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Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional - E-Book

Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional - E-Book

Karin C. VanMeter | Robert J Hubert


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Book Details


Easily understood by students without any chemistry or biology background, Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 2nd Edition offers an excellent foundation for understanding the spread, treatment, and prevention of infectious disease — critical knowledge for today’s healthcare professional. This straightforward introductory text makes microbiology approachable and easy to learn, presenting just the right level of information and detail to help you comprehend future course material and apply concepts to your new career.

  • Focuses on just the necessary information the introductory microbiology student needs to know, saving time and allowing you to focus on what is most important.
  • UNIQUE! Why You Need to Know boxes put material in perspective, helping you to understand the history, impact and future of the topics under discussion.
  • UNIQUE! Life Application boxes provide fun facts on how chapter topics apply to real world situations and events.
  • UNIQUE! Medical Highlights boxes share anecdotal information about various pathological conditions.
  • UNIQUE! Healthcare Application tables focus on pathogens as they relate to topics discussed in the chapter.
  • Chapter outlines and key terms provide a framework for every chapter, enabling more efficient and effective learning.
  • Learning objectives clarify chapter goals and guide you through content that needs to be mastered.
  • Twenty review questions at the end of each chapter test you retention and help you identify areas requiring further study.
  • UPDATED! Additional micrographs and cellular photos from author’s collection help engage you.
  • NEW! Appendix on key human bacterial pathogens arranged by body system with text page references provides a quick reference to diseases, organisms, and their characteristics.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Inside front cover Inside Front Cover
Microbiology for the healthcare professional i
Copyright page ii
Preface iii
Evolve resources iii
Http:// iii
For the instructor iv
For the student iv
Acknowledgments v
Reviewers vi
Table of contents vii
1 Basic Science 1
1 Scope of microbiology 1
Outline 1
Learning objectives 2
Key terms 2
Origins of microbiology and microscopy 3
Microscopy and its founding fathers 3
Types of microscopes 3
Bright-field microscopes 5
Dark-field microscopes 6
Phase-contrast microscopes 6
Fluorescence microscopes 6
Confocal microscopes 7
Electron microscopes 7
Transmission electron microscopes 7
Scanning electron microscopes 7
Atomic force microscopes 7
Spontaneous generation 7
Pasteurization 8
Germ theory of disease 8
Origin and evolution of microorganisms 9
Origin 9
Evolution 9
Classification of microorganisms 10
Prokaryotes versus eukaryotes 10
Bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes 10
Viruses 11
Prions 11
Viroids 11
Taxonomy 11
Microorganisms in health and disease 11
Microbes in the environment 11
Normal flora 12
Pathogens 12
Applied microbiology 13
Microorganisms in food production 14
Microorganisms in the production of alcoholic beverages 14
Treatment of water supplies 15
Microbes and the production of pharmaceutical agents 15
Microbes in agriculture 15
Bioremediation 15
Microbes, biomass, and energy 15
Microbial forensics 15
Summary 16
Review questions 16
2 Chemistry of life 18
Outline 18
Learning objectives 18
Key terms 19
Atoms and ions 20
Elements 20
Atomic model 20
Ions 22
Chemical bonds and molecules 23
Formation and classification of chemical bonds and forces 23
Types of chemical reactions 25
Chemical notations 26
Inorganic compounds 27
Acids, bases, and the pH scale 27
