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A Strange World – Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and PDD-NOS

A Strange World – Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and PDD-NOS

Martine Delfos | Tony Attwood


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Book Details


A Strange World is an intriguing and comprehensive guide to autistic spectrum disorders presented from a new scientific perspective. Delfos's biopsychological model provides a strong theoretical analysis of the nature of autism and what problems it can cause. She offers practical advice on how to approach these problems from the various perspectives of autistic children, adolescents and adults, as well as parents and carers of autistic people. Balancing theory and practice, Delfos incorporates the findings of current research, and moves beyond. She addresses issues such as differences between men and women with autistic spectrum disorders, and the question of what is `normal', illustrating her points with many real life examples. A Strange World is both an accessible resource for parents and an important textbook for students and professionals.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Prelims (Acknowledgements, Contents, Introduction)
1. Sustainable Design – the big issues
2. Social, Economic & Environmental Choices
3. Taking Practical Action
4. The Six Rs – activities for students
5. Rethink
6. Refuse
7. Reduce
8. Reuse
9. Repair
10. Recycle
11. Eco-design Tools
End matter (Where to find more information)