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MRI of the Elbow and Wrist, An Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America, E-Book

MRI of the Elbow and Wrist, An Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America, E-Book

Kimberly K. Amrami



MRI of the Elbow and Wrist is explored in this important issue in MRI Clinics of North America. Articles include: Approach to MRI of the Elbow and Wrist: Technical Aspects and Innovation; MRI of the Elbow; Extrinsic and Intrinsic Ligaments of the Wrist; MRI of the Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex; Carpal Fractures; MRI of Tumors of the Upper Extremity; MRI of the Nerves of the Upper Extremity: Elbow to Wrist; MR Arthrography of the Wrist and Elbow; MRI of the Wrist and Elbow: What the Hand Surgeon Needs to Know; Imaging the Proximal and Distal Radioulnar Joints; MR Angiography of the Upper Extremity, and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
MRI of the Elbowand Wrist\r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents v
Forthcoming Issues viii
Foreword\r xi
Preface\r xiii
Approach to MR Imaging of the Elbow and Wrist 355
Key points 355
Introduction 355
Low field imaging 355
High field imaging 356
Phased array coils/parallel imaging 357
Positioning and fat suppression 357
Direct and indirect magnetic resonance arthrography 358
3.0 T MR Imaging protocols 358
Isotropic imaging 359
Orthopedic hardware imaging 360
Diffusion imaging 362
Ultrashort TE imaging 363
T2 and T1rho mapping 363
Imaging of wrist motion 363
Summary 363
References 364
MR Imaging of Wrist Ligaments 367
Key points 367
Discussion of the problem 367
Anatomy 367
Interosseous Ligaments 368
Scapholunate ligament 368
Dorsal scapholunate ligament 368
Volar scapholunate ligament 368
Proximal (membranous) scapholunate ligament 368
Lunotriquetral ligament 368
Dorsal lunotriquetral ligament 369
Volar lunotriquetral ligament 369
Proximal (membranous lunotriquetral ligament) 369
Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid ligament 369
Volar Capsular Ligaments 369
Volar radiocarpal ligaments 369
Radial collateral ligament 369
Radioscaphocapitate ligament 369
Long radiolunate ligament 369
Radioscapholunate bundle 369
Short radiolunate ligament 370
Volar midcarpal ligaments 370
Arcuate ligament 370
Deltoid ligament 370
Volar ulnocarpal ligaments 370
Ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral ligaments 370
Ulnocapitate ligament 370
Dorsal Capsular Ligaments 371
Dorsal radiocarpal ligament 371
Dorsal intercarpal ligament 371
Mr imaging 371
Protocol 371
Normal MR Imaging Appearance 372
Interosseous ligaments 372
Dorsal and volar segments 373
Scapholunate ligament and lunotriquetral ligament 373
Proximal segments 373
Scapholunate ligament 373
Lunotriquetral ligament 373
Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid ligament 374
Volar capsular ligaments 374
Radial collateral ligament 374
Radioscaphocapitate and long radiolunate ligaments 374
Short radiolunate ligament 375
Arcuate ligament 375
Ulnocarpal ligaments 375
Dorsal capsular ligaments 375
Dorsal radiocarpal ligament 376
Dorsal intercarpal ligament 376
Pathology 376
Interosseous Ligaments 377
Scapholunate ligament 380
Lunotriquetral ligament 380
Capsular Ligaments 380
Radiocarpal and dorsal intercarpal ligaments 380
Volar midcarpal ligaments 382
Ulnocarpal ligaments 382
Diagnostic performance of MR imaging 384
Scapholunate and Lunotriquetral Ligaments 384
Conclusion and caveats 385
Capsular Ligaments 386
Summary 386
References 386
MR Imaging of the Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex 393
Key points 393
Introduction 393
Technique 393
Anatomy of the triangular fibrocartilage complex 396
Radial attachment 396
Ulnar attachment 396
Vascularity of the triangular fibrocartilage complex 396
Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury 397
MR Imaging of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury 397
Mechanism of Injury and Symptoms 397
Classification 397
Traumatic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears 397
Degenerative Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury 398
Degeneration 398
Pitfalls 398
Management of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury 401
Summary 402
References 402
MR Imaging of Carpal Fractures 405
Key points 405
Introduction 405
Imaging 406
Scaphoid fractures 407
Diagnosis 407
Osteonecrosis 409
Reference standards (applies to noncontrast and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging) 410
Preserved T1 marrow signal (applies to noncontrast magnetic resonance imaging) 410
Contrast enhancement of the proximal pole (applies to delayed contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging) 410
