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Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2015 Edition - E-Book

Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2015 Edition - E-Book

Carol J. Buck


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Book Details


Take your first step toward a successful career in medical coding with in-depth coverage from the most trusted name in coding education! From Carol J. Buck, Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2015 Edition is a practical, easy-to-use resource that shows you exactly how to code using all current coding systems. Explanations of coding concepts are followed by practice exercises to reinforce your understanding. In addition to coverage of reimbursement, ICD-9-CM, CPT, HCPCS, and inpatient coding, this edition fully covers ICD-10-CM in preparation for the transition to ICD-10. No other text on the market so thoroughly covers all coding sets in one source!

  • A step-by-step approach makes it easier to build skills and remember the material.
  • Dual coding addresses the transition to ICD-10 by providing coding answers for both ICD-10 and ICD-9.
  • Over 500 illustrations include medical procedures and conditions that help you understand the services being coded, and images from Carol J. Buck's professional ICD and HCPCS manuals that familiarize you with the format of professional coding manuals.
  • Real-life coding reports simulate the reports you will encounter as a coder and help you apply coding principles to actual cases.
  • Complete coverage of ICD-10-CM prepares you for the transition to ICD-10.
  • A workbook corresponds to the textbook and offers review and practice with more than 1,500 questions, activities, and terminology exercises to reinforce your understanding of medical coding. Available separately.
  • Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting boxes allow you to read the official wording for inpatient and outpatient coding alongside in-text explanations.
  • Four coding question variations develop your coding ability and critical thinking skills, including one-code or multiple-code answer blanks.
  • From the Trenches, Coding Shots, Stop!, Caution!, Check This Out!, and CMS Rules boxes offer valuable tips and helpful advice for working in today’s medical coding field.
  • Coder’s Index makes it easy to quickly locate specific codes.
  • Appendix with sample EHR (Electronic Health Record) screenshots provides examples similar to the EHRs you will encounter in the workplace.
  • Exercises, Quick Checks, and Toolbox features reinforce coding rules and concepts, and emphasize key information.
  • NEW! Encoder practice exercises on the companion Evolve website provide added practice and help you understand how to utilize an encoder product.
  • UPDATED content includes the latest coding information available, promoting accurate coding and success on the job.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Evolve 1
Ad i
Front matter v
Copyright viii
Dedication ix
Acknowledgments x
Preface xi
Organization of this textbook xi
Distinctive features of our approach xii
Extensive supplemental resources xiv
Student online activities xiv
Student workbook xv
Teach instructor resources on evolve xv
Evolve learning resources xvi
Step-by-step medical coding online xvi
Development of this edition xvii
Introduction xx
References xxiv
Table of contents xxv
Ad xxv
I Reimbursement 1
1 Reimbursement, hipaa, and compliance 1
Learning objectives 1
Introduction 2
Basic structure of the medicare program 2
