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Phenomenological Sociology Insight and Experience in Modern Society

Phenomenological Sociology Insight and Experience in Modern Society

Harvie Ferguson


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Book Details


This innovative and thought-provoking book argues that phenomenology was the most significant, wide-ranging and influential philosophy to emerge in the twentieth century. The social character of phenomenology is explored in its relation to the concern in twentieth century sociology with questions of modern experience. By reading phenomenology sociologically and sociology phenomenologically, this book reconstructs a phenomenological sociology of modern experience. Erudite and assured, this book opens up a series of new questions for contemporary social theory that theorists and students of theory can ill-afford to ignore. The text contains a treasure trove of insights and propositions that will stimulate debate and research in both sociology and philosophy.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Contexts
The case-study countries compared 
The case-study campaigns
2. Building an alliance
Overview; History; Leadership; Membership; Decision-making; Trust; Strengths; Research; Funding; Summary; Key points
3. Developing a strategy
Overview; Starting from here; Identifying the problem; Defining a solution; Targets; Audiences; Actions; Timing; Summary; Key points
4. Incorporating gender equality
Overview; Women and men: changing power relations; Workers; Women's-rights organisations; Gender equality in the alliances; Summary; Key points
5. Using the media
Overview; The media; Press releases; Press conferences; Events; Visual images; Cultivating links with journalists; Do it yourself; Appropriate media; Summary; Key points
6. Developing policy
Overview; Research; Discussion; Publication; International; Summary; Key points