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Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications - E-Book

Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications - E-Book

Michele Grodner | Sara Long Roth | Bonnie C. Walkingshaw


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Book Details


Now in its 5th edition, the critically acclaimed Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications, A Nursing Approach offers you a comprehensive, first-hand account of the ways in which nutrition affects the lives of nursing professionals and everyday people. Discussions on nutritional needs and nutritional therapy, from the nurse's perspective, define your role in nutrition, wellness, and health promotion. The dynamic author team of Grodner, Roth, and Walkingshaw utilizes a conversational writing style, and a variety of learning features help you apply your knowledge to the clinical setting. Content updates, specifically to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, an online resource, a new logical organization, and much more prepare you to handle the challenges you face with ease.

  • Emphasis on health promotion and primary prevention stresses the adoption of a healthy diet and lifestyle to enhance quality of life.
  • Content Knowledge and Critical Thinking/Clinical Applications case studies reinforce knowledge and help you apply nutrition principles to real-world situations.
  • Cultural Considerations boxes discuss various eating patterns related to ethnicity and religion to help you understand the various influences on health and wellness.
  • Personal Perspective boxes demonstrate the personal touch for which this book is known, and offer first-hand accounts of interactions with patients and their families.
  • Health Debate and Social Issue boxes explore controversial health issues and encourage you to develop your own opinions.
  • Teaching tool boxes provide tips and guidance to apply when educating patients.
  • Website listings with a short narrative at the end of every chapter refer you to additional online resources.
  • Updated content to Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 keeps you current.
  • Additional questions added to case studies in the Nursing Approach boxes help you focus on practical ways you can use nutrition in practice.
  • Study tools on Evolve present virtual case studies and additional questions with instant feedback to your answers that reinforce your learning.
  • Online icons throughout the text refer you to the NEW Nutrition Concepts Online course content.
  • A logical organization to updated and streamlined content lets you find the information you need quickly.

    Table of Contents

    Section Title Page Action Price
    Front cover cover
    Inside front cover ifc1
    Table Minerals i
    Half title page iii
    Evolve page iv
    Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications, 5/e v
    Copyright page vi
    Dedication vii
    Reviewers viii
    Preface ix
    Audience ix
    Approach ix
    Features and Content ix
    Supplementary Materials xiii
    For Instructors: xiii
    For Students: xiii
    Acknowledgments xv
    Special Acknowledgments xv
    Table of Contents xvii
    I Wellness, Nutrition, and the Nursing Role 1
    1 Wellness Nutrition 2
    Role in Wellness 2
    Definition of Health 3
    Role of Nutrition 4
    Health Promotion 4
    Role of Nutrition 5
    Nutrition Monitoring 5
    Definition of Wellness 6
    Role of Nutrition 6
    Disease Prevention through Nutrition 6
    Overview of Nutrients within the Body 8
    Nutrient Categories 8
    Food, Energy, and Nutrients 8
    Energy 9
    Carbohydrates 9
    Proteins 9
    Lipids (Fats) 9
    Vitamins 10
    Minerals 10
    Water 10
    Dietary Standards 10
    Dietary Reference Intakes 11
    Dietary Reference Intakes Lingo 11
    Use of Dietary Reference Intakes 11
    Additional Standards 12
    Standards around the World 12
    Adequate Eating Patterns 12
    Nutritional Assessment 12
    Assessment of Dietary Intake 14
    Portraits of Malnutrition 15
    Diet Evaluation 15
    Assessment of Nutritional Status 15
    The Nutrition Specialist 16
    Toward A Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Self-Efficacy 17
    Summary 17
    Websites of Interest 19
    American Dietetic Association 19
    Healthy People 19
    Nutrient Data Laboratory 19
    References 19
    2 Personal and Community Nutrition 20
    Role in Wellness 20
    Personal Nutrition 20
    Food Selection 21
    Community Nutrition 21
    Dietary Guidelines for Americans 22
    Lifestyle Applications 23
    Food Guides 23
    MyPlate Food Guidance System 24
    Other Food Guides 24