Quality improvement organizations (qios) 5
Part a: Hospital insurance 5
Part b: Supplementary insurance 6
Part c: Medicare advantage organizations 6
Part d: Prescription drugs 6
Health insurance portability and accountability act9 7
Electronic transactions 8
Code sets 8
Privacy requirements 9
Security requirements 9
National provider identification 9
Federal register 10
Outpatient resource-based relative value scale (rbrvs) 12
Relative value unit 13
Geographic practice cost index 13
Conversion factor 13
Medicare volume performance standards 14
Beneficiary protection 14
Limiting charge 14
Uniformity provision 15
Adjustments 15
Site-of-service limitations 15
Surgical modifier circumstances 16
Multiple surgeries 16
General.  16
Endoscopic procedures.  16
Dermatologic surgery.  16
Providers furnishing part of the global fee package.  16
Physicians who assist at surgery.  16
Two surgeons and surgical team.  16
Purchased diagnostic services.  17
Reoperations.  17
Medicare fraud 17
Fraud defined 17
Who are the violators?  18
What forms does fraud take?  18
Who says what is fraudulent?  18
Nebulizer machines and related drugs—supplier compliance with payment requirements (new) 19
Specific regulations are in the ioms 19
How to protect yourself.  20
Managed health care 20
Types of hmos 21
Drawbacks of the hmo.  22
Chapter 1, part I, theory 24
Chapter 1, part II, practical 24
References 25
II ICD-10-CM 26
2 An overview of icd-10-cm 26
Learning objectives 26
The icd-10-cm 27
Icd-10-cm replaces the ICD-9-CM, volumes 1 and 2 29
Improvements in the icd-10-cm 30
Structure of the system 31
Mapping 31
Flags 32
Approximate 32
Approximate, flag 0.  32
Approximate, flag 1.  33
No map.  35
Combination.  35
Scenario and choice list.  35
Icd-10-cm format 37
Index 39
Tabular 40
Official instructional notations in the icd-10-cm 42
Includes 42
Excludes 43
Excludes1.  43
Excludes2.  43
Code first/use additional code 43
Code also 43
7th characters and placeholder X 45
Chapter 2, part I, theory 45
Chapter 2, part II, practical 48
3 Icd-10-cm outpatient coding and reporting guidelines 49
Learning objectives 49
First-listed diagnosis 50
Unconfirmed diagnosis 52
Outpatient surgery 53
Additional diagnoses 53
Z codes 54
Status code 56
External cause index 58
Index locations 59
Circumstances to assign z codes 60
History of 62
Observation stay 63
First-listed diagnosis and coexisting conditions 64
Uncertain diagnoses 65
Chronic diseases 67
Documented conditions 67
Diagnostic services 68
Therapeutic services 69
Preoperative evaluation 70
Preoperative evaluations only 71
Prenatal visits 72
Chapter 3, part I, theory 72
Chapter 3, part II, practical 72
4 Using icd-10-cm 76
Learning objectives 76
Organization of the guidelines 77
Accurate coding 77
Steps to accurate coding 77
Alphabetic index and tabular list 77
Level of specificity 79
Integral conditions 81
Multiple coding 83
Acute and chronic 85
Combination codes 87
Late effects 89
Reporting same diagnosis code more than once 91
Laterality 92
Chapter 4, part I, theory 94
Chapter 4, part II, practical 95
5 Chapter-specific guidelines (icd-10-cm chapters 1-10) 96
Learning objectives 96
Certain infectious and parasitic diseases 97
Resistant infections 98
A codes (a00-a99) 98
Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock 99
B codes (b00-b99) 102
Viral hepatitis 102
Human immunodeficiency 103
Neoplasms 105
Neoplasm classifications and staging 110
Sequencing and complications.  111
History of z codes.  113
Unknown or unspecified site.  114
