Additional Information
Book Details
For the first time, a fully UK edition of this popular reference work, uses English spelling and terminology, and metric measurements. Medical, nursing, allied health and complementary therapy terms are included, and appendices cover UK guidelines, bodies and organisations. Extensive illustrations and helpful electronic support material.
- UK spelling and terminology, and patient-friendly definitions
- Over 20,000 entries
- Full-colour illustration section
- Full-colour clinical photograph section for easy identification of conditions
o colour illustrations, with and without labels, for self-testing
o clinical photographs in full colour
o downloadable spellchecker o ‘Word of the Day’ o useful weblinks
- Metric measurement system.
- Prefixes and suffixes
- SI units and the metric system
- Normal values
- Nutrients
- Drugs: the law, measurement and drug groups in common use
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Useful websites
- Chemical symbols and formulae
- Radionuclide Applications
- Resuscitation Council Life Support algorithms
- Chronological development and eruption of teeth
- The Nursing and Midwifery Council: The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives 2008
- Career development: curriculum vitae
- Research, evidence-based practice and web sources.