Buffers 28
Salts 28
Water 29
Organic molecules 30
Carbohydrates 31
Proteins 32
Lipids 33
Nucleic acids 36
Summary 37
Review questions 38
3 Cell structure and function 40
Outline 40
Learning objectives 40
Key terms 41
General structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 42
Plasma membrane and cell wall 42
Plasma membrane 42
Glycocalyx 44
Cell wall 45
Surface appendages 46
Bacterial flagella 47
Bacterial mobility 48
Pili 48
Cilia 48
Microvilli 49
Biofilms 49
Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, cell organelles, inclusions, and endospores 50
Cytoplasm 50
Cytoskeleton 51
Cell organelles 52
Nucleus 52
Endoplasmic reticulum 52
Golgi apparatus 52
Lysosomes 54
Peroxisomes 54
Mitochondria 54
Chloroplasts 54
Ribosomes 55
Vacuoles 56
Vesicles 56
Inclusions 57
Endospores 57
Fluid compartments and membrane transport mechanisms 57
Intracellular fluid compartment 58
Extracellular fluid compartment 58
Passive transport 58
Diffusion 58
Facilitated diffusion 58
Osmosis 58
Filtration 59
Active transport 59
Pump transport 60
Endocytosis 60
Exocytosis 60
Cellular metabolism 61
Enzymes 61
Enzyme specificity 61
Classification and naming of enzymes 62
Exoenzymes and endoenzymes 62
Cofactors and coenzymes 63
Regulation of enzyme activity 63
Cellular respiration and photosynthesis 64
Cellular respiration 64
Photosynthesis 68
Protein synthesis 70
Transcription 70
Translation 70
DNA replication and cell division 72
DNA replication 72
Cell division 73
Binary fission 74
Cell cycle and mitosis 74
Meiosis 75
Genetics 77
Genotype and phenotype 78
Mutations 78
Genetic transfer in prokaryotes 79
Summary 79
Review questions 80
4 Bacteria and archaea 81
Outline 81
Learning objectives 81
Key terms 82
Bacterial structure 82
Shapes 82
Arrangements 85
Bacterial growth 86
Basis of bacterial growth: Binary fission 86
Population growth curve 87
Measuring growth 87
Measurement of cell mass 87
Measurement of cell number 88
Factors influencing microbial growth 88
Nutritional requirements 88
Temperature 89
Osmotic pressure 89
Hydrostatic pressure 89
Atmospheric conditions 90
pH 90
Classification of bacteria and archaea 90
Criteria 91
Classification according to bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology 91
Spirochetes 91
Aerobic/microaerophilic helical vibroid gram-negative bacteria 91
Gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci 92
Facultatively anaerobic gram-negative rods 94
Anaerobic gram-negative rods 95
Anaerobic gram-negative cocci 95
Rickettsias and chlamydias 95
Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas 95
Gram-positive cocci 96
Endospore-forming gram-positive rods and cocci 98
Regular nonsporulating gram-positive rods 99
Irregular nonsporulating gram-positive rods 99
Mycobacteria 99
Nocardioforms 100
Streptomycetes 100
Methanogens 100
Extreme thermophiles 100
Extreme halophiles 101
Summary 101
Review questions 101
5 Viruses 103
Outline 103
Learning objectives 103
Key terms 104
General structure and classification 105
Classification 105
Morphology 105
Helical viruses 105
Icosahedral viruses 108
Enveloped viruses 108
Complex viruses 109
Genome type 110
DNA viruses 111
RNA viruses 111
Reverse-transcribing viruses 112
Genome changes 112
Viral multiplication 112
Multiplication of bacteriophages 112
Adsorption 113
Penetration 113
Assembly 113
Multiplication of animal viruses 114
Adsorption 114
Penetration 115
Uncoating 115
Replication 116
Assembly 116
Release 117
Viral infections 117
Host cell damage 117
Morphological effects  117
Physiological effects  117
Biochemical effects  117
Genotoxic effects  118
Major groups of viruses in vertebrates 118
DNA viruses 118
Adenoviruses 118
Hepadnaviruses 118
Herpesviruses 118
Papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses 118
Parvoviruses 120
Poxviruses 120
RNA viruses 120
Bunyaviridae 120
Coronaviruses 120
Hepatitis viruses 120
Orthomyxoviruses 121
Paramyxoviruses 121