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism 115
Anemia 116
Coagulation defects, purpura, and other hemorrhagic conditions 117
Other disorders of blood and blood-forming organs (d70-d77) 118
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 118
Mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders 122
Dementia 123
Substance use 123
Psychological disorders 123
Psychological pain 124
Diseases of the nervous system 125
Pain (non-psychological) 125
Example site-specific pain codes 128
Dominant and nondominant sides 128
Diseases of the eye and adnexa 130
Hordeolum and chalazion 130
Entropion and ectropion 131
Lacrimal system 132
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process 132
Ear 133
External ear.  133
Middle ear and mastoid.  133
Inner ear.  134
Diseases of the circulatory system 134
Hypertension 134
Kidney disease and hypertension 138
Myocardial infarction 138
Diseases of the respiratory system 141
Chapter 5, part I, theory 141
Chapter 5, part ii, practical 141
Case study 1 145
History of present illness 145
Course in hospital 145
Discharge diagnoses 145
Matching 145
6 Chapter-specific guidelines (icd-10-cm chapters 11-14) 146
Learning objectives 146
Diseases of the digestive system 147
Hemorrhage 147
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 148
Ulcers 150
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 152
Infectious arthropathies 153
M00 reports direct infection from a known organism.  154
M01 reports direct infection of the joint due to infectious or parasitic disease that is classified elsewhere.  155
M02 reports indirect infections from an unknown organism.  155
Pathological fractures 155
Diseases of the genitourinary system 158
Chapter 6, part I, theory 158
Chapter 6, part II, practical 158
7 Chapter-specific guidelines (icd-10-cm chapters 15-21) 161
Learning objectives 161
Pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium 162
General rules of obstetric diagnosis reporting 162
First-listed diagnosis in normal pregnancy 162
First-listed diagnosis in high-risk patients 162
First-listed diagnosis for delivery 162
Trimesters 162
Peripartum and postpartum periods 162
Normal delivery 162
Ectopic pregnancy 167
Hydatidiform mole 167
Hypertension in pregnancy 167
Fetal conditions 167
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy 167
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 171
First-listed diagnosis 171
Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities 172
Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified 175
Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes 179
Code extensions 179
Coding injuries 179
Coding fractures 183
Coding burns and corrosions 183
Coding adverse effects, poisoning, underdosing, and toxic effects 183
Abuse, neglect, and other maltreatment 183
Open wounds, lacerations, and punctures 193
Complications 195
Medical device, graft, or implant.  196
Transplant.  196
Chapter 7, part I, theory 198
Chapter 7, part II, practical 199
III ICD-9-CM 200
8 An overview of ICD-9-CM 200
Learning objectives 200
The ICD-9-CM 201
ICD-9-CM format 202
Format 203
Tabular list, volume 1 203
Divisions 203
Classification of diseases and injuries.  205
Chapter.  205
Section.  205
Category.  206
Subcategory.  206
Subclassification.  206
Bold type 207
Italicized type 207
Fourth and fifth-digit specificity.  208
Appendices in the tabular list, volume 1 211
Appendix a: Morphology of neoplasms 211
Appendix b: Glossary of mental disorders 212
Appendix c: Drugs 212
Appendix d: Industrial accidents 212
Appendix e: Three-digit categories 213
