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Netter's Clinical Anatomy E-Book

Netter's Clinical Anatomy E-Book

John T. Hansen



Netter’s Clinical Anatomy, 3rd Edition is a Clinical Anatomy textbook you will actually "read." A concise, focused and manageable medical reference textbook for your busy lives! The uniquely aesthetic and memorable Netter-style illustrations—accompanied by descriptive text and tables—help you to visually grasp and focus on the most relevant clinical implications of anatomical concepts. Multiple-choice review questions at the end of each chapter—with additional Clinical examples and study questions—result in a thorough but quick introduction to basic and clinical anatomy as well as a fast review source—the perfect supplement to your course's syllabus, lectures, conferences and labs.

  • Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.
  • Enhance your learning and understanding with "Clinical Focus" boxes presenting hundreds of illustrated clinical correlations that bridge anatomy to pathophysiology, and Features and Characteristics boxes that explain the relation between structure and function.
  • Get a quick overview of the MSK system. Muscle/Ligament/Joint Tables summarize attachment points, actions, and other key information related to each structure.
  • Understand the clinical relevance of anatomy. Nearly 600 beautifully colored illustrations which provide essential depictions of anatomy, embryology, and pathology to help you understand their clinical relevance.
  • Challenge your knowledge. Both USMLE-style review questions at the end of each chapter and short answer questions online help you gauge your mastery of the material and assess areas in need of further study.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover IFC2
Marketing ads i
Netter's Clinical Anatomy iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
About the Artists vii
About the Author ix
Acknowledgments xi
Preface xiii
Table of Contents xv
Clinical Focus Boxes xvi
1 Introduction to the Human Body 1
1. Terminology 1
Anatomical Position 1
Terms of Relationship and Body Planes 1
Movements 1
Anatomical Variability 4
2. Skin 4
3. Skeletal System 7
Descriptive Regions 7
Shapes and Function of Bones 7
Markings on the Bones 8
Bone Development 9
Types of Joints 10
4. Muscular System 13
5. Cardiovascular System 14
Blood Vessels 15
Heart 18
6. Lymphatic System 19
General Organization 19
Lymphatic Drainage 19
Immune Response 21
7. Respiratory System 21
8. Nervous System 23
General Organization 23
Neurons 23
Glia 24
Peripheral Nerves 25
Meninges 25
Cranial Nerves 26
Spinal Nerves 26
Autonomic Nervous System 29
Sympathetic Division 29
Parasympathetic Division 31
Enteric Nervous System 33
9. Endocrine System 33
10. Gastrointestinal System 34
11. Urinary System 35
12. Reproductive System 36
Female Reproductive System 36
Male Reproductive System 37
13. Body Cavities 37
14. Overview of Early Development 38
Week 1: Fertilization and Implantation 38
Week 2: Formation of the Bilaminar Embryonic Disc 38
Week 3: Gastrulation 39
Embryonic Germ Layer Derivatives 39
15. Imaging the Internal Anatomy 42
General Introduction 42
Plain (Conventional) Radiographs 42
Computed Tomography 42
Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography 43
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 43
Ultrasound 44
Challenge Yourself Questions 45
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 47
2 Back 49
1. Introduction 49
2. Surface Anatomy 49
3. Vertebral Column 49
Typical Vertebra 51
Regional Vertebrae 52
Cervical Vertebrae 52
Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae 54
Sacrum and Coccyx 54
Joints and Ligaments of Craniovertebral Spine 56
Joints and Ligaments of Vertebral Arches and Bodies 56
Movements of the Spine 63
Blood Supply to the Spine 64
4. Muscles of the Back 65
Extrinsic Back Muscles 65
Intrinsic Back Muscles 67
Suboccipital Muscles 69
5. Spinal Cord 71
Typical Spinal Nerve 71
Dermatomes 73
Spinal Meninges 75
Dura Mater 75
Arachnoid Mater 76
Pia Mater 76
Subarachnoid Space and Choroid Plexus 76