Picornaviruses 121
Rhabdoviruses 122
Reoviruses 122
Retroviruses 122
Togaviruses 122
Flaviviruses 123
Subviral agents 123
Viroids 123
Virusoids (satellites) 123
Prions 123
Summary 124
Review questions 124
6 Eukaryotic microorganisms 126
Outline 126
Learning objectives 126
Key terms 127
Introduction 128
Fungi 129
Characteristics of fungi 129
Yeasts 131
Molds 131
Dimorphic fungi 132
Life cycle of fungi 132
Asexual reproduction 132
Sexual reproduction 133
Classification of fungi 133
Algae 134
Characteristics of algae 135
Life cycle of algae 135
Classification of algae 135
Protozoans 137
Characteristics of protozoans 137
Life cycle of protozoans 137
Classification of protozoans 139
Archaezoa 140
Microspora 140
Ciliophora 140
Euglenozoa 140
Amoebozoa 140
Apicomplexa 141
Slime molds 143
Cellular slime molds 143
Plasmodial slime molds 143
Helminths 144
Characteristics of helminths 144
Life cycle of helminths 144
Classification of helminths 144
Platyhelminths 145
Nematodes 145
Summary 146
Review questions 147
2 Tools for Study and Control of Microorganisms 149
7 Physical and chemical methods of control 149
Outline 149
Learning objectives 149
Key terms 150
Introduction 151
Microbial control 151
General considerations in microbial control 151
Resistance of microbes 151
Endospores 152
Terminology for microbial control 152
Sterilization 152
Commercial sterilization 152
Disinfection 152
Degermination 152
Sanitization 152
Pasteurization 153
Microbicidal agents 153
Microbiostatic agents 153
Microbial death 153
Physical control 153
Temperature 154
Dry heat 155
Moist heat 156
Steam under pressure  156
Flowing steam  157
Boiling water  157
Refrigeration and freezing 157
Desiccation and lyophilization 157
Osmotic pressure 157
Radiation 157
Ionizing radiation 157
Nonionizing radiation 158
Filtration 158
Chemical control 159
Disinfectants and antiseptics 159
Factors influencing antimicrobial effectiveness 159
Evaluating disinfectants 159
Use-dilution test 160
Disk-diffusion method 160
Antimicrobial agents 160
Phenols and phenolics 160
Halogens 160
Chlorine  161
Iodine  161
Alcohols 161
Surfactants 162
Quaternary compounds 162
Heavy metals 162
Alkylating agents 162
Food preservation 163
Pasteurization 163
Pressure canning 164
Food irradiation 164
Other methods 164
Summary 165
Review questions 165
8 Microbiological laboratory techniques 167
Outline 167
Learning objectives 167
Key terms 168
Aseptic technique in laboratory preparation and analysis 168
Sterilization 169
Disinfection 170
Sanitization 170
Culture techniques 170
Types of culture media 170
Physical state of media 171
Chemical classification of media 171
Functional types of media 172
Live media 173
Incubation and isolation 173
Fixation and staining 174
Negative and simple stains 174
Negative stain 175
Simple stain 175
Differential stains 175
Gram stain 175
Acid-fast stain 176
Other differential stains 176
Special stains 176
Fixation and staining for electron microscopy 177
Transmission electron microscopy 177
Scanning electron microscopy 177
Identification techniques 178
Morphology 178
Cultural characteristics 178
Culture plates 178
Slants 178
Gelatin stabs 179
Broths 179
Physiological/biochemical characteristics 180
Hydrogen sulfide production 180
Citrate use 180
Phenylalanine deamination 180
IMViC tests 180
Litmus milk reactions 180
Rapid identification tests 180
Molecular analysis 181
Serologic analysis/diagnosis 181
Genetic analysis 181
Summary 182
Review questions 183
9 Microbiological laboratory safety issues 184
Outline 184
Learning objectives 184
Key terms 185
Laboratory safety 186
Biosafety 186
Biosafety level 1 188
Biosafety level 2 188
Biosafety level 3 189
Biosafety level 4 189
Chemicals 191
Radiation 191
Noise 192
Thermal 192
Equipment 193
Fire extinguishers 193
Fume hoods 193
Autoclave 194
Eyewashes and safety showers 194
Refrigerators/freezers 194
Disposal of hazardous waste 195
Protective gear 195