Time of magnetic resonance imaging from injury (applies to dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging) 410
Example case 411
Other carpal fractures 411
Triquetrum 411
Hamate 413
Summary 415
References 415
Imaging of the Proximal and Distal Radioulnar Joints 417
Key points 417
Rotational motion of the forearm allows 3-dimensional positioning of the hand in space 417
Anatomy and biomechanics 417
Proximal Radioulnar Joint 417
Interosseous Membrane 418
Distal Radioulnar Joint 418
Imaging algorithms 419
Proximal Radioulnar Joint 419
Distal Radioulnar Joint 419
Imaging of the proximal radioulnar joint 419
Radiography 419
Computed Tomography 419
MR Imaging 419
Imaging of the distal radioulnar joint 420
Radiography 420
Computed Tomography 421
MR Imaging 422
Postoperative Imaging 423
Nuclear Medicine 424
Summary 425
References 425
MR Imaging of the Elbow 427
Key points 427
Imaging protocols 427
Anatomy 427
Elbow instability 429
Valgus Instability 430
Posterolateral Rotatory Instability 431
Epicondylitis 431
Osteochondral injuries 433
Posttraumatic Fractures 434
Osteocondritis Dissecans 435
Panner Disease 436
Intra-articular bodies 436
Distal biceps tendon 436
Triceps tendon 438
Summary 440
Acknowledgments 440
References 440
Magnetic Resonance Arthrography of the Wrist and Elbow 441
Key points 441
Magnetic resonance arthrography of the wrist 441
Technique 442
Contraindications 442
Complications 442
Magnetic Resonance Acquisition 443
Normal anatomy 443
Intrinsic Ligaments 443
Extrinsic Ligaments 444
Pathology 444
Scapholunate Ligament 444
Magnetic Resonance Arthrography Accuracy: Scapholunate Ligament 445
Dorsal Intercalated Segmental Instability 445
Lunatotriquetral Ligament 446
Magnetic Resonance Arthrography Accuracy: Lunatotriquetral Ligament 446
Ulnocarpal Impaction Syndrome 446
Magnetic resonance arthrography of the elbow 447
Technique 447
Magnetic Resonance Acquisition 447
Normal Anatomy 448
Pathology 449
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear 449
Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction 450
Radial Collateral Ligament Complex 450
Olecranon Stress Fracture 452
Osteochondral Injuries and Osteochondritis Dissecans 452
Summary 453
References 453
MR Imaging of Soft-Tissue Tumors of the Upper Extremity 457
Key points 457
Introduction 457
Imaging protocol 457
Benign soft-tissue tumors 458
Lipoma 458
Neural Fibrolipoma 458
Angiolipoma 459
Nodular Fasciitis 459
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis 460
Fibroma of Tendon Sheath 460
Palmar Fibromatosis 460
Benign Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors 463
Extraskeletal Chondroma 463
Glomus Tumor 463
Angioleiomyoma 464
Pilomatricoma 465
Malignant soft-tissue tumors 466
Synovial Sarcoma 466
Epithelioid Sarcoma 467
Summary 467
References 467
MR Imaging of the Nerves of the Upper Extremity 469
Key points 469
Introduction 469
Imaging of entrapment neuropathies 470
Imaging of tumors and inflammatory neuropathies 470
Median nerve 471
Anatomy 471
Pathology 471
Carpal tunnel syndrome 471
Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome 472
Median nerve compression in the proximal forearm 472
Ulnar nerve 473
Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Upper Extremity 479
Key points 479
Introduction 479
MRA techniques 480
Contrast-Enhanced MRA Techniques 480
Contrast-enhanced MRA 480
Time-resolved MRA 480
Noncontrast MRA 481
Time of flight MRA 481
Phase-contrast MRA 481
Imaging protocol 481
Contrast Agents 481
Injection Protocol 481
Positioning of the Patient 481
MRA Protocols 482
Proximal upper extremity 482
Forearm 482
Hand 482
Clinical applications 482
Subclavian Steal Syndrome 482
Takayasu Arteritis 483
Giant Cell Arteritis 483
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 484
Paget-Schroetter Syndrome 484
Arteriovenous Fistulas for Hemodialysis 486
Vascular Anomalies 486
Hemangioma 487
Venous malformations 487
Lymphatic malformations 488
Arteriovenous malformations 488
Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome 489
Raynaud Phenomenon 489
Thromboangiitis Obliterans 489
Benign and Malignant Tumors 490
Summary 491
References 491
Key MR Imaging Features of Common Hand Surgery Conditions 495
Key points 495
Introduction 495
Deep-space infection of the hand 496
Anatomy 496
Imaging 496
Differential Diagnosis 496
Treatment 497
Scaphoid fracture 497
Anatomy 497
Pathogenesis 497
Imaging 497
Differential Diagnosis 499
Treatment 499
Scapholunate interosseous ligament tear 499
Anatomy 499
Pathogenesis 499
Imaging 500
Differential Diagnosis 501
Treatment 502
Ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb tear 502
Anatomy 502
Pathogenesis 503
Imaging 503
Differential Diagnosis 505
Index 511