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Inner Journeying Through Art-Journaling

Inner Journeying Through Art-Journaling

Marianne Hieb


Additional Information


Inner Journeying Through Art-Journaling introduces a holistic journaling process that combines art, art therapy, design theory and spiritual direction in order to attain personal balance, awareness of one's own inner processes, resolution of internal conflicts and enhanced wellness.

The book guides the reader through the process of creative journaling and presents the key elements of the technique. Case studies and art journals of Marianne Hieb's own clients and retreat participants show the effectiveness of journaling as a therapeutic intervention and as a meditative tool.

Inner Journeying Through Art-Journaling will be of significant use to anyone interested in holistic healing, and of special interest to arts therapists, counsellors, spiritual directors, and anyone dealing with people who are encountering loss, grief, resistance, or discernment issues.

It will also be helpful for the individual looking to add holistic journaling to his or her own meditation, prayer, or inner exploration practice.

This book gently guides the non-practising artist through some of the techniques and theory of art but always with reassuring and non-judgemental words. But this is not an art book, "art-journaling is," the author says, "the use of simple art materials, the language of design, gazing, written journaling, noticing, to help focus, express, respond to, uncover or clarify inner wisdom." The emphasis is on the spiritual practice and inner journey of art-journaling rather than on the product. The book is illustrated with words and pictures drawn from the author's own experience and the experience of those she has guided in this practice.

After reading the book I went out and bought some oil pastels and (yet another) blank notebook. I look forward to finding the courage to using them in some of the ways Marianne Hieb suggests.

Lapidus Quarterly
Refreshingly, this book finds a middle path that can be both therapeutically useful and also allows the reader to travel at a pace that feels safe for them...the ideas and method are very grounded and both counsellors and clients will find much that is useful in this offering.
Life Works

Having discovered the value of art journaling in my own life, I was intrigued by the title of Marianne Hieb's latest work: Inner Journeying Through Art Journaling…as I delved into it, I found that it was rich and poetic, filled with inspiring exercises and examples - a book to savour and linger over, and certainly not one to devour in a single sitting.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants t learn more about art-journaling, whether a beginner or a seasoned journaler.

The Art Therapist (BCATA)
Marianne Hieb is trained as a studio artist, art therapist, spiritual director, and is currently the director of the Wellness Spirituality Programs at Lourdes Wellness Centre.

This book gives practical instruction in recording your feelings from day to day in a visual diary with words as a supplement and aide-memoir. This process is regarded as a spiritual practice, almost a form of prayer, and is geared to people "who are encountering loss, grief, resistance, or discernment issues" as a therapeutic tool. Marianne Hieb also deals with the difficulty of avoiding intellectual constraints to spontaneous creativity.

She does give a welcome intellectual framework in terms of design theory, and her definition of marks, line, shape, texture, form and colour use a simple language and are beautifully clear. The chapter on "The Principles of Design and the Creative Process" contains sections on balance, movement, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, pattern and unity as an introduction to forgetting and remembering, compassion, befriending the creative process and faceted prayer, which she calls "a blank openness into which you invite the voice of the Holy".

Poetry Express
Inner-Journeying Through Art Journaling will be of particular interest to those looking to embark upon their own holistic journey. and of relevance to art therapists, counsellors and sprititual directors alike.
Inside Out
Art-journaling is a way of prayer, and it is a tool for spiritual direction. I recommend Inner Journeying Through Art-Journaling for personal use as well as for use in spiritual direction. Hieb believes "our innate creativity is at the heart of spirituality," and she offers this book "as a place to listen for the authentic voice" (p. 15).
Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter One: Poverty and Priorities 3
Chapter Two: The Poor and the Potentials
Chapter Three: Who Gains and Who Loses?
Chapter Four: Access to Water through Groups
Chapter Five: Access to Water through Markets
Chapter Six: Practical Policy
Chapter Seven: Forestry for Livelihoods 143
Chapter Eight: Why Small Farmers Don't Plant Trees
Chapter Nine: A New Charter for the Poor
Chapter Ten: Analysis and Action