Alphabetic index, volume 2 213
Conventions 216
Nec and nos 216
Nec.  217
Nos.  217
Brackets [ ]  219
Slanted brackets [ ]  219
Parentheses ( )  220
Colon :  221
Brace }  221
Includes.  221
Excludes.  222
Subcategories.  224
Codes in brackets 225
And and with.  227
And 227
With 227
Cross references 228
Use additional code.  229
Code first underlying disease.  229
Code, if applicable, any causal condition.  230
Notes 230
Eponyms 232
Procedures, volume 3 233
History 233
Format 234
Tabular list, volume 3 236
Alphabetic index, volume 3 238
Chapter 8, part I, theory 245
Chapter 8, part II, practical 246
9 ICD-9-CM outpatient coding and reporting guidelines 248
Learning objectives 248
First-listed diagnosis 249
Unconfirmed diagnosis 250
Outpatient surgery 251
Observation stay 252
Additional diagnoses 253
V codes 254
Index locations 255
Four circumstances to assign 256
Multiple gestation placenta status (v91) 258
Observation 259
Specificity 260
Uncertain diagnosis 261
Chronic diseases 262
Diagnostic services 263
Therapeutic services 264
Surgery 265
Prenatal visits 266
Chapter 9, part I, theory 266
Chapter 9, part II, practical 266
10 Using ICD-9-CM 270
Learning objectives 270
Organization of the guidelines 271
Level of specificity 273
Integral conditions 274
Multiple coding 277
Acute and chronic 279
Combination codes 281
Late effects 282
Impending or threatened condition 285
Chapter 10, part I, theory 287
Chapter 10, part II, practical 288
11 Chapter-specific guidelines (ICD-9-CM chapters 1-8) 289
Learning objectives 289
Infectious and parasitic diseases 290
Human immunodeficiency 291
Neoplasms 292
Neoplasm codes 293
Unknown site or unspecified 298
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders 300
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 301
Mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders 303
Five-digit subclassification 303
Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs 304
Diseases of the circulatory system 306
Hypertension 306
Kidney disease and hypertension 309
Myocardial infarction 309
Diseases of the respiratory system 312
Chapter 11, part I, theory 312
Chapter 11, part II, practical 312
Case study 1 317
13 Introduction to the CPT and level II national codes (hcpcs) 362
Learning objectives 362
The purpose of the CPT manual 363
Updating the CPT manual 363
CPT manual format 365
Important symbols and appendices 365
CPT sections 369
The sections of the CPT manual 369
CPT guidelines 371
Code format 372
Modifiers 374
Unlisted procedures 375
Category II codes 376
Category III codes 378
Format of category III codes.  378
Publication of category III codes.  379
Special reports 379
Starting with the index 379
Locating the terms 379
Single code 379
Multiple codes 380
Range of codes 380
Location methods 381
See 381
History of national level codes 384
Two levels of codes 384
General guidelines.  386
Code groupings 387
Index.  387
Table of drugs.  389
Routes of administration of drugs.  390
Durable medical equipment.  391
National physician fee schedule.  391
Chapter 13, part I, theory 396
Chapter 13, part II, practical 397
14 Modifiers 399
Learning objectives 399
CPT modifiers 400
-22, increased procedural services 401
-23, unusual anesthesia 402
-24, unrelated evaluation and management service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during ... 403
-25, significant separately identifiable e/m service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional on ... 403
-26, professional component 404
-32, mandated services 406
-33, preventive service 406
