytes 172
Lymphokine-Secreting T Cells 172
T-Regulatory Lymphocytes 172
Did You Understand? 174
Third Line of Defense: Adaptive Immunity 174
Antigens and Immunogens 174
Antibodies 174
Immune Response: Collaboration of B Cells and T Cells 174
Pediatric Considerations: Age-Related Factors Affecting Mechanisms of Self-Defense in the Newborn Child 175
Geriatric Considerations: Age-Related Factors Affecting Mechanisms of Self-Defense in the Elderly 175
Key Terms 175
References 175
8 Infection and Defects in Mechanisms of Defense 176
Chapter Outline 176
Evolve Website 176
Infection 176
Microorganisms and Humans: A Dynamic Relationship 176
Bacterial Disease 177
Viral Disease 182
Fungal Disease 184
Parasitic Disease 185
Countermeasures Against Infectious Microorganisms 187
Infection Control Measures 187
Antimicrobials 187
Active Immunization 188
Passive Immunotherapy 189
Deficiencies in Immunity 189
Initial Clinical Presentation 189
Primary (Congenital) Immune Deficiencies 190
Combined Deficiencies 191
Predominantly Antibody Deficiencies 191
Phagocyte Defects 192
Defects in Innate Immunity 192
Complement Deficiencies 192
Secondary (Acquired) Immune Deficiencies 192
Evaluation and Care of Those with Immune Deficiency 193
Replacement Therapies for Immune Deficiencies 193
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 194
Epidemiology of AIDS 194
Pathogenesis of AIDS 194
Clinical Manifestations of AIDS 195
Treatment and Prevention of AIDS 197
Pediatric AIDS and Central Nervous System Involvement 198
Hypersensitivity: Allergy, Autoimmunity, and Alloimmunity 199
Mechanisms of Hypersensitivity 199
Type I: IgE-Mediated Hypersensitivity Reactions 201
Mechanisms of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. 202
Clinical manifestations of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. 202
Evaluation and treatment of IgE hypersensitivity. 203
Type II: Tissue-Specific Hypersensitivity Reactions 203
Type III: Immune Complex–Mediated Hypersensitivity Reactions 205
Mechanisms of type III hypersensitivity. 205
Immune complex disease. 205
Type IV: Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity Reactions 206
Antigenic Targets of Hypersensitivity Reactions 206
Allergy 206
Allergens. 206
Allergic disease: bee sting allergy. 206
Autoimmunity 207
Breakdown of tolerance. 208
Autoimmune disease: systemic lupus erythematosus. 208
Alloimmunity 208
Alloantigens. 208
Alloimmune disease: transfusion reactions. 208
Alloimmune disease: transplant rejection. 209
Did You Understand? 211
Infection 211
Deficiencies in Immunity 211
Hypersensitivity: Allergy, Autoimmunity, and Alloimmunity 211
Key Terms 212
References 213
9 Stress and Disease 214
Chapter Outline 214
Evolve Website 214
Historical Background and General Concepts 214
Stress Overview: Allostasis, Multiple Mediators, and Systems 217
The Stress Response 218
Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal System 218
Physiologic Effects of Cortisol 218
Pathophysiologic Effects of Cortisol 218
Effects of Exogenous Glucocorticoids 219
Neuroendocrine Regulation: Autonomic Nervous System 221
Sympathetic Nervous System 221
Parasympathetic Nervous System 223
Histamine and Other Hormones 223
Role of the Immune System 225
Stress, Personality, Coping, and Illness 225
Coping 226
Did You Understand? 229
Concepts of Stress 229
The Stress Response 229
Stress, Personality, Coping, and Illness 230
Geriatric Considerations: Aging & the Stress-Age Syndrome 230
Key Terms 230
References 230
Unit 3 Cellular Proliferation: Cancer 233
10 Biology of Cancer 233
Chapter Outline 233
Evolve Website 233
Cancer Terminology and Characteristics 233
Tumor Classification and Nomenclature 233
Benign and Malignant 233
Carcinoma in Situ 234
The Biology of Cancer Cells 236
Sustained Proliferative Signaling 238
Evading Growth Suppressors 241
Genomic Instability 242
Enabling Replication Immortality 245
Inducing Angiogenesis 245
Reprograming Energy Metabolism 246
Resisting Apoptotic Cell Death 247
Tumor-Promoting Inflammation 248
Evading Immune Destruction 250
Activating Invasion and Metastasis 251
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer 254
Paraneoplastic Syndromes 254
Pain 255
Fatigue 255
Cachexia 255
Molecular Basis of Cachexia 255
Anemia 256
Leukopenia and Thrombocytopenia 256
Infection 257
Gastrointestinal Tract 257
Hair and Skin 258
Diagnosis, Characterization, and Treatment of Cancer 258
Diagnosis and Staging 258
Histologic Staging 258
Tumor Markers 258
Classification of Tumors—Classic Histology and Modern Genetics 259
Treatment 260
Surgery 260
Radiation Therapy 260
Chemotherapy 260
Immunotherapy 261
Targeted Disruption of Cancer 261
Did You Understand? 262
Cancer Terminology and Characteristics 262
The Biology of Cancer Cells 262
Clinical Manifestations of Cancer 263
Diagnosis, Characterization, and Treatment of Cancer 263
Key Terms 264
References 264
11 Cancer Epidemiology 266