Respiratory Protection 196
Clothing 196
Eye Protection 196
Safety in healthcare facilities 196
Physicians’ offices and clinics 197
Hospital 197
Nursing homes and personal care facilities 197
Emergency response 198
Safety in homes 198
Summary 198
Review questions 198
10 Pharmacology 200
Outline 200
Learning objectives 200
Key terms 201
Overview 202
Branches of pharmacology 202
Drug nomenclature 202
Sources of drug information 203
Principles of drug action 204
Administration 204
Absorption 204
Distribution 205
Biotransformation 205
Clearance (elimination) 207
Responses 207
Dose effects 207
Therapeutic index 207
Time effects 208
Variability 208
Toxicity 209
New drugs 210
Development 210
Public safety 211
Summary 212
Review questions 212
11 Antimicrobial drugs 214
Outline 214
Learning objectives 214
Key terms 215
Mechanisms of antimicrobial action 215
Inhibition of cell wall synthesis 216
Inhibition of protein synthesis 216
Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis 216
Disruption of plasma membrane 217
Inhibition of metabolic pathways 217
Characteristics of antimicrobial agents 217
Spectrum of action 218
Selective toxicity 218
Microbicidal versus microbiostatic 218
Delivery to the site of infection 218
Time of activity 219
Not subject to antimicrobial resistance 219
Complements/Aids in host’s own defenses 219
Nonallergenic 219
Stability and shelf life 219
Affordability and availability 219
Determination of antibiotic effectiveness: Efficacy 219
Disk diffusion or kirby-bauer method 219
Dilution/minimal inhibitory concentration method 220
Serum killing power 220
Side effects 220
Resistance to antimicrobial drugs 221
Development/acquisition of drug resistance 221
Mechanisms of resistance 222
Multiple resistances 222
Preventing drug resistance 223
Specific antimicrobial drugs 223
Antibacterial agents 224
Synthetic drugs 224
Antibiotic (nonsynthetic) and semisynthetic antibacterials 224
Bacillus antibiotics  226
Antiviral agents 227
Synthetic antiviral agents 227
Antifungal agents 227
Synthetic azoles 227
Flucytosine (fluorocytosine) 227
Macrolide polyene antibiotics 228
Griseofulvin 228
Echinocandins 228
Antiprotozoan agents 228
Chloroquine and primaquine 228
Metronidazole 228
Pyrimethamine 229
Quinine 229
Antihelminthic agents 229
Niclosamide 229
Mebendazole 229
Piperazine 229
Ivermectin 229
Summary 230
Review questions 230
3 Infection, Disease, and Defense 233
12 Infection and disease 233
Outline 233
Learning objectives 233
Key terms 234
Host-microbe relationship 235
Symbiosis 235
Normal flora (microbiota) 235
Opportunistic pathogens 237
Stages of infection 237
Portal of entry 238
Skin 238
Mucous membranes 238
Placenta 239
Parenteral route 239
Virulence and pathogenicity 239
Toxins 241
Exotoxins 241
Endotoxins 242
Portal of exit 242
Etiology of infectious diseases 243
Patterns of infection 243
Koch’s postulates 243
Exceptions to Koch’s postulates 244
Epidemiology and public health 244
Diseases in the population 244
Reservoirs 246
Animal reservoirs 246
Human carriers 247
Nonliving reservoirs 247
Modes of transmission 247
Contact transmission 247
Vehicle transmission 247
Vector transmission 248
Healthcare-associated (Nosocomial) infections 248
Types of nosocomial infections 249
Transmission 250
Antimicrobial resistance in healthcare settings 250
Control and prevention 250
Summary 250
Review questions 251
13 The immune response and lymphatic system 252
Outline 252
Learning objectives 252
Key terms 253
Fundamentals of the immune system 254
Immunology 254
Immunity 254
Antigens 255
Antibodies 257
Components of the immune system 258
Tissues and organs of the immune system 258
Lymphatic vessels 258
Lymphoid (lymphatic) tissue 259
Lymphatic nodules 260
Tonsils 260
Lymph nodes 260
Spleen 261
Thymus gland 262
Red bone marrow (myeloid tissue) 262
Cells of the immune system 263
Leukocytes: White blood cells 263
Granulocytes 263
Agranulocytes 264