-47, anesthesia by surgeon 406
-50, bilateral procedures 406
-51, multiple procedures 407
Same operation, different site.  408
Multiple operation(s), same operative session.  408
Procedure performed multiple times.  409
-52, reduced services 411
-53, discontinued procedure 413
Modifiers -54, -55, and -56 413
-54, surgical care only 414
-55, postoperative management only 414
-56, preoperative management only 415
-57, decision for surgery 415
-58, staged or related procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during the p ... 416
-59, distinct procedural service 417
Modifiers -x{epsu}  417
-62, two surgeons 418
-63, procedure performed on infants less than 4 kg 419
-66, surgical team 419
-76, repeat procedure or service by same physician or other qualified health care professional 420
-77, repeat procedure by another physician or other qualified health care professional 420
-78, unplanned return to the operating/procedure room by the same physician or other qualified health care professional fo ... 421
-79, unrelated procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during the postopera ... 422
-80, assistant surgeon 422
-81, minimum assistant surgeon 423
-82, assistant surgeon (when qualified resident surgeon not available) 423
-90, reference (outside) laboratory 424
-91, repeat clinical diagnostic laboratory test 425
-92, alternative laboratory platform testing 425
-99, multiple modifiers 425
Chapter 14, part I, theory 426
Chapter 14, part II, practical 427
15 Evaluation and management (e/m) services 428
Learning objectives 428
Contents of the e/m section 429
Three factors of e/m codes 429
Place of service 429
Type of service 430
Patient status 430
Medical records documentation 431
Various levels of e/m service 432
Key components 432
Office, new patient 432
History.  433
The four elements of a history 433
History elements.  434
History levels.  437
History levels 437
Examination.  439
Examination levels.  439
Examination levels 439
Medical decision making.  443
Levels.  444
Medical decision-making complexity levels 444
Management options.  444
Data to be reviewed.  444
Risk.  445
V Inpatient ciding 848
31 Inpatient coding 848
Learning objectives 848
Differences between inpatient and outpatient coding 849
Selection of principal diagnosis 850
Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 850
Two or more interrelated conditions 852
Two or more diagnoses 853
Comparative or contrasting conditions 854
Stop  855
Symptom(s) followed by contrasting/comparative diagnoses 855
Original treatment plan not carried out 856
Complications 857
Uncertain diagnosis 858
Reporting additional diagnoses 860
Present on admission (poa) 863
Development of the icd-10-pcs 863
The seven characters of the icd-10-pcs 864
Character 1 identifies the section.  864
Changing characters.  865
Stop  865
The index 865
The tabular list completes the code 866
Chapter 31, part I, theory 866
Chapter 31, part II, practical 866
APPENDIX A Online resources 878
APPENDIX B Exercise answers 879
Chapter 1 879
Exercise 1-1 879
Exercise 1-2 879
Exercise 1-3 879
Exercise 1-4 879
Chapter 2 879
Exercise 2-1 879
Exercise 2-2 879
Exercise 2-3 879
Exercise 2-4 879
Chapter 3 879
Exercise 3-1 879
Exercise 3-2 879
Exercise 3-3 879
Exercise 3-4 880
Exercise 3-5 880
Exercise 3-6 880
Exercise 3-7 880
Exercise 3-8 880
Exercise 3-9 880
Exercise 3-10 880
Exercise 3-11 880
Exercise 3-12 880
Chapter 4 880
Exercise 4-1 880
Exercise 4-2 880
Exercise 4-3 880
Exercise 4-4 881
Exercise 4-5 881
Chapter 5 881
Exercise 5-1 881
