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Iron Lazar

Iron Lazar

E. A. Rees


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The first English-language biography of Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin’s leading deputies, ‘Iron Lazar’ investigates the life of a man of key importance to the shaping of the Stalinist state. With its insight into the political and personal relations of the Stalin group, as well as its examination of this aspiring politician’s policy-making role during the Stalinist regime, ‘Iron Lazar’ investigates the previously undocumented life of Lazar Kaganovich, the last surviving member of the Stalin government and one-time heir apparent to the Soviet Union.

‘Lazar Kaganovich was one of the key figures in the Stalin administration – so much overlooked, yet so important. Arfon Rees, in this first exhaustive account, brings Kaganovich to the front of the historical stage. Without men like Kaganovich, Stalin would never have made his own impact on Soviet and world history.’ —Professor Robert Service, University of Oxford, author of ‘Stalin: A Biography’

‘Stalin did not create Stalinism single-handedly. Lazar Kaganovich, a doer more than a thinker or writer, was one of the leaders of Team Stalin. This excellent biography casts fascinating new light on the people that together built one of the great dictatorships of the twentieth century.’ —Professor Mark Harrison, University of Warwick

‘Rees’s study is an excellent political biography of a leader who has all too often been dismissed or disparaged as a caricature.’ — Alison Rowley, ‘Canadian Slavonic Papers’

‘This is an impressive book based on broad research and a sense for details. Because Kaganovich had such varied political experience, Rees is able to use his subject’s life as a vehicle to discuss a great number of developments in Soviet history generally. At the same time, Rees is able to give us a unique and compelling portrait of Kaganovich as a person, no mean feat when discussing Soviet politicians who did everything they could to hide their personal lives.’ —J. Arch Getty, University of California Los Angeles, ‘Revolutionary Russia’

‘This outstanding study draws on a vast range of published and archival material to provide a comprehensive account of the activities of this major Soviet politician.’ —Robert Davies, ‘Slavic Review’

‘This is the definitive account of Kaganovich’s life. It is authoritative, well-researched, and an important contribution to the literature on the Stalin period.’ — Peter Whitewood, ‘Europe-Asia Studies’

‘Voici donc une solide biographie d’un personnage dont on savait toute l’importance dans la mise ne place du stalinisme... L’ouvrage fournit un nouvel éclairage sur ce personnage plus important en fin de compte que le “factotum” et “acolyte” de Stalin qu’il était aussi. Il ne laisse de côté aucune des inflexions des positions politiques de Kaganovic et de ses rapports avec les différents dirigeants… “Iron Lazar” est un très bon exemple d’un genre indispensable, celui des l’histoire des seconds couteaux.’ — Yves Cohen, Directeur d’études à l’Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, ‘Cahiers du Monde Russe’ n° 52/4

E. A. Rees is a specialist in Russian/Soviet history, and has published three monographs and ten edited volumes on the development of the Soviet political system. Formerly Professor of Eastern European History at the European University of Florence, he is currently a reader in Russian and Soviet history at the Centre for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Birmingham.

‘Iron Lazar’ is the first English-language biography of Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalinist Russia’s leading deputies. With its focus on the political and personal relations of the Stalin group, this groundbreaking text offers a previously inaccessible insight into Kaganovich’s role in shaping policy during the Stalinist era.

The study begins by examining Kaganovich’s early political career and his ascent to power – a feat achieved via a distinguished role in the Civil War, which led to his elevation into the party Secretariat in Moscow. By 1930 he, Stalin and Molotov effectively constituted Russia’s ruling triumvirate, and for a period Kaganovich appeared to be the heir apparent to the Soviet Union. He played a crucial role in enforcing agricultural collectivization, in the reconstruction of Moscow, in railway and industrial administration and in carrying out the Great Terror. A very close associate of Stalin, and a major figure in promoting his cult of celebrity and establishing his dictatorship, Kaganovich subsequently fell out of favour.

