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Can You Read Me?

Can You Read Me?

Jacki Pritchard | Eric Sainsbury


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Book Details


This book presents poems, stories and journal work spontaneously written by people, young and old, who have suffered serious abuse. The editors' explanations and commentaries suggest how health and social care workers can facilitate creative writing as a potential contribution to emotional healing in work with both individuals and small groups.

In addition to individual contributors, the book records the activities of groups developed by Barnardos for children and young people and by Beyond Existing for adults. Although not written as a training manual per se, the book offers photocopiable exercises and an appendix of writings for use in staff training.

Can You Read Me? illustrates the great potential for applying our creative imaginations and personal qualities like sensitivity in work with survivors of abuse and those with mental health and disability problems.


The first sixty-seven pages explore the creation of the book, understanding the origins of the work it presents and seeking to analyse it. These pages, in my opinion, concretise the book's real value. In my own experience as a counsellor with survivors of abuse, writing is frequently employed as a therapeutic tool but is less frequently well-understood. The book is clear and understandable. Various exercises are handily summarised in a series of readymade handouts, which may be photocopied and reused. This would be a valuable addition to the library of anyone working, or considering work, with survivors of abuse.
Occupational therapists will already be familiar with the principles of group work but the book demonstrates who the use of poetry can be used to order the chaos of the thoughts of the writers and describes the practical use of journals for workers in helping victims through the healing process. The book is also littered with useful snippets of advice. It is written in an economical, plain language sensitive to the subject matter and is deceptively quick to read as you are drawn in by the emotional raw poetry and writing it contains.
Mental Health Occupational Therapy Journal
The editors have succeeded in giving health care workers both the opportunity to increase their sensitivity and to develop responses that are caring and support emotional healing. This book is highly recommended for all health care professionals who provide therapeutic care to child and adult survivors of abuse and those who would like to experience an uplifting look into the resilience of the human spirit.
The International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research
The book is a guide to ways in which creative writing and personal disclosure help sufferers to express themselves and cope. There are a range of case studies, practical writing exercises and guidelines for facilitating groups and encouraging participants to develop self-esteem. The book is aimed at health and social care workers, but aids understanding and contains guidelines for those working with any writing group, in which a member may include a victim of abuse.
Writing in Education

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1 The importance of storage 1
2 Principles of storage 2
Temperature 2
Moisture 3
Keeping pests out of the store 3
Control of pests in stores 5
Storage characteristics of selected food commodities 6
3 Traditional storage methods 9
Earthenware pots and gourds 9
Leaves 10
Bark 10
Baskets 11
Sacks 12
Basket silos 13
Roof storage 14
Maize cribs 15
Underground pits 16
Clamp storage 16
Small storehouses 17
Earth silos 18
4 Improved storage techniques 19
Plastic bags 19
45-gallon metal drums 20
The Pusa bin 20
Metal silos 21
Brick and ferro-cement silos 22
Storage in ventilated huts 23
Improved pit storage 24
5 Socio-economic context 25
Appraisal 25
Technology choice 26
Economic considerations 27
Social and cultural considerations 28
Monitoring and evaluation 29
6 Case studies 30
Improvements to traditional grain stores in Zambia 30
Flexible solar heat disinfestation devices for domestic and rural storage
of cereals in the tropics 31