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The Practitioner as Teacher E-Book

The Practitioner as Teacher E-Book

Sue Hinchliff


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Book Details


Do you mentor student nurses and/or newly registered nurses?
This is a trusted handbook on how to teach others: peers, students, patients and relatives.
Using a ‘talking through’ strategy this is a practical ‘How to’ guide, rather than an academic treatise, with a much stronger focus on the use of competencies.
Sections focus on these key areas:
• How people learn
• How to teach
• How to use competencies in teaching
• How to support learners
• How to assess teaching & learning
• Learning objectives begin each chapter
• Sets teaching within the context of nursing and education
• Aids the teaching of reflective practice
• Activities and exercises reinforce learning
• Cartoons illustrate significant points.
This edition has been updated in the areas of:
• The Knowledge and Skills Framework (part of Agenda for Change)
• Competency-based practice
• NVQs – National Vocational Qualifications
• Re-registering with the NMC
• Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).