Host defense 266
First line of defense 266
Physical barriers 267
Chemical barriers 267
Second line of defense 268
Phagocytosis and phagocytes 268
Inflammatory response 269
Fever 270
Interferons 270
Cytokines 270
Complement system 270
Third line of defense 271
Cell-mediated immunity 271
Antibody-mediated immunity (humoral immunity) 271
Active immunity 272
Passive immunity 273
Diseases caused by the immune system 274
Allergy/hypersensitivity reactions 274
Immediate hypersensitivity (type I) 274
Cytotoxic hypersensitivity reactions (type II) 276
Immune complex hypersensitivity reactions (type III) 276
Delayed hypersensitivity (type IV) 276
Autoimmune diseases 276
Myasthenia gravis 276
Multiple sclerosis 276
Graves’ hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease) 277
Systemic lupus erythematosus 277
Rheumatoid arthritis 277
Immune deficiency diseases 277
Primary immune deficiencies 277
Severe combined immunodeficiency  278
Secondary immune deficiencies 278
Aging and the immune system 278
Summary 278
Review questions 279
4 Effects on Specific Body Systems 281
14 Infections of the integumentary system, soft tissue, and musculoskeletal system 281
Outline 281
Learning objectives 281
Key terms 282
Overview 283
Bacterial infections 284
Staphylococcal infections 284
Furuncles (boils) 284
Cellulitis 285
Impetigo (pyoderma) 285
Streptococcal infections 285
Erysipelas 285
Acute necrotizing fasciitis 286
Acne 286
Leprosy 286
Osteomyelitis 288
Viral infections 289
Warts 290
Herpes simplex infections 290
Varicella-zoster infections 291
Molluscum contagiosum 292
Roseola infantum 292
Smallpox 292
Fungal infections (mycoses) 293
Tineas 293
Tinea capitis 294
Tinea corporis 294
Tinea versicolor 294
Tinea cruris 295
Tinea unguium 295
Tinea pedis 295
Cutaneous candidiasis 295
Subcutaneous mycoses 296
Chromoblastomycoses 296
Mycetomas 296
Sporotrichosis 296
Summary 296
Review questions 297
15 Infections of the respiratory system 298
Outline 298
Learning objectives 298
Key terms 299
Overview 300
Bacterial infections 301
Streptococcal infections 301
Strep throat (Streptococcal pharyngitis) 302
Scarlet fever 302
Streptococcus pneumoniae 303
Drug-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae disease 303
Other common infections 304
Mycoplasmal pneumonia 304
Chlamydial pneumonia 305
Pertussis (whooping cough) 305
Tuberculosis 306
Rare and opportunistic infections 307
Staphylococcal pneumonia 307
Haemophilus infections 307
Klebsiella pneumoniae 308
Diphtheria 308
Legionellosis 308
Psittacosis 308
Inhalation anthrax 308
Q fever 309
Viral infections 310
Common cold 311
Influenza 311
Viral pneumonia 312
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome 313
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 313
Fungal infections 313
Histoplasmosis 313
Coccidioidomycosis 313
Blastomycosis 315
Pulmonary aspergillosis 315
Summary 316
Review questions 316
16 Infections of the gastrointestinal system 318
Outline 318
Learning objectives 318
Key terms 319
Overview 320
Resident microbial flora 322
Oral cavity 324
Stomach 324
Small intestine 324
Large intestine 324
Dental caries 324
Periodontal disease 325
Gastroenteritis 326
Bacterial infections/illnesses 326
Bacterial infections 327
Helicobacter peptic ulcer 327
Salmonellosis 327
Typhoid fever 328
Shigellosis 328
Campylobacteriosis 329
Escherichia species gastroenteritis 329
Yersiniosis 330
Listeriosis 330
Bacterial intoxications 330
Botulism 330
Staphylococcal intoxication 330
Bacillus intoxication 331
Cholera 332
Viral infections 332
Rotaviruses 332
Astroviruses and caliciviruses 332
Noroviruses 333
Adenoviruses 333
Hepatitis 333
Fungal infections 333
Candidiasis 333
Aspergillosis 334
Ergotism 334
Parasitic infections 334
Protozoans 334
Giardia intestinalis (giardiasis) 334
Balantidium coli 334
Entamoeba histolytica (amebiasis) 334
Cryptosporidiosis 334
Helminths 335
Trichinosis 335
Taeniasis 335
