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My Son Fred - Living with Autism

My Son Fred - Living with Autism

Maud Deckmar


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Maud Deckmar tells a touching and honest story of living with Fred, her eldest child, who has autism and an intellectual disability. She recounts here the great struggles and sorrows as well as the love and happiness she has experienced from his early childhood to adulthood.

She vividly describes the feelings of grief after Fred's diagnosis, the sense of loss when old friends distance themselves and the pervasive feelings of guilt about putting her son into care and admitting that she can no longer cope. She stresses the importance of communication and cooperation between parents and carers, and encourages them to find ways to provide the best possible support, based on specific needs and means available. Her unflinching account will resonate with and give support, comfort and courage to parents in a similar situation. It will also provide useful insights for carers and professionals in schools, care homes and institutions to better understand the feelings and experiences of families affected by disability.

This book is written from the perspective of a Swedish mum of a boy with autism and an intellectual disability, now in his 20's. She gives a very moving and honest account of her life with her son from babyhood to adulthood. This book affirms the experience of many families of children with ASD and as such is very valuable to families and professionals alike.
Autism Matters
Maud Deckmar is a writer, lecturer and artist. She lives in a small village in the north of Sweden and has two grown-up children; her eldest - a son - has autism and is intellectually disabled. Maud gives frequent lectures and courses about her life experiences. She has worked comprehensively with quality monitoring and quality development in the area of services for people with intellectual disabilities, and has also taught courses in personal development.