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Europe and Love in Cinema

Europe and Love in Cinema

Luisa Passerini | Jo Labanyi | Karen Diehl


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Book Details


Europe and Love in Cinema explores the relationship between love and Europeanness in a wide range of films from the 1920s to the present. A critical look at the manner in which love - in its broadest sense - is portrayed in cinema from across Europe and the United States, this volume exposes constructed notions of 'Europeanness' that both set Europe apart and define some parts of it as more 'European' than others. Through the international distribution process, these films engage with ideas of Europe from both outside and within, while some, treated extensively in this volume, offer alternative models of love. A bracing collection of essays from top film scholars, Europe and Love in Cinema demonstrates the centrality of desire to film narrative and explores multiple models of love within Europe's frontiers.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
FrontCover FC
Half-title i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
List of illustrations vii
Introduction Sec1:1
Part I - Disciplinary and historical contexts Sec1:25
Chapter 1: Cinema and academia: of objects of love and objects of study Sec1:27
Chapter 2: For love or money: transnational developments in European cinema in the 1920s Sec1:43
Chapter 3: Love beyond the nation: cosmopolitanism and transnational desire in cinema Sec1:59
Part II - Impossible loves Sec1:85
Chapter 4: Love in two British films of the late silent period: Hindle Wakes (Maurice Elvey, 1927) and Piccadilly (E.A. Dupont, 1929) Sec1:87
Chapter 5: La dame de Malacca or Eurocentrism's dream of omnipotence Sec1:101
Chapter 6: Love and colonial ambivalence in Spanish Africanist cinema of the early Franco dictatorship Sec1:127
Part III - Movements in time-space Sec1:151
Chapter 7: The love-lives of others: reconstructing German national identity in postwar and post-unification cinema Sec1:153
Chapter 8: Exiled memories: transnational memoryscapes in recent French cinema Sec1:171
Chapter 9: Migration, attachment, belonging: filming the Mediterranean in Spain and Italy Sec1:189
Part IV - Cultural re-inscriptions Sec1:205
Chapter 10: Luis Buñuel and explosive love in southern Europe Sec1:207
Chapter 11: Love and belonging in Western Sec1:225
Chapter 12: A conflicted passion: European film Sec1:239
Notes on contributors Sec1:263
Index Sec1:267
BackCover BC