Pinworm infection 335
Ascariasis 336
Hookworm infections (necatoriasis) 336
Summary 336
Review questions 337
17 Infections of the nervous system and sensory structures 338
Outline 338
Learning objectives 338
Key terms 339
Overview 340
Bacterial infections 341
Bacterial meningitis 341
Meningococcal meningitis 342
Haemophilus influenzae meningitis 344
Pneumococcal meningitis 344
Listeria meningitis 345
Tetanus 346
Botulism 347
Leprosy 348
Conjunctivitis 349
Viral infections 350
Viral meningitis 350
Poliomyelitis 350
Rabies 351
Arboviral encephalitis 351
Fungal infections 353
Cryptococcosis 353
Protozoan infections 353
Cerebral toxoplasmosis 353
Trypanosomiasis 353
African trypanosomiasis 353
Chagas’ disease 354
Prion-associated diseases 354
Human prion diseases 354
Animal prion diseases 354
Summary 354
Review questions 355
18 Infections of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems 356
Outline 356
Learning objectives 356
Key terms 357
Overview 358
Endocarditis 358
Myocarditis 359
Pericarditis 361
Bloodborne infectious diseases 361
Microbemia 361
Bacterial infections 361
Bacteremia 361
Septicemia 361
Rheumatic fever 361
Gangrene 362
Zoonotic diseases 363
Brucellosis (undulant fever) 364
Tularemia 364
Cat scratch disease 364
Rat-bite fever 364
Vector-transmitted diseases 365
Plague 365
Rocky mountain spotted fever 366
Lyme disease 367
Ehrlichiosis 367
Typhus 368
Relapsing fever 368
Viral infections 369
Infectious mononucleosis 369
Cytomegalovirus infections 369
Viral hemorrhagic fevers 370
Fungal infections 370
Systemic mycoses 370
Protozoan infections 371
Malaria 371
Uncomplicated malaria 372
Severe malaria 372
Babesiosis 372
Toxoplasmosis 373
Chagas’ disease 374
Leishmaniasis 374
Summary 374
Review questions 375
19 Infections of the urinary system 376
Outline 376
Learning objectives 376
Key terms 377
Overview 377
Urinary tract infections 377
Urethritis 378
Cystitis 378
Pyelonephritis 378
Leptospirosis 379
Glomerulonephritis 379
Diagnosis of urinary tract infections 379
Risk factors for urinary tract infections 379
Prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections 381
Prevention 381
Treatment 381
Bacterial infections 382
Viral infections 383
Polyomaviruses JC and BK 383
Cytomegalovirus 383
Adenovirus 383
Fungal infections 384
Parasitic infections 384
Summary 384
Review questions 384
20 Infections of the reproductive system 386
Outline 386
Learning objectives 386
Key terms 387
Overview 387
Types of infections 388
Global burden 388
Infections of the female reproductive system 388
Bacterial infections 388
Vaginosis 388
Toxic shock syndrome 389
Group B streptococcal infection 389
Endometritis 390
Mastitis 390
Pelvic inflammatory disease 390
Fungal infections 390
Candidiasis 390
Protozoan infections 391
Trichomoniasis 391
Infections of the male reproductive system 392
Bacterial infections 392
Prostatitis 392
Epididymitis 393
Balanitis 394
Fungal infections 394
Male yeast infections 394
Protozoan infections 394
Trichomoniasis 394
Summary 395
Review questions 395
5 Factors Contributing to the 397
21 Sexually transmitted infections/diseases 397
Outline 397
Learning objectives 397
Key terms 398
Overview 399
Bacterial infections 399
Gonorrhea 399
Syphilis 400
Chlamydia 401
Mycoplasmal and ureaplasmal nongonococcal urethritis 402
Chancroid 402
Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale) 403
Viral infections 404
Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 404
Hepatitis B, C, and D 406
Genital herpes 407
Human papillomavirus 407
Molluscum contagiosum 407
Fungal infections 407
Vulvovaginal candidiasis 408
Balanitis 408
Jock itch 408
Protozoan infections 408
Trichomoniasis 408
Summary 408
Review questions 409
22 Human age and microorganisms 410
Outline 410
Learning objectives 410
Key terms 411
Perinatal 411
Overview 411
Infections during pregnancy 411
Congenital infections 413
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection 413
