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Making Sense of Spirituality in Nursing and Health Care Practice

Making Sense of Spirituality in Nursing and Health Care Practice

Wilf McSherry


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Book Details


This is a well-written and useful book, particularly for those healthcare professionals who, with a little more confidence, and perhaps some Chaplaincy support, are well able to support their patients on their spiritual journeys. It would be an excellent tool for learning sessions between Chaplaincy and nursing staff, along with other relevant professional groups.'

- Signpost

'This book considers why the spiritual needs of individuals are important. In an attempt to explain, the book uses case studies, which show the relationship of theory to practice. It is an interactive book encouraging reflection to explore the meaning of spirituality to patients and health care professionals. The exercises also attempt to explain the importance of a team approach to spiritual assessment as part of a holistic assessment. The book gives clear explanations of spirituality in the context of Holism and the different sections give plenty of food for thought. There are excellent references and suggestions for further reading. It is not a book for light reading but would be invaluable when encountering difficulties with a spiritual assessment or situation.'

- Journal of Community Nursing

Caring for the spiritual needs of patients is a highly significant yet often neglected and misunderstood aspect of health care. This results, in part, from a general lack of guidance and instruction given to healthcare professionals on the subject.

This new edition of an established introductory guide to spirituality and health care practice draws extensively on case studies illustrating the application of theory to practice. It encourages the exploration, through reflective activities, of what spirituality means, both to patients and to the healthcare professionals caring for them.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to spiritual care for heath care professionals in all areas of practice.

This thoroughgoing, "interactive" text provides a comprehensive exploration of spirituality in all its myriad forms. This edition is inclusive of all professionals - not just health professionals - who are in a position of trust when people are vulnerable, due to youth, old age or through ill health, and when spirituality is all too often a black space not only on relevant documentation but also in the consciousness of the professionals entrusted with their care.
International Journal of Children's Spirituality
This is a book that will certeainly repay study and its arguments do have implications for those who are responsible for the care of the elderly. It may be read with profit by people of all ages who are properly interested in the subjecys of wholeness and spirituality.
Plus - Quarterly Magazine of Christian Council of Ageing
Wilfred McSherry is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Social Care at The University of Hull. He is also a Registered General Nurse and Nurse Teacher. His doctoral thesis was on `The Meaning of Spirituality and Spiritual Care: An Investigation of Health Care Professionals', Patients' and the Public's Perceptions.' McSherry has published widely on the subject of spirituality and health care in a number of different journals.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introduction
Linda M. Jones
2. The Triple Trust – a threefold approach
James Thomas
3. The Judo Trick, or crowding in
Paul Streeten
4. Sub-Sector Analysis – a macro-analytical tool for microenterprise support
Matthew Gamser
5. A sub-sectoral approach to small business and microenterprise development
Biswajit Sen and Vijay Mahajan
6. Business associations in countries in transition to market economies
Jacob Levitsky
7. Using franchises to promote small enterprise development
Michael Henriques and Robert E. Nelson
8. Towards success: impact and sustainability in the FIT programme
Jim Tanburn
9. Business development services – core principles and future challenges
Alan Gibson
10. Facilitating small producers’ access to high-value markets
Jonathan Dawson
11. Value chain programmes to integrate competitiveness, economic growth and poverty reduction
Olaf Kula, Jeanne Downing and Michael Field
12. From behind the veil: industry-level methodologies for disadvantaged communities in Pakistan
Linda M. Jones and Alexandra Snelgrove
13. Value chain financing in agriculture
Calvin Miller and Carlos Da Silva
14. How to assess if markets work better for the poor
Harald Bekkers, Alexandra Miehlbradt and Peter Roggekamp
15. Managing the process of change: useful frameworks for implementers of making markets work for the poor programmes
Marshall Bear and
16. Business environment reforms: Why it is necessary to rethink priorities and strategies
Tilman Altenburg and Christian von Drachenfels
17. Integrated approaches to enabling the most vulnerable to participate in markets
Alex Daniels and Andy Jeans
Back Matter (Index)