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Feminist Ethics in Film

Feminist Ethics in Film

Joseph Kupfer



Earlier films were seen for the purpose of entertainment but scenario has been changed now. Today’s, films are not seen only for entertainment but they have a great impact on the thinking of human and also make them capable to understand and handle these situations. Further, films can also focus and maintain philosophical reflection on important aspects of human experience and the ethical theory that is meant to inform it. Similarly, this book teaches us about the ethics of care. The book titled as “Feminist ethics in film: Reconfiguring care through cinema, which examines the ways in which popular film, rather than art house or foreign cinema, conveys and configures a particular philosophical view the ethics of care. In film, the feminist ethics covers the quasi-biographies on offer at the cinema and also explains how these stories and relationships expand our theoretical grasp of care based ethics that have been overlooked in less contextualized discussions. In addition, this book also examines the relationships between care and community, autonomy, family and self-transformation. Examining films from the perspective of feminist, care-based ethics both expands our knowledge of the area of philosophy and adds depth to our appreciation of the films. Additionally, this book is written to be read as a whole, to encompass the widening scope that expands from the individual to family, friends, community, and finally reaching the level of the state.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Title\r 1
Dedication\r 2
Half Title 3
Copyright\r 4
Contents 5
Introduction 7
Chapter 1 Saturday Night Fever: Self-Care, Moral Growth and Narrative 19
Chapter 2 Sea Changes: Failure to Care in The Squid and the Whale 37
Chapter 3 The Bonds and Boundaries of Friendship in Friends with Money 53
Chapter 4 From Despair to Care: Self-Transformation in Monster’s Ball 69
Chapter 5 Tuning into Caring Community in Radio 87
Chapter 6 Gandhi: The Ethics of Care in the Nation-State 99
Conclusion 119
Index 131
Back Cover\r Back Cover