Rees’s work strives to examine the personal and political dynamics shaping the Stalinist system. He notes that Kaganovich was a colourful figure – an orator as well as a forceful administrator – and that he was the most prominent Jewish figure in Soviet political life in this era. This unique biography charts the way in which these personal characteristics contributed to the development of the Stalinist system throughout Kaganovich’s career, how he was himself transformed by this experience, and the way in which he subsequently sought to rationalize his role.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Iron Lazar_9781783080571 i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Chapter 1 THE MAKING OF A BOLSHEVIK, 1893–1917 1
Family and Childhood 2
The World of Work 4
The Great War 8
The February Revolution 9
The October Revolution in Gomel’ and Mogiliev 12
Creating the Red Army 14
Conclusion 17
Chapter 2 RED TERROR AND CIVIL WAR, 1918–1921 19
Nizhnyi Novgorod 19
The Red Terror in Nizhnyi Novgorod 22
The V Province Party Conference in Nizhnyi Novgorod 24
The Situation after the Red Terror 25
Kaganovich as Head of the Nizhnyi Novgorod Soviet Executive Committee 26
‘To the Party Congress’ 26
The Situation in Nizhnyi Novgorod in 1919 29
Voronezh 31
The Turkestan Front, 1920–1922 33
The X Party Congress and the Trade Union Controversy 36
The NEP in Turkestan 37
Conclusion 38
The Party Secretariat 42
Lenin on the Soviet Party-State 43
The XII Party Congress 45
Trotsky and the Left Opposition, 1923–1924\r 46
The XIII Party Congress 48
The Lenin Enrolment 50
Strengthening the Soviets 51
The Leningrad Opposition, 1925 53
The Joint Opposition 55
Conclusion 58
Chapter 4 UKRAINIAN PARTY BOSS, 1925–1928 61
Ukrainian General Secretary 61
The Ukrainian Government 63
Kaganovich and the Economic Development of Ukraine 64
Ukrainization in Practice 65
The Struggle against the Zinoviev-Kamenev Opposition 67
The War Scare of 1927 70
Ukrainization under Attack 71
Economic Policy in Ukraine, 1926–1927 72
The Struggle against the Joint Opposition 75
The Grain Crisis of 1927–1928 77
Kaganovich’s Removal as General Secretary 78
Conclusion 79
The XV Party Congress 82
The Grain Crisis 83
The Shakhty Affair 86
The Trade Unions 88
The Komsomol 90
The Soviets 91
The Urals-Siberian Method of Grain Procurement 93
Kaganovich as Theoretician 95
The Stalin Group 97
Conclusion 98
Chapter 6 REVOLUTION FROM ABOVE, 1928–1935 101
Collectivization and Dekulakization 102
‘Dizzy with Success’ 104
The Famine, 1932–1933 107
The Central Committee–Central Control Commission Plenum January 1933 111
Social and Political Costs 113
Stalin’s Second Revolution 115
Managing the Industrialization Drive 117
Conclusion 120
Chapter 7 STALIN’S DEPUTY, 1930–1935 123
The Ruling Group 123
The Reorganization of the Central Party Apparatus 126
Party Recruitment and Mobilization 128
Cadre Policy 130
The Consolidation of Stalin’s Dictatorship 131
Party Organization in 1934 135
The Reorganization of Party and State Control 136
Ideology and Cultural Policy 137
Domestic and External Security 140
Conclusion 142
Chapter 8 MOSCOW PARTY BOSS, 1930–1935 145
The Political Leadership of Moscow 145
The Reconstruction of the Economy of Moscow and Its Province 147
Agriculture and food supply 147
Industry 150
The Reconstruction of Moscow 152
The destruction of old Moscow 155
Building the Metro 156
The Moscow–Volga canal 158
The Moscow Party Conference of January 1934 159
Demoted to Economic Administration 162
Conclusion 163
Chapter 9 BOSS OF RAIL TRANSPORT, 1935–1937 165
Background, 1933–1934 165
Kaganovich as Narkom of NKPS 167
The Development of Rail Policy, 1935 169
The Mobilization of the Railway Workers 173
The Performance of the Railways in 1935 174
The Advance of the Railways, 1936 176
Conclusion 181
The Prelude to the Terror 183
Initiating the Great Terror 188
The Course of the Purge, March–July 1937 193
The Purge in the Provinces 195
The Purge in NKTyazhprom 196
Supremo of Rail Transport and Heavy Industry, 1938 198
Kaganovich and the Terror 200
Conclusion 201
Chapter 11 THE MAN 203
The Culture of Stalinism 203
Kaganovich up to 1936 206
A Portrait of Kaganovich 211
Kaganovich and Stalin 212
Family 215
The Master 218
Kaganovich after 1936 222
Kaganovich: The Administrator and the Man 224
Conclusion 227
Chapter 12 THE DESPOT’S CREATURE, 1939–1953 229
In the Shadow of War, 1939–1941 229
The XVIII Party Congress 230
War Preparations 232
The War Years, 1941–1945 235
Postwar Recovery, 1946–1953 239
Ukrainian Interlude, 1947 240
The Postwar Leadership 242
Kaganovich and Stalin 243
Anti-Semitism and the Doctors’ Plot 245
The XIX Party Congress 246
Conclusion 247
Chapter 13 DE-STALINIZATION AND NEMESIS, 1953–1991 249
Domestic and Foreign Policy 251
The XX Party Congress 252
The ‘Anti-Party’ Group 256
The XXII Party Congress: Judgement 259
Kaganovich on Stalin 261
The Nature of the Stalin Leadership 265
Pensioner 267
Conclusion 269
Introduction 281
Chapter 1: The Making of a Bolshevik, 1893–1917 283
Chapter 2: Red Terror and Civil War, 1918–1921 285
Chapter 3: Building the Monolithic Party, 1922–1927 289
Chapter 4: Ukrainian Party Boss, 1925–1928 292
Chapter 5: The Triumph of the Stalin Faction, 1928–1929 295
Chapter 6: Revolution from Above, 1928–1935 298
Chapter 7: Stalin’s Deputy, 1930–1935 302
Chapter 8: Moscow Party Boss, 1930–1935 306
Chapter 9: Boss of Rail Transport, 1935–1937 310
Chapter 10: Political and Social Revolution through Terror, 1936–1938 314
Chapter 11: The Man 318
Chapter 12: The Despot’s Creature, 1939–1953 322
Chapter 13: De-Stalinization and Nemesis, 1953–1991 327
Russian Language Sources 333
Archival sources 333
Journals 333
Newspapers 334
Stenographic reports of Party Congresses and Conferences 334
Document collections (Russian and Ukrainian) 335
Books and articles (Russian and Ukrainian) 336
Works by Kaganovich (in Russian) 337
Works by Kaganovich (in English translation) 339
English Language Sources 339
Books and articles 339
Works in Other Languages 345