Chapter Outline 266
Evolve Website 266
Genetics, Epigenetics, and Tissue 266
Incidence and Mortality Trends 272
Incidence Trends 272
Mortality Trends 272
In Utero and Early Life Conditions 272
Environmental-Lifestyle Factors 274
Tobacco Use 274
Diet 276
Nutrition, Obesity, Alcohol Consumption, and Physical Activity: Impacts on Cancer 276
Nutrition 276
Obesity 280
Alcohol Consumption 281
Physical Activity 283
Ionizing Radiation 283
Radiation-Induced Cancer 285
Nontargeted Effects 286
Acute, Latent, and Microenvironmental Effects 287
Low Dose and Dose Rate 287
Ultraviolet Radiation 287
Electromagnetic Radiation 289
Infection, Sexual and Reproductive Behavior 290
Other Viruses and Microorganisms 292
Air Pollution 292
Chemical and Occupational Hazards as Carcinogens 293
Did You Understand? 293
Incidence and Mortality Trends 294
In Utero and Early Life Conditions 294
Environmental-Lifestyle Factors 294
Tobacco Use 294
Diet 294
Nutrition, Obesity, Alcohol Consumption, and Physical Activity: Impacts on Cancer 294
Ionizing Radiation (IR) 295
Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) 295
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) 295
Infection, Sexual and Reproductive Behavior 295
Air Pollution 296
Chemicals and Occupational Hazards as Carcinogens 296
Key Terms 296
References 296
12 Cancer in Children and Adolescents 301
Chapter Outline 301
Evolve Website 301
Incidence, Etiology, and Types of Childhood Cancer 301
Etiology 302
Genetic and Genomic Factors 303
Environmental Factors 303
Prenatal Exposure 303
Childhood Exposure 304
Prognosis 305
Did You Understand? 306
Incidence and Types of Childhood Cancers 306
Etiology 306
Prognosis 306
Key Terms 306
References 306
Two Body Systems and Diseases 307
Unit 4 The Neurologic System 307
13 Structure and Function of the Neurologic System 307
Chapter Outline 307
Evolve Website 307
Overview and Organization of the Nervous System 307
Cells of the Nervous System 307
The Neuron 307
Neuroglia and Schwann Cells 308
Nerve Injury and Regeneration 309
The Nerve Impulse 309
Synapses 311
Neurotransmitters 311
The Central Nervous System 311
The Brain 311
Forebrain 313
Telencephalon. 313
Diencephalon. 315
Midbrain 316
Mesencephalon. 316
Hindbrain 317
Metencephalon. 317
Myelencephalon. 317
The Spinal Cord 318
Motor Pathways 320
Sensory Pathways 320
Protective Structures of the Central Nervous System 321
Cranium 321
Meninges 321
Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Ventricular System 321
Vertebral Column 322
Blood Supply of the Central Nervous System 323
Blood Supply to the Brain 323
Blood-Brain Barrier 324
Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord 325
The Peripheral Nervous System 325
The Autonomic Nervous System 326
Anatomy of the Sympathetic Nervous System 327
Anatomy of the Parasympathetic Nervous System 329
Neurotransmitters and Neuroreceptors 329
Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System 329
Did You Understand? 333
Overview and Organization of the Nervous System 333
Cells of the Nervous System 333
The Nerve Impulse 333
The Central Nervous System 334
The Peripheral Nervous System 334
The Autonomic Nervous System 334
Key Terms 334
References 335
14 Pain, Temperature, Sleep, and Sensory Function 336
Chapter Outline 336
Evolve Website 336
Pain 336
Neuroanatomy of Pain 336
Pain Modulation 338
Neurotransmitters of Pain Modulation 338
Pathways of Modulation 339
Clinical Descriptions of Pain 339
Temperature Regulation 342
Control of Body Temperature 342
Temperature Regulation in Infants and Elderly Persons 342
Pathogenesis of Fever 342
Benefits of Fever 343
Disorders of Temperature Regulation 344
Hyperthermia 344
Hypothermia 344
Trauma and Temperature 344
Sleep 344
Sleep Disorders 345
Common Dyssomnias 346
Common Parasomnias 346
Restless Leg Syndrome 346
The Special Senses 346
Vision 346
The Eye 347
Visual Dysfunction 347
Alterations in ocular movements. 347
Alterations in visual acuity. 348
Alterations in accommodation. 349
Alterations in refraction. 349
Alterations in color vision. 349
Neurologic disorders causing visual dysfunction. 349
External Eye Structure and Disorders 349
Hearing 350
The Normal Ear 350
Auditory Dysfunction 351
Conductive hearing loss. 351
Sensorineural hearing loss. 352
Mixed and functional hearing loss. 352
Ménière disease. 352
Ear Infections 352
Otitis externa. 352
Otitis media. 352
Olfaction and Taste 353
Olfactory and Taste Dysfunctions 353
Somatosensory Function 353
Touch 353
Proprioception 353
Glossary e1
A e1
B e3
C e3
D e5
E e5
F e6
G e6
H e7
I e7
J e8
K e8
L e8
M e9
N e10
O e11
P e11
R e13
S e13
T e14
U e15
V e15
W e15
X e15
Z e15
Index 1096
A 1096
B 1100
C 1102
D 1108
E 1110
F 1112
G 1113
H 1114
I 1117
J 1119
K 1120
L 1120
M 1122
N 1124
O 1126
P 1127
Q 1131
R 1131
S 1132
T 1136
U 1138
V 1138
W 1139
X 1139
Y 1139
Z 1139
Prefixes and Suffixes Used in Medical Terminology 1140
Inside Back Cover ibc1