Blood Supply to Spinal Cord 78
6. Embryology 78
Development of Myotomes, Dermatomes, and Sclerotomes 79
Vertebral Column Development 80
Neurulation and Development of the Spinal Cord 81
Clinical Focus—Bonus 83.e1
Challenge Yourself Questions 83
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 85
3 Thorax 87
1. Introduction 87
2. Surface Anatomy 87
Key Landmarks 87
Planes of Reference 88
3. Thoracic Wall 89
Thoracic Cage 89
Joints of Thoracic Cage 90
Muscles of Anterior Thoracic Wall 90
Intercostal Vessels and Nerves 92
Female Breast 94
4. Pleura and Lungs 100
Pleural Spaces (Cavities) 100
The Lungs 101
Respiration 101
Trachea and Bronchi 103
5. Pericardium and Heart 108
The Pericardium 108
The Heart 108
Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins 110
Chambers of the Heart 112
Cardiac Skeleton and Cardiac Valves 117
Conduction System of the Heart 117
Autonomic Innervation of the Heart 121
6. Mediastinum 123
Esophagus and Thoracic Aorta 125
Azygos System of Veins 126
Arteriovenous Overview 128
Arteries of the Thoracic Aorta (Fig. 3-26) 128
Veins of the Thorax (Fig. 3-27) 129
Mediastinal Lymphatics 130
7. Embryology 130
Respiratory System 130
Early Embryonic Vasculature 130
Aortic Arches 131
Development of Embryonic Heart Tube and Heart Chambers 131
Fetal Circulation 134
Challenge Yourself Questions 140
Chapter 3: Thorax 142
4 Abdomen 145
1. Introduction 145
2. Surface Anatomy 145
Key Landmarks 145
Surface Topography 147
3. Anterolateral Abdominal Wall 147
Layers 147
Muscles 147
Rectus Sheath 147
Innervation and Blood Supply 147
4. Inguinal Region 150
Inguinal Canal 151
5. Abdominal Viscera 155
Peritoneal Cavity 155
Abdominal Organs 158
Abdominal Esophagus and Stomach 158
Small Intestine 160
Large Intestine 162
Liver 172
Gallbladder 174
Pancreas 175
Spleen 177
Arterial Supply 178
Venous Drainage 183
Lymphatics 187
Innervation 187
6. Posterior Abdominal Wall and Viscera 190
Posterior Abdominal Wall 190
Fascia and Muscles 190
Kidneys and Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands 191
Abdominal Vessels 197
Arteries of the Abdominal Aorta 198
Veins of the Abdomen (Caval System) 200
Hepatic Portal System of Veins 201
Lymphatic Drainage 203
Innervation 203
7. Embryology 205
Summary of Gut Development 205
Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Development 207
Urinary System Development 207
Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland Development 212
Challenge Yourself Questions 213
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 215
5 Pelvis and Perineum 217
1. Introduction 217
2. Surface Anatomy 217
3. Musculoskeletal Elements 217
Bony Pelvic Girdle 217
Muscles of the Pelvis 221
4. Viscera 222
Distal Gastrointestinal Tract 222
Distal Urinary Tract 222
Female Pelvic Reproductive Viscera 226
Male Pelvic Reproductive Viscera 235
Pelvic Fascia 241
5. Blood Supply 242
Overview of Pelvic and Perineal Arteries 242
6. Lymphatics 245
7. Innervation 246
8. Female Perineum 246
Anal Triangle (Both Genders) 247
Urogenital Triangle 248
9. Male Perineum 252
10. Embryology 262
Development of the Reproductive Organs 262
Development of the External Genitalia 263
Challenge Yourself Questions 266
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 268
6 Lower Limb 271
1. Introduction 271
2. Surface Anatomy 271
3. Hip 273
Bones and Joints of the Pelvic Girdle and Hip 273
Nerve Plexuses 278
Access to the Lower Limb 278
4. Gluteal Region 281
Muscles 281
Neurovascular Structures 283
5. Thigh 283
Bones 283
Anterior Compartment Thigh Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 285
Medial Compartment Thigh Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 285
Posterior Compartment Thigh Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 288
Femoral Triangle 288
Femoral Artery 290
Thigh in Cross Section 292
6. Leg 292
Bones 292
Knee Joint 295
Popliteal Fossa 305
Posterior Compartment Leg Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 306
Anterior Compartment Leg Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 306
Lateral Compartment Leg Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 306