    Fruits & Veggies—More Matters 28
    Exchange Lists 28
    Criteria for Future Recommendations 29
    Consumer Food Decision Making 30
    Food Selection Patterns 30
    Food Consumption Trends 30
    Implications of food consumption trends. 30
    Effective Food-Buying Styles 31
    Consumer Information and Wellness 31
    Food Labeling 32
    Uses of %DV 34
    Organic Food Standards and Labels 34
    Health Claims 35
    Food Safety 36
    Risk Analysis and Food Safety 36
    Biotechnology: Consumer Risk or Benefit? 36
    Food Safety and Manufactured Products 37
    Foodborne Illness 37
    Food Preparation Strategies 40
    Food Preservation to Control Foodborne Illness 43
    Toward A Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Locus of Control 43
    Summary 44
    Websites of Interest 46
    MyPlate Food Guidance System 46 46
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 46
    References 46
    II Nutrients, Food, and Health 48
    3 Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism 49
    Role in Wellness 49
    Digestion 49
    The Mouth 49
    The Esophagus 50
    The Stomach 51
    The Small Intestine 53
    The Large Intestine 54
    Absorption 54
    Elimination 55
    Digestive Process across the Life Span 56
    Metabolism 57
    Metabolism across the Life Span 57
    Overcoming Barriers 57
    Heartburn 57
    Vomiting 58
    Intestinal Gas 59
    Constipation 59
    Diarrhea 59
    Toward a Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Contracting 60
    Summary 61
    Websites of Interest 62
    American College of Gastroenterology 62
    American Dental Association 62
    American Medical Association 62
    References 62
    4 Carbohydrates 63
    Role in Wellness 63
    Food Sources 63
    Carbohydrate as a Nutrient within the Body 65
    Function 65
    Digestion and Absorption 66
    Glycogen: Storing Carbohydrates 67
    Metabolism 67
    Blood Glucose Regulation 67
    Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load 68
    Simple Carbohydrates 69
    Monosaccharides 69
    Disaccharides 70
    Sugar—A Special Disaccharide 70
    Sources in the Food Supply. 70
    Consumption Levels. 70
    Health Effects. 72
    Other Sweeteners 73
    Sweet Decisions 74
    Complex CARBOHYDRATES: Polysaccharides 74
    Starch 74
    Fiber 76
    Health Effects 76
    Obesity. 76
    Constipation. 76
    Diverticular Disease. 77
    Colon Cancer. 77
    Heart Disease. 78
    Diabetes Control. 78
    Food Sources and Issues 78
    Unrefined versus Refined Grains 78
    Overcoming Barriers 79
    Hypoglycemia 80
    Diabetes Mellitus 80
    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 80
    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 80
    Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 81
    Toward a Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Tailoring 82
    Summary 82
    Websites of Interest 84
    American Diabetes Association 84
    Wheat Foods Council 84
    USA Rice Federation 84
    References 84
    5 Fats 85
    Role in Wellness 85
    Functions 85
    Food Functions 85
    Source of Energy 85
    Palatability 86
    Satiety and Satiation 86
    Food Processing 86
    Nutrient Source 86
    Physiologic Functions 86
    Stored Energy 86
    Organ Protection 87
    Temperature Regulation 87
    Insulation 87
    Functions of Phospholipids and Sterols 87
    Structure and Sources of Lipids 87
    Fats: Saturated and Unsaturated 87
    Phospholipids 90
    Sterols 90
    Fats as a Nutrient in the Body 90
    Digestion 90
    Mouth 90
    Stomach 90
    Small Intestine 90
    Use of Medium-Chain Triglycerides 91
    Absorption 91
    Metabolism 92
    Fat Intake and Issues 92
    Fat Content of Foods 92
    Detecting Dietary Fat 93
    Fast but High-Fat Foods 93
    Preserving Fats in Food 94
    Processed Fats and Oils: Hydrogenated and Emulsified 94
    Antioxidants 96
    Food Cholesterol versus Blood Cholesterol 96
    Synthetic Fats and Fat Replacers 98
    Overcoming Barriers 99
    Energy Intake 99
    Extreme Dietary Fat Restrictions 99
    Reduced Intake of Other Nutrients 100
    Dietary Fat Intake and Diet-Related Diseases 100
    Coronary Artery Disease 101
    Cancer 101
    Age-Related Macular Degeneration 102
    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension 102
    Toward a Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Gradual Reduction 102
    Summary 102
    Websites of Interest 103
    Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) 103
    Drive thru Diet 103
    Eating Well On-Line 103
    References 104
    6 Protein 105
    Role in Wellness 105
    Structure of Protein 105
    Protein Composition 106
