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Children Also Grieve

Children Also Grieve

Linda Goldman



Children Also Grieve is an imaginative resource, fully illustrated with color photographs, that offers support and reassurance to children coming to terms with the loss of a close friend or relative and to adults who are supporting them through their bereavement.

The first part of the book is designed to be read and worked through by children. The story tells of the experiences of Henry, the dog of a family whose grandfather has died. During Henry's progress through the different stages of bereavement, he learns strategies for coping with his grief. At various stages of the story, Goldman provides readers with the opportunity to share their own reactions to loss through words and pictures, using specific prompt questions that encourage the exploration of different facets of grief.

The second part includes a list of useful vocabulary to help children express their feelings about bereavement, a bibliography of other useful resources for both children and adults, and a section that will help adults to understand and aid children throughout the grief process. This last section also explains the approach taken in the story, details typical responses to bereavement, and discusses useful ways in which adults can discuss and share grief with children.

This book is an invaluable tool for bereaved children and those who care for them.

The story is quite detailed and full of possible emotions, both positive and negative. Different ways of coping with grief are covered fairly comprehensively,, and we learn about rituals that can help.
Healthy Books
Are you looking for a book to help you, as an adult, connect with a grieving child? If so, you'll want to read this book. The author's words and photographs speak in a way that appeals to children of all ages, as well as adults....The story is reassuring, as children realize they are not alone with the questions and worries they have.
PATHways Newsletter
Linda Goldman is certified as a Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying, and Bereavement (FT) with an MS degree in counseling and early childhood education. She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and a National Certified Counselor (NCC), and currently has a private grief therapy practice for children, teenagers, families with prenatal loss, and grieving adults. Linda shares workshops, courses, and training on children and grief, and teaches as an adjunct professor in the Graduate Program of Counseling at Johns Hopkins University, Maryland. She has written several titles on children and grief, including Life and Loss, Breaking the Silence and Bart Speaks Out. Linda was active in the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) after September 11.
This is a wonderful book for children about feelings they may have after someone they love has died. Told from the perspective of Henry, the family dog, the story compares the feelings of the different grandchildren of an elderly man who passed away....The book is filled with Goldman's beautiful photographs of Henry and his human family and canine best friend....The book would be a thoughtful gift to any child who has experienced loss and an excellent addition to any counsellor's library."
Healing Magazine