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Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery E-Book

Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery E-Book

Philippa Sully | Joan Dallas


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Book Details


Effective communication skills are crucial in all aspects of nursing and midwifery practice - this book will enable readers to communicate effectively and with confidence in their professional practice. It focuses on the communication skills needed for the development of effective professional and therapeutic relationships. It is a 'how to do it' book that relates the theory of effective and ethical communication to the practice of nursing and midwifery and provides a framework for developing communication skills to meet a variety of situations.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Introduction 2
Culture And Communication 3
Individualism and collectivism 3
Culture, communication and social contexts 4
Communication across cultures 5
Psychological Theories And Communication 6
Humanistic perspective 7
Psychodynamic perspectives 10
Systems perspectives 14
Model Of Communication 15
Conclusion 16
References 17
Further reading on cultural issues and professional practice 18
Further reading on psychodynamic theory 18
Chapter 2: Reflecting on practice 19
Introduction 20
The Reflective Process 21
Model of reflection 24
Reflection on practice 28
Mentorship 28
The Supervision Of Midwives 29
Learning Contracts 30
Clinical supervision 30
Conclusion 32
References 33
Further reading 34
Chapter 3: Ensuring respect and dignity 35
Introduction 36
Greeting Skills 36
Principles 37
Leave-Taking Skills 51
References 56
Further reading 57
Chapter 4: Empathy and comfort skills 59
Introduction 60
The Practitioner–Client Relationship 60
Empathy 60
Comfort 61
Principles 61
Self-awareness 62
Listening 62
Touch and gestures 62
Language and paraphrasing 63
Body language 63
Paraphrasing skills 63
Appropriate Use Of Touch 69
Awareness of Cultural Differences in the Expression of Distress 73
Ensuring Privacy And Dignity 76
Providing Emotional Support For People Experiencing Intense Feelings 79
References 84
Chapter 5: Interview and assessment skills 85
Introduction 86
Principles 86
Questioning Skills 87
Closed questions 87
Open questions 88
Open focused questions 88
Explanation Skills 91
Giving Information To Relatives 93
Giving Information Over The Telephone 97
References 103
Further reading 103
Chapter 6: Assertiveness, advocacy and negotiation skills 105
Introduction 106
Assertiveness 106
Passive behaviour 109
Manipulative behaviour 110
Aggressive behaviour 111
Assertive behaviour 111
Negotiating Skills 114
Boundary-Making Skills 119
Specific principles 120
References 125
Further reading 126
Chapter 7: Communicating where barriers exist 127
Introduction 128
Telephone Skills 128
Communicating Where Barriers Exist 134
Factors influencing communication 134
Principles 135
Using Appropriate Language 138
Assisting People Who Are Deaf Or Hard Of Hearing 143
Assisting People Who Are Blind Or Partially Sighted 147
Assisting People Who Have Dementia 151
Using Cue Cards And Picture Boards 155
Working With Interpreters 160
References 166
Further reading 167
Useful online resources 168
Chapter 8: Managing difficult situations 169
Introduction 170
Principles 170
Self-disclosure 170
Unconditional positive regard 171
References 190
Further reading 190
Chapter 9: Working in groups and teams 191
Introduction 192
Principles 193
Groups 193
Factors contributing to group process and roles 193
Working in groups 195
Achieving Closure In Professional Relationships 201
References 205
Further reading 205
Chapter 10: Teaching skills 207
Introduction 208
Principles 208
Teaching to reduce dependence 208
Adult learning 208
Preparation for teaching 209
Teaching methods 210
Checking understanding 210
Learning from experience 210
Teaching People In Our Care 211
Teaching A Practical Skill 215
References 217
Further reading 218
Bibliography 219
Appendix 1 – Glossary 223
Boundaries 223
‘Cared for’ 223
Congruence/incongruence 223
Containment 223
Countertransference 223
Gallows laugh 224
Hook or gimmick 224
Paralinguistics 225
Secure base/environment 225
Self-disclosure 225
Self-fulfilling prophecy 225
Silence 225
Therapeutic relationship 225
Transactions 225
Transference 227
Triangle of insight 227
References 227
Appendix 2 – Some unconscious ego defences 229
Appendix 3 – Explaining obstetric terminology in an emergency 231
Appendix 4 – Examples of strategies for communication partners of people with aphasia 233
Index 235