    Protein as a Nutrient in the Body 108
    Digestion and Absorption 108
    Mouth 108
    Stomach 108
    Small Intestine 108
    Metabolism 109
    Protein Excess 110
    Nitrogen Balance 110
    Functions 111
    Growth and Maintenance 111
    Creation of Communicators and Catalysts 111
    Immune System Response 111
    Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation 111
    Acid-Base Balance 111
    Transportation 111
    Food Sources 111
    Quality of Protein Foods 111
    Complementary Proteins 112
    Measures of Food Protein Quality 113
    Protein RDA 113
    Vegetarianism 114
    The Benefits of Vegetarianism 114
    The Drawbacks of Vegetarianism 115
    Contemporary Vegetarianism 115
    Dietary Patterns of Protein 116
    Restructuring the Dinner Plate 117
    Overcoming Barriers 117
    Malnutrition 117
    Malnutrition Factors 119
    Groups at Risk in North America 119
    Chronic Hunger 120
    Toward a Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Chaining 121
    Summary 121
    Websites of Interest 122
    Healthfinder 122
    The Sickle Cell Information Center 122
    The Vegetarian Resource Group 122
    References 123
    7 Vitamins 124
    Role in Wellness 124
    Vitamin Categories 127
    Food Sources 127
    Water–Soluble Vitamins 127
    Thiamine (B1) 127
    Function 129
    Recommended Intake and Sources 129
    Deficiency 129
    Toxicity 130
    Riboflavin (B2) 130
    Function 130
    Recommended Intake and Sources 130
    Deficiency 130
    Toxicity 131
    Niacin (B3) 131
    Function 131
    Recommended Intake and Sources 131
    Deficiency 131
    III Health Promotion through Nutrition and Nursing Practice 182
    9 Energy Supply and Fitness 183
    Role in Wellness 183
    Energy 183
    Energy Pathways 185
    Carbohydrate as a Source of Energy 185
    Fat as a Source of Energy 185
    Protein as a Source of Energy 185
    Anaerobic and Aerobic Pathways 185
    Energy Balance 187
    Estimating Daily Energy Needs 187
    Components of Total Energy Expenditure 187
    Physical Activity 188
    Thermic Effect of Food 188
    Adaptive Thermogenesis 189
    Fitness 189
    Health Benefits of Physical Exercise 190
    Adults (aged 18-64): 191
    Older Adults (aged 65 and older): 191
    Sedentary Individuals 191
    Moderately Active Individuals 191
    Vigorously Active Individuals 191
    Special Populations 192
    Strength Training 193
    Bodybuilding 193
    Food and Athletic Performance 194
    Kilocalorie Requirements 194
    Water: The Essential Ingredient 194
    Sport Drinks 195
    Carbohydrate: The Energy Food 195
    Carbohydrate Loading 195
    Protein 196
    Protein and Amino Acid Supplements 196
    Fat 197
    Vitamins and Minerals 197
    Ergogenic Aids 197
    Overcoming Barriers 198
    American “Couch Potatoes” 198
    Psychosocial Dimensions of Fitness 198
    Exercise Makes You Hungrier: Myth or Fact? 199
    Toward A Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Modeling 199
    Summary 200
    Websites of Interest 202
    The Physician and Sportsmedicine (Journal) Online 202
    American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 202
    Healthier US Initiative 202
    References 202
    10 Management of Body Composition 203
    Role in Wellness 203
    Body Composition, Body Image, and Culture 203
    Body Image 203
    Body Perception 203
    Body Image: Illusions versus Reality 204
    Body Preferences: Gender Concerns 204
    Body Acceptance: A Key to Wellness 204
    Management of Body Fat Composition 205
    Association of Body Fatness with Health 205
    Physical Health 205
    Obesity and Physical Health 206
    Unanswered questions. 207
    Chronic dieting and risk. 208
    Obesity and Emotional/Social Health 209
    Underweight and Physical Health 210
    Healthy Body Fat 210
    Functions of Fat 210
    Body Fat Distribution 210
    Body Fat Storage 211
    Measuring Body Fatness 212
    Interpreting Body Fatness Measures 213
    Interpreting Weight 213
    Regulation of Body Fat Level 213
    Changes in Body Fatness 213
    Genetic Influences on Body Size and Shape 213
    Set Point and Body Fatness 215
    Food Intake Adjustments 215
    Adjustments in Energy Use 215
    Determinants of Set Point Ranges 216
    Changing Set Point 216
    Set Point Is Not the Whole Story 217
    When Body Fatness Deviates from Usual 217
    Incidence of Obesity 217
    Success of Attempts to Lose Weight 217
    Repeat dieting. 218
    Time for Some New Approaches 219
    Developing A Personal Approach 219
    Gain, Lose, or Maintain: A Wellness Approach 219
    Establishing Realistic Goals 219
    Changing Behavior 219
    Normalizing Eating 219
    Enjoying Eating 219
