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The Child's Own Story

The Child's Own Story

Mary Walsh | Terry Philpot | Richard Rose


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Book Details


Helping traumatized children develop the story of their life and the lives of people closest to them is key to their understanding and acceptance of who they are and their past experiences. The Child's Own Story is an introduction to life story work and how this effective tool can be used to help children and young people recover from abuse and make sense of a disrupted upbringing in multiple homes or families.

The authors explain the concepts of attachment, separation, loss and identity, using these contexts to describe how to use techniques such as family trees, wallpaper work, and eco- and geno-scaling. They offer guidance on interviewing relatives and carers, and how to gain access to key documentation, including social workers' case files, legal papers, and health, registrar and police records.

This sensitive, practice-focused guide to life story work includes case examples and exercises, and is an invaluable resource for social workers, child psychotherapists, residential care staff, long-term foster carers and other professionals working with traumatized children.

It's easy to read and a good reference for multi disciplinary teams of staff and foster carers alike
I found the book both clear and well written with a sound and thorough explanation of methods to carry out this work. There are really useful exercises that foster carers (or anyone else carrying out this work) can use.
Foster Care
his book gives us solid reasons why abused children usually need therapeutic work, without which there is a great risk of the abuse continuing to the next generation. The authors feel that traumatised children, who may have had several foster-parents or institutional placements in their lives, need to be offered a special kind of life story work. This is much more than a simple explanation of their placements or basic information about their birth parents as is used in adoption. It includes full explanations about race, culture and religion which may even extend to children being given tapes of their parents' voices to demonstrate their accents. The authors begin with a very full explanation of attachment including the latest information about how the brain is affected by abuse... Condensed case histories are highlighted throughout the book and this adds clarity and interest to what is undoubtedly a good idea that will benefit children.
Young Minds Magazine
Richard Rose is Deputy Director of Practice Development in SACCS and is responsible for life story work. During his seven years as a senior child protection worker he achieved the Practice Teacher award and a PGCE in social work education. He also has experience in residential care work, and has a PQSW child care award and a BPhil in child care. Terry Philpot is author and editor of several books, including (with Anthony Douglas) Adoption: Changing Families, Changing Times. He writes regularly for The Times Higher Education Supplement, The Tablet and other publications, and has won several awards for his journalism. He was formerly the editor of Community Care.
`This is a valuable and must have resource for all those who work with and alongside traumatized children and young people. Work with traumatized children and young people requires a creative and supportive worker who is able to provide a 'afe place' to explore, discover, and ultimately piece together the perceptions that have developed through those experiences. This book gives a framework to go on the journey of discovery and face the known and unknown. It is a book that has case vignettes, creative exercises, and some reference to theory of attachment and identity. Its main focus though is the child and how to develop a coherent and understandable narrative, with the therapist being a guide who supports the journey of discovery.'
British Psychodrama Journal
A fluent and engaging narrative.
Children & Society
This is an excellent guide for professionals undertaking life story work with children or practitioners working with traumatised children. It has useful sections on general work with children. For example, it briefly outlines attachment theory and breaks down the process of interviewing, offering advice about each stage. It is easy to read and the format makes it simple to find or recap particular sections. The authors offer examples from practice and also suggest a series of exercises which prompt and provoke the reader to empathise with the child involved in this process. The worker is encouraged to move away from viewing the process as the production of a book but rather to see it as an effective therapeutic tool.
Community Care

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements ix
1 Introduction 1
Drainage and surface water drainage 1
Surface water drainage and public health 1
The purpose of the manual 2
Who this manual is for 3
The structure of the manual 3
Origins of the manual 3
2 Drainage systems, flooding, and performance 5
Wet weather processes: what happens when it rains? 5
Rainfall becomes runoff 5
Runoff transports solids 9
Runoff enters the drain 10
Runoff flows through the drain 10
Flooding takes place 11
Flood waters are contaminated 12
Dry weather processes: solids deposition and drain maintenance 12
Solids deposition 12
Drain cleaning 15
Community perceptions of flooding 16
Priority 16
Predictability 16
Expectations 17
Drainage performance and evaluation 17
3 Factors that affect performance 19
Types of drainage system 19
Major and minor drainage 19
Types of minor drainage systems 19
Hydraulic capacity 21
Frequency of flooding 21
Depth of flooding 25
Area of flooding 25
Duration of flooding 28
Street grading 28
Inlets 29
Catchment surface and storage 30
Effect on runoff volume 30
Effect on timing of flow 31
Annexe 3-A: Derivation of frequency and capacity relationships 33
Annexe 3-B: Performance aspects of inlets 35
4 Drainage evaluation: general approaches 38
System-wide evaluation 38
Gather background data 40
Perform field work 41
Analyse the data 42
Write up the findings 44
Evaluating a specific catchment 45
Gather background data 45
Perform field work 46
Analyse the data 46
Write up the findings 47
5 Studying the catchment 48
Topographic survey 48
Level of accuracy 48
Data to collect 49
Analysis 49
Defining a catchment 51
Surface cover survey 52
6 Assessing flooding as a problem 54
Resident surveys 54
Avoid 'leading' questions 55
Ask more than one person 56
Try to be specific 56
Retrospective flood surveys in Indore 57
Direct observation 57
Resident gauges 59
Chalk gauges 59
Electronic level gauging 62
Summary 63
7 Flow estimation 65
Catchment area and cover type 65
Rainfall intensity 66
Using IDF curves to estimate flows 67
Limitations of IDF curves and simplified methods 69
Annexe 7-A: How to develop IDF curves 71
Developing curves from continuous data 71
Developing curves from limited data 72
8 Assessing drainage capacity 81
Concepts of capacity 81
Three types of capacity estimation 82
Examples of the three levels of analysis 84
Design capacity 84
As-built capacity 85
Actual capacity 85
Drainage network surveys 86
Level of network analysis 87
Annexe 8-A: Using software for drainage analysis and design 88
Introduction 88
Classification and characteristics of software 89
Choosing between packages 92
Why invest in a software package? 93
What are the pitfalls to avoid? 93
9 Drainage network structural survey 94
Conduit measurements 94
Dimensions 94
Levels 95
Condition of conduits 100
Open conduits 100
Closed conduits 100
Condition of inlets 105
10 Maintenance surveys 106
Drain solids surveys 106
Visual observation 106
Solids levels 106
Solids build-up surveys 107
Solids sampling and size distribution 110
Inlet solids surveys 112
Blockage of inlet mouths 112
Solids levels 113
Drain cleaning observation 113
Removing solids from the drain 115
From the drain to safe disposal 115
Solid waste monitoring 116
11 Studying drainage systems in action 118
What to look for in wet weather 119
Catchment and subcatchment boundaries 119
The nature of flooding in flood-prone areas 119
The hydraulic performance of the total drainage system 119
The surface flow routes followed by runoff during floods 120
The nuisance, hazard, and damage of flooding 120
How to manage wet weather tasks 120
Organizing a team 120
Organizing specific tasks 121
Summary 125
12 Summary and conclusions 126
Themes of preceding chapters 126
Why flooding matters 126
Performance 126
Factors that affect performance 126
General approaches to drainage evaluation 127
Studying the catchment 128
Assessing flooding as a problem 128
Estimating flows from runoff 128
Assessing drainage capacity 129
Drainage network structural survey 129
Maintenance survey 129
Studying drainage systems in action 129
Final conclusions 130
Implications for improving system performance 130
Implications for improving drainage design 130
13 References 132