Leg in Cross Section 308
7. Ankle and Foot 311
Bones and Joints 311
Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves of the Dorsum of the Foot 317
Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves of the Sole of the Foot 317
8. Lower Limb Muscle Summary and Gait 330
Gait 330
9. Lower Limb Artery and Vein Summary 331
Arteries of the Lower Limb 331
Veins of the Lower Limb 331
10. Lower Limb Nerve Summary 334
Femoral Nerve 334
Obturator Nerve 335
Sciatic Nerve 335
Tibial Nerve 335
Fibular Nerve 337
Dermatomes 337
11. Embryology 337
Challenge Yourself Questions 340
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 342
7 Upper Limb 345
1. Introduction 345
2. Surface Anatomy 345
3. Shoulder 347
Bones and Joints of Pectoral Girdle and Shoulder 347
Muscles 351
4. Axilla 355
Axillary Vessels 356
Brachial Plexus 359
Axillary Lymph Nodes 361
5. Arm 362
Anterior Compartment Arm Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 362
Posterior Compartment Arm Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 363
Arm in Cross Section 366
6. Forearm 366
Bones and Elbow Joint 366
Anterior Compartment Forearm Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 371
Posterior Compartment Forearm Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 371
Forearm in Cross Section 374
7. Wrist and Hand 377
Bones and Joints 377
Carpal Tunnel and the Extensor Compartments 378
Intrinsic Hand Muscles 381
Palmar Spaces and Tendon Sheaths 384
8. Upper Limb Muscle Summary 390
9. Upper Limb Artery and Vein Summary 392
Arteries of the Upper Limb 392
Veins of the Upper Limb 395
10. Upper Limb Nerve Summary 395
Shoulder Region 395
Radial Nerve in the Arm and Forearm 396
Median Nerve in Forearm and Hand 398
Ulnar Nerve in Forearm and Hand 398
11. Embryology 403
Appendicular Skeleton 403
Neuromuscular Development 403
Limb Bud Rotation and Dermatomes 405
Challenge Yourself Questions 407
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 409
8 Head and Neck 411
1. Introduction 411
2. Surface Anatomy 411
3. Skull 412
Cranial Fossae 416
4. Brain 416
Meninges 416
Dural Venous Sinuses 420
Subarachnoid Space 420
Gross Anatomy of the Brain 423
Blood Supply to the Brain 424
Cranial Nerves 433
5. Scalp and Face 435
Layers of the Scalp 435
Muscles of Facial Expression 435
6. Orbit and Eye 441
Bony Orbit 441
Eyelids and Lacrimal Apparatus 442
Muscles 446
Nerves in the Orbit 449
Eyeball (Globe) 449
Retina 450
Accommodation of the Lens 454
Blood Supply to the Orbit and Eye 455
7. Temporal Region 456
Muscles of Mastication 456
Parotid Gland 459
Infratemporal Fossa 460
Vascular Supply 462
8. Paranasal Sinuses and Nasal Cavity 463
Paranasal Sinuses 463
External Nose 464
Nasal Cavities 464
Blood Supply and Innervation 466
9. Ear 468
External Ear 468
Middle Ear 468
Internal Ear 471
10. Oral Cavity 475
Muscles 475
Salivary Glands 476
Palate 478
Teeth and Gums (Gingivae) 479
11. Neck 482
Muscles 483
Cervical Plexus 485
Blood Supply 486
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 488
Prevertebral Muscles 493
12. Pharynx 494
13. Larynx 496
14. Head and Neck Vascular and Lymphatic Summary 501
15. Head and Neck Arteriovenous Summary 503
Arteries of the Head and Neck (see Fig. 8-64) 503
Veins of the Head and Neck 504
16. Cranial Nerve Summary 506
Autonomic Innervation 506
Cranial Nerves 507
Oculomotor, Trochlear, and Abducent Nerves 507
Trigeminal Nerve 507
Facial Nerve 508
Glossopharyngeal Nerve 508
Vagus Nerve 508
17. Embryology 512
Brain Development 512
Cranial Nerve Development 512
Pharyngeal Arch and Pouch Development 513
Facial and Palatal Development 515
Salivary Gland and Tooth Development 517
Challenge Yourself Questions 521
Answers to Challenge Yourself Questions 523
Index 525
A 525
B 527
C 527
D 529
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I 534
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L 535
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O 538
P 539
Q 541
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T 544
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Z 546