    Letting Hunger and Satiety Guide Eating 219
    Minimizing the Use of Food to Meet Emotional Needs 221
    Eating Regularly and Frequently 222
    Adopting an Active Lifestyle 222
    Increase Energy Expenditure 222
    Maintain Lean Body Mass 222
    Improve Many Health Conditions 222
    Change Your Outlook 222
    Differences in Responses to Exercise 223
    Individualized Exercise 223
    Overcoming Barriers 223
    Prospects for the Future 223
    Alarming Trends 223
    Multiple Etiologies Complicating Treatment and Prevention 223
    Acceptance through Prevention Efforts 224
    Role of Nurses 224
    Toward A Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Explanatory Style 225
    Summary 225
    Websites of Interest 227
    The Obesity Prevention Small Step 227
    Shape Up America! 227
    National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) 227
    References 227
    11 Life Span Health Promotion: 228
    Role in Wellness 228
    Nutrition During Pregnancy 228
    Body Composition Changes during Pregnancy 229
    Hormones of Pregnancy 229
    Metabolic Changes 229
    Anatomic and Physiologic Changes 229
    Weight Gain in Pregnancy 229
    Energy and Nutrient Needs during Pregnancy 230
    Energy 230
    Protein 232
    Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation 232
    Folate. 234
    Iron. 234
    Calcium. 235
    Nutrition-Related Concerns 235
    Caffeine 235
    Drugs 235
    Alcohol 235
    Tobacco 236
    Foodborne Illness 236
    Exercise 236
    Maternal Age 237
    Preeclampsia 237
    Diabetes Mellitus 238
    Maternal Phenylketonuria 238
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 239
    Overcoming Barriers: Relief from Common Discomforts during Pregnancy 239
    Nausea and Vomiting 239
    Heartburn 240
    Constipation 240
    Nutrition During Lactation 240
    Anatomy and Physiology of Lactation 240
    Promoting Breastfeeding 241
    Energy and Nutrient Needs during Lactation 242
    Contraindications to Breastfeeding 243
    Nutrition During Infancy 243
    Energy and Nutrient Needs during Infancy 243
    Energy 243
    Protein 243
    Vitamins and Mineral Supplementation 243
    Food for Infants 244
    Introduction of solid foods. 245
    How to introduce solid foods. 245
    Appropriate solid foods during the first year of life. 245
    Beverages during the first year of life. 246
    Baby Bottle Tooth Decay 246
    Special Nutritional Needs 247
    The Premature and Low Birth Weight Infant 247
    Cystic Fibrosis 248
    Failure to Thrive 248
    Inborn Errors of Metabolism 248
    Phenylketonuria. 248
    Galactosemia. 248
    Toward A Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Reframing 249
    Summary 249
    Websites of Interest 251
    BabyCenter 251
    March of Dimes 251
    La Leche League 251
    References 251
    12 Life Span Health Promotion: 253
    Role in Wellness 253
    Life Span Health Promotion 253
    Stages of Development 253
    Childhood (1 to 12 Years) 253
    Stage I: Children 1 to 3 Years Old 255
    Nutrition requirements. 255
    Stage II: Children 4 to 6 Years Old 256
    Nutrition requirements. 257
    Stage III: Children 7 to 12 Years Old 257
    Nutrition requirements. 258
    Childhood Health Promotion (1 to 12 Years) 258
    Knowledge 258
    Techniques 258
    Community Supports 258
    School food service. 260
    Classroom nutrition education. 260
    Adolescence (13 to 19 Years) 260
    Nutrition Requirements 262
    Adolescence Health Promotion (13 to 19 Years) 262
    Knowledge 262
    Techniques 262
    Community Supports 262
    Overcoming Barriers 262
    Food Asphyxiation 262
    Lead Poisoning 263
    Role of Nurses 263
    Obesity 263
    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 263
    Treatment 265
    Role of Nurses 265
    Iron Deficiency Anemia 265
    Role of Nurses 266
    Food Allergies and Food Intolerances 266
    Food Allergy 266
    Risk factors. 266
    Food Intolerance 267
    Diagnosis 267
    Treatment 267
    Role of nurses. 268
    Eating Disorders 268
    Etiology 268
    Diagnosis 269
    Anorexia nervosa. 269
    Bulimia nervosa. 270
    Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). 271
    Nutritional Therapy 271
    Role of nurses. 272
    Toward A Positive Nutrition Lifestyle: Psychosocial Development 272
    Summary 273
    Websites of Interest 276
    The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) 276
    GirlsHealth 276
    KidsHealth 276
    References 276
    13 Life Span Health Promotion: 277
    Role in Wellness 277
    Aging and Nutrition 277
    Productive Aging 278
    Stages of Adulthood 278
    The Early Years (20s and 30s) 278