Congenital rubella 413
Congenital syphilis 413
Congenital toxoplasmosis 414
Congenital human immunodeficiency virus infection 415
Vaginal infections 415
Infants and children 415
Immune system in infants and children 415
Common microbial infections in infants and children 416
Skin infections 416
Other neonatal infections 416
Infections in children 416
Young adults 416
Immune system in young adults 416
Common microbial infections in young adults 417
Infectious mononucleosis 417
Sexually transmitted infections 417
Influenza 417
Meningococcal disease 417
Environmental exposures typical for young adults 417
Older adults 418
Immune system in older adults 418
Common microbial infections in older adults 418
Pneumonia 418
Influenza 418
Urinary tract infections 419
Skin infections 419
Factors influencing susceptibility to microbial disease 419
Summary 419
Review questions 420
23 Microorganisms in the environment and effects on human health 421
Outline 421
Learning objectives 421
Key terms 422
Normal environmental conditions 423
Microbial ecology 423
Biogeochemical cycles and microbes 424
The carbon cycle 424
The nitrogen cycle 424
The sulfur cycle 426
The phosphorus cycle 426
Soil microbiology 428
Microbial populations in soil 428
Aquatic microbiology 429
Freshwater ecosystems 429
Marine ecosystems 429
Natural disasters 431
Floods 431
Waterborne diseases 432
Vector-borne diseases 432
Dead humans and animals 433
Other health risks 433
Tsunamis 433
Earthquakes 434
Hurricanes 434
Bioterrorism 434
Category A agents 435
Bacterial agents 435
Viral agents 439
Filoviridae  440
Arenaviruses  440
Bunyaviridae  440
Flaviviridae  440
Category B agents 441
Category C agents 442
Hantavirus 442
Nipah virus 443
Role of first responders in bioterrorism 443
Summary 444
Review questions 444
24 Emerging infectious diseases 446
Outline 446
Learning objectives 446
Key terms 447
Overview 448
Emerging/reemerging infectious diseases 448
Factors of emergence/reemergence 448
Human demographics and behavior 448
Ecological changes and agricultural development 449
International travel and commerce 449
Technology and industry 450
Microbial adaptation and change 450
Breakdown of public health measures 450
Other factors in disease emergence and reemergence 451
Types of emerging and reemerging diseases 451
Addressing and preventing emerging and reemerging diseases 452
Surveillance 454
Investigation 454
Response 454
Global concerns 455
U.S. global public health 455
Global surveillance 455
Summary 456
Review questions 456
25 Biotechnology 458
Outline 458
Learning objectives 458
Key terms 459
Overview 460
Tools of genetic engineering 460
Restriction enzymes 461
Gene libraries 462
Creating a gene library 462
Screening the gene library 462
cDNA libraries 464
Synthetic DNA 464
Plasmids 464
Polymerase chain reaction 465
Vectors in biotechnology 466
Plasmid vectors 466
Lambda (λ) phage vectors 466
Cosmid vectors 466
Biotechnology in human medicine 467
Rapid identification tests 467
Human protein replacements 468
Insulin 468
Human growth hormone 469
Factor VIII 469
Human disease therapies 469
Tissue plasminogen activator 469
Interferon 469
Antisense molecules 470
Erythropoietin 470
Phage therapies 471
Vaccines 471
Subunit vaccines 471
DNA vaccines 471
Biotechnology in agriculture 471
Transgenic plants 471
Herbicide tolerance/resistance 472
Insect tolerance/resistance 472
Virus tolerance/resistance 472
Fungus tolerance/resistance 472
Transgenic animals 472
Summary 472
Review questions 473
APPENDIX A Bergeys manual of systematic bacteriology 475
First edition 475
Second edition 476
APPENDIX B Medically significant microorganisms by body system 477
APPENDIX C Bibliography 490
Bibliography 490
Internet resources 491
Glossary 493
Index 509
A 509
B 511
C 512
D 515
E 516
F 517
G 518
H 519
I 520
J 521
K 521
L 521
M 522
N 523
O 524
P 524
Q 526
R 526
S 527
T 529
U 530
V 530
W 531
X 532
Y 532
Z 532