Sexuality and Fertility Issues in Ill Health and Disability
Adam Balen | Rachel Balen | Marilyn Crawshaw
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This groundbreaking text explores sexuality and fertility issues for young people living with ill health or disability. This subject is often considered taboo, although for some of those coping with sexual or fertility impairment, it can be as difficult as coping with the disability or health condition itself.
Bringing together personal, professional and academic perspectives from a variety of disciplines and located within a life-course development framework, this book takes a holistic view of young people moving towards adulthood and examines the impact of illness or disability on their sexual and fertile identities. The broad range of chapters includes the experiences of minority ethnic groups, managing relationships, fertility preservation and treatment, and the transition to parenthood.
Professionals working with adolescents and young adults will find this book a rich source of insights, information and guidance.
Part One contains some fascinating and thought-provoking research into the views of young people and their understanding of parenthood and awareness of the concept of infertility. This should be read by everyone working in this area, highlighting as it does the diversity as well as depth of understanding by some quite young people. It is clear that it is a mistake to assume anything in this area, even when dealing with quite young children of primary-school age.
For those with less medical knowledge, the medical and scientific overview of fertility research, whilst quite technical, is well worth the read, setting as it does the basis for what is and might be possible. The ethical and legal issues surrounding consent with minors is explored and makes important reading for all professionals to reflect upon... It provides a very useful resource on the current position and the challenges and contradictions in the legislation as it stands today... The Lived experiences of those who have faced life-threatening illnesses, disabilities and consequent fertility decisions illuminates the reality of what this means to individuals... This book is a timely and very useful addition to the literature on this subject and essential reading for anyone working in the field, from medical and health staff through to social workers and families. It should prove a useful reference work on the shelves of both those in training and those who perhaps already consider themselves experts in a filed about which we are all still learning. This is an area that is constantly shifting in technology and ethical issues, and this book will hopefully prevent us forgetting that the core of all this is human impact, not just at the time of treatment but crucially, throughout a person's life.
British Journal of Social Work
In this book Rachel Balen and Marilyn Crawshaw bring together personal, professional and academic perspectives from a variety of disciplines to examine the impact of illness of disability on young people's sexually and fertile identities…In the introduction, readers are reminded about the young people who are the focus of this book: “their dreams and aspirations, contradictions and confusions, ups and downs need to be firmly located within the normality of their life stage”. And throughout this book, even when technical medical details are being discussed, young people and the reality of what it means to them are always considered.
As well as moving descriptions from young people of living with conditions that affect fertility, the book contains poignant stories from parents who have had the benefit of time to come to terms with it and reflect on it, which makes this book an invaluable resource for parents in similar situations. Professionals working with adolescents and young adults will also find this book a rich source of insights, information and guidance.
Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood
In this book Rachel Balen and Marilyn Crawshaw bring together personal, professional and academic perspectives from a variety of disciplines to examine the impact of illness or disability on young people's sexual and fertile identities... As well as moving descriptions from young people of living with conditions that affect fertility, the book contains poignant stories from parents who have had the benefit of time to come to terms with it and reflect on it, which makes this book an invaluable resource for parents in similar situations. Professionals working with adolescents and young adults will also find this book a rich source of insights, information and guidance.
Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood
This is a very comprehensive collection of papers covering the range of areas which affect young people who struggle with ill health and/or disability, and the impact their condition has on their sexuality and fertility.
The Journal of Fertility Counselling
Covering a range of conditions such as cancer, intersex disorders, Turners Syndrome, HIV and Cystic fibrosis, this text takes a multi-disciplinary, developmental perspective on the psychosocial, ethical cultural, and legal implications of fertility and sexuality for young people. Current techniques and advances in fertility preservation, such as sperm banking and oocyte (egg) freezing are addressed in considerable detail. Research highlighting the views, concerns, and aspirations of young people about their sexuality and desire for parenthood, as well as a study addressing the experiences of young males who banked their sperm prior to cancer treatment, are also presented.
Books Extra, Professional Social Work Review
The Editors succeed in covering a diversity of topics, ranging from in-depth coverage of various health conditions and treatments affecting fertility in young people with disabilities to moving personal accounts of brave adolescents(some now adults) whose ill health and disability has affected their capacity as potential parents.
Sexuality and Disability Journal
This is an excellent book. It should be available as reference for any health professional working with young people and their families. I found it thought-provoking, comprehensive, clear and accessible. There is plenty of research-based informative discussion, and although it is dense, it rewards close reading. I have only been able to give a small taster here.
The Journal of Fertility Counselling
Sexuality and Fertility Issues in Ill Health and Disability helps to raise awareness about the barriers and taboos about sexuality and fertility that teenagers and young adults - already struggling to define themselves within the context of a serious illness or significant disability - often face.Given the diversity of settings, agencies and professionals with a vested interest in assisting such young people to achieve as full a life as possible, this book is likely to have a wide appeal.
Books Extra, Professional Social Work Review
Increasing numbers of young people survive previously terminal cancers, serious injury and genetic conditions. However, the effects of illness, disability or chronic health conditions on their sexuality and fertility generate a host of challenging issues, not only for the individuals, their families, carers and medical professionals, but also, of course, for counsellors-and this timely and wide-ranging collection of essays provides a useful mix of information, research studies and first-hand accounts…While the book is an invaluable resource to those working in this area, counsellors and researchers will also find it a thought-provoking and rewarding read.
Therapy Today