    IV Overview of Medical Nutrition Therapy 294
    14 Nutrition in Patient Care 295
    Role in Wellness 295
    Nutrition and Illness 295
    Hospital Setting 296
    Bed Rest 297
    Malnutrition 297
    Nutrition Intervention 298
    Screening 298
    Nutritional Assessment 298
    Anthropometric assessment. 300
    Height. 300
    Weight. 301
    Body mass index. 302
    Waist circumference. 303
    Biochemical assessment. 303
    Serum albumin. 303
    Prealbumin. 304
    Clinical assessment. 304
    Dietary intake assessment. 304
    24-Hour diet recall. 304
    Food records. 305
    Kcalorie counts. 305
    Nutritional Risk 306
    Nutritional Theory 307
    Food Service Delivery Systems 307
    Basic Hospital Diets 308
    Clear liquid diets. 308
    Full liquid diets. 309
    Mechanically altered diets. 310
    Soft diets. 310
    Regular or general diets. 310
    “Diet as tolerated.” 310
    Enteral Nutrition 310
    Enteral Feeding by Tube 310
    Types of formulas. 310
    Standard–intact formulas. 311
    Special formulas 311
    Elemental formulas. 311
    Modular formulas. 311
    Specialty formulas. 311
    Formula selection. 311
    Feeding routes. 312
    Method of administration. 313
    Starting the tube feeding. 313
    Possible tube-feeding complications. 314
    Home enteral nutrition. 314
    Parenteral Nutrition 318
    Components of Parenteral Nutrition Solutions 319
    Carbohydrates. 319
    Amino acids. 320
    Fats. 320
    Total nutrient admixtures. 320
    Electrolytes. 320
    Vitamins. 320
    Trace elements. 320
    Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition 320
    Monitoring Guidelines 321
    Complications 321
    Home Parenteral Nutrition 321
    Transitional Feedings 322
    Parenteral to Oral or Tube Feeding 322
    Tube to Oral Feeding 322
    Summary 322
    Websites of Interest 324
    Think Cultural Health 324
    National Center for Health Statistics 324
    Centers for Disease Prevention and Control 324
    American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) 324
    References 325
    15 Nutrition and Metabolic Stress 326
    Role in Wellness 326
    Immune System 326
    Role of Nutrition 326
    The Stress Response 327
    Starvation 328
    Severe Stress 329
    Effects of Stress on Nutrient Metabolism 331
    Protein Metabolism 331
    Carbohydrate Metabolism 331
    Fat Metabolism 331
    Hydration/Fluid Status 331
    Vitamins and Minerals 334
    Protein-Energy Malnutrition 334
    Kwashiorkor 334
    Marasmus 334
    Marasmus-Kwashiorkor Mix 335
    Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 336
    Surgery 336
    Burns (Thermal Injury) 336
    Summary 339
    Websites of Interest 341 341
    KidSource OnLine! 341
    References 341
    16 Interactions: 342
    Role in Wellness 342
    Complementary and Alternative Medicine 342
    Alternative Medical Systems 343
    Mind-Body Interventions 344
    Biologically Based Therapies 344
    Manipulative and Body-Based Methods 345
    Energy Therapies 346
    Application to Nursing 346
    Dietary Supplements 346
    Regulation and Labeling 346
    Supplement Use 347
    Looking to the Future 348
    Application to Nursing 348
    Medications 348
    Drug-Nutrient Interactions 348
    Risk Factors of Drug-Nutrient Interactions 351
    Age 351
    Physiologic Status 351
    Polypharmacy (Multiple Drug Intake) 351
    Influence of Typical Dietary Intake 352
    Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications 352
    Effects of Drugs on Food and Nutrients 354
    Effects of Food and Nutrients on Drugs 357
    Effects of Herbs on Food, Nutrients, and Drugs 358
    Application to Nursing 358
    Summary 368
    Websites of Interest 370
    American Botanical Council 370
    National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) 370
    Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) 370
    References 370
    17 Nutrition for Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract 371
    Role in Wellness 371
    Dysphagia 371
    Nutrition Therapy 372
    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Hiatal Hernia, and Esophagitis 375
    Nutrition Therapy 376
    Peptic Ulcer Disease 376
    Appendixes 490
    APPENDIX A Exchange Lists for Meal Planning 491
    Common Measurements 491
    Starch List 491
    Nutrition Tips 491
    Selection Tips 491
    Fruit List 493
    Nutrition Tips 493
    Selection Tips 493
    Milk List 493
    Glossary 527
    A 527
    B 527
    C 528
    D 528
    E 529
    F 529
    G 529
    H 530
    I 530
    K 530
    L 531
    M 531
    N 531
    O 531
    P 531
    Q 532
    R 532
    S 532
    T 533
    U 533
    V 533
    W 533
    X 533
    Index 534