Exercise 5-2 881
Exercise 5-3 881
Exercise 5-4 881
Exercise 5-5 881
Exercise 5-6 881
Exercise 5-7 881
Exercise 5-8 882
Exercise 5-9 882
Exercise 5-10 882
Exercise 5-11 882
Exercise 5-12 882
Chapter 6 882
Exercise 6-1 882
Exercise 6-2 882
Exercise 6-3 882
Chapter 7 882
Exercise 7-1 882
Exercise 7-2 882
Exercise 7-3 882
Exercise 7-4 882
Exercise 7-5 883
Exercise 7-6 883
Exercise 7-7 883
Chapter 8 883
Exercise 8-1 883
Exercise 8-2 883
Exercise 8-3 883
Exercise 8-4 883
Exercise 8-5 883
Exercise 8-6 883
Exercise 8-7 883
Exercise 8-8 883
Exercise 8-9 883
Exercise 8-10 883
Exercise 8-11 884
Exercise 8-12 884
Exercise 8-13 884
Exercise 8-14 884
Exercise 8-15 884
Chapter 9 884
Exercise 9-1 884
Exercise 9-2 884
Exercise 9-3 884
Exercise 9-4 884
Exercise 9-5 884
Exercise 9-6 884
Exercise 9-7 884
Exercise 9-8 884
Exercise 9-9 884
Chapter 10 885
Exercise 10-1 885
Exercise 10-2 885
Exercise 10-3 885
Exercise 10-4 885
Exercise 10-5 885
Exercise 10-6 885
Exercise 10-7 885
Chapter 11 885
Exercise 11-1 885
Exercise 11-2 885
Exercise 11-3 885
Exercise 11-4 886
Exercise 11-5 886
Exercise 11-6 886
Exercise 11-7 886
Exercise 11-8 886
Exercise 11-9 886
Exercise 11-10 886
Chapter 12 886
Exercise 12-1 886
Exercise 12-2 886
Exercise 12-3 886
Exercise 12-4 886
Exercise 12-5 886
Exercise 12-6 887
Exercise 12-7 887
Exercise 12-8 887
Exercise 12-9 887
Exercise 12-10 887
Exercise 12-11 887
Chapter 13 887
Exercise 13-1 887
Exercise 13-2 887
Exercise 13-3 887
Exercise 13-4 887
Exercise 13-5 887
Exercise 13-6 887
Exercise 13-7 887
Exercise 13-8 888
Exercise 13-9 888
Exercise 13-10 888
Exercise 13-11 888
Exercise 13-12 888
Chapter 14 888
Exercise 14-1 888
Exercise 14-2 888
Exercise 14-3 888
Exercise 14-4 889
Exercise 14-5 889
Chapter 15 889
Exercise 15-1 889
Exercise 15-2 889
Exercise 15-3 889
Exercise 15-4 889
Exercise 15-5 889
Exercise 15-6 890
Exercise 15-7 890
Exercise 15-8 890
Exercise 15-9 890
Exercise 15-10 891
Exercise 15-11 891
Exercise 15-12 891
Exercise 15-13 891
Exercise 15-14 891
Exercise 15-15 891
Exercise 15-16 892
Exercise 15-17 892
Exercise 15-18 892
Exercise 15-19 892
Exercise 15-20 892
Exercise 15-21 892
Exercise 15-22 892
Chapter 16 892
Exercise 16-1 892
Exercise 16-2 892
Exercise 16-3 892
Exercise 16-4 892
Chapter 17 893
Exercise 17-1 893
Exercise 17-2 893
Exercise 17-3 893
Chapter 18 893
Exercise 18-1 893
Exercise 18-2 893
Exercise 18-3 893
Exercise 18-4 893
Chapter 19 893
Exercise 19-1 893
Exercise 19-2 894
Exercise 19-3 894
Exercise 19-4 894
Chapter 20 894
Exercise 20-1 894
Exercise 20-2 894
Exercise 20-3 894
Exercise 20-4 894
Exercise 20-5 894
Exercise 20-6 894
Chapter 21 895
Exercise 21-1 895
Exercise 21-2 895
Exercise 21-3 895
Exercise 21-4 895
Exercise 21-5 895
Exercise 21-6 895
Exercise 21-7 895
Exercise 21-8 895
Exercise 21-9 895
Exercise 21-10 896
Chapter 22 896
Exercise 22-1 896
Exercise 22-2 896
Chapter 23 896
Exercise 23-1 896
Exercise 23-2 896
Exercise 23-3 896
Exercise 23-4 896
Exercise 23-5 896
Chapter 24 896
Exercise 24-1 896
Exercise 24-2 897
Exercise 24-3 897
Exercise 24-4 897
Exercise 24-5 897
Exercise 24-6 897
Exercise 24-7 897
Exercise 24-8 897
Chapter 25 897
Exercise 25-1 897
Exercise 25-2 897
Chapter 26 897
Exercise 26-1 897
Exercise 26-2 897
Chapter 27 898
Exercise 27-1 898
Exercise 27-2 898
Exercise 27-3 898
Chapter 28 898
Exercise 28-1 898
Exercise 28-2 898
Exercise 28-3 898
Exercise 28-4 898
Exercise 28-5 898
Exercise 28-6 898
Exercise 28-7 898
Exercise 28-8 898
Exercise 28-9 899
Exercise 28-10 899
Exercise 28-11 899
Exercise 28-12 899
Chapter 29 899
Exercise 29-1 899
Exercise 29-2 899
