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Language, Texts, and Society

Language, Texts, and Society

Patrick Olivelle


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Book Details


This collection brings together a series of Patrick Olivelle’s research papers, published over a period of about ten years, whose unifying theme is the search for hidden historical context and developments within words and texts. Words (and cultural histories represented by words) that scholars often take for granted as having a continuous and long history are often new – sometimes even being neologisms. They can thus provide important indications of cultural and religious innovations. Olivelle’s book on the asramas, as well as the short pieces included in this volume, such as those on ananda and dharma, seek to see cultural innovation and historical changes within the changing semantic fields of key terms. Closer examination of numerous Sanskrit terms taken for granted as central to ‘Hinduism’ provide similar results. Indian texts have often been studied in the past as disincarnate realities providing information on an ahistorical and unchanging culture. ‘Language, Texts, and Society’ is a small contribution towards correcting this method of textual study.

This collection brings together the research papers of Patrick Olivelle, published over a period of about ten years. The unifying theme of these studies is the search for historical context and developments hidden within words and texts. Words – and the cultural history represented by words – that scholars often take for granted as having a continuous and long history are often new and even neologisms, and thus provide important clues to cultural and religious innovations. Olivelle’s book on the Asramas, as well as the short pieces included in this volume, such as those on ananda and dharma, seek to see cultural innovation and historical changes within the changing semantic fields of key terms. Closer examination of numerous Sanskrit terms taken for granted as central to ‘Hinduism’ provide similar results. Indian texts have often been studied in the past as disincarnate realities providing information on an ahistorical and unchanging culture. This volume is a small contribution towards correcting that method of textual study.

Patrick Olivelle is Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Religions at the University of Texas at Austin, where he served as Chair of the Department of Asian Studies from 1994 to 2007. He previously taught in the Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington from 1974 to 1991, where he was the Department Chair from 1984 to 1990.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Half Title Page 1
Series Page 2
Main Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Contents 5
Preface 7
Abbreviations 9
I. Young Svetaketu: A Literary Study of an Upanisadic Story 13
II. dharmaskandhah and brahmasamsthah: A Study of Chandogya Upanisad 2.23.1 53
III. Orgasmic Rapture and Divine Ecstasy: The Semantic History of ananda 75
IV. Amrta: Women and Indian Technologies of Immortality 101
V. Power of Words: The Ascetic Appropriation and the Semantic Evolution of dharma 121
VI. Semantic History of Dharma: The Middle and Late Vedic Periods 137
VII. Explorations in the Early History of Dharmasastra 155
VIII. Structure and Composition of the Manava Dharmasastra 179
IX. Caste and Purity: A Study in the Language of the Dharma Literature 217
X. Rhetoric and Reality: Women’s Agency in the Dharmasastras 247
XI. Manu and Gautama: A Study in Sastric Intertextuality 261
XII. Manu and the Arthasastra: A Study in Sastric Intertextuality 275
XIII. Unfaithful Transmitters: Philological Criticism and Critical Editions of the Upanisads 287
XIV. Sanskrit Commentators and the Transmission of Texts: Haradatta on Apastamba-Dharmasutra 301
XV. Hair and Society: Social Significance of Hair in South Asian Traditions 321
XVI. Abhaksya and Abhojya: An Exploration in Dietary Language 351
XVII. Food for Thought: Dietary Rules and Social Organization in Ancient India 367
References 395
Index 413