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The Little Class with the Big Personality

The Little Class with the Big Personality

Fran Hunnisett


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Book Details


The Little Class with the Big Personality is an honest account of the day-to-day challenges faced by the teacher of seven very different autistic children. The author's creative, accessible approach invites the reader to look beyond the stereotypes of mainstream schooling and explore the experience of teaching a lively group of children with autism. The illustrations, by one of the children, add a pupil's perspective of the diverse personalities and class activities described within the book.

The author provides an insight into the hopes and concerns of parents as their children begin their educational journey. Some of the parents share their anxieties about handing over the care of their son or daughter to an unknown teacher in these early years, and their worries about placing them in the new and alien classroom environment, trusting that their child will be understood, accepted and liked.

This book provides a professional and highly readable overview of an early-years class for children with autism for both educators and parents. Ultimately, it is a celebration of the personalities of children with autism.

This very readable book is useful to both parents and practitioners. From a parental point of view, it provides insight into family anxieties as well as their amazing capacity to cope and invest in the welfare of their children. For practitioners, this book offers engaging anecdotes and experiences that many of us will be able to relate to such as 'the domino effect' where one child manages to tip the whole class 'from calm to chaos'. As always, sharing in the experiences of other practitioners can give us confidence in what we are doing as well as giving us pointers for improving our own practice. I found this book a very enjoyable, gentle read.
Early Talk
When Fran Hunnisett began teaching children with autism, she immediately knew she had found her vocation. All the children she has taught have enriched her life and she is delighted to have this opportunity to introduce some of them to you, the reader. The Little Class with the Big Personality is written in celebration of personality in all its rich and varied forms.
Fran Hunnisett devotes a chapter to each of the seven children in her class and skilfully unpicks some of the traditional diagnostic criteria for autism, showing how getting to know each individual is more important than the label. The children are engaging, lovable, complex, rewarding and infuriating in turns and the pictures, which are drawn by one of them, aptly illustrate what the author describes. This is accessible reading for parents and teachers and helps highlight the advantages and disadvantages of educating these children in a segregated class rather then in a mainstream school. It is an essential buy for any mainstream teacher thinking of transferring to special education.
TES Extra
Teacher Hunnisett lets us into the classroom and the lives of seven autistic children she had the honour to teach for three years in a school in the north of England. Hunnisett lovingly and honestly describes her experiences with each child and his or her parents, and how they developed a strong sense of community. She reminds us that even in this later time of standardized tests and target setting that children, parents, and teachers can create an accepting and effective educational environment focussed on the best teachers of all, the children. A student provides the charming illustrations.
Book News

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1 Background 1
1.1 Reasons for failure of on-site sanitation 3
Insufficient plot area 3
Ground infiltration failure 4
Groundwater pollution 4
Surface water pollution 6
1.2 Investing in sustainable sewerage 7
2 Prioritizing communities' need for sewerage 9
2.1 Need and viability assessment 9
Projected total population 10
Population density 10
Failure of on-site sanitation systems 10
Industrial pollution 11
Cost 11
Tourist impact 11
Environmental impact 12
Affordability 12
Economy of scale 12
Institutional capacity 13
Health benefits 13
2.2 Numerical analysis of need and viability criteria 13
Scoring for individual criteria 15
Weighting 15
Scoring and sensitivity analysis 17
3 Designing conventional sewer networks 19
3.1 Types of sewerage systems 20
Separate systems 20
Combined systems 20
3.2 The movement of solids in pipes 21
Flow regimes 21
Solids transport in the upper reaches 22
Solids transport lower down the system 22
3.3 Pipe size 22
Branch drains 22
House sewers and the upper reaches of public networks 22
Public sewers in the lower reaches of the network 23
3.4 Pipe gradient 23
3.5 Change point for sewer design 24
Property drainage 24
Communal sewer design 25
Determining when a pipe is 'running full' 26
3.6 Sewer layout 26
3.7 Design procedure 26
Minimizing capital costs 29
4.1 Sewerage components 29
Sanitary fixtures 29
Pipe materials 30
Grease traps 30
Interceptor tanks 33
Small interceptor tanks 33
Large interceptor tanks 33
Access points 34
4.2 Sewerage design for low-cost systems 37
By-laws and codes of practice 37
Wastewater flow 37
Pipe diameters 38
Sewer slope 38
Minimum pipe depth 42
Number of connections before a sewer pipe runs full 42
Sewer layout 46
Pumping stations and trunk mains 48
Sewage treatment 48
4.3 Construction project initiation 50
Government agencies 50
External organizations 50
Recipient communities 51
4.4 Construction management 52
Contracts and contractors 52
Construction supervision 53
Community mobilization 53
5 Maximizing uptake of sewerage facilities 54
5.1 Reducing connection costs 54
Physical measures 54
Providing subsidies 54
5.2 Increasing demand for sewerage 55
Meetings 55
Models 57
General publicity 57
Emphasizing positive impacts 57
Confronting negative issues 58
Offering user choice 58
Linkage with other projects 59
Choosing a name for a community project 59
Campaign implementation 59
5.3 Legal issues 59
Enforcement of connections 59
Clarifying responsibility for connections 60
Connections to rented accommodation 60
6 Achieving sustainable maintenance 61
6.1 Responsibility for operation and maintenance 61
Property owners 61
Institutions 61
Community groups 62
The private sector 62
6.2 Supervision of operation and maintenance 62
6.3 Minimizing maintenance: social issues 65
Refuse collection and disposal 66
Anal cleaning practices 66
Utensil washing practices 66
User abuse 66
6.4 Minimizing maintenance: system design 67
Surface water drainage 67
Topography 67
Water supply 67
Access points 67
Trunk sewers and pumping stations 68
Sewage treatment 68
Interceptor tanks 68
6.5 Construction quality 69
Supervision 69
Construction components 69
On-plot construction 69
7 Optimizing the return on investment in sewerage 71
7.1 Tariffs 71
7.2 Direct repayment of capital costs 72
7.3 Minimizing tariffs and maximizing returns 73
8 Non-conventional sewerage systems 75
8.1 Simplified sewerage 75
8.2 Condominial sewerage 76
8.3 Interceptor tank systems 78
Appendix 1 Glossary of terms 85
Appendix 2 The design of interceptor tanks 88