Exercise 29-3 899
Exercise 29-4 899
Exercise 29-5 899
Exercise 29-6 899
Exercise 29-7 899
Exercise 29-8 900
Chapter 30 900
Exercise 30-1 900
Exercise 30-2 900
Exercise 30-3 900
Exercise 30-4 901
Exercise 30-5 901
Exercise 30-6 901
Exercise 30-7 901
Exercise 30-8 901
Exercise 30-9 901
Exercise 30-10 901
Exercise 30-11 901
Exercise 30-12 901
Exercise 30-13 902
Exercise 30-14 902
Exercise 30-15 902
Exercise 30-16 902
Exercise 30-17 902
Chapter 31 902
Exercise 31-1 902
Exercise 31-2 902
Exercise 31-3 902
Exercise 31-4 903
Exercise 31-5 903
Exercise 31-6 903
Exercise 31-7 903
Exercise 31-8 903
Exercise 31-9 903
Exercise 31-10 903
Exercise 31-11 903
Exercise 31-12 904
Exercise 31-13 904
Exercise 31-14 904
Exercise 31-15 904
APPENDIX C Quick check answers 905
Chapter 1 905
Quick check 1-1 905
Chapter 2 905
Quick check 2-1 905
Quick check 2-2 905
Quick check 2-3 905
Chapter 3 905
Quick check 3-1 905
Quick check 3-2 905
Chapter 4 905
Quick check 4-1 905
Quick check 4-2 905
Chapter 5 905
Quick check 5-1 905
Quick check 5-2 905
Chapter 7 905
Quick check 7-1 905
Quick check 7-2 905
Chapter 8 905
Quick check 8-1 905
Quick check 8-2 905
Chapter 10 905
Quick check 10-1 905
Quick check 10-2 905
Chapter 11 906
Quick check 11-1 906
Chapter 12 906
Quick check 12-1 906
Chapter 13 906
Quick check 13-1 906
Quick check 13-2 906
Quick check 13-3 906
Quick check 13-4 906
Quick check 13-5 906
Quick check 13-6 906
Quick check 13-7 906
Quick check 13-8 906
Chapter 14 906
Quick check 14-1 906
Quick check 14-2 906
Quick check 14-3 906
Quick check 14-4 906
Chapter 15 906
Quick check 15-1 906
Quick check 15-2 906
Quick check 15-3 906
Quick check 15-4 906
Quick check 15-5 906
Quick check 15-6 906
Quick check 15-7 906
Quick check 15-8 906
Quick check 15-9 906
Quick check 15-10 906
Chapter 16 907
Quick check 16-1 907
Quick check 16-2 907
Quick check 16-3 907
Chapter 17 907
Quick check 17-1 907
Quick check 17-2 907
Quick check 17-3 907
Chapter 18 907
Quick check 18-1 907
Quick check 18-2 907
Quick check 18-3 907
Chapter 19 907
Quick check 19-1 907
Quick check 19-2 907
Quick check 19-3 907
Quick check 19-4 907
Chapter 20 907
Quick check 20-1 907
Chapter 21 907
Quick check 21-1 907
Quick check 21-2 907
Quick check 21-3 907
Quick check 21-4 907
Chapter 22 907
Quick check 22-1 907
Quick check 22-2 907
Chapter 23 907
Quick check 23-1 907
Quick check 23-2 907
Quick check 23-3 907
Chapter 24 907
Quick check 24-1 907
Quick check 24-2 907
Quick check 24-3 907
Quick check 24-4 907
Quick check 24-5 907
Quick check 24-6 907
Quick check 24-7 907
Quick check 24-8 907
Quick check 24-9 907
Quick check 24-10 907
Quick check 24-11 907
Quick check 24-12 907
Quick check 24-13 907
Quick check 24-14 907
Quick check 24-15 907
Chapter 25 908
Quick check 25-1 908
Quick check 25-2 908
Quick check 25-3 908
Chapter 26 908
Quick check 26-1 908
Quick check 26-2 908
Chapter 27 908
Quick check 27-1 908
Quick check 27-2 908
Quick check 27-3 908
Chapter 28 908
Quick check 28-1 908
Quick check 28-2 908
Chapter 29 908
Quick check 29-1 908
Quick check 29-2 908
Quick check 29-3 908
Chapter 30 908
Quick check 30-1 908
Quick check 30-2 908
Quick check 30-3 908
APPENDIX D Ehr screens 909
Glossary 916
Figure Credits 931
Coders index 937
CPT codes 937
ICD-9-CM codes 937
Icd-10-cm codes 937
Hcpcs codes 937
Index 953
A 953
B 953
C 954
D 956
E 957
F 957
G 958
H 958
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O 965
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Q 966
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V 969
W 969
X 969
